Day2 - Short Read Alignments

    bamfiles <- dir(file.path(extdata(),"bam"),

Most down-stream analysis of short read sequences is based on reads aligned to reference genomes. There are many aligners available, including BWA [@pmid20080505],[@pmid19451168], Bowtie2 [@pmid19261174], GSNAP[@Wu:2005p5857], STAR[@Dobin:2013p5293]; merits of these are discussed in the literature. There are also alignment algorithms implemented in Bioconductor (e.g., matchPDict in the Biostrings package and the gmapR, Rbowtie, Rsubread packages); matchPDict is particularly useful for flexible alignment of moderately sized subsets of data.

Alignments and Bioconductor packages

The following sections introduce core tools for working with high-throughput sequence data; key packages for representing reads and alignments are summarized in the following table.

Moreover, earlier were introduced resources for annotating sequences, that will come handy in the next two chapters of this tutorial.

| Package | Description | |---------|-------------| | ShortRead | In addition to the functionalities described yesterday to manipulate raw read files, e.g.: the ShortReadQ class and functions for manipulating fastq files; this package offers the possibility to load numerous HTS formats classes. These are mostly sequencer manufacturer specific e.g.: sff for 454 or pre-BAM aligner proprietary formats, e.g.: MAQ or bowtie. These functionalities rely heavily on Biostrings and somewhat on Rsamtools. | | GenomicAlignments | GAlignments and GAlignmentPairs store single- and paired-end aligned reads and extend on the GenomicRanges functionalities. | | Rsamtools | Provides access to BAM alignment and other large sequence-related files. | | rtracklayer | Input and output of bed, wig and similar files. |

Read the man page of the GAlignments and GAlignmentPairs classes and pay attention to the very important comments on multi-reads and paired-end processing.

Really just ?GAlignments. However, KEEP these details in mind as they are essential and likely source of erroneous conclusion. Remember the example of this morning lecture about RNA editing.

Alignments and the REPLACESQShortReadREPLACESQ package [ss:RatSp]

Yesterday, you looked at the REPLACESQShortReadREPLACESQ package to manipulate raw reads and to perform Quality Assessment (QA) on raw data files e.g.: fastq formatted files. These are not the only functionalities from the REPLACESQShortReadREPLACESQ package, which offers as well the possibility to read in alignments files in many different formats.

Two files of the pasilla dataset have been aligned using REPLACESQbowtieREPLACESQ REPLACESQLangmead:2009p309REPLACESQ, locate them in the extdata folder of the REPLACESQRnaSeqTutorialREPLACESQ package.

    bwtFiles <- dir(path=file.path(extdata(),"bowtie"),

Have a pick at one of the file and try to decipher its format. Hint: it is a tab delimited format, so check the REPLACESQread.delimREPLACESQ function. As you may not want to read all the lines to get an idea, lookup an appropriate argument for that.

You might want to check for checking whether your guesses were correct. Here is how to read 10 lines of the first file.


now, as was presented in the lecture use the REPLACESQreadAlignedREPLACESQ function to read in the bowtie alignment files.

    alignedRead <- readAligned(dirPath=file.path(extdata(),"bowtie"),

What is peculiar about the returned object? Determine its class. Can you tell where the data from both input files are?

We obtained a single object of the REPLACESQAlignedReadREPLACESQ class. By looking at the documentation, i.e.: REPLACESQ?readAlignedREPLACESQ in the Value section, we are told that all files are concatenated in a single object with NO guarantee of order in which files are read. This is convenient when we want to merge several sequencing runs of the same sample but we need to be cautions and process independent sample by individually calling the REPLACESQreadAlignedREPLACESQ function for every sample.

Finally, taking another look at the lecture, select only the reads that align to chromosome 2L. Hint, use the appropriate REPLACESQSRFilterREPLACESQ filter.

    #alignedRead2L <- readAligned(dirPath=file.path(extdata(),"bowtie"),
    #                             pattern="*.bwt\$",type="Bowtie",
    #                    filter=chromosomeFilter("2L"))

This concludes the overview of the REPLACESQShortReadREPLACESQ package. As the BAM format has become a de-facto standard, it is unlikely that you end up using that package to process reads in R over the REPLACESQRsamtoolsREPLACESQ package that you will be using next.

Alignments and the Rsamtools package

Alignment formats

Most main-stream aligners produce output in SAM (text-based) or BAM format. A SAM file is a text file, with one line per aligned read, and fields separated by tabs. Here is an example of a single SAM line, split into fields.

    fl <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.sam", package="Rsamtools")
    strsplit(readLines(fl, 1), "\t")[[1]]

Fields in a SAM file are summarized in the following table:

| Field | Name | Value | |-----------|-------|-----------------------------------------| | 1 | QNAME | Query (read) NAME | | 2 | FLAG | Bitwise FLAG, e.g., strand of alignment | | 3 | RNAME | Reference sequence NAME | | 4 | POS | 1-based leftmost POSition of sequence | | 5 | MAPQ | MAPping Quality (Phred-scaled) | | 6 | CIGAR | Extended CIGAR string | | 7 | MRNM | Mate Reference sequence NaMe | | 8 | MPOS | 1-based Mate POSition | | 9 | ISIZE | Inferred insert SIZE | | 10 | SEQ | Query SEQuence on the reference strand | | 11 | QUAL | Query QUALity | | 12+ | OPT | OPTional fields, format TAG:VTYPE:VALUE |

We recognize from the FASTQ format introduced yesterday, the identifier string, read sequences and qualities. The alignment is to a chromosome ‘seq1’ starting at position 1. The strand of alignment is encoded in the ‘flag’ field. The alignment record also includes a measure of mapping quality, and a CIGAR string describing the nature of the alignment. In this case, the CIGAR is 36M, indicating that the alignment consisted of 36 Matches or mismatches, with no indels or gaps; indels are represented by I and D; gaps (e.g., from alignments spanning introns) by N.

BAM files encode the same information as SAM files, but in a format that is more efficiently parsed by software; BAM files are the primary way in which aligned reads are imported in to R.

Aligned reads in R

As introduced in the previous section, there are three different packages to read alignments in R:

The last two will be described in more details in the next paragraphs.


The readGAlignments function from the GenomicAlignments package reads essential information from a BAM file into . The result is an instance of the GAlignments class. The GAlignments class has been designed to allow useful manipulation of many reads (e.g., 20 million) under moderate memory requirements (e.g., 4 GB).

Use the readGAlignments to read in the “ex1.bam” that can be found in the “extdata” folder of the Rsamtools package.

    alnFile <- system.file("extdata", "ex1.bam", package="Rsamtools")
    aln <- readGAlignments(alnFile)
    head(aln, 3)

The readGAlignments function takes an additional argument: param that allowing to streamline the information retrieved from a BAM files, e.g.: to retrieve alignments to known gene coordinates only.

A GAlignments instance is like a data frame, but with accessors as suggested by the column names. It is easy to query, e.g., the distribution of reads aligning to each strand, the width of reads, or the cigar strings

Summarize the strand, width and CIGAR information from that file.

    head(sort(table(cigar(aln)), decreasing=TRUE))

The Rsamtools readGAlignmentsFromBam function - introduced earlier - as the GenomicAlignments readGAlignments function only parses some of the fields of a BAM file, and that may not be appropriate for all use. In these cases the scanBam function in Rsamtools provides greater flexibility. The idea is to view BAM files as a kind of data base. Particular regions of interest can be selected, and the information in the selection restricted to particular fields. These operations are determined by the values of a ScanBamParam object, passed as the named param argument to scanBam.

Consult the help page for ScanBamParam, and construct an object that restricts the information returned by a scanBam query to the aligned read DNA sequence. Your solution will use the what parameter to the ScanBamParam function.

Use the ScanBamParam object to query a BAM file, and calculate the GC content of all aligned reads. Summarize the GC content as a histogram:

    param <- ScanBamParam(what="seq")
    seqs <- scanBam(bamfiles[[1]], param=param)
    readGC <- gcFunction(seqs[[1]][["seq"]])
Advanced Rsamtools usage

The Rsamtools package has more advanced functionalities:

  1. function to count, index, filter, sort BAM files

  2. function to access the header only

  3. the possibility to access SAM attributes (tags)

  4. manipulate the CIGAR string

  5. create BAM libraries to represent a study set (BamViews)

Find out the function that permit to scan the BAM header and retrieve the header of the first BAM file in the bigdata() bam subfolder. What information does it contain?

It contains the reference sequence length and names as well as the name, version and command line of the tool used for performing the alignments.


The SAM/BAM format contains a tag: “NH” that defines the total number of valid alignments reported for a read. How can you extract that information from the same first bam file and plot it as an histogram?

    param <- ScanBamParam(tag="NH")
    nhs <- scanBam(bamfiles[[1]], param=param)[[1]]$tag$NH

So it seems a majority of our reads have multiple alignments! Some processing might be required to deal with these; i.e.: if reads were aligned to the transcriptome there exist tools that can deconvoluate the transcript specific expression, for example MMSEQ Turro:2011p4762, BitSeq BitSeq, that last one existing as an R package too: BitSeq. Otherwise if reads were aligned to the genome, one should consider filtering these multiple alignments to avoid introducing artifactual noise in the subsequent analyses.

The CIGAR string contains interesting information, in particular, whether or not a given match contain indels. Using the first bam file, can you get a matrix of all seven CIGAR operations? And find out the intron size distribution?

    param <- ScanBamParam(what="cigar")
    cigars <- scanBam(bamfiles[[1]], param=param)[[1]]$cigar
    cigar.matrix <- cigarOpTable(cigars)
    intron.size <- cigar.matrix[,"N"]
    hist(log10(intron.size[intron.size>0]),xlab="intron size (log10 bp)")

Look up the documentation for the BamViews and using the package, create a BamViews instance. Afterwards, use some of the accessors of that object to retrieve e.g. the file paths or the sample names

    bpaths = dir(system.file("bam", package="leeBamViews"), full=TRUE, patt="bam$")
    pd = DataFrame(geno=geno, lane=lane, row.names=paste(geno,lane,sep="."))
    bs1 = BamViews(bamPaths=bpaths, bamSamples=pd,

Finally, extract the coverage for the locus 861250:863000 on chromosome “Scchr13” for every sample in the object

    sel <- GRanges(seqnames = "Scchr13", IRanges(start = 861250, end = 863000),strand="+")
    covex = RleList(lapply(bamPaths(bs1), function(x) coverage(readGAlignments(x))[[1]]))

This offer an interesting way to process multiple sample at the same time when you’re interested in a particular locus.

Alignments and other Bioconductor packages

In the following, an excerpt of additional functionalities offered by Bioconductor packages are presented. It is far from being a complete overview, and as such only aims at giving a feel for what’s out there.

These functionalities will take us through our favorite workflow, from retrieving published data, assessing their QA, demultiplexing samples and finally aligning the reads to the genome using only Bioconductor packages!

Retrieving data using SRAdb

Most journals require the raw data to be deposited in a public repository, such as GEO, SRA or ENA. The SRAdb package offers the possibility to list the content of these archives, and to retrieve raw (fastq or sra) files.

Using the pasilla package, retrieve the submission accession of that dataset (check out that package vignette)

    geo.acc <- "GEO: GSE18508"

Now that as we only have the GEO ID, we need to convert it to an SRA ID. You can either use the GEO, SRA or ENA website for this or if you are slightly familiar with SQL, just use the SRAdb package.

Look into the SRAdb package vignette to figure out how to do this.

Accessing the vignette and reading it tells us

  1. we need to download the SRAdb sqlfile

  2. we need to create a connection to the locally downloaded database

  3. we need to query that database with our submission_alias: “GEO: GSE18508” to retrieve the SRA submission_accession.

    sqlfile <- "~/EBI2015/Day2/Data/SRAmetadb.sqlite"
    sra_con <- dbConnect(SQLite(),sqlfile)
    sra.acc <- dbGetQuery(sra_con,paste("select submission_accession ",
                                       "from submission ",
                                       'where submission_alias = "',

The retrieved is: “SRA010243”.

Now that we have that accession, the vignette tells us how to get every experiment, sample, run, …associated with this submission accession.

There are at least two possibilities to do so, one using an SQL query and the other one using a function of the packages. What would be that function?

For those that like SQL:

    run.acc <- dbGetQuery(sra_con,paste("select run_accession ",
                                   "from run ",
                                   'where submission_accession = "',

For those that like functions:

    run.acc <- sraConvert(sra.acc,"run",sra_con=sra_con)$run

Now that we’ve got the list of runs, it would be interesting to get more information about the corresponding fastq file.

    info <- getFASTQinfo(run.acc,srcType="ftp")

And the final step would be to download the fastq file(s) of interest.

Retrieve the shortest fastq file from that particular submission.

               sra_con, destDir = getwd(),
               fileType = 'fastq', srcType = 'ftp' )

Well, that’s almost it. As we are tidy people, we clean after ourselves.

    dbDisconnect( sra_con )
Running the Quality Assessment using the ShortRead package

You should be familiar with that step already. The reason it is there again is because one can never stress enough the importance of the QA in an analysis. Any step of the analysis workflow (e.g.: filtering, trimming) may introduce biases and the only way to assess and/or mitigate them is to monitor the data properties and their changes correctly for every step.

Use this morning QA lecture to take a look at the retrieved file.

    qa <- qa(dirPath=".",pattern="SRR074430.fastq.gz",type="fastq")

Use a browser to open the generated HTML file. What do you think about that file quality? Would you use it if it were yours?

Demultiplexing using easyRNASeq

Nowadays, NGS machines produces so many reads (e.g. 40M for Illumina GAIIx, 100M for ABI SOLiD4 and 160M for an Illumina HiSeq), that the coverage obtained per lane for the transcriptome of organisms with small genomes, is very high. Often it is more valuable to sequence more samples with lower coverage than sequencing only one to very high coverage, so techniques have been optimised for sequencing several samples in a single lane using 4-6bp barcodes to uniquely identify the sample within the library [@Lefrancois:2009p7029]. This is called multiplexing and one can on average sequence 12 yeast samples at 30X coverage in a single lane of an Illumina GenomeAnalyzer GAIIx (100bp read, single end). This approach is very advantageous for researchers, especially in term of costs, but it adds an additional layer of pre-processing that is not as trivial as one would think. Extracting the barcodes would be fairly straightforward, but for the average 0.1-1 percent sequencing error rate that introduces a lot of multiplicity in the actual barcodes present in the samples. A proper design of the barcodes, maximising the Hamming distance [@Hamming:1950p7702] is an essential step for proper de-multiplexing.

The data we loaded into R in the previous section was not mutiplexed, so we now load a different FASTQ file where the 4 different samples sequenced were identified by the barcodes “ATGGCT”, “TTGCGA”, “ACACTG” and “ACTAGC”.

    reads <- readFastq(file.path(bigdata(),"multiplex","multiplex.fq.gz"))

    # filter out reads with more than 2 Ns
    filter <- nFilter(threshold=2)
    reads <- reads[filter(reads)]

    # access the read sequences
    seqs <- sread(reads) 

    # this is the length of your adapters
    barcodeLength <- 6 

    # get the first 6 bases of each read
    seqs <- narrow(seqs, end=barcodeLength)

So it seems we have 1953 barcodes instead of 6…

Which barcode is most represented in this library? Plot the relative frequency of the top 20 barcodes. Try:

    # set up larger margins for the plot so we can read the barcode names
    # par(mar=c(5, 5, 4, 2))
    # barplot(..., horiz=T, las=1, col="orange" )

    barcount = sort(table(as.character(seqs)), decreasing=TRUE)
    barcount[1:10]   # TTGCGA
    barcount = barcount/sum(barcount)
    par( mar=c(5, 5, 4, 2))
    barplot(barcount[1:20], horiz=TRUE, las=1, col="orange" )

The designed barcodes (“ATGGCT”, “TTGCGA”, “ACACTG” and “ACTAGC”) seem to be equally distributed, what is the percentage of reads that cannot be assigned to a barcode?

    signif((1-sum(barcount[1:4]))*100,digits=2)   # ~6.4%

We will now iterate over the 4 barcodes, split the reads between them and save a new fastq file for each:

    barcodes = c("ATGGCT", "TTGCGA", "ACACTG", "ACTAGC")
    # iterate through each of these top 10 adapters and write
    # output to fastq files
    for(barcode in barcodes) {
       seqs <- sread(reads) # get sequence list
       qual <- quality(reads) # get quality score list
       qual <- quality(qual) # strip quality score type
       mismatchVector <- 0 # allow no mismatches

       # trim sequences looking for a 5' pattern
       # gets IRanges object with trimmed coordinates
       trimCoords <- trimLRPatterns(Lpattern=barcode, 
       subject=seqs, max.Lmismatch=mismatchVector, ranges=T)

       # generate trimmed ShortReadQ object 
       seqs <- DNAStringSet(seqs, start=start(trimCoords), 
       qual <- BStringSet(qual, start=start(trimCoords), 

       # use IRanges coordinates to trim sequences and quality scores
       qual <- SFastqQuality(qual) # reapply quality score type
       trimmed <- ShortReadQ(sread=seqs, quality=qual, id=id(reads))

       # rebuild reads object with trimmed sequences and quality scores
       # keep only reads which trimmed the full barcode
       trimmed <- trimmed[start(trimCoords) == barcodeLength + 1]

       # write reads to Fastq file 
       outputFileName <- paste(barcode, ".fq", sep="")
       writeFastq(trimmed, outputFileName, compress = FALSE)

       # export filtered and trimmed reads to fastq file
       print(paste("wrote", length(trimmed), 
                   "reads to file", outputFileName))

You should have four new FASTQ files: ACACTG.fq, ACTAGC.fq ATGGCT.fq and TTGCGA.fq with the reads (the barcodes have been trimmed) corresponding to each mutiplexed sampled. The next step would be to align these reads against your reference genome.

Aligning reads using Rsubread

Let’s now align these demultiplexed fastq files against Dmel chromosome 4 (just because it is the smallest in Dmel).

    chr4 <- DNAStringSet(unmasked(Dmelanogaster[["chr4"]]))
    names(chr4) <- "chr4"

    ## create the indexes

    ## align the reads
     ## align
     ## index bam files

And that’s it you have filtered, demultiplexed and aligned your reads!


There are extensive vignettes for Rsamtools and GenomicAlignments packages.

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