
Defines functions .unit_label .plot_nc_timeseries .plot_df_heatmap .plot_nc_heatmap .interpolate2grid

#' @importFrom tidyr gather
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom akima interp
#' @importFrom akima interp2xyz

.interpolate2grid <- function(xyzData, xcol = 1, ycol = 2, zcol = 3) {
  # Interpolate field or modeled data to grid 
  # xcol, ycol, and zcol and column numbers from data.frame
  # The spreads of x and y must be within four orders of magnitude of each other for interp to work
  # Therefore must scale data to be within similar magnitude to numeric dates (1e6)
  gridData <-interp2xyz(interp(
      x = as.numeric(xyzData[,xcol]), y=xyzData[,ycol]*1e6, z=xyzData[,zcol], 
      duplicate="mean", linear = T,
      xo = as.numeric(seq(min(xyzData[,xcol]), max(xyzData[,xcol]), by = 'day')),
      yo = 1e6*seq(min(xyzData[,ycol]), max(xyzData[,ycol]), by = 1)), 
      data.frame=TRUE) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(x = as.POSIXct(.data$x, origin = '1970-01-01', 
                                 tz = Sys.timezone())) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(y = .data$y/1e6) %>%
    dplyr::arrange(.data$x, .data$y)

.plot_nc_heatmap <- function(file, var_name, reference, legend.title , interval,
                             text.size, show.legend, legend.position, plot.title,
                             color.palette, color.direction, zlim) {
  surface <- get_surface_height(file)
  max_depth <- max(surface[, 2])
  min_depth <- 0
  z_out <- seq(min_depth, max_depth,by = interval) # Set plotting interval
  # Get data from .nc file
  data = get_var(file, var_name = var_name, z_out = z_out, reference = reference)
  # Get units
  units = sim_var_units(file, var_name = var_name)
  if (reference == 'surface'){
    names.df = data.frame(names = names(data)[-1], depth.numeric = z_out, stringsAsFactors = F)
    # ylabel = 'Depth (m)'
  if (reference == 'bottom'){
    names.df = data.frame(names = names(data)[-1], depth.numeric = rev(z_out), stringsAsFactors = F)
    # ylabel = 'Elevation (m)'
  dataLong = gather(data = data, 
                    key = "depth", value = !!var_name, -all_of("DateTime")) %>%
    left_join(names.df, by = c('depth' = 'names')) 
  if(is.null(legend.title)) {
    legend.title = .unit_label(file, var_name)
  .plot_df_heatmap(dataLong, var_name, legend.title, text.size, show.legend, legend.position, plot.title,
                   color.palette, color.direction, zlim)

.plot_df_heatmap <- function(dataLong, var_name, legend.title, text.size, 
                             show.legend, legend.position, plot.title,
                             color.palette, color.direction, zlim) {
  h1 = ggplot(data = dataLong) +
    geom_raster(aes_string(x = "DateTime", 
                    y = "depth.numeric", 
                    fill = var_name), 
                interpolate = F, hjust = 0.5, vjust = 0.5, 
                show.legend = show.legend) +
    scale_y_reverse(expand = c(0.01,0.01)) +
    scale_x_datetime(expand = c(0.01,0.01)) +
    scale_fill_distiller(limits = zlim, palette = color.palette, direction = color.direction, na.value = "grey90") +
    # scale_fill_viridis_c(alpha = 0.95, option = 'plasma') +
    ylab('Depth (m)') + xlab('Date') +
    labs(fill = legend.title, title = plot.title) +
    theme_bw(base_size = text.size) +
    theme(legend.position = legend.position)

.plot_nc_timeseries <- function(file, var_name, text.size, plot.title){
  # Get data from .nc file
  data = get_var(file, var_name = var_name) %>% 
    mutate(var_name = as.numeric(get(var_name)))
  ylab.title = .unit_label(file, var_name)
  h1 = ggplot(data = data, aes(x = .data$DateTime, y = var_name)) + geom_point(alpha = 0.8) +
    xlab('Date') + ylab(ylab.title) +
    scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0.01,0.01)) +
    scale_x_datetime(expand = c(0.01,0.01)) +
    labs(title = plot.title) +
    theme_bw(base_size = text.size)

.unit_label <- function(file, var_name){
  longname <- sim_var_longname(file, var_name) 
  titlename <- gsub("(^|[[:space:]])([[:alpha:]])", "\\1\\U\\2", longname, perl=TRUE)
  units <- sim_var_units(file, var_name)
  unit_label <- paste0(titlename, " (", units, ")")
USGS-R/glmtools documentation built on March 26, 2024, 5:43 p.m.