
#' params_mle
#' Fit data to a Guassian distribution with Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE)
#' @param data, DATAFRAME, ARRAY, LISTS or VECTORS where data for each continous variable is in its respective column/list
#' @return DATAFRAME where the first row contains the estimated means and the second row contains the estimated variance, and the columns present the original variables in the data
#' @export params_mle
#' @examples
#' iris_data <- data.frame("length" = c(1,2,3,4), "width" = c(5,6,7,8))
#' params_mle(iris_data)
params_mle <- function(data){

  ## Preprocessing
  ## =============

  ## Check for empty datasets and missing data
  if (all(is.na(data))){
    stop("Empty data input", call. = FALSE)

  ## Conversion of data to matrix for further calculations
  if (is.array(data)){
    if (length(dim(data)) == 1){
      var_names <- c(1)
      data <- matrix(data, ncol = 1)

    if (is.matrix(data)){
    var_names <- seq(ncol(data))

  } else if (is.data.frame(data)){
    var_names <-  colnames(data)
    data <- as.matrix(data)

  } else if (is.list(data)){
    var_names <- names(data)
    if (is.null(var_names)){var_names <- seq(length(data))}

    ## Address Exception where the lists are uneven
    len <-  lapply(data, length)
    tryCatch(stopifnot(length(unique(len)) == 1),
             error = function(e){
               len <- unlist(len)
               for (var in c(1:length(data))){
                 while(length(data[[var]]) < max(len)){
                   data[[var]] = c(data[[var]], NA)
               data <<- data

    data <- matrix(unlist(data), ncol = length(data))

  } else if (is.vector(data)){
    var_names <- c(1)
    data <- matrix(data, ncol = 1)

  ## Check for non-numeric datatype
  if (is.factor(data)) {data = as.character(data)}
  if (typeof(data) != "double" & (typeof(data) != "integer")){
    stop("Invalid data type, check if values are numeric", call. = FALSE)

  ## Check for missing values
    warning("Missing values detected in one or more variables or uneven lists appended with NA. Calculations adjusted to the removal of missing data")

  ## Calculations
  ## ============

  # Calculate mu estimates
  mu <- colMeans(data, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Calculate sigma estimates
  n_var <- dim(data)[2]
  if (n_var == 1){
    variance <- array(colMeans((data-mu[1])**2, na.rm = TRUE))

  } else{
    variance <- array(rowMeans(apply(data, 1, function(data){data-mu})**2, na.rm = TRUE),
                      dim = c(1, n_var))

  stopifnot(variance >= 0)

  ## Return results
  ## ==============
  mle_params <- data.frame(rbind(mu, variance), row.names = c("Mean", "Variance"))
  colnames(mle_params) <- as.character(var_names)
UBC-MDS/noRmtest documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:14 p.m.