create_calc_dDOdt: Create a function that generates a 1-day timeseries of DO.mod

View source: R/create_calc_dDOdt.R

create_calc_dDOdtR Documentation

Create a function that generates a 1-day timeseries of DO.mod


Creates a closure that bundles data and helper functions into a single function that returns dDOdt in gO2 m^-3 timestep^-1 for any given time t.


create_calc_dDOdt(data, ode_method, GPP_fun, ER_fun, deficit_src, err.proc = 0)



data.frame as in metab, except that data must contain exactly one date worth of inputs (~24 hours according to specs$day_start and specs$day_end).


character. The method to use in solving the ordinary differential equation for DO. Options:

  • euler, formerly Euler: the final change in DO from t=1 to t=2 is solely a function of GPP, ER, DO, etc. at t=1

  • trapezoid, formerly pairmeans: the final change in DO from t=1 to t=2 is a function of the mean values of GPP, ER, etc. across t=1 and t=2.

  • for type='mle', options also include rk2 and any character method accepted by ode in the deSolve package (lsoda, lsode, lsodes, lsodar, vode, daspk, rk4, ode23, ode45, radau, bdf, bdf_d, adams, impAdams, and impAdams_d; note that many of these have not been well tested in the context of streamMetabolizer models)


character. Function dictating how gross primary productivity (GPP) varies within each day. Options:

  • linlight: GPP is a linear function of light with an intercept at 0 and a slope that varies by day.
    GPP(t) = GPP.daily * light(t) / mean.light

    • GPP.daily: the daily mean GPP, which is partitioned into timestep-specific rates according to the fraction of that day's average light that occurs at each timestep (specifically, mean.light is the mean of the first 24 hours of the date's data window)

  • satlight: GPP is a saturating function of light.
    GPP(t) = Pmax * tanh(alpha * light(t) / Pmax)

    • Pmax: the maximum possible GPP

    • alpha: a descriptor of the rate of increase of GPP as a function of light

  • satlightq10temp: GPP is a saturating function of light and an exponential function of temperature.
    GPP(t) = Pmax * tanh(alpha * light(t) / Pmax) * 1.036 ^ (temp.water(t) - 20)

    • Pmax: the maximum possible GPP

    • alpha: a descriptor of the rate of increase of GPP as a function of light

  • NA: applicable only to type='Kmodel', for which GPP is not estimated


character. Function dictating how ecosystem respiration (ER) varies within each day. Options:

  • constant: ER is constant over every timestep of the day.
    ER(t) = ER.daily

    • ER.daily: the daily mean ER, which is equal to instantaneous ER at all times

  • q10temp: ER at each timestep is an exponential function of the water temperature and a temperature-normalized base rate.
    ER(t) = ER20 * 1.045 ^ (temp.water(t) - 20)

    • ER20: the value of ER when temp.water is 20 degrees C

  • NA: applicable only to type='Kmodel', for which ER is not estimated


character. From what DO estimate (observed or modeled) should the DO deficit be computed? Options:

  • DO_mod: the DO deficit at time t will be (DO.sat(t) - DO_mod(t)), the difference between the equilibrium-saturation value and the current best estimate of the true DO concentration at that time

  • DO_obs: the DO deficit at time t will be (DO.sat(t) - DO.obs(t)), the difference between the equilibrium-saturation value and the measured DO concentration at that time

  • DO_obs_filter: applicable only to type='night': a smoothing filter is applied over the measured DO.obs values before applying nighttime regression

  • NA: applicable only to type='Kmodel', for which DO deficit is not estimated


optional numerical vector of length nrow(data). Process error in units of gO2 m^-2 d^-1 (THIS MAY DIFFER FROM WHAT YOU'RE USED TO!). Appropriate for simulation, when this vector of process errors will be added to the calculated values of GPP and ER (then divided by depth and multiplied by timestep duration) to simulate process error. But usually (for MLE or prediction from a fitted MLE/Bayesian/nighttime regression model) err.proc should be missing or 0


a function that accepts args t (the time in 0:(n-1) where n is the number of timesteps), DO.mod.t (the value of DO.mod at time t in gO2 m^-3), and metab (a list of metabolism parameters; to see which parameters should be included in this list, create dDOdt with this function and then call environment(dDOdt)$metab.needs)

ode_method 'trapezoid'

'pairmeans' and 'trapezoid' are identical. They are the analytical solution to a trapezoid rule with this starting point: DO.mod[t+1] = DO.mod[t] + (((GPP[t]+GPP[t+1])/2) / (depth[t]+depth[t+1])/2 + ((ER[t]+ER[t+1])/2) / (depth[t]+depth[t+1])/2 + (k.O2[t](DO.sat[t] - DO.mod[t]) + k.O2[t+1](DO.sat[t+1] - DO.mod[t+1]))/2 + ((err.proc[t]+err.proc[t+1])/2) / (depth[t]+depth[t+1])/2 ) * timestep and this solution: DO.mod[t+1] - DO.mod[t] = (- DO.mod[t] * (k.O2[t]+k.O2[t+1])/2 + (GPP[t]+GPP[t+1] + ER[t]+ER[t+1] + err.proc[t]+err.proc[t+1] ) / (depth[t]+depth[t+1]) + (k.O2[t]*DO.sat[t] + k.O2[t+1]*DO.sat[t+1])/2 ) * timestep / (1 + timestep*k.O2[t+1]/2) where we're treating err.proc as a rate in gO2/m2/d, just like GPP & ER, and err.proc=0 for model fitting.


## Not run: 
data <- data_metab('1','30')[seq(1,48,by=2),]
dDOdt.obs <- diff(data$DO.obs)
preds.init <- as.list(dplyr::select(
  predict_metab(metab(specs(mm_name('mle', ode_method='euler')), data=data)),
  GPP.daily=GPP, ER.daily=ER, K600.daily=K600))
DOtime <- data$solar.time
dDOtime <- data$solar.time[-nrow(data)] + (data$solar.time[2] - data$solar.time[1])/2

# args to create_calc_dDOdt determine which values are needed in
dDOdt <- create_calc_dDOdt(data, ode_method='trapezoid', GPP_fun='satlight',
  ER_fun='q10temp', deficit_src='DO_mod')
names(formals(dDOdt)) # always the same: args to pass to dDOdt()
environment(dDOdt)$metab.needs # get the names to be included in
dDOdt(t=23, state=c(DO.mod=data$DO.obs[1]),, alpha=0.01, ER20=-0.05, K600.daily=3))$dDOdt

# different required args; try in a timeseries
dDOdt <- create_calc_dDOdt(data, ode_method='euler', GPP_fun='linlight',
  ER_fun='constant', deficit_src='DO_mod')
environment(dDOdt)$metab.needs # get the names to be included in metab
# approximate dDOdt and DO using DO.obs for DO deficits & Eulerian integration
DO.mod.m <- data$DO.obs[1]
dDOdt.mod.m <- NA
for(t in 1:23) {
 dDOdt.mod.m[t] <- dDOdt(t=t, state=c(DO.mod=DO.mod.m[t]),, ER.daily=-1.4, K600.daily=21))$dDOdt
 DO.mod.m[t+1] <- DO.mod.m[t] + dDOdt.mod.m[t]
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(3,3,1,1)+0.1)
plot(x=DOtime, y=data$DO.obs)
lines(x=DOtime, y=DO.mod.m, type='l', col='purple')
plot(x=dDOtime, y=dDOdt.obs)
lines(x=dDOtime, y=dDOdt.mod.m, type='l', col='blue')
par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(5,4,4,2)+0.1)

# compute & plot a full timeseries with ode() integration
dDOdt <- create_calc_dDOdt(data, ode_method='euler', GPP_fun='linlight',
  ER_fun='constant', deficit_src='DO_mod')
DO.mod.o <- deSolve::ode(
  parms=list(GPP.daily=2, ER.daily=-1.4, K600.daily=21),
  times=1:nrow(data), func=dDOdt, method='euler')[,'DO.mod']
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(3,3,1,1)+0.1)
plot(x=DOtime, y=data$DO.obs)
lines(x=DOtime, y=DO.mod.m, type='l', col='purple')
lines(x=DOtime, y=DO.mod.o, type='l', col='red', lty=2)
dDOdt.mod.o <- diff(DO.mod.o)
plot(x=dDOtime, y=dDOdt.obs)
lines(x=dDOtime, y=dDOdt.mod.m, type='l', col='blue')
lines(x=dDOtime, y=dDOdt.mod.o, type='l', col='green', lty=2)
par(mfrow=c(1,1), mar=c(5,4,4,2)+0.1)

# see how values of affect the dDOdt predictions
library(dplyr); library(ggplot2); library(tidyr)
dDOdt <- create_calc_dDOdt(data, ode_method='euler', GPP_fun='linlight',
  ER_fun='constant', deficit_src='DO_mod')
apply_dDOdt <- function(GPP.daily, ER.daily, K600.daily) {
  DO.mod.m <- data$DO.obs[1]
  dDOdt.mod.m <- NA
  for(t in 1:23) {
   dDOdt.mod.m[t] <- dDOdt(t=t, state=c(DO.mod=DO.mod.m[t]),
    list(GPP.daily=GPP.daily, ER.daily=ER.daily, K600.daily=K600.daily))$dDOdt
   DO.mod.m[t+1] <- DO.mod.m[t] + dDOdt.mod.m[t]
dDO.preds <- tibble::tibble(
  solar.time = dDOtime,
  dDO.preds.base = apply_dDOdt(3, -5, 15),
  dDO.preds.dblGPP = apply_dDOdt(6, -5, 15),
  dDO.preds.dblER = apply_dDOdt(3, -10, 15),
  dDO.preds.dblK = apply_dDOdt(3, -5, 30))
dDO.preds %>%
  gather(key=dDO.series, value=dDO.dt, starts_with('dDO.preds')) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=solar.time, y=dDO.dt, color=dDO.series)) + geom_line() + theme_bw()

# try simulating process eror
data <- data_metab('1','30')[seq(1,48,by=2),]
plot(x=data$solar.time, y=data$DO.obs)
dDOdt.noerr <- create_calc_dDOdt(data, ode_method='rk4', GPP_fun='linlight',
  ER_fun='constant', deficit_src='DO_mod', err.proc=rep(0, nrow(data)))
DO.mod.noerr <- deSolve::ode(
  parms=list(GPP.daily=2, ER.daily=-1.4, K600.daily=21),
  times=1:nrow(data), func=dDOdt.noerr, method='rk4')[,'DO.mod']
lines(x=data$solar.time, y=DO.mod.noerr, type='l', col='purple')
# with error
dDOdt.err <- create_calc_dDOdt(data, ode_method='rk4', GPP_fun='linlight',
  ER_fun='constant', deficit_src='DO_mod', err.proc=rep(+0.4, nrow(data)))
DO.mod.err <- deSolve::ode(
  parms=list(GPP.daily=2, ER.daily=-1.4, K600.daily=21),
  times=1:nrow(data), func=dDOdt.err, method='rk4')[,'DO.mod']
lines(x=data$solar.time, y=DO.mod.err, type='l', col='red', lty=2)
# with same error each timestep is same as with reduced ER
dDOdt.noerr2 <- create_calc_dDOdt(data, ode_method='rk4', GPP_fun='linlight',
  ER_fun='constant', deficit_src='DO_mod', err.proc=rep(0, nrow(data)))
DO.mod.noerr2 <- deSolve::ode(
  parms=list(GPP.daily=2, ER.daily=-1.4+0.4, K600.daily=21),
  times=1:nrow(data), func=dDOdt.noerr2, method='rk4')[,'DO.mod']
lines(x=data$solar.time, y=DO.mod.noerr2, type='l', col='green', lty=3)
# with different timestep, same error value should mean very similar curve
data <- data_metab('1','30')
dDOdt.err2 <- create_calc_dDOdt(data, ode_method='rk4', GPP_fun='linlight',
  ER_fun='constant', deficit_src='DO_mod', err.proc=rep(0.4, nrow(data)))
DO.mod.err2 <- deSolve::ode(
  parms=list(GPP.daily=2, ER.daily=-1.4, K600.daily=21),
  times=1:nrow(data), func=dDOdt.err2, method='rk4')[,'DO.mod']
lines(x=data$solar.time, y=DO.mod.err2, type='l', col='black', lty=2)

## End(Not run)

USGS-R/streamMetabolizer documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 7:50 a.m.