Run description: r params$run_message


out_df = params$out_df

#out_df = read.table('c:/WiLMA/results/2016-03-21_NLDAS.tsv', header=TRUE, sep='\t',

out_df$DateTime   = as.POSIXct(out_df$DateTime)
out_df$month      = month(out_df$DateTime)
out_df$modLessObs = out_df$Modeled_temp - out_df$Observed_temp
out_df$Depth_1   = floor(out_df$Depth/1)*1

epi = calc_mod_obs_metric(out_df, 'epi.temperature')

hypo = calc_mod_obs_metric(out_df, 'hypo.temperature')

metric_calc_bylake = function(df){
  data.frame(rmse=sqrt(mean((df$mod - df$obs)^2, na.rm=TRUE)), bias=mean(df$mod - df$obs, na.rm=TRUE), ndates=nrow(df))

epi_bylake = ddply(epi, 'site_id', metric_calc_bylake)
hypo_bylake = ddply(hypo, 'site_id', metric_calc_bylake)

epi_bylake = subset(epi_bylake, ndates >=10)
hypo_bylake = subset(hypo_bylake, ndates >=10)

Run and code info

Specific mda.lakes version on github link

Package | Version --------|------- mda.lakes | r packageVersion('mda.lakes') lakeattributes | r packageVersion('lakeattributes') GLMr | r packageVersion('GLMr') glmtools | r packageVersion('glmtools')

Classic, general stats:

Statistic | Value ----------|------- n obs | r nrow(na.omit(out_df)) n lakes | r length(unique(out_df$site_id)) RMSE | r sqrt(mean((out_df$modLessObs)^2, na.rm=TRUE)) Mean error| r mean(out_df$modLessObs, na.rm=TRUE)

Epi and Hypo lake-specific RMSE

These are RMSE calculated for each lake, then the 50th and 95th percentile of those per-lake values are presented.

Layer | 50% | 95% ------|-----|----- Epi | r quantile(epi_bylake$rmse, probs=0.5) | r quantile(epi_bylake$rmse, probs=0.95) Hypo RMSE | r quantile(hypo_bylake$rmse, probs=0.5) | r quantile(hypo_bylake$rmse, probs=0.95)

Epi and Hypo lake-specific Bias stats

Layer | 2.5% | 50% | 97.5 ------|-----|-----|------- Epi Bias | r quantile(epi_bylake$bias, probs=0.025) | r quantile(epi_bylake$bias, probs=0.5) | r quantile(epi_bylake$bias, probs=0.975) Hypo Bias | r quantile(hypo_bylake$bias, probs=0.025) | r quantile(hypo_bylake$bias, probs=0.5) | r quantile(hypo_bylake$bias, probs=0.975)

Overall observed vs model:

par(mfrow=c(3,1), mar=c(1,4,0,1), oma=c(3,0,1,0))

plot(out_df$Observed_temp, out_df$Modeled_temp, col=rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.1), pch=16, xlim=c(0,30), ylim=c(0,30), xaxt='n', ylab='Modeled Temp')

abline(0, 1)

plot(epi$obs, epi$mod, col=rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.1), pch=16, xlim=c(0,30), ylim=c(0,30), ylab='Modeled Epi', xaxt='n')
abline(0, 1)

plot(hypo$obs, hypo$mod, col=rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.1), pch=16, xlim=c(0,30), ylim=c(0,30), ylab='Modeled Hypo', xlab='Observed')
abline(0, 1)

Statistic | RMSE | Avg Resid ----------|-------|------ All Temp | r sqrt(mean((out_df$modLessObs)^2, na.rm=TRUE)) | r mean(out_df$modLessObs, na.rm=TRUE) Epi RMSE | r sqrt(mean((epi$mod - epi$obs)^2, na.rm=TRUE)) | r mean(epi$mod - epi$obs, na.rm=TRUE) Hypo RMSE | r sqrt(mean((hypo$mod - hypo$obs)^2, na.rm=TRUE)) | r mean(hypo$mod - hypo$obs, na.rm=TRUE)

Residuals across depth:

boxplot(modLessObs~Depth_1, out_df, ylab="Model - Observation", xlab='Depth (m)', ylim=c(-10, 10))

Seasonality of residuals:

boxplot(modLessObs~month, out_df, ylab="Model - Observation", xlab='Month', ylim=c(-10, 10))

lake_stats = ddply(out_df, 'site_id', function(df){

  rmse = sqrt(mean((df$Observed_temp - df$Modeled_temp)^2, na.rm=TRUE))
  bias = mean(df$Modeled_temp - df$Observed_temp, na.rm=TRUE)
  n = nrow(df)
  data.frame(rmse, bias, n)



lake_stats = merge(lake_stats, lakeattributes::location, by='site_id')
lake_stats = merge(lake_stats, lakeattributes::area, by='site_id')
lake_stats = merge(lake_stats, lakeattributes::zmax, by='site_id')
lake_stats$secchi = 1.7/get_kd_avg(lake_stats$site_id)$kd_avg
lake_stats = merge(lake_stats, canopy, by='site_id')

par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(0,4,1,1), oma=c(4,0,0,0))
plot((lake_stats$area_m2), lake_stats$bias, xlab='Lake area m^2', ylab='by-obs Bias', xaxt='n', log='x')
plot((lake_stats$area_m2), lake_stats$rmse, xlab='Lake area m^2', ylab='by-obs RMSE', log='x')
mtext(text='Log10(lake area m^2)', side=1, line=2)
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(0,4,1,1), oma=c(4,0,0,0))
plot(lake_stats$secchi, lake_stats$bias, xlab='Secchi(m)', ylab='by-obs Bias', xaxt='n')
plot(lake_stats$secchi, lake_stats$rmse, xlab='Secchi(m)', ylab='by-obs RMSE')
mtext(text='Secchi(m)', side=1, line=2)
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(0,4,1,1), oma=c(4,0,0,0))
plot(lake_stats$zmax_m, lake_stats$bias, log='x', xlab='Log(zmax)', ylab='by-obs Bias', xaxt='n')
plot(lake_stats$zmax_m, lake_stats$rmse, log='x', xlab='Log(zmax)', ylab='by-obs RMSE')
mtext(text='zmax', side=1, line=2)
# par(mfrow=c(2,1))
# boxplot(bias~canopy_m, lake_stats)
# abline(h=0)
# height = as.numeric(names(tmp))
# barplot(height~tmp)

Map of Bias

m = leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% 
  addCircleMarkers(lng=lake_stats$lon, lat=lake_stats$lat, radius=4, stroke=TRUE, weight=1, 
                   fillColor=colorNumeric(c('Blue', 'White', "Red"), (lake_stats$bias))((lake_stats$bias)),
                   fillOpacity=1, popup=paste0('Bias: ', lake_stats$bias, '<br>RMSE:', lake_stats$rmse, '<br>N:', 
                                               lake_stats$n, '<br>ID:', lake_stats$site_id))


Map of RMSE

m = leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% 
  addCircleMarkers(lng=lake_stats$lon, lat=lake_stats$lat, radius=4, stroke=TRUE, weight=1, 
                   fillColor=colorNumeric(c('White', "Red"), (lake_stats$rmse))((lake_stats$rmse)),
                   fillOpacity=1, popup=paste0('Bias: ', lake_stats$bias, '<br>RMSE:', lake_stats$rmse, '<br>N:', 
                                               lake_stats$n, '<br>ID:', lake_stats$site_id))


USGS-R/mda.lakes documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 8:28 p.m.