
Defines functions get_param_var_tables

Documented in get_param_var_tables

#' Summary of the transformed models dOFV values and added parameters.
#' @param directory A string of the directory name where modelfit_run, add_etas_run folders and base model ext file can be found.
#' In modelfit_run folder expecting to have mod and ext files from fullblock, boxcox, tdist and iov runs.
#' In add_etas_run expecting to have mod and ext files from the add_etas_linbase.
#' @param base_model A string of the model file name that was transformed.
#' @param skip A character vector with names of the skipped parts in the qa run. Will check if "transform" is one of the vector elements.
#' By default skip=NULL.
#' @param quiet A logical indicating whether function should not write the warning message if some file not found. By default quiet=FALSE.
#' @return A list of 11 elements:
#' par_var_models - a data frame with dOFV values of the transformed models and number of added parameters to each of the transformed models
#' dofv_block - dofv values of full omega block transformed model
#' dofv_box - dofv values of box-cox transformed model
#' dofv_tdist - dofv values of t-dist transformed model
#' dofv_add_etas - dofv values of transformed model with added etas
#' dofv_iov - dofv values of transformed model with added iov
#' fullblock_mod - a logical indicating whether transformed model (fullblock.mod) exist in the folder
#' boxcox_mod - a logical indicating whether transformed model (boxcox.mod) exist in the folder
#' add_etas_mod - a logical indicating whether transformed model (add_etas_linbase.mod) exist in the folder
#' tdist_mod - a logical indicating whether transformed model (tdist.mod) exist in the folder
#' iov_mod - a logical indicating whether transformed model (iov.mod) exist in the folder
#' In case if string "transform" is one of the 'skip' vector elements, all dOFV values of the output data frame will be replaced with the string "SKIPPED".
#' In case of missing ext file of the base model all dOFV values will be replaced with the string "ERROR".
#' In case of missing transformation model file corresponding dOFV value will be replaced with the string "NA".
#' In case of missing ext file of the transformation model corresponding dOFV value will be replaced with the string "ERROR".
#' @export
get_param_var_tables <- function(directory,base_model,skip=NULL,quiet=F) {
  #for overview table
  fullblock_mod <- file.exists(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/fullblock.mod"))
  boxcox_mod <- file.exists(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/boxcox.mod"))
  add_etas_mod <- file.exists(file.path(directory,"add_etas_run/add_etas_linbase.mod"))
  tdist_mod <- file.exists(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/tdist.mod"))
  iov_mod <- file.exists(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/iov.mod"))

  #base model ext filename
  base_ext_file <- sub("(\\.[^.]+)$",".ext",base_model)

  if(file.exists(base_ext_file)) {
    base_ofv <- .get_ext_ofv(base_ext_file)

    #full omega block
    if(fullblock_mod) {
      if(file.exists(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/fullblock.ext"))) {
        fullblock_ofv <- .get_ext_ofv(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/fullblock.ext"))
        dofv_block <- as.numeric(base_ofv-fullblock_ofv)
        # how many omega cov omegas were added
        fullbock_omegas <- get_omega_values(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/fullblock.ext"),"cov")
        base_omegas <- get_omega_values(base_ext_file,"cov")
        add.par_block <- length(setdiff(colnames(fullbock_omegas),colnames(base_omegas)))
      } else {
        if(!quiet) {
          message("WARNING: File ",file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/fullblock.ext")," not found!")
        dofv_block <- "ERROR"
        add.par_block <- ''
    } else {
      dofv_block <- "NA"
      add.par_block <- ''

    #boxcox transformation(the model file should always exist if transform is not skipped)
    if (boxcox_mod) {
       if (file.exists(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/boxcox.ext"))) {
           boxcox_ofv <- .get_ext_ofv(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/boxcox.ext"))
           dofv_box <- as.numeric(base_ofv - boxcox_ofv)
           #get nr TH+d
           boxcox_thetas <- count_thetas(filename=file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/boxcox.ext"))
           base_thetas <- count_thetas(filename=base_ext_file)
           add.par_box <- boxcox_thetas - base_thetas
       } else {
           if(!quiet) {
               message("WARNING: File ",file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/boxcox.ext")," not found!")
           dofv_box <- "ERROR"
           add.par_box <- ''
    } else {
        dofv_box <- "NA"
        add.par_box <- ''

    # additional etas
    if(add_etas_mod) {
      if(file.exists(file.path(directory,"add_etas_run/add_etas_linbase.ext"))) {
        addeta_ofv <- .get_ext_ofv(file.path(directory,"add_etas_run/add_etas_linbase.ext"))
        dofv_additional_eta <- as.numeric(base_ofv - addeta_ofv)
        addetas_omegas <- get_omega_values(file.path(directory,"add_etas_run/add_etas_linbase.ext"),"var")
        base_omegas <- get_omega_values(base_ext_file,"var")
        add.par_additional_eta <- length(setdiff(colnames(addetas_omegas),colnames(base_omegas)))
      } else {
        if(!quiet) {
          message("WARNING: File ",file.path(directory,"add_etas_run/add_etas_linbase.ext")," not found!")
        dofv_additional_eta <- "ERROR"
        add.par_additional_eta <- ''
    } else {
      dofv_additional_eta <- "NA"
      add.par_additional_eta <- ''

    # t-distribution (the model file should always exist if transform is not skipped)
    if (tdist_mod) {
       if (file.exists(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/tdist.ext"))) {
           tdist_ofv <- .get_ext_ofv(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/tdist.ext"))
           dofv_tdist <- as.numeric(base_ofv - tdist_ofv)
           #get nr TH+d
           tdist_thetas <- count_thetas(filename=file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/tdist.ext"))
           base_thetas <- count_thetas(filename=base_ext_file)
           add.par_tdist <-  tdist_thetas - base_thetas
       } else {
           if(!quiet) {
               message("WARNING: File ",file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/tdist.ext")," not found!")
           dofv_tdist <- "ERROR"
           add.par_tdist <- ''
    } else {
        dofv_tdist <- "NA"
        add.par_tdist <- ''

    # iov
    if(iov_mod) {
      if(file.exists(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/iov.ext"))) {
        iov_ofv <- .get_ext_ofv(file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/iov.ext"))
        dofv_iov <- as.numeric(base_ofv - iov_ofv)
        #get nr of var omegas in linearizes model because iov will add same amount of omegas ass it was in the beginning
        #BLOCK SAME should not be included
        add.par_iov <- ncol(get_omega_values(base_ext_file,"var"))
      } else {
        if(!quiet) {
          message("WARNING: File ",file.path(directory,"modelfit_run/iov.ext")," not found!")
        dofv_iov <- "ERROR"
        add.par_iov <- ''
    } else {
      dofv_iov <- "NA"
      add.par_iov <- ''

    par_var_models <- data.frame(c("Full OMEGA Block", "Box-Cox Transformation","Additional ETA","t-distribution","Interoccasion variability"),
                                 c(add.par_block, add.par_box, add.par_additional_eta,add.par_tdist,add.par_iov),stringsAsFactors = F)
    colnames(par_var_models) <- c("","dOFV","Add.params")

  } else {
    if(!quiet) {
      message("WARNING: File ",base_ext_file," not found!")
    if(fullblock_mod) {
      dofv_block <- "ERROR"
    } else {
      dofv_block <- "NA"
    # because boxcox and tdist models should always exist
    dofv_box <- "ERROR"
    dofv_tdist <- "ERROR"

    if(add_etas_mod) {
      dofv_additional_eta <- "ERROR"
    } else {
      dofv_additional_eta <- "NA"
    if(iov_mod) {
      dofv_iov <- "ERROR"
    } else {
      dofv_iov <- "NA"
    par_var_models <- data.frame(c("Full OMEGA Block", "Box-Cox Transformation","t-distribution","Interoccasion variability", "Additional ETA"),
                                 c(dofv_block,dofv_box,dofv_tdist,dofv_iov,dofv_additional_eta),stringsAsFactors = F)
    colnames(par_var_models) <- c("","dOFV")
  # check if transform run was skipped
  if(any(skip=="transform")) {
    par_var_models <- data.frame(c("Full OMEGA Block", "Box-Cox Transformation","t-distribution","Interoccasion variability","Additional ETA"),
                                 c(rep("SKIPPED",5)),stringsAsFactors = F)
    colnames(par_var_models) <- c("","dOFV")

UUPharmacometrics/pmutils documentation built on June 1, 2024, 5:29 p.m.