Sequences and Short Reads

    plotRanges <- function(x, xlim = x, main = deparse(substitute(x)),
                          col = "black", sep = 0.5, ...)
       height <- 1
       if (is(xlim, "Ranges"))
           xlim <- c(min(start(xlim)), max(end(xlim)))
       bins <- disjointBins(IRanges(start(x), end(x) + 1))
       par(mai=c(0.6, 0.2, 0.6, 0.2))
       plot.window(xlim, c(0, max(bins)*(height + sep)))
       ybottom <- bins * (sep + height) - height
       rect(start(x)-0.5, ybottom, end(x)+0.5, ybottom + height, col = col, ...)
       title(main, cex.main=2.8, font.main=1)

Ranges and Strings

To ease accessing that data directory within the package, it also defines a function called bigdata. Calling bigdata() tells us where that directory lies on our computer:


To get you familiar with that function and the structure of the directory tree it connects to, list the returned directory content.

Simply run dir(bigdata()).

Now that we are set up, let us proceed!

Many Bioconductor packages are available for analysis of high-throughput sequence data. This section introduces two essential ways in which sequence data are manipulated in R. First, we will look at sets of DNA strings that represent the reads themselves but that are also used to describe the nucleotide sequence of reference genomes. Then, we will dwell into Ranges that describes both aligned reads and features of interest on the genome - i.e.: using the GenomicAlignments and GenomicRanges, respectively -, which will eventually lead us to Genome and Gene annotation in chapter . Key packages are summarized in the following table.

| Package | Description | |---------|-------------| |IRanges | Defines important classes (e.g.:IRanges, Rle) and methods (e.g.:findOverlaps, countOverlaps) for representing and manipulating ranges of consecutive values. Also introduces DataFrame, SimpleList and other classes tailored to representing very large data. | | GenomicRanges | Range-based classes tailored to sequence representation (e.g.: GRanges,GRangesList), with information about strand and sequence name.| | GenomicAlignments | Range-based classes tailored to sequence alignments (e.g.: GRanges,GRangesList), with information about read mate status (i.e.: single-end paired-end data), gaps in the alignments (i.e.: representing introns), structural variants (i.e.: SNPs and indels) | | GenomicFeatures | Foundation for manipulating data bases of genomic ranges, e.g.: representing coordinates and organization of exons and transcripts of known genes.| | Biostrings | Classes (e.g.:DNAStringSet) and methods (e.g.:alphabetFrequency,pairwiseAlignment) for representing and manipulating DNA and other biological sequences.| | BSgenome | Representation and manipulation of large (e.g.: whole-genome) sequences.|

Working with strings

The Biostrings package provides tools for working with DNA sequences. The essential data structures are DNAString and DNAStringSet, for working with one or multiple DNA sequences. The Biostrings package contains additional classes for representing amino acid and general biological strings. The following exercise explores these packages.

The objective of this exercise is to calculate the GC content of the exons of a single gene: Potri.019G047300. Proceed as follows:

Here we load the genome, select a single chromosome, and create Views that reflect the ranges of the Potri.019G047300 gene.

    seq <- readDNAStringSet(file.path(bigdata(),"fasta","Ptrichocarpa_v3.0_210.fa.gz"))
    nm <- as.character(unique(seqnames(ex[[1]])))
    chr <- seq[[nm]]
    v <- Views(chr, start=start(ex[[1]]), end=end(ex[[1]]))

Here is the helper function, available in the EBI2015 package, to calculate GC content:


The gcFunction is really straight-forward: it invokes the function alphabetFrequency from the Biostrings package. This returns a simple matrix of exon * nucleotide probabilities. The row sums of the G and C columns of this matrix are the GC contents of each exon.

The subject GC content is

    subjectGC <- gcFunction(v)

Reads and the ShortRead package [ss:RatSp]

Short read formats

The Illumina GAII and HiSeq technologies generate sequences by measuring incorporation of florescent nucleotides over successive PCR cycles. These sequencers produce output in a variety of formats, but FASTQ is ubiquitous. Each read is represented by a record of four components:

    fls <- dir(file.path(bigdata(), "fastq"), full=TRUE)
    cat(noquote(readLines(fls[[1]], 4)), sep="\n")

The first and third lines (beginning with @ and + respectively) are unique identifiers. The identifier produced by the sequencer typically includes a machine id followed by colon-separated information on the lane, tile, x, and y coordinate of the read. The example illustrated here also includes the SRA accession number, added when the data was submitted to the archive. The machine identifier could potentially be used to extract information about batch effects. The spatial coordinates (lane, tile, x, y) are often used to identify optical duplicates; spatial coordinates can also be used during quality assessment to identify artifacts of sequencing, e.g.: uneven amplification across the flow cell, though these spatial effects are rarely pursued.

The second and fourth lines of the FASTQ record are the nucleotides and qualities of each cycle in the read. This information is given in 5’ to 3’ orientation as seen by the sequencer. A letter N in the sequence is used to signify bases that the sequencer was not able to call. The fourth line of the FASTQ record encodes the quality (confidence) of the corresponding base call. The quality score is encoded following one of several conventions, with the general notion being that letters later in the visible ASCII alphabet

        rawToChar(as.raw(32+48:94)), sep="\n")

are of lower quality; this is developed further below. Both the sequence and quality scores may span multiple lines.

Technologies other than Illumina use different formats to represent sequences. Roche 454 sequence data is generated by ‘flowing’ labeled nucleotides over samples, with greater intensity corresponding to longer runs of A, C, G, or T. This data is represented as a series of ‘flow grams’ (a kind of run-length encoding of the read) in Standard Flowgram Format (SFF). The Bioconductor package R453Plus1Toolbox has facilities for parsing SFF files, but after quality control steps the data are frequently represented (with some loss of information) as FASTQ. SOLiD technologies produce sequence data using a ‘color space’ model. This data is not easily read in to R, and much of the error-correcting benefit of the color space model is lost when converted to FASTQ; SOLiD sequences are not well-handled by Bioconductor packages.

Short reads in R

FASTQ files can be read in to R using the readFastq function from the ShortRead package. Use this function by providing the path to a FASTQ file. There are sample data files available in the EBI2015 package, each consisting of about 1 million reads from the first round of sequencing of 3 samples of the Aspen data set. In the following we look at the first of these files.

    fastqDir <- file.path(bigdata(), "fastq")
    fastqFiles <- dir(fastqDir, full=TRUE)
    fq <- readFastq(fastqFiles[1])

The data are represented as an object of class ShortReadQ.

    head(sread(fq), 3)
    head(quality(fq), 3)
    head(id(fq), 3)

The ShortReadQ class illustrates class inheritance. It extends the ShortRead class


Methods defined on ShortRead are available for ShortReadQ.

    showMethods(class="ShortRead", where="package:ShortRead")

For instance, the width can be used to demonstrate that all reads consist of 76 nucleotides.


The alphabetByCycle function summarizes use of nucleotides at each cycle in a (equal width) ShortReadQ or DNAStringSet instance.

    abc <- alphabetByCycle(sread(fq))
    abc[1:4, 1:8]

FASTQ files are getting larger. A very common reason for looking at data at this early stage in the processing pipeline is to explore sequence quality. In these circumstances it is often not necessary to parse the entire FASTQ file. Instead create a representative sample. 1 million reads is a decent number. As the file we are using only has about 1,100,000 reads, in the following example, we select only a 100,000.

    sampler <- FastqSampler(fastqFiles[1], 100000)
    yield(sampler) # sample of 100000 reads

A second common scenario is to pre-process reads, e.g.: trimming low-quality tails, adapter sequences, or artifacts of sample preparation. The FastqStreamer class can be used to ‘stream’ over the fastq files in chunks, processing each chunk independently.

Use quality to extract the quality scores of the short reads. Interpret the encoding qualitatively.

Convert the quality scores to a numeric matrix, using as. Inspect the numeric matrix (e.g.: using dim) and understand what it represents.

Use colMeans to summarize the average quality score by cycle. Use plot to visualize this.

    qual <- as(quality(fq), "matrix")
    plot(colMeans(qual), type="b")

We now know how to manipulate DNA sequences and Fastq files within R using Bioconductor packages. This is good, but now we need to be able to represent complex structure on these DNA sequences, such as genes made of exons or reads aligning across exon-exon junctions. To do so, we need to be able to define regions, a.k.a. ranges; i.e.: think in mathematical terms on these sequences.

Genomic ranges [Gr]

Next-generation sequencing data consists of a large number of short reads. These are, typically, aligned to a reference genome. Basic operations are performed on the alignment, asking e.g.: how many reads are aligned in a genomic range defined by nucleotide coordinates (e.g.: in the exons of a gene), or how many nucleotides from all the aligned reads cover a set of genomic coordinates. How is this type of data, the aligned reads and the reference genome, to be represented in R in a way that allows for effective computation?

The IRanges, GenomicRanges, GenomicAlignments,and GenomicFeatures Bioconductor packages provide the essential infrastructure for these operations; we start with the GRanges class, defined in GenomicRanges.


Instances of GRanges are used to specify genomic coordinates.

Suppose we wish to represent two genes. The first is located on the positive strand of chromosome Chr14, from position 12,097,975 to 12,102,458. The second is - for the purpose of this example considered to be - on the minus strand of the chromosome Chr19, with ‘left-most’ base at 6,553,903, and right-most base at 6,561,936. The coordinates are 1-based (i.e.: the first nucleotide on a chromosome is numbered 1, rather than 0), left-most (i.e.: reads on the minus strand are defined to ‘start’ at the left-most coordinate, rather than the 5’ coordinate), and closed (the start and end coordinates are included in the range; a range with identical start and end coordinates has width 1; a 0-width range is represented by the special construct where the end coordinate is one less than the start coordinate).

A complete definition of these genes as GRanges is:

    genes <- GRanges(seqnames=c("Chr14", "Chr19"),
                        start=c(12097975, 6553903),
                        end=c(12102458, 6561936)),
                    strand=c("+", "-"),
                    seqlengths=c(Chr14=18920894L, Chr19=15942145L))

The components of a GRanges object are defined as vectors, e.g.: of seqnames, much as one would define a data.frame. The start and end coordinates are grouped into an IRanges instance. The optional seqlengths argument specifies the maximum size of each sequence, in this case the lengths of chromosomes Chr14 and Chr19 in the genome. This data is displayed as


The GRanges class has many useful methods defined on it. Consult the help page


and package vignettes (especially ‘An Introduction to GenomicRanges’)


for a comprehensive introduction. A GRanges instance can be subset, with accessors for getting and updating information.

    names(genes) <- c("Potri.014G155300", "Potri.019G047300")
    genes  # now with names

Note that strand returns the strand information in a compact representation called a run-length encoding, this is introduced in greater detail below. The ‘names’ could have been specified when the instance was constructed; once named, the GRanges instance can be subset by name like a regular vector.

As the GRanges function suggests, the GRanges class extends the IRanges class by adding information about seqnames, strand, and other information particularly relevant to representing ranges that are on genomes. The IRanges class and related data structures (e.g.: RangedData) are meant as a more general description of ranges defined in an arbitrary space. Many methods implemented on the GRanges class are ‘aware’ of the consequences of genomic location, for instance treating ranges on the minus strand differently (reflecting the 5’ orientation imposed by DNA) from ranges on the plus strand.

Operations on ranges

The GRanges class has many useful methods from the IRanges class; some of these methods are illustrated here. We use IRanges to illustrate these operations to avoid complexities associated with strand and seqnames, but the operations are comparable on GRanges. We begin with a simple set of ranges:

    ir <- IRanges(start=c(7, 9, 12, 14, 22:24),
                 end=c(15, 11, 12, 18, 26, 27, 28))
    #png("ranges-ir-plot.png", width=800, height=160)
    plotRanges(ir, xlim=c(5, 35), main="Original")
    #png("ranges-shift-ir-plot.png", width=800, height=160)
    plotRanges(shift(ir, 5), xlim=c(5, 35), main="Shift")
    #png("ranges-reduce-ir-plot.png", width=800, height=160)
    plotRanges(reduce(ir), xlim=c(5, 35), main="Reduce")

These and some common operations are illustrated in the upper panel of Figures 1,2, 3 and summarized in the table following the plots.

Ranges ranges-ir-plot Ranges ranges-shift-ir-plot Ranges ranges-reduce-ir-plot

Methods on ranges can be grouped as follows:


: methods act on each range independently. These include flank, narrow, reflect, resize, restrict, and shift, among others. An illustration is shift, which translates each range by the amount specified by the shift argument. Positive values shift to the right, negative to the left; shift can be a vector, with each element of the vector shifting the corresponding element of the IRanges instance. Here we shift all ranges to the right by 5, with the result illustrated in the middle panel of

        shift(ir, 5)

        #png("ranges-shift-ir-plot.png", width=800, height=160)
        plotRanges(shift(ir, 5), xlim=c(5, 35), main="Shift")


: methods act on the collection of ranges as a whole. These include disjoin, reduce, gaps, and range. An illustration is reduce, which reduces overlapping ranges into a single range, as illustrated in the lower panel of Figure


        #png("ranges-reduce-ir-plot.png", width=800, height=160)
        plotRanges(reduce(ir), xlim=c(5, 35), main="Reduce")
`coverage` is an inter-range operation that
calculates how many ranges overlap individual positions. Rather than
returning ranges, `coverage` returns a compressed
representation (run-length encoding)
The run-length encoding can be interpreted as ‘a run of length 6 of
nucleotides covered by 0 ranges, followed by a run of length 2 of
nucleotides covered by 1 range…’.


: methods act on two (or sometimes more) IRanges instances. These include intersect, setdiff, union, pintersect, psetdiff, and punion.

The `countOverlaps` and
`findOverlaps` functions operate on two sets of
ranges. `countOverlaps` takes its first argument
(the `query`) and determines how many of the ranges
in the second argument (the `subject`) each
overlaps. The result is an integer vector with one element for each
member of `query`. `findOverlaps`
performs a similar operation but returns a more general matrix-like
structure that identifies each pair of query / subject overlaps.
Both arguments allow some flexibility in the definition of

Common operations on ranges are summarized in Table tab:range-ops.

| Category | Function | Description |
|----------|----------|-------------| | Accessors | start, end, width | Get or set the starts, ends and widths | | | names | Get or set the names | | | mcols, metadata | Get or set metadata on elements or object | | | length | Number of ranges in the vector | | | range | Range formed from min start and max end | | Ordering | <, <=,>, >=, ==, != | Compare ranges, ordering by start then width | | | sort, order, rank | Sort by the ordering | | | duplicated | Find ranges with multiple instances | | | unique | Find unique instances, removing duplicates | | Arithmetic | ra + x, ra - x, ra * x | Shrink or expand ranges by number | | shift | Move the ranges by specified amount |
| resize | Change width, anchoring on start, end or mid | | | distance | Separation between ranges (closest endpoints) | | | restrict | Clamp ranges to within some start and end | | | flank | Generate adjacent regions on start or end | | Set operations | reduce | Merge overlapping and adjacent ranges |
| | intersect, union, setdiff | Set operations on reduced ranges | | | pintersect, punion, psetdiff | Parallel set operations, on each x[i], y[i] |
| | gaps, pgap | Find regions not covered by reduced ranges | | | disjoin | Ranges formed from union of endpoints | | Overlaps | findOverlaps | Find all overlaps for each in |
| | countOverlaps | Count overlaps of each range in | | | nearest | Find nearest neighbors (closest endpoints) | | | precede, follow | Find nearest that precedes or follows | | | x %in% y | Find ranges in that overlap range in | | Coverage | coverage | Count ranges covering each position | | Extraction | ra[i] | Get or set by logical or numeric index | | | ra[[i]] | Get integer sequence from start[i] to end[i] | | | subsetByOverlaps | Subset for those that overlap in
| | head, tail, rev, rep | Conventional R semantics | | Split, combine | split | Split ranges by a factor into a RangesList | | | c | Concatenate two or more range objects

GRanges components: mcols and metadata

The GRanges class (actually, most of the data structures defined or extending those in the IRanges package) has two additional very useful data components. The mcols function allows information on each range to be stored and manipulated (e.g.: subset) along with the GRanges instance. The element metadata is represented as a DataFrame, defined in IRanges and acting like a standard R data.frame but with the ability to hold more complicated data structures as columns (and with element metadata of its own, providing an enhanced alternative to the Biobase class AnnotatedDataFrame).

    mcols(genes) <- DataFrame(EntrezId=c("42865", "2768869"),
                             Symbol=c("kal-1", "CG34330"))

metadata allows addition of information to the entire object. The information is in the form of a list; any data can be provided.

    metadata(genes) <-
       list(CreatedBy="A. User", Date=date())

The GRanges class is extremely useful for representing simple ranges. Some next-generation sequence data and genomic features are more hierarchically structured. A gene may be represented by several exons within it. An aligned read may be represented by discontinuous ranges of alignment to a reference. The GRangesList class represents this type of information. It is a list-like data structure, which each element of the list itself a GRanges instance. The gene Potri.019G047300 contains several exons, and can be represented as a list of length 1, where the element of the list contains a GRanges object with 7 elements:

    txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(file.path(bigdata(),"gff3",
    exons <- exonsBy(txdb, "gene")["Potri.019G047300"]
    seqlevels(exons) <- "Chr19"
    seqlengths(exons) <- 15942145L


The GRangesList object has methods one would expect for lists (e.g.: length, sub-setting). Many of the methods introduced for working with IRanges are also available, with the method applied element-wise.

The GenomicAlignments package

That package and its functionalities will be described in more details in upcoming lectures and practicals.

The GenomicFeatures package

Many public resources provide annotations about genomic features. For instance, the UCSC genome browser maintains the ‘knownGene’ track of established exons, transcripts, and coding sequences of many model organisms. The GenomicFeatures package provides a way to retrieve, save, and query these resources. The underlying representation is as sqlite data bases, but the data are available in R as GRangesList objects. The following exercise explores the GenomicFeatures package and some of the functionality for the IRanges family introduced above.

Load the annotation file in gff3 format present in the bigdata/gff3 folder using the GenomicFeatures makeTranscriptDbFromGFF function. Save the resulting TranscriptDbobject in a variable named .

Extract all exon coordinates, organized by gene, using exonsBy. What is the class of this object? How many elements are in the object? What does each element correspond to? And the elements of each element? Use elementLengths and table to summarize the number of exons in each gene, for instance, how many single-exon genes are there?

Select just those elements corresponding to the gene ids Potri.019G047300 and Potri.014G155300. Use reduce to simplify gene models, so that exons that overlap are considered ‘the same’.

     txdb <- makeTranscriptDbFromGFF(file.path(bigdata(),"gff3",
     ex0 <- exonsBy(txdb, "gene")
     ids <- c("Potri.019G047300","Potri.014G155300")
     ex <- reduce(ex0[ids])

Save the TranscriptDb object you have created so that for future analysis you could re-use the same frozzen annotation.

    saveDb(txdb, "P.trichocarpa.v3.0_210.txdb.sqlite")

We know now how to represent complex structures on DNA sequences. Let us leverage that to handle genomes and annotations.


There are extensive vignettes for Biostrings and GenomicRanges packages. A useful on-line resource is from Thomas Girke’s group.

UPSCb/RnaSeqTutorial documentation built on Nov. 24, 2020, 12:40 a.m.