
#' GUI: Select File to Open or Save As
#' A graphical user interface (\acronym{GUI}) for selecting files to open or save.
#' @param cmd character.
#'   Specifies whether an \code{"Open"} or \code{"Save As"} file management pop up dialog box is implemented.
#' @param file character.
#'   File name that the data are to be read from.
#'   Alternatively, \code{file} can be a readable text-mode \code{\link{connection}}.
#' @param exts character.
#'   Vector of default file extensions.
#' @param initialdir character.
#'   Files in this directory will be displayed in the dialog box.
#' @param initialfile character.
#'   File name to display in the dialog box.
#' @param defaultextension character.
#'   String appended to the file name if the user enters a file name without an extension.
#' @param win.title character.
#'   String to display as the title of the dialog box.
#' @param multi logical.
#'   If true, multiple files may be selected.
#' @param parent tkwin.
#'   \acronym{GUI} parent window
#' @return If \code{multi} is false, returns the file path as a character object with the following attributes:
#'   \item{directory}{directory containing the file}
#'   \item{name}{file name}
#'   \item{extension}{file extension}
#'   \item{type}{file type}
#'   Otherwise, a list is returned containing a object of class character for each file.
#' @author J.C. Fisher, U.S. Geological Survey, Idaho Water Science Center
#' @keywords file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'   GetFile()
#' }

GetFile <- function(cmd=c("Open", "Save As"), file=NULL, exts=NULL,
                    initialdir=NULL, initialfile=NULL, defaultextension=NULL,
                    win.title=cmd, multi=FALSE, parent=NULL) {

  cmd <- match.arg(cmd)

  # initialize file filters
  all.filters <- list(bmp     = "Windows Bitmap",
                      bz2     = "Compressed Text",
                      csv     = "Comma-Separated Values",
                      dbf     = "ESRI Shapefile",
                      eps     = "Encapsulated Postscript",
                      geojson = "GeoJSON",
                      gz      = "Compressed Text",
                      pdf     = "Portable Document Format",
                      png     = "Portable Network Graphics",
                      prj     = "Projection Format",
                      jpg     = "JPEG",
                      jpeg    = "JPEG",
                      ps      = "Postscript",
                      Rda     = "R Data",
                      rda     = "R Data",
                      RData   = "RSurvey Project",
                      shp     = "ESRI Shapefile",
                      shx     = "ESRI Shapefile",
                      tab     = "Tab-Separated Values",
                      tif     = "Tagged Image File Format",
                      tiff    = "Tagged Image File Format",
                      tsv     = "Tab-Separated Values",
                      txt     = "Plain Text",
                      xlsx    = "Open XML Spreadsheet",
                      xz      = "Compressed Text",
                      zip     = "Compressed Text"

  # process connection and return
  if (!is.null(file)) {
    if (inherits(file, "connection"))
      val <- summary.connection(file)$description
      val <- file
    ext <- tools::file_ext(val)
    attr(val, "directory") <- dirname(val)
    attr(val, "extension") <- ext
    attr(val, "name") <- sub(paste0(".", ext, "$"), "", basename(val))
    attr(val, "type") <- all.filters[[ext]]
    Data("default.dir", attr(val, "directory"))

  # establish initial directory
  if (is.null(initialdir)) initialdir <- Data("default.dir")

  # build filters
  filters <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=2)
  if (!is.null(exts)) {
    for (ext in exts) {
      typ <- all.filters[[ext]]
      if (is.null(typ)) typ <- toupper(ext)
      filters <- rbind(filters, c(typ, paste0(".", ext)))
  filters   <- rbind(filters, c("All Files", "*"))
  filters[] <- paste0("{", filters, "}")
  filters   <- apply(filters, 1, paste, collapse=" ")
  filters   <- paste(paste0("{", filters, "}"), collapse=" ")

  # build arguments
  if (tolower(substr(cmd, 1, 4)) == "open")
    args <- list("tk_getOpenFile", title=win.title, multiple=multi)
    args <- list("tk_getSaveFile", title=win.title)
  if (!is.null(parent)) args[["parent"]] <- parent
  if (!is.null(defaultextension)) args <- c(args, defaultextension=defaultextension)
  if (!is.null(initialdir)) args <- c(args, initialdir=initialdir)
  if (!is.null(initialfile)) args <- c(args, initialfile=initialfile)
  args <- c(args, filetypes=filters)

  # open file dialog gui
  res <- tclvalue(do.call(tcl, args))
  if (!nzchar(res)) return()

  # account for mutiple files
  if (multi) {
    ans <- character()
    pat <- "([^{])*\\{([^}]*)\\}(.*)"
    while (grepl(pat, res)) {
      ans <- c(ans, sub(pat, "\\2", res))
      res <- sub(pat, "\\1\\3", res)
    ans <- c(ans, strsplit(res, " ", fixed=TRUE)[[1]])
    ans <- ans[nzchar(ans)]
  } else {
    ans <- res

  # package results
  n <- length(ans)
  if (n > 1) f <- list()

  for (i in seq_along(ans)) {
    val <- ans[i]
    ext <- tools::file_ext(val)
    attr(val, "directory") <- dirname(val)
    attr(val, "extension") <- ext
    attr(val, "name") <- sub(paste0(".", ext, "$"), "", basename(val))
    attr(val, "type") <- all.filters[[ext]]
    if (n > 1)
      f[[i]] <- val
      f <- val

  # set default directory
  if (!is.null(f)) Data("default.dir", attr(val, "directory"))

USGS-R/RSurvey documentation built on May 9, 2019, 6:10 p.m.