
Just a few notes about the present tutorial. Most text will be formatted as present, but at times there will be:

a <- 1
(a <- 1)

Finally, as this is a tutorial, you will be subjected to exercises. You should only proceed after answering the question asked. To answer the question, go to http://socrative.com, select "Student Login" and use the room number you were provided with. You will be taken directly to the active quizz, which you can answer at your own pace, however, you can answer a question only once. Once you have submitted your answer, you can press "Close" in the present tutorial; the current section of the tutorial will collapse (you can always re-open it, e.g. if you need clarifications about the question) and the next section will open. If anything were unclear at any time, do not hesitate to ask us (also contact us on slack).

UPSCb/RnaSeqTutorial documentation built on Nov. 24, 2020, 12:40 a.m.