
This tutorial introduces and RNA-Seq differential expression analysis performed using R and Bioconductor[@ref:R, @Gentleman:2004p2013]. As a running example, we use a dataset derived from a study performed in Populus tremula [@Robinson:2014p6362]. The study looks at the evolutionary theory suggesting that males and females may evolve sexually dimorphic phenotypic and biochemical traits concordant with each sex having different optimal strategies of resource investment to maximise reproductive success and fitness. Such sexual dimorphism should result in sex biased gene expression patterns in non-floral organs for autosomal genes associated with the control and development of such phenotypic traits. Hence, the study among other approaches used gene expression to look for differences between sex. This was achieved by an RNA-Seq differential expression analysis between samples grouped by sex. The samples have been sequenced on an Illumina HiSeq 2000, using TruSeq adapters, through a 101 cycles paired-end protocol, which yielded between 11 million and 34 million reads per sample.

In the following sections, we use the RNA-Seq count data that has been obtained by aligning the pre-processed (adaptor and quality trimmed, rRNA filtered) reads to the Populus trichocarpa reference genome. The reason why the reads were aligned to the Populus trichocarpa genome is that there is no reference genome for Populus tremula and Populus trichocarpa is a closely related species (the latter grows in north-western America while the former grows in northern and central Europe).

Reproducing the DE analysis

Setup - loading the libraries


Processing the data

Reading in the data

First we read the count files produced by HTSeq[@Anders:2014p6365] in a matrix. The DESeq2[@Love:2014p6358] package now actually has a function to ease that process: DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount. Here we just process the samples in parallel using mclapply instead.

    res <- mclapply(dir("data/htseq-count",pattern="^[2,3].*_STAR\\.txt",
    names(res) <- gsub("_.*_STAR\\.txt","",dir("data/htseq-count",pattern="^[2,3].*_STAR\\.txt"))

Then we extract the additional information that HTSeq writes at the end of every file detailing the number of reads that were not taken into account while counting summarized by the reason they were rejected.

    addInfo <- c("__no_feature","__ambiguous",

Finally, we extract the reads

    sel <- match(addInfo,res[[1]][,1])
    count.table <-,lapply(res,"[",2))[-sel,]
    colnames(count.table) <- names(res)
    rownames(count.table) <- res[[1]][,1][-sel]

The HTSeq stat lines

Here we aggregate the information about how many reads aligned together with the information gathered above.

    count.stats <-,lapply(res,"[",2))[sel,]
    colnames(count.stats) <- names(res)
    rownames(count.stats) <- sub("__","",addInfo)
    count.stats <- rbind(count.stats,aligned=colSums(count.table))
    count.stats <- count.stats[rowSums(count.stats) > 0,]

And convert them as percentages to check them all


As can be seen, an average 82% of the reads aligned uniquely unambiguously to features. About 13% were mapping multiple locations, 2% were on ambigous features (as the data is non strand specific, we have used the "Union" counting scheme) and finally 3% align to no features. This is not at all unexpected given the fact that the alignments were done against the related species P. trichocarpa.

Visualizing the HTSeq stats

    mar <- par("mar")
            las=2,main="read proportion",
            ylim=range(count.stats) + c(0,2e+7))

Here, one can clearly see the library size effect; the samples 229.1 and 349.2 have been sequenced deeper as these are the parents of a large scale F1 population established for another study. Appart from these, the amount of reads per library seems fairly equally distributed.

Deriving more information

It is also important to estimate how much of the reads are not expressed

    sel <- rowSums(count.table) == 0
    sprintf("%s percent of %s genes are not expressed",
            round(sum(sel) * 100/ nrow(count.table),digits=1)

So 14.2% of the genes are not expressed out of a total of 41,335 genes

Biological QA

To assess the validity of the replicates, we can look at different metrics.

Raw count distribution

We start by looking at the per-gene mean expression, i.e. the mean raw count of every gene across samples is calculated and displayed on a log10 scale

         main="mean raw counts distribution",
         xlab="mean raw counts (log10)")

This shows an average of ~300X coverage. Next, the same is done for the individual samples colored by sample type

                      main="sample raw counts distribution",
                      xlab="per gene raw counts (log10)")

As one can see, the samples show a similar trend, although few samples are shifted to the right - those that were sequenced deeper, but this does not affect the global shape of the curve.

Variance stabilisation for better visualisation

For visualization, the data is submitted to a variance stabilization transformation using DESeq2[@Love:2014p6358]. The dispersion is estimated independently of the sample type We nonetheless define the metadata of importance, i.e. every sample sex and year of sampling

    samples <- read.csv("~/Git/UPSCb/projects/sex/doc/sex-samples.csv")
    conditions <- names(res)
    sex <- samples$sex[match(names(res),samples$sample)]
    date <- factor(samples$date[match(names(res),samples$sample)])

Finally, we create the DESeq2 object, using the sample name as condition (which is hence irrelevant to any comparison)

    dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
      countData = count.table,
      colData = data.frame(condition=conditions,
      design = ~ condition)

Once this is done, we first check the sequencing library sizes (a.k.a. the size factors) variation.

    dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
    sizes <- sizeFactors(dds)
    names(sizes) <- names(res)

As there is no big variation, we decide to go for a variance stabilisation transformation over a regularised log transformation. Check the DESeq2 vignette for more details about this.

    colData(dds)$condition <- factor(colData(dds)$condition,
    vsd <- varianceStabilizingTransformation(dds, blind=TRUE)
    vst <- assay(vsd)
    colnames(vst) <- colnames(count.table)

The vst introduces an offset, i.e. non expressed gene will have a value set as the minimal value of the vst. To avoid confusion, we simply shift all values so that non expressed genes have a vst value of 0. This is acceptable because we can now assume a linear relationship in the expression values, but really because we only do this for visualisation and not for statistical analyses.

  vst <- vst - min(vst)

It is then essential to validate the vst effect and ensure its validity. To that extend, we visualize the corrected mean - sd relationship.

    meanSdPlot(assay(vsd)[rowSums(count.table)>0,], ylim = c(0,2.5))

As it is fairly linear, we can assume homoscedasticity. the slight initial trend / bump is due to genes having few counts in a few subset of the samples and hence having a higher variability. This is expected.

PCA analysis

We perform a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the data to do a quick quality assessment, i.e. replicate samples should cluster together and the first 2-3 dimensions should be explainable by biological means.

    pc <- prcomp(t(vst))
    percent <- round(summary(pc)$importance[2,]*100)
    smpls <- conditions

At first, we color the samples by date and sex


And check whether the observed separation is due to the sample sex

                  xlab=paste("Comp. 1 (",percent[1],"%)",sep=""),
                  ylab=paste("Comp. 2 (",percent[2],"%)",sep=""),
                  zlab=paste("Comp. 3 (",percent[3],"%)",sep=""),

This is obviously not the case at all. There are 2 clusters of points, but both contain pink and blue dots. So, we next color by sampling date

    dat <- date
                  xlab=paste("Comp. 1 (",percent[1],"%)",sep=""),
                  ylab=paste("Comp. 2 (",percent[2],"%)",sep=""),
                  zlab=paste("Comp. 3 (",percent[3],"%)",sep=""),

And here we realise that the sampling date is a STRONG CONFOUNDING FACTOR in our analysis. So let's do a final plot with the color = sex and shape = date

                  xlab=paste("Comp. 1 (",percent[1],"%)",sep=""),
                  ylab=paste("Comp. 2 (",percent[2],"%)",sep=""),
                  zlab=paste("Comp. 3 (",percent[3],"%)",sep=""),

Sometimes 3D PCA are not easy to interpret, so we may just as well look at 2 dimensions at a time.

         xlab=paste("Comp. 1 (",percent[1],"%)",sep=""),
         ylab=paste("Comp. 2 (",percent[2],"%)",sep=""),
         main="Principal Component Analysis",sub="variance stabilized counts")

Clearly the sampling date separate most samples, i.e. first dimension equals "time". It is interesting to see that the 2 samples sequenced deeper are in between the 2 clusters. We could hypothesize that the environmental change between sampling years are affecting a subset of genes, which expression levels are presumably lower; i.e. somewhat looking at transcriptional "noise" environmentaly-induced (difference in temperature, moisture,etc.). Since the 2 parent samples have been sequenced much deeper, the fact that they do not group with either cluster might be due to the fact that they, too, have an increased proportion of transcriptional "noise" possibly technically-induced; i.e. sequencing so deep that we start to measure non-mature mRNA, mis-splice mRNA, etc. - after all transcription has to be a stochastic process.

Looking at the 2nd and 3rd dims does not reveal any obvious effects

         xlab=paste("Comp. 2 (",percent[2],"%)",sep=""),
         ylab=paste("Comp. 3 (",percent[3],"%)",sep=""),
         main="Principal Component Analysis",sub="variance stabilized counts")

Doing the differential expression analysis.

The QA revealed that we have a confounding factor. Luckily, enough the grouping of sex is balanced between sampling years and hence we will be able to block the year effect to investigate the sex effect.

    yearSexDesign <- samples[grep("[2,3].*",samples$sample),c("sex","date")]


The primary reason to use DESeq[@Anders:2010p1659] over DESeq2 or edgeR[@Robinson:2010p775] or any other is that DESeq is very conservative (see Soneson & Delorenzi [@Soneson:2013p5778]). The second reason is that DESeq give less weight to outliers than DESeq2 does. Based on the study by Pakull et al. [@Pakull], which identified a candidate gene: Potri.019G047300 for sexual determination - the same we simultaneously, independantly originally identified in our analyses - it seems that our sample 226.1 may be mis-classified, so our first approach uses DESeq.

However, the sex phenotyping had been done thoroughly, so it may also be that the sex determination is a more complex trait and that Potri.019G047300 is only one factor influencing it

As introduced we want to look at the sex effect blocking for the year effect. We start by estimating the size factors and the dispersion

    cdsFull <- newCountDataSet(count.table,yearSexDesign)
    cdsFull = estimateSizeFactors( cdsFull )
    cdsFull = estimateDispersions( cdsFull )

We can now check the dispersion estimated by DESeq, which is, obviously, conservative. I.e. most dispersion values lie below the actual dispersion fit by about 1 fold.


Next, we create both models (one considering the date only and one the date and sex combination)

    fit1 = suppressWarnings(fitNbinomGLMs( cdsFull, count ~ date + sex ))
    fit0 = suppressWarnings(fitNbinomGLMs( cdsFull, count ~ date))

For the rest of the analysis, we ignore the genes that did not converge in the previous step

    sel <- !$converged) & !$converged) & fit1$converged & fit0$converged
    fit1 <- fit1[sel,]
    fit0 <- fit0[sel,]

We calculate the GLM p-value and adjust them for multiple testing

    pvalsGLM = nbinomGLMTest( fit1, fit0 )
    padjGLM = p.adjust( pvalsGLM, method="BH" )

Finally, we visualize the obtained results. A first insight shows that a number of genes have very high fold changes, which is due the fact that these genes have very few read in very few samples. For clarity, in the following plots, we filter those genes with a too high FC.

    boxplot(rowSums(count.table[rownames(fit1[fit1$sexM > 20,]),]>0),
            ylab="number of sample with expression > 0",
            main="distribution of the # of samples with\nexpression > 0 for genes with extreme high log2FC"
    boxplot(rowSums(count.table[rownames(fit1[fit1$sexM < -20,]),]>0),
            ylab="number of sample with expression > 0",
            main="distribution of the # of samples with\nexpression > 0 for genes with extreme low log2FC"

The vast majority of these genes are anyway not significant.

    range(padjGLM[fit1$sexM > 20])
    plot(density(padjGLM[fit1$sexM > 20]),
         main="Adj. p-value for genes with extreme log2FC",
         xlab="Adj. p-value")
    range(padjGLM[fit1$sexM < -20])
    plot(density(padjGLM[fit1$sexM < -20]),
         main="Adj. p-value for genes with extreme log2FC",
         xlab="Adj. p-value")

So we filter them out

    sel <- fit1$sexM > -20 & fit1$sexM < 20
         main="Adj. p-value for genes without extreme log2FC",
         xlab="Adj. p-value")
    fit1 <- fit1[sel,]
    padjGLM <- padjGLM[sel]
    pvalsGLM <- pvalsGLM[sel]

A further look into the data reveals that two p-values are equal to 0. As this is inadequate for plotting log odds (-log of the p-value), we change these 0s to be 1 log10 fold change smaller than the otherwise smallest p-value (for plotting purposes only!)

    padjGLM[padjGLM==0] <- min(padjGLM[padjGLM!=0])/10
    pvalsGLM[pvalsGLM==0] <- min(pvalsGLM[pvalsGLM!=0])/10

Visualize DESeq results

An intuitively easy to intrepret visualisation is the (volcanoplot)[]. We plot both the non-adjusted and adjusted p-values to also visualise the multiple correction effect. First, the volcano plot with the non-adjusted p-values

                main="Male vs. Female Differential Expression",cor=FALSE,
                xlab="Log2 Fold Change", ylab="- log(10) p-value")
    legend("topleft",bty="n","1% p-value cutoff",lty=2,col="gray")
    pos <- c(order(pvalsGLM)[1:4],order(fit1$sexM,decreasing=TRUE)[1:4],order(fit1$sexM)[1:4])

and then the volcano plot with the adjusted p-values

                main="Male vs. Female Differential Expression",cor=FALSE,
                xlab="Log2 Fold Change", ylab="- log(10) adj. p-value")
    legend("topleft",bty="n","1% FDR cutoff",lty=2,col="gray")
    pos <- c(order(padjGLM)[1:4],order(fit1$sexM,decreasing=TRUE)[1:4],order(fit1$sexM)[1:4])

As DESeq is an "older" implementation for this type of analysis, we redo the analysis using DESeq2. To ultimately be able to compare the obtained set of differential expression candidate genes, we save the list of genes significant at a 1% adjusted p-value cutoff.

    UmAspD <- rownames(fit1[padjGLM<.01,])

These are not so many


DESeq2 differential expression analyses

As you see, doing that type of analysis has been made more intuitive in DESeq2 (i.e. the same can be achieved in fewer commands).

    design(dds) <- ~date+sex
    dds <- DESeq(dds)
    res <- results(dds,contrast=c("sex","F","M"))

In solely 4 commands we have reproduced the analysis and we have observed that the dispersion estimation looked different. DESeq2 introduces a so called "shrinkage", which you can read more about in the DESeq2 vignette. Next, we extract the results using the same 1% cutoff and plot similar validation plots


The volcano plot look similar to what we observed previously, although slightly less dead that in DESeq. We also do not get any genes with a p-value of 0


4 genes are candidates for differential expression at a 1% adjusted p-value cutoff, which we also save for later comparison

    UmAspD2 <- rownames(res[order(res$padj,na.last=TRUE),][1:sum(res$padj<alpha,na.rm=TRUE),])

We can observe that one gene is common with the previous list, but that the chromosome 19 candidate has disappeared. This is surprising, given the Pakull et al. publication, that Potri.019G047300.0 does not come out anymore as a differentially expressed candidate gene at a 1% FDR cutoff with DESeq2. Its adjusted p-value is actually 2.1%. Moreover it's cook distance - a measure of the homogeneity of the gene expression within a condition - is relatively high (2x the average) and might indicate the presence of an outlier. Looking closely at the count values and sex assignment shows that the sample 226.1 behaves like a male sample with regards to that gene, so either the sample has been mis-sexed or the Pakull et al. results in P. tremuloides and P.tremula are only a partial view of the true biology.


Nevertheless, while waiting for the next time the tree will flower and we can confirm its sex with certainty, we can assume that the sample was mis-sexed and see what effect a sex correction would have.

DESeq2 with the sample re-sexed

Given the data from Pakull et al. about that gene; assuming that the sample 226.1 was mis-sexed, we redo the DESeq2 analysis after swaping the sex of that sample

    sex[conditions=="226.1"] <- "M"
    dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
      countData = count.table,
      colData = data.frame(condition=conditions,
      design = ~ date+sex)
    dds <- DESeq(dds)
    res.swap <- results(dds,contrast=c("sex","M","F"))
    UmAspD2.swap <- rownames(res.swap[order(res.swap$padj,na.last=TRUE),][1:sum(res.swap$padj<alpha,na.rm=TRUE),])

Fair enough, the gene Potri.019G047300.0 made it back in the list. But, still, to assess the importance of the 226.1 sample, we redo the DESeq2 DE analysis without it (since we have enough replicate for that removal not to affect the power of our analysis)

    sel <- conditions != "226.1"
    dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
      countData = count.table[,sel],
      colData = data.frame(condition=conditions[sel],
      design = ~ date+sex)
    dds <- DESeq(dds)
    res.sel <- results(dds,contrast=c("sex","M","F"))
    UmAspD2.sel <- rownames(res.sel[order(res.sel$padj,na.last=TRUE),][1:sum(res.sel$padj<alpha,na.rm=TRUE),])

Results comparison

We compare the results from the 4 approaches, the easiest way being to plot a Venn Diagram
      UmAspD = UmAspD),
                           category.names=c("UmAsp - DESeq2",
                                            "UmAsp - corrected",
                                            "UmAsp - removed",
                                            "UmAsp - DESeq")))

Potri.014G155300.0 is constantly found by all 4 approaches Potri.019G047300.0 is found by DESeq and DESeq2, when the putative mis-sexed sample is removed or re-classified.

The sample sex correction actually leads to the identification of 16 genes unique to that comparison! It is unclear if these are the results of the technical error or if they would be worth investigating further.


This conclude this differential expression analysis. The following details the R version that was used to perform the analyses.

Session Info



Analyses performed when asking Mike Love (DESeq2 developer) why DESeq2 seem so sensitive to misclassification The short answer was to use the Cook distance to further investigate that and that the 1% FDR cutoff was conservative. These are commented out on purpose.

## mis-classified
# sex <- samples$sex[match(colnames(count.table),samples$sample)]
# date <- factor(samples$date[match(colnames(count.table),samples$sample)])
# ddsM <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
#   countData = count.table,
#   colData = data.frame(condition=conditions,
#                        sex=sex,
#                        date=date),
#   design = ~ date+sex)
# ddsM <- DESeq(ddsM)
# resM <- results(ddsM,contrast=c("sex","F","M"))
# counts(ddsM,normalized=TRUE)["Potri.019G047300.0",]
# resM["Potri.019G047300.0",]
# mcols(ddsM)[names(rowData(ddsM)) == "Potri.019G047300.0",]
# ## reclassified
# sexR <- sex
# sexR[5] <- "M"
# ddsR <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(
#   countData = count.table,
#   colData = data.frame(condition=conditions,
#                        sex=sexR,
#                        date=date),
#   design = ~ date+sex)
# ddsR <- DESeq(ddsR)
# resR <- results(ddsR,contrast=c("sex","F","M"))
# counts(ddsR,normalized=TRUE)["Potri.019G047300.0",]
# resR["Potri.019G047300.0",]
# mcols(ddsR)[names(rowData(ddsR)) == "Potri.019G047300.0",]
# ## samples details
# sex
# date
# ## the model is not be affected by the reclassification
# lapply(split(sex,date),table)
# lapply(split(sexR,date),table)

UPSCb/RnaSeqTutorial documentation built on Nov. 24, 2020, 12:40 a.m.