
Defines functions get_sites

Documented in get_sites

#' A helper to list_sites. Gets site IDS from sciencebase w/ simple data query
#' Collects from sciencebase all site names ("site_root" titles, e.g., 
#' "nwis_02948375") or the names of sites containing a particular var_src 
#' dataset, and returns as a character vector of those site names
#' @param with_dataset_name limit sites to those with children matching the 
#'   specified ts or other dataset name (e.g., "ts_doobs_nwis")
#' @inheritParams ts_has_file
#' @param limit integer. the maximum number of items to return
#' @return a character vector of "site_root" titles (keys)
#' @import jsonlite
#' @import httr
#' @import sbtools
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tibble
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mda.streams:::get_sites()
#' mda.streams:::get_sites(limit = 10)
#' # get those sites that have water temperature in rds, non-archive form
#' mda.streams:::get_sites(with_dataset_name='ts_disch_nwis', with_ts_version='tsv')
#' mda.streams:::get_sites(with_dataset_name='ts_doobs_nwis', 
#'   with_ts_version=c('tsv','rds'), with_ts_archived=TRUE)
#' }
#' @keywords internal
get_sites <- function(with_dataset_name=NULL, with_ts_version='rds', with_ts_archived=FALSE, 
                      with_ts_uploaded_after='2015-01-01', limit=10000) {

  if (is.null(with_dataset_name)){
    # get the superset of sites. this query is used in both if{} blocks but with
    # different limits.
    site_items <- query_item_identifier(scheme=get_scheme(), type='site_root', limit=limit)
    sites <- sapply(site_items, function(item) item$title)
  } else {

    # find all the time series items for the specified var_src
    if(length(with_dataset_name) != 1) stop("with_dataset_name must have length 1")
    ts_items <- query_item_identifier(scheme=get_scheme(), type=with_dataset_name, limit=limit)
    # filter to the time series items that have a file of the specified version
    is_ts <- grepl("^ts_", with_dataset_name)
    if(is_ts) { #length(ts_items) > 0 && 
      if(!is.logical(with_ts_archived) || length(with_ts_archived) < 1) 
        stop("with_ts_archived must be logical")
      has_file <- ts_has_file(
        ts_items, with_ts_version=with_ts_version, 
        with_ts_archived=with_ts_archived, with_ts_uploaded_after=with_ts_uploaded_after)
      ts_items <- ts_items[has_file]
    # convert from parents of these items to site names
    site_ids <- sapply(ts_items, function(ts) ts$parentId)
    if(length(site_ids)==0) {
      sites <- vector('character')
    } else {
      # get all sites IDs and titles, then filter to sites whose IDs match ours.
      # override limit arg because this is a superset of the final output
      all_site_items <- query_item_identifier(scheme=get_scheme(), type='site_root', limit=10000)
      all_site_info <- bind_rows(lapply(all_site_items, function(site) as_tibble(site[c('title','id')])))
      sites <- all_site_info$title[match(site_ids, all_site_info$id)] # translate IDs to site names
      # this code would be slower because it involves many SB queries:
      # sites <- sapply(site_ids, function(id) as.sbitem(id)$title)

USGS-R/mda.streams documentation built on June 3, 2023, 8:43 a.m.