
#' Import Data from Old WREG Format
#' @description
#' The \code{importWREG} function reads the WREG inputs from a directory 
#' set up for the old WREG program.
#' @param wregPath A directory that contains all of the files needed to 
#' implement the MatLab version of WREG.
#' @param sites (optional) A vetor of sites that should be return.  Allows for 
#' data subsetting.
#' @details
#' This functions allows users to use the legacy format of WREG.  This includes
#' an established directory that contains valid \dQuote{SiteInfo.txt}, 
#' \dQuote{FlowChar.txt}, \dQuote{LP3G.txt}, \dQuote{LP3K.txt}, 
#' \dQuote{LP3s.txt} and \dQuote{USGS##########.txt}, multiple files 
#' containing time series for each site.  The file \dQuote{UserWLS.txt} is 
#' optional.  For further information on the format of these files, see the 
#' program manual (Techniques and Methods 4-A8).  Files that are not valid 
#' inputs files for the WREG version describe therein will not be accepted.
#' @return All outputs are returned as part of a list.  The list includes:
#' \item{sites}{A vector of site IDs.}
#' \item{Y}{A data frame whose comlumns represent unique frequency events, 
#' while the row represent particular sites in the same order as \code{sites}.}
#' \item{X}{A data frame whose columns represent basin characteristics to be used
#'  as dependent variables and whose rows represent sites corresponding 
#'  to \code{sites}.}
#' \item{LP3f}{A matrix containing the fitted LP# parameters that are fixed 
#' across exceedence probability.  These include the standard deviation, 
#' skew and regional skew for each site.}
#' \item{LP3k}{A matrix of the fitted kappa parameters of the LP3 distribution
#'  for each \code{AEP}.}
#' \item{BasChars}{A matrix containing the site IDs, latitudes and longitudes.}
#' \item{recLen}{A square matrix indicating the number of overlapping years
#'  for each site pair.}
#' \item{recCor}{A matrix of the correlaiton between site paris.}
#' \item{UW}{A matrix of user weights, if included.}
#'wregDir <- file.path(system.file("exampleDirectory", package = "WREG"),
#'  "matlabImport")
#'importedData <- importWREG(wregPath = wregDir)
importWREG <- function(wregPath,sites='') {
  # Developed by William Farmer, 10 February 2016
  # In this format, the user must indicate the AEP and MSEGR manually.
  # wregPath <- file.path('..','SampleInputFiles')
  # sites <- c('5314900','5316900','5316920','5317845','5317850')
  # Load and parse SiteInfo.txt
  siteInfoFile <- file.path(wregPath,'SiteInfo.txt')
  if (!file.exists(siteInfoFile)) {
    stop(paste('Could not find',siteInfoFile))
  siteInfo <- read.table(siteInfoFile, sep = '\t', header = TRUE, fill = TRUE,
    colClasses = c("Station.ID" = "character"))
  # Check to see if the file has standard column names, 
  # otherwise rename the first three columns to the apropriate name
  if (sum(is.element(names(siteInfo), c('Station.ID',	'Lat',	'Long',
    'No..Annual.Series',	'Zero.1.NonZero.2',	'FreqZero',
    'Regional.Skew',	'Cont.1.PR.2'))) != 8) {
    stop("Please check naming conventions of the Matlab file format")
  #convert Station.ID to character class
  siteInfo$Station.ID <- toupper(as(siteInfo$Station.ID, 'character'))
  #check to see if any sites need a zero appended
  zero_append <- which(nchar(siteInfo$Station.ID) != 8)
  siteInfo$Station.ID[zero_append] <- paste0("0",siteInfo$Station.ID[zero_append])

  BasChars <- siteInfo[,is.element(names(siteInfo),
  X <- siteInfo[,c(1,9:ncol(siteInfo))]
  # Screen for particular sites
  n <- nrow(siteInfo)
  ndx <- 1:nrow(siteInfo)
  if (length(sites)<2) {
    sites <- siteInfo$Station.ID
  ndx <- which(is.element(siteInfo$Station.ID,sites))
  n2 <- length(ndx)
  if (n2!=length(sites)) {
    stop('You have requested sites that are not in SiteInfo.txt.')
  sitesOut <- siteInfo$Station.ID[ndx]
  X <- X[ndx,]
  BasChars <- BasChars[ndx,]
  TestRecLen <- siteInfo[,is.element(names(siteInfo),
  TestRecLen <- TestRecLen[ndx,]
  site1 <- sitesOut
  # Load and parse FlowChar.txt
  flowCharFile <- file.path(wregPath,'FlowChar.txt')
  if (!file.exists(flowCharFile)) {
    stop(paste('Could not find',flowCharFile))
  Y <- read.table(flowCharFile, sep = '\t', header = TRUE,
    colClasses = c("Station.ID" = "character"))
  if(!is.element('Station.ID', names(Y))){
    names(Y)[1] <- 'Station.ID'
    Y <- shiftColumns(Y,2)
  Y$Station.ID <- toupper(as(Y$Station.ID,'character'))
  # Y <- Y[sort.int(runif(nrow(Y)),index.return = TRUE)$ix,] # for testing
  #check to see if any sites need a zero appended
  zero_append <- which(nchar(Y$Station.ID) != 8)
  Y$Station.ID[zero_append] <- paste0("0",Y$Station.ID[zero_append])
  names(Y)[2:ncol(Y)] <- unlist(strsplit(names(Y)[2:ncol(Y)],split='[.]'))
  ndx <- which(is.element(Y$Station.ID,sitesOut))
  Y <- Y[ndx,]
  site2 <- Y$Station.ID
  Y <- Y[match(sitesOut,Y$Station.ID),]
  # Load and parse LP3*.txt
  lp3gFile <- file.path(wregPath,'LP3G.txt')
  if (!file.exists(lp3gFile)) {
    stop(paste('Could not find',lp3gFile))
  lp3g <- read.table(lp3gFile, sep = '\t', header = TRUE,
    colClasses = c("Station.ID" = "character"))
  if(!is.element('Station.ID', names(lp3g))){
    names(lp3g)[1] <- 'Station.ID'
    lp3g <- shiftColumns(lp3g,2)
  lp3g$Station.ID <- toupper(as(lp3g$Station.ID,'character'))
  #check to see if any sites need a zero appended
  zero_append <- which(nchar(lp3g$Station.ID) != 8)
  lp3g$Station.ID[zero_append] <- paste0("0",lp3g$Station.ID[zero_append])
  test <- sum(unlist(
  if (test>0) {
    stop(paste0('For a given set of tiem series, ',
                'the columns in LP3G.txt must be identical.'))
  ndx <- which(is.element(lp3g$Station.ID,sitesOut))
  lp3g <- lp3g[ndx,]
  site3a <- lp3g$Station.ID
  lp3g <- lp3g[match(sitesOut,lp3g$Station.ID),]
  lp3kFile <- file.path(wregPath,'LP3K.txt')
  if (!file.exists(lp3kFile)) {
    stop(paste('Could not find',lp3kFile))
  lp3k <- read.table(lp3kFile, sep = '\t', header = TRUE,
    colClasses = c("Station.ID" = "character"))
  if(!is.element('Station.ID', names(lp3k))){
    names(lp3k)[1] <- 'Station.ID'
    lp3k <- shiftColumns(lp3k,2)
  lp3k$Station.ID <- toupper(as(lp3k$Station.ID,'character'))
  #check to see if any sites need a zero appended
  zero_append <- which(nchar(lp3k$Station.ID) != 8)
  lp3k$Station.ID[zero_append] <- paste0("0",lp3k$Station.ID[zero_append])
  ndx <- which(is.element(lp3k$Station.ID,sitesOut))
  lp3k <- lp3k[ndx,]
  site3b <- lp3k$Station.ID
  lp3k <- lp3k[match(sitesOut,lp3k$Station.ID),]
  lp3sFile <- file.path(wregPath,'LP3S.txt')
  if (!file.exists(lp3sFile)) {
    stop(paste('Could not find',lp3sFile))
  lp3s <- read.table(lp3sFile, sep = '\t', header = TRUE,
    colClasses = c("Station.ID" = "character"))
  if(!is.element('Station.ID', names(lp3s))){
    names(lp3s)[1] <- 'Station.ID'
    lp3s <- shiftColumns(lp3s,2)
  lp3s$Station.ID <- toupper(as(lp3s$Station.ID,'character'))
  #check to see if any sites need a zero appended
  zero_append <- which(nchar(lp3s$Station.ID) != 8)
  lp3s$Station.ID[zero_append] <- paste0("0",lp3s$Station.ID[zero_append])
  test <- sum(unlist(
  if (test>0) {
    stop(paste0('For a given set of tiem series, ',
                'the columns in LP3S.txt must be identical.'))
  ndx <- which(is.element(lp3s$Station.ID,sitesOut))
  lp3s <- lp3s[ndx,]
  site3c <- lp3s$Station.ID
  lp3s <- lp3s[match(sitesOut,lp3s$Station.ID),]
  LP3f <- data.frame(Station.ID=sitesOut,S=lp3s[,2],G=lp3g[,2],
  LP3k <- lp3k
  # Load and parse UserWLS.txt (if available)
  uwlsFile <- file.path(wregPath,'UserWLS.txt')
  uwls <- NULL
  if (file.exists(uwlsFile)) {
    uwls <- read.table(uwlsFile, sep = '\t', header = FALSE)
    if (nrow(uwls)!=ncol(uwls)) {
      stop('UserWLS.txt must be a square matrix.')
    if (!(identical(site1,site2)&identical(site1,site3a)&
          identical(site1,site3b)&identical(site1,site3c))) {
      uwls <- matrix(NA,ncol=length(site1),nrow=length(site2))
      warning(paste0('Because the input files have a different order of sites,',
                     ' the user-provided weighting matrix is invalid.',
                     ' It has been replaced with NAs.'))
    } else if (nrow(uwls)!=n2) {
      uwls <- uwls[ndx,ndx]
      warning(paste0('UserWLS.txt was ammended to match sites in arguments.',
                     ' (Note: Be sure weights do not depend on sites that were removed.)'))
    uwls <- as.matrix(uwls)
    row.names(uwls) <- colnames(uwls) <- sitesOut
  # Load and parse USGS*.txt files
  siteTS <- list()
  # See if a USGS Annual time series file exists, if so read it in
  # Otherwise get data from each individual file
  usgs_annual_file = file.path(wregPath,'USGSAnnualTimeSeries.txt')
  if (file.exists(usgs_annual_file)) {
    # split the files in to a list of tables based on site id 
    temp_table <- read.table(usgs_annual_file)
    temp_table[,1] <- toupper(as(temp_table[,1], "character"))
    sites = unique(temp_table[,1])
    for (x in 1:length(sites)){
      siteTS <- c(siteTS, split(temp_table,temp_table[,1] == sites[x])[2])
  } else {
    allFiles <- unique(apply(as.matrix(paste0('USGS',sitesOut,'*.txt')),
    if (any(lapply(allFiles,length) == 0)) {
      warning(paste("The following sites do not have timeseries data",
                    sitesOut[which(lapply(allFiles,length) == 0)]))
      #Remove missing file from all files list
      sitesOut <- sitesOut[-which(lapply(allFiles,length) == 0)]
      allFiles <- allFiles[-which(lapply(allFiles,length) == 0)]
      #Remove missing site from all files
      Y <- Y[Y$Station.ID %in% sitesOut,]
      X <- X[X$Station.ID %in% sitesOut,]
      LP3f <- LP3f[LP3f$Station.ID %in% sitesOut,]
      LP3k <- LP3k[LP3k$Station.ID %in% sitesOut,]
      BasChars <- BasChars[BasChars$Station.ID %in% sitesOut,]
      siteInfo <- siteInfo[siteInfo$Station.ID %in% sitesOut,]
      TestRecLen <- TestRecLen[TestRecLen$Station.ID %in% sitesOut,]
    if(length(allFiles) > length(sitesOut))
      stop("Duplicate timeseries were found.")
    allFiles <- file.path(wregPath,allFiles)
    siteTS <- lapply(allFiles,read.table)
  if (length(siteTS) == 0){
    stop(paste("There are no timeseries files to process.  Check ts naming convetions."))
  recLen <- recCor <- matrix(NA,ncol=length(siteTS),nrow=length(siteTS))
  for (i in 1:length(siteTS)) {
    recLen[i,i] <- nrow(siteTS[[i]])
    idata <- abs(siteTS[[i]][,2:3])
    for (j in 1:i) {
      jdata <- abs(siteTS[[j]][,2:3])
      overlap <- intersect(idata[,1],jdata[,1])
      recLen[i,j] <- recLen[j,i] <- length(overlap)
      if (length(overlap)==0) {next}
      ijdata <- idata[which(is.element(idata[,1],overlap)),2]
      jidata <- jdata[which(is.element(jdata[,1],overlap)),2]
      if (length(unique(ijdata))==1|length(unique(jidata))==1) {next}
      #check to see if the data has the proper dimensions to be correlated
      if (length(ijdata) != length(jidata)){
        stop(paste('Overlap in data matrix caused by multiple entries for a year and site.  Revisit data.'))
      recCor[i,j] <- recCor[j,i] <- cor(ijdata,jidata)
  tester <- diag(recLen)
  names(tester) <- NULL
  if (!identical(tester,TestRecLen[,2])) {
    stop(paste('Reported record lengths in SiteInfo.txt do not match',
               'time series files.'))
  row.names(recLen) <- row.names(recCor) <- colnames(recLen) <- 
    colnames(recCor) <- sitesOut
  names(LP3k) <- names(Y)
  # Output result
  result <- list(

shiftColumns <- function(siteInfo, columnShift){
  allNames = names(siteInfo)
  ndx <- which(!is.na(siteInfo$Station.ID))
  siteInfo <- siteInfo[ndx,]

  blank_count <- 0
  for (x in 1:length(siteInfo)){
    if (Reduce('|',(siteInfo[,allNames[x]] == ""))){
      blank_count <- blank_count + 1
  if (blank_count > 0){
    for (x in columnShift:length(siteInfo)-blank_count){
      names(siteInfo)[x] <- names(siteInfo)[x+blank_count]
    siteInfo <- siteInfo[,1:length(siteInfo)-blank_count]
USGS-R/WREG documentation built on May 9, 2019, 6:48 p.m.