## Slow R implementation ##########################################################################
## Machine epsilon (floating-point relative accuracy). Adapted from eps() function from pracma R package
EPS <- (function(x=1.0) {
x <- max(abs(x))
if (x < .Machine$double.xmin) {
} else {
2^floor(log2(x)) * .Machine$double.eps
#' Non-negative least squares fitting
#' @rdname lsqnonneg
#' @description Ripped least squares fitting function from pracma
#' @param mut.context.counts A numeric vector of mutation context counts
#' @param signature.profiles A matrix containing the mutational signature profiles, where rows are
#' the mutation contexts and the columns are the mutational signatures.
#' @return A vector returned containing the the absolute contribution of each signature
lsqnonneg <- function (x, ...) {
UseMethod("lsqnonneg", x)
#' @rdname lsqnonneg
#' @method lsqnonneg default
#' @export
lsqnonneg.default <- function(mut.context.counts, signature.profiles){
m <- nrow(signature.profiles)
n <- ncol(signature.profiles)
if (m != length(mut.context.counts)){
"No. of contexts in mut.context.counts (",length(mut.context.counts),")",
"does not match no. of contexts in signature.profiles (",m,")"
tol <- 10 * EPS * norm(signature.profiles, type = "2") * (max(n, m) + 1)
x <- rep(0, n) # initial point
P <- logical(n); Z <- !P # non-active / active columns
resid <- mut.context.counts - signature.profiles %*% x
w <- t(signature.profiles) %*% resid
wz <- numeric(n)
# iteration parameters
outeriter <- 0; it <- 0
itmax <- 3 * n; exitflag <- 1
while (any(Z) && any(w[Z] > tol)) {
outeriter <- outeriter + 1
z <- numeric(n)
wz <- rep(-Inf, n)
wz[Z] <- w[Z]
im <- which.max(wz)
P[im] <- TRUE; Z[im] <- FALSE
z[P] <- qr.solve(signature.profiles[, P], mut.context.counts)
while (any(z[P] <= 0)) {
it <- it + 1
if (it > itmax) stop("Iteration count exceeded.")
Q <- (z <= 0) & P
alpha <- min(x[Q] / (x[Q] - z[Q]))
x <- x + alpha*(z - x)
Z <- ((abs(x) < tol) & P) | Z
P <- !Z
z <- numeric(n)
z[P] <- qr.solve(signature.profiles[, P], mut.context.counts)
x <- z
resid <- mut.context.counts - signature.profiles %*% x
w <- t(signature.profiles) %*% resid
names(x) <- colnames(signature.profiles)
#' @rdname lsqnonneg
#' @method lsqnonneg matrix
#' @export
lsqnonneg.matrix <- function(mut.context.counts, signature.profiles, verbose=F){
mut.context.counts <- as.matrix(mut.context.counts)
message('Fitting input matrix to signature profiles...')
counter <- 0
pb <- txtProgressBar(max=nrow(mut.context.counts), style=2)
out <- apply(mut.context.counts, 1, function(i){
if(verbose){ counter <<- counter + 1; setTxtProgressBar(pb, counter) }
#if(verbose){ counter <<- counter + 1; print(rownames(mut.context.counts)[counter]) }
lsqnonneg.default(i, signature.profiles)
if(verbose){ message('\n') }
out <- t(out)
colnames(out) <- colnames(signature.profiles)
rownames(out) <- rownames(mut.context.counts)
#' @rdname lsqnonneg
#' @method lsqnonneg data.frame
#' @export
lsqnonneg.data.frame <- lsqnonneg.matrix
if( !('NNLM' %in% installed.packages()) ){
'NNLM package not installed. A (slow) R implementation will be used for fitting mutation contexts to signatures. ',
'\nThe fast C++ implementation from NNLM is recommended when fitting context matrices with many samples.'
} else {
#' Linear least-squares (non-negative) fitting
#' @rdname fitToSignatures
#' @description Calculate the contribution of each mutational signature in a sample, given a vector
#' of mutation contexts. This is done by least-squares fitting, i.e. find a linear non-negative
#' combination of mutation signatures that optimally reconstructs the mutation matrix. This is
#' performed by `fitToSignatures()`
#' Only performing least-squares fitting is however potentially prone to overfitting.
#' `fitToSignaturesStrict()` tries to solve this problem by performing an initial fit, then
#' iteratively removing the signature with the lowest contribution and with fitting then repeated.
#' Each time the cosine distance between the original and reconstructed mutation context profile is
#' calculated. Iterations are stopped when cosine distance > max.delta. The second-last set of
#' signatures is then returned.
#' `fitToSignaturesFast()` and `fitToSignaturesFastStrict()` are wrappers for
#' `fitToSignatures(..., use.lsq.r=F)` and `fitToSignaturesStrict(..., use.lsq.r=F)`
#' for backwards compatibility
#' @param signature.profiles A matrix containing the mutational signature profiles, where rows are
#' the mutation contexts and the columns are the mutational signatures.
#' @param mut.contexts A vector of mutation contexts, or a matrix where rows are samples and columns
#' are mutation contexts
#' @param max.delta See description.
#' @param detailed.output Only for `fitToSignaturesStrict()`. Also return results from the
#' iterative fitting? Includes: cosine similarity between the original and reconstructed mutation
#' context; signatures removed at each iteration. Useful for plotting fitting performance.
#' @param use.lsq.r If TRUE, least squares fitting will be performed using the slow R
#' function `lsqnonneg()`. If FALSE, the much faster NNLM::nnlm() will be used (written in C++)
#' @param scale.contrib If TRUE, the signature contributions will be scaled so that the total
#' signature contribution is equal to the total number of mutations. The reason for this is that
#' when performing least squares fitting, there are unaccounted for mutations (aka residual; not
#' necessarily an integer amount of mutations).
#' @param verbose Show progress messages?
#' @return If vector is provided to mut.contexts, a vector returned containing the the absolute
#' contribution of each signature (i.e. the number of mutations contributing to each mutational
#' signature). If a matrix is provided, a matrix of absolute contributions is returned
#' @export
fitToSignatures <- function(
mut.context.counts, signature.profiles,
use.lsq.r=USE_LSQ_R, scale.contrib=T, verbose=F
## Checks --------------------------------
context_names <- if(is.vector(mut.context.counts)){
} else {
mut.context.counts <- as.matrix(mut.context.counts)
signature.profiles <- as.matrix(signature.profiles)
if( length(context_names)!=nrow(signature.profiles) ){
"No. of contexts in mut.context.counts (",length(context_names),") ",
"does not match no. of contexts in signature.profiles (",nrow(signature.profiles),")"
if( !(identical(context_names, rownames(signature.profiles))) ){
warning("Context names of mut.context.counts and signature.profiles do not match. Fitting may not be correct.")
## Least squares fitting --------------------------------
sig_contrib <- lsqnonneg(mut.context.counts, signature.profiles)
} else {
sig_contrib <- NNLM::nnlm(
matrix(mut.context.counts, ncol=1)
} else {
sig_contrib <- t(
if(!scale.contrib){ return(sig_contrib) }
## Scale to total mutational load --------------------------------
sig_contrib <- sig_contrib * (sum(mut.context.counts) / sum(sig_contrib))
} else {
sig_contrib <- sig_contrib * rowSums(mut.context.counts) / rowSums(sig_contrib)
#' @rdname fitToSignatures
fitToSignaturesFast <- function(...){
fitToSignatures(..., use.lsq.r=F)
#' @rdname fitToSignatures
fitToSignaturesStrict <- function(
mut.context.counts, signature.profiles, max.delta=0.004,
detailed.output=F, use.lsq.r=USE_LSQ_R, scale.contrib=T, verbose=F
## Checks --------------------------------
context_names <- if(is.vector(mut.context.counts)){
} else {
mut.context.counts <- as.matrix(mut.context.counts)
signature.profiles <- as.matrix(signature.profiles)
if( length(context_names)!=nrow(signature.profiles) ){
"No. of contexts in mut.context.counts (",length(context_names),") ",
"does not match no. of contexts in signature.profiles (",nrow(signature.profiles),")"
if( !(identical(context_names, rownames(signature.profiles))) ){
warning("Context names of mut.context.counts and signature.profiles do not match. Fitting may not be correct.")
## Choose R or C++ implementation of lsq fitting --------------------------------
mut.context.counts <- matrix(mut.context.counts, ncol=1, dimnames=list(names(mut.context.counts), NULL))
} else {
mut.context.counts <- t(mut.context.counts)
if(verbose){ message('Using R implementation for least squares fitting...') }
f_fit <- function(mut.context.counts, signature.profiles){
lsqnonneg.default(mut.context.counts[,1], signature.profiles),
ncol=1, dimnames=list(colnames(signature.profiles), NULL)
} else {
f_fit <- function(mut.context.counts, signature.profiles){
t(lsqnonneg.matrix(t(mut.context.counts), signature.profiles))
} else {
if(verbose){ message('Using C++ implementation for least squares fitting...') }
f_fit <- function(mut.context.counts, signature.profiles){
nnlm(signature.profiles, mut.context.counts)$coefficients
## --------------------------------
if(verbose){ message('Performing first fit...') }
#mut.context.counts <- t(mut.context.counts)
fit_init <- f_fit(mut.context.counts, signature.profiles)
sig_pres <- rowSums(fit_init) != 0
my_signatures_total <- signature.profiles[, sig_pres, drop=FALSE]
## --------------------------------
if(verbose){ message('Performing signature selection per sample...') }
n_sigs <- ncol(my_signatures_total)
n_samples <- ncol(mut.context.counts)
l_contribs <- list()
l_sims <- list()
l_removed_sigs <- list()
l_contribs[[1]] <- fit_init[,1]
} else {
if(verbose==2){ pb <- txtProgressBar(max=n_samples, style=3) }
for (i in 1:n_samples) {
if(verbose==1){ message(' [',i,'/',n_samples,'] ', colnames(mut.context.counts)[i]) }
if(verbose==2){ setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) }
my_signatures <- my_signatures_total
mut_mat_sample <- mut.context.counts[, i, drop=FALSE]
## Initialize output vectors
## Keep track of the cosine similarity and which signatures are removed.
sims <- rep(NA, n_sigs)
removed_sigs <- rep(NA, n_sigs)
contrib <- structure(
rep(0, ncol(signature.profiles)),
l_contribs[[i]] <- contrib
l_sims[[i]] <- sims
l_removed_sigs[[i]] <- removed_sigs
## Fit again
fit_res <- list()
#fit_res$contribution <- NNLM::nnlm(my_signatures, mut_mat_sample)$coefficients
fit_res$contribution <- f_fit(mut_mat_sample, my_signatures)
fit_res$reconstructed <- my_signatures %*% fit_res$contribution
sim <- cosSim.default(fit_res$reconstructed[,1], mut_mat_sample[,1])
sims[[1]] <- sim
## Sequentially remove the signature with the lowest contribution
for (j in 2:n_sigs) {
# Remove signature with the weakest relative contribution
contri_order <- order(fit_res$contribution[,1] / sum(fit_res$contribution[,1]))
weakest_sig_index <- contri_order[1]
weakest_sig <- colnames(my_signatures)[weakest_sig_index]
removed_sigs[[j]] <- weakest_sig
signatures_sel <- my_signatures[, -weakest_sig_index, drop=FALSE]
# Fit with new signature selection
fit_res <- list()
#fit_res$contribution <- NNLM::nnlm(signatures_sel, mut_mat_sample)$coefficients
fit_res$contribution <- f_fit(mut_mat_sample, signatures_sel)
fit_res$reconstructed <- signatures_sel %*% fit_res$contribution
sim_new <- cosSim.default(fit_res$reconstructed, mut_mat_sample)
sim_new <- 0
# if(verbose){
# warning("New similarity between the original and the reconstructed
# spectra after the removal of a signature was NaN.
# It has been converted into a 0.
# This happened with the following fit_res:")
# print(fit_res)
# }
sims[[j]] <- sim_new
# Check if the loss in cosine similarity between the original vs reconstructed after removing the signature is below the cutoff.
if(sim-sim_new <= max.delta){
my_signatures <- signatures_sel
sim <- sim_new
} else {
## Fit with the final set of signatures
## Fill in 0 for absent signatures
contrib_pre <- f_fit(mut_mat_sample, my_signatures)[,1]
contrib[names(contrib_pre)] <- contrib_pre
l_contribs[[i]] <- contrib
l_sims[[i]] <- sims
l_removed_sigs[[i]] <- removed_sigs
## --------------------------------
if(verbose==2){ message('\n') }
if(verbose){ message('Returning output...') }
## Signature contributions
m_contribs <- do.call(rbind, l_contribs)
rownames(m_contribs) <- colnames(mut.context.counts)
m_contribs <- m_contribs * colSums(mut.context.counts) / rowSums(m_contribs)
if(!detailed.output){ return(m_contribs) }
## Stats from removing ref signatures
m_sim <- do.call(rbind, l_sims)
rownames(m_sim) <- colnames(mut.context.counts)
m_removed_sigs <- do.call(rbind, l_removed_sigs)
rownames(m_removed_sigs) <- colnames(mut.context.counts)
removed_sigs_common=names(sig_pres)[ !sig_pres ],
#' @rdname fitToSignatures
fitToSignaturesFastStrict <- function(...){
fitToSignaturesStrict(..., use.lsq.r=F)
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