
Defines functions put_data_in_nc write_timeseries_dsg

Documented in write_timeseries_dsg

#' @title Write time series to NetCDF-CF
#' @param nc_file \code{character} file path to the nc file to be created.
#' @param instance_names \code{character} or \code{numeric} vector of names for each instance
#' (e.g. station or geometry) to be added to the file.
#' @param times \code{POSIXct} vector of times. Must be of type \code{POSIXct} or an attempt to
#' convert it will be made using \code{as.POSIXct(times)}.
#' @param lats \code{numeric} vector of latitudes
#' @param lons \code{numeric} vector of longitudes
#' @param data \code{data.frame} with each column corresponding to an instance. Rows correspond to
#' time steps. nrow must be the same length as times. Column names must match instance names.
#' @param alts \code{numeric} vector of altitudes (m above sea level) (Optional)
#' @param data_unit \code{character} vector of data units. Length must be the same as number
#' of columns in \code{data} parameter.
#' @param data_prec \code{character} precision of observation data in NetCDF file.
#' Valid options: 'short' 'integer' 'float' 'double' 'char'.
#' @param data_metadata \code{list} A named list of strings: list(name='ShortVarName', long_name='A Long Name')
#' @param attributes list An optional list of attributes that will be added at the global level.
#' See details for useful attributes.
#' @param time_units \code{character} units string in udunits format to use for time. Defaults to 'days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00'
#' @param instance_dim_name the \code{character} name to use for the instance used in `instance_names`
#' @param dsg_timeseries_id the \code{character} name to use for the instance used in the timeseries id
#' @param coordvar_long_names \code{list} values for long names on coordinate variables. Names should be `instance`, time`, `lat`, `lon`, and `alt.`
#' @param add_to_existing \code{boolean} If TRUE and the file already exists,
#' variables will be added to the existing file. See details for more.
#' @param overwrite boolean unless set to true, error if file exists.
#' @description
#' This function creates a timeseries discrete sampling geometry NetCDF file.
#' It uses the orthogonal array encoding to write one \code{data.frame} per
#' function call. This encoding is best suited to data with the same number of
#' timesteps per instance (e.g. geometry or station).
#' @details
#' Suggested Global Variables:
#' c(title = "title",
#' abstract = "history",
#' provider site = "institution",
#' provider name ="source",
#' description = "description")
#' Note regarding add_to_existing:
#' add_to_existing = TRUE should only be used to add variables to an existing
#' NetCDF discrete sampling geometry file. All other inputs should be the
#' same as are already in the file. If the functions is called with
#' add_to_existing=FALSE (the default), it will overwrite an existing file
#' with the same name. The expected usage is to call this function repeatedly
#' only changing the data, data_unit, data_prec and data_metadata inputs.
#' See the timeseries vignette for more information.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item \url{https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf-java/v4.6/reference/FeatureDatasets/CFpointImplement.html}
#'   \item \url{http://cfconventions.org/cf-conventions/cf-conventions.html#_orthogonal_multidimensional_array_representation}
#'   \item \url{http://cfconventions.org/Data/cf-conventions/cf-conventions-1.7/build/cf-conventions.html#time-series-data}
#' }
#' @importFrom RNetCDF open.nc close.nc create.nc dim.def.nc var.def.nc var.put.nc att.put.nc
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
write_timeseries_dsg = function(nc_file, instance_names, lats, lons, times,
                                data, alts=NA, data_unit='',
																data_metadata=list(name='data',long_name='unnamed data'),
																time_units = 'days since 1970-01-01 00:00:00',
																instance_dim_name = "instance",
																dsg_timeseries_id = "instance_name",
																coordvar_long_names = list(instance = 'Station Names',
																                           time = 'time of measurement',
																                           lat = 'latitude of the measurement',
																                           lon = 'longitude of the measurement',
																                           alt = 'altitude of the measurement'),
																attributes=list(), add_to_existing=FALSE, overwrite = FALSE){

  if(!overwrite & !add_to_existing & file.exists(nc_file)) stop("File already exists and overwrite is false.")
  if(overwrite & !add_to_existing) unlink(file.exists(nc_file))

	if(add_to_existing & !file.exists(nc_file)) add_to_existing=FALSE

	if(!is(times, 'POSIXct')){
		times = as.POSIXct(times)

	n = length(instance_names)
	if(length(lats)!=n || length(lons)!=n){
		stop('instance_names, lats, and lons must all be vectors of the same length')

	if(!is.na(alts[1]) && length(alts)!=n){
		stop('instance_names and alts must all be vectors of the same length')

	if(ncol(data) != n){
		stop('number of data columns must equal the number of stations')

	nt = length(times)
	if(nrow(data) != nt){
		stop('The length of times must match the number of rows in data')

	if(!all(sapply(data,typeof) %in% typeof(data[names(data)[1]][[1]]))) {
		stop('All the collumns in the input dataframe must be of the same type.')

	if(!data_prec %in% as.character(pkg.env$nc_types)) {
	  type <- pkg.env$nc_types[data_prec][[1]]
	} else {
	  type <- data_prec

	if(type == "NC_CHAR") {
	  missing <- ""
	} else if(type == "NC_INT") {
	  missing <- -32768
	} else {
	  missing <- -2147483648

	# Set up data_name var.
	data_name = data_metadata[['name']]

	if(add_to_existing) {

		nc<-open.nc(nc_file, write = TRUE)
		data_vars = list()

		add_var(nc, data_name, c(pkg.env$time_dim_name, instance_dim_name),
		        type, data_unit, missing = missing,
		        long_name = data_metadata[['long_name']], data = data)

		nc<-open.nc(nc_file, write = TRUE)

		put_data_in_nc(nc,nt,n,data_name,data, alts)



	} else {
	  nc <- create.nc(nc_file, format = "offset64")

		dim.def.nc(nc, instance_dim_name, n, unlim = FALSE)
		dim.def.nc(nc, pkg.env$time_dim_name, nt, unlim=FALSE)

		if(is.integer(instance_names)) {
		  tid_type <- "NC_INT"
		} else if(is.character(instance_names)) {
		  tid_type <- "NC_CHAR"
		} else if(is.numeric(instance_names)) {
		  tid_type <- "NC_DOUBLE"
		} else {
		  stop("instance names are of an unsupported type.")
		#Setup our spatial and time info
		add_var(nc, dsg_timeseries_id,
		        tid_type, long_name = coordvar_long_names$instance,
		        data = instance_names)

		add_var(nc, pkg.env$time_var_name, pkg.env$time_dim_name, "NC_DOUBLE",
		        time_units, -999, coordvar_long_names$time)

		add_var(nc, pkg.env$lat_coord_var_name, instance_dim_name, "NC_DOUBLE",
		        'degrees_north', -999, coordvar_long_names$lat)

		add_var(nc, pkg.env$lon_coord_var_name, instance_dim_name, "NC_DOUBLE",
		        'degrees_east', -999, coordvar_long_names$lon)

		  add_var(nc, pkg.env$alt_coord_var_name, instance_dim_name, "NC_DOUBLE",
		          'm', -999, coordvar_long_names$alt)

    add_var(nc, data_name, c(pkg.env$time_dim_name, instance_dim_name),
            type, data_unit, missing,
            data = data)

		nc <- open.nc(nc_file, write = TRUE)

		#add standard_names
		att.put.nc(nc, pkg.env$lat_coord_var_name, 'standard_name', "NC_CHAR", pkg.env$lat_coord_var_standard_name)
		att.put.nc(nc, pkg.env$time_var_name, 'standard_name', "NC_CHAR", pkg.env$time_var_standard_name)
		att.put.nc(nc, pkg.env$lon_coord_var_name, 'standard_name', "NC_CHAR", pkg.env$lon_coord_var_standard_name)

			att.put.nc(nc, pkg.env$alt_coord_var_name, 'standard_name', "NC_CHAR", pkg.env$alt_coord_var_standard_name)

		att.put.nc(nc, dsg_timeseries_id, 'cf_role', "NC_CHAR", pkg.env$timeseries_id_cf_role)

		#Important Global Variables
		att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", 'Conventions', "NC_CHAR", pkg.env$cf_version)
		att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", 'featureType', "NC_CHAR", 'timeSeries')
		att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", 'cdm_data_type', "NC_CHAR", 'Station')
		att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", 'standard_name_vocabulary', "NC_CHAR", pkg.env$cf_version)

		#Add the optional global attributes
			for(i in 1:length(attributes)){
				att.put.nc(nc, "NC_GLOBAL", names(attributes)[i],
				           pkg.env$nc_types[class(attributes[[i]])][[1]], attributes[[i]])

		#Put data in NC file
		var.put.nc(nc, pkg.env$time_var_name, RNetCDF::utinvcal.nc(time_units, times))
		var.put.nc(nc, pkg.env$lat_coord_var_name, lats)
		var.put.nc(nc, pkg.env$lon_coord_var_name, lons)

			var.put.nc(nc, pkg.env$alt_coord_var_name, alts)
		var.put.nc(nc, dsg_timeseries_id, instance_names)

		put_data_in_nc(nc, nt, n, data_name, data, alts)



put_data_in_nc <- function(nc, nt, n, data_name, data, alts=NA) {
	#Add coordinates
	  coordinates <- paste(pkg.env$time_var_name,
	} else {
	  coordinates <- paste(pkg.env$time_var_name,
	  att.put.nc(nc, data_name, 'coordinates', "NC_CHAR", coordinates)

		att.put.nc(nc, data_name, 'coordinates', "NC_CHAR", coordinates)

	if ( nt * n < 100000 ) {
		var.put.nc(nc, data_name, as.matrix(data))
	} else {
	  if(is.character(data[1,1])) {
  	    for ( st in 1:n ) {
    	      to_write <- as.matrix(data[,st])
	      to_write[is.na(to_write)] <- "NA"
	      var.put.nc(nc, data_name, to_write, start=c(1, 1, st), count=c(NA, nt, 1))
	  } else {
	    for ( st in 1:n ) {
	      var.put.nc(nc, data_name, as.matrix(data[,st]), start=c(1, st), count=c(nt, 1))
USGS-R/ncdfgeom documentation built on Feb. 9, 2024, 2:07 a.m.