[^1]: Do not worry if some of this is illegible to you at present, it should be clear by the end of the workshop if we do our job

[^2]: See http://www.epigenesys.eu/images/stories/protocols/pdf/20150303161357_p67.pdf

[^3]: The authors want to thank Martin Morgan for the original material of the present chapter

[^4]: The alignment rate depends on the genome quality and completeness and can hence have a large range - the values presented here are from the Norway Spruce, a version 1 draft of the genome.

[^5]: The values presented here report only uniquely aligning reads. In our example, the rate of non aligning reads is usually equal to the rate of multi-mapping reads, i.e. about 10% for both in the worst cases.

[^6]: The author want to thank Ângela Gonçalves for parts of the present chapter

UPSCb/RnaSeqTutorial documentation built on Nov. 24, 2020, 12:40 a.m.