
boxPlots_create <- reactive({

  catType <- as.numeric(input$radioMaxGroup)
  include_thresh <- as.logical(input$plot_thres_box)
  hitThres <- ifelse(include_thresh, hitThresValue(), NA)
  plot_ND <- input$plot_ND
  chemical_summary <- chemical_summary()

  category <- c("Biological", "Chemical", "Chemical Class")[catType]

  mean_logic <- as.logical(input$meanEAR)
  sum_logic <- as.logical(input$sumEAR)

  bioPlot <- plot_tox_boxplots(chemical_summary,
                               category = category,
                               mean_logic = mean_logic,
                               sum_logic = sum_logic,
                               plot_ND = plot_ND,
                               hit_threshold = hitThres,
                               font_size = 18,
                               title = genericTitle())


boxPlot_prints <- reactive({

  catType <- as.numeric(input$radioMaxGroup)

  plot_ND <- input$plot_ND
  chemical_summary <- chemical_summary()
  category <- c("Biological", "Chemical", "Chemical Class")[catType]
  height <- PlotHeight()
  if(height > 750) {
    text_size <- 10
  } else {
    text_size <- NA

  bioPlot <- plot_tox_boxplots(chemical_summary,
                               category = category,
                               mean_logic = as.logical(input$meanEAR),
                               sum_logic = as.logical(input$sumEAR),
                               plot_ND = plot_ND,
                               font_size = text_size)

output$graphGroup <- renderPlot({

    need(!is.null(rawData_data$data), "Please select a data set")
  shinyAce::updateAceEditor(session, editorId = "boxCode_out", value = boxCode())



PlotHeight <- reactive({

  catType <- as.numeric(input$radioMaxGroup)
  cat_col <- c("Bio_category", "chnm", "Class")[catType]
  chemical_summary <- chemical_summary()

  n <- 35 * length(unique(chemical_summary[[cat_col]]))

  if(n < 750) {
  } else {


output$graphGroup.ui <- renderUI({

  height <- PlotHeight()

  shinycssloaders::withSpinner(plotOutput("graphGroup", height = height, width = "100%"))

output$downloadBoxPlot <- downloadHandler(

  filename = "boxPlot.png",
  content = function(file) {
    ggplot2::ggsave(file, plot = boxPlot_prints(),
                    device = "png", width = 11,
                    height = PlotHeight() / 200)

output$downloadBoxPlot_csv <- downloadHandler(

  filename = "boxPlot.csv",

  content = function(file) {
    write.csv(boxPlots_create()[["data"]], file, row.names = FALSE)

boxCode <- reactive({

  catType <- as.numeric(input$radioMaxGroup)
  mean_logic <- as.logical(input$meanEAR)
  sum_logic <- as.logical(input$sumEAR)
  plot_ND <- input$plot_ND

  include_thresh <- as.logical(input$plot_thres_box)
  hitThres <- ifelse(include_thresh, hitThresValue(),NA)
  category <- c("Biological", "Chemical", "Chemical Class")[catType]

bioPlotCode <- paste0(rCodeSetup(), "
bio_plot <- plot_tox_boxplots(chemical_summary, 
                        category = '", category, "',
                        mean_logic = ", mean_logic, ",
                        hit_threshold = ", hitThres, ",
                        title = '", genericTitle(), "',
                        plot_ND = ", plot_ND)
  if(sum_logic) {
    bioPlotCode <- paste0(bioPlotCode, ")")
  } else {
    bioPlotCode <- paste0(bioPlotCode, ",
                          sum_logic = FALSE)")


  bioPlotCode <- paste0(bioPlotCode, "
# To save:
# Fiddle with height and width (in inches) for best results:
# Change file name extension to save as png.
# ggplot2::ggsave(bio_plot, file='boxplot.pdf',
#                        height = 9,
#                        width = 11)")


USGS-R/toxEval documentation built on May 13, 2024, 8:20 a.m.