

mur_multivariate <- function(X, Y, extract){
  # Y dimensions (num subjects, num vertices, num principal components)
  # Set the dimension names of Y
  dimnames(Y) <- list(
    paste0("obs.", seq_len(dim(Y)[1])),
    paste0("vert.", seq_len(dim(Y)[2])),
    paste0("pc.", seq_len(dim(Y)[3]))
  stopifnot(length(dim(Y)) == 3)

  colnames(X) <- paste0("X.", seq_len(ncol(X)))
  nPoints <- dim(Y)[2]
  #number of points in the mesh/vertexes under study
  tMUR <- matrix(0, ncol=3*length(extract), nrow=nPoints)

  #beta and p obtained at each point 
  for(y in 1:nPoints){
    #do the regression for all the vertexes of the atlas
    #the for cycle is less time consuming than a foreach in this case

    dat <-[, y, ], X))

    model_formula <- paste0("cbind(", paste0(dimnames(Y)[[3]], collapse = ","), ") ~ ",
                            paste0(colnames(X), collapse = "+"))
    results <- stats::manova(as.formula(model_formula), data = dat)
    ss <- summary(results)$stats
    # Calculate effect sizes
    effect_size <- eta_squared(results, partial=TRUE)
    for(iEx in 1:length(extract)){
      tMUR[y,1+(iEx-1)*3] <- effect_size$Eta2_partial[extract[iEx]]  # Eta squared
      tMUR[y,2+(iEx-1)*3] <- ss[extract[iEx], 3]  # approx F
      tMUR[y,3+(iEx-1)*3] <- ss[extract[iEx], 6]  # p-value
UK-Digital-Heart-Project/mutools3D documentation built on April 7, 2024, 8:04 a.m.