
In this chapter, now that we are familiar with what feature summarisation means, we will run one of the de-facto tools, namely "HTSeq".

    h1("Count table creation")

The read alignment step performed previously concluded the data pre-processing common to the majority of RNA-Seq based experiments. The following table details typical observed number of read sequences available following the data filtering and alignment steps. There are subsequently a large number of choices for performing downstream analyses for mRNA-Seq data. Probably the most common are to identify differential expression between conditions or to analyse sequence variants (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP), INDELs (INsertion/DELetion), Copy Number Variants (CNVs)). However, some of these analyses, DE analysis for example - the topic of the remainder of this tutorial - require additional data-preparation.

| Step | Input Data | Usable reads | % of total | % removed from previous step | |------|------------|--------------|------------|------------------------------| | Raw | raw reads | 1,000,000 | 100 | 0 | | SortMeRna | Raw reads | 970,000 - 990,000 | 97 - 99 | 1 - 3 | | Trimommatic | Filtered reads / raw read | 776,000 - 891,000 | 78 - 89 | 10 - 20 | | Aligner[^4] (STAR) | Trimmed / Filtered / raw reads | 620,800 - 801,900 | 62 - 81 | 10 - 20[^5] | | Analysis | Aligned reads | 620,800 - 801,900 | 62 - 81 | 0 |

This data preparation varies depending on whether expression at the gene or the transcript level is required. In our case, we are interested in gene expression, as we have already conducted the analysis to obtain transcript expression estimates using kallisto.

    h2("Data preparation for a DE analyses at the gene level")

A typical DE analysis data preparation consists of three steps, the first being to generate a non-redundant annotation, followed by the quantification/summation of the pre-processed reads aligned to each such feature before ultimately a QC is performed that assess whether the observed effects may have biological causes.

    h3("Creating a non redundant annotation")

One major caveat estimating gene expression using aligned RNA-Seq reads is that a single read, which originated from a single mRNA molecule, can be aligned to several features ( transcripts or genes) if those alignments are of equivalent quality. This happens as a result of gene duplication and the presence of repetitive or common domains, for example. To avoid this, it is best practice to adopt a conservative approach by collapsing all existing transcripts of a single gene locus into a "synthetic" transcript containing every exon of that gene. In the case of overlapping exons, the longest genomic interval is kept, i.e. an artificial exon is created. This process results in a flattened transcript-gene structure with a one to one relationship. As this procedure varies from organism to organism, there is, to the best of our knowledge, no tool available for performing this step. The documentation of the R/Bioconductor easyRNASeq package [@easyRNASeq] - see paragraph 7.1 of the package vignette details a way of doing this in R starting from a GTF/GFF3 annotation file. From the "genome.gff3" that was used during the alignment step, we obtain a synthetic-transcript.gff3 file.

    h3("Counting reads per feature")

The second step is to perform the intersection between the aligned position of reads (contained in the alignment BAM file) and the gene coordinates obtained in the previous step, to count the number of reads overlapping a gene. There are two primary caveats here: First the annotation collapsing process detailed above works on a gene-by-gene basis and hence is oblivious to the existence of genes that may overlap another gene encoded on the opposite strand. Second, aligners may return multiple mapping positions for a single read. In the absence of more adequate solution - see the next section on "DE analysis at the transcript level" for a example of what may be done - it is best to ignore multi-mapping reads.

A de-facto standard for counting is the htseq-count tool supplied as part of the HTSeq python library [@Anders:2014p6365]. This associated webpage illustrates in greater detail the issues discussed above. For non-strand specific reads we suggest running htseq-count as follows:

    htseq-count -f bam -r pos -m union -s no -t exon -i Parent \
    sample-sortmerna-trimmomatic-STAR.bam synthetic-transcript.gff3 > \

whereas for stranded data we advise using the following:

htseq-count -f bam -r pos -m intersection-nonempty -s reverse -t exon \
-i Parent sample-sortmerna-trimmomatic-STAR.bam synthetic-transcript.gff3 > \

Using the STAR aligned BAM files


and the synthetic transcript gff3 file you have created earlier:


use the HTSeq htseq-count utility to create the count table for your sample (our data is not strand specific).

To fasten the process, try using xargs, e.g. complete the following pragma:

find <DIR> -name <PATTERN> | xargs -I {} -P 16 \
bash -c 'htseq-count -f bam -r pos -m union -s no -t exon -i Parent $0 \
<TRANSCRIPT FILE> > ${0/.bam/.txt}'

Before you proceed further, read about the count modes in HTSeq and think about why we choose the union mode.


UPSCb/RnaSeqTutorial documentation built on Nov. 24, 2020, 12:40 a.m.