
Defines functions get_structural_overview_table

Documented in get_structural_overview_table

#' Get structural data frame with expected improvement in OFV as well as number of additional parameters used for each idv.
#' @param directory A path to the qa run directory.
#' @param idv A string vector of all possible idv names for the specific qa run.
#' @param dvid_name A string of the DVID column name.
#' @param skip A character vector with names of the skipped parts in the qa run. Will check if "resmod" is one of the vector elements.
#' By default skip=NULL.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @export
get_structural_overview_table <- function(directory,idv,dvid_name,skip=NULL) {
  if(length(idv)!=0) {
    #check if dvid exist
    dvid_nr <- find_dvid_values(directory,idv[1],dvid_name)

    if(length(dvid_nr) == 1 && dvid_nr=="NA"){
      structural_overview <- as.data.frame(array(0,c(length(idv),3)))
    } else {
      structural_overview <- as.data.frame(array(0,c((length(idv)*length(dvid_nr)+length(dvid_nr)),3)))
    colnames(structural_overview) <- c("","dOFV","Add.params")

    k <- 1
    for(j in 1:length(dvid_nr)) {
      if(length(dvid_nr) > 0 && dvid_nr != 'NA') {
        structural_overview[k,1] <- paste0("(",dvid_name," = ",dvid_nr[j],")")
        structural_overview[k,2] <- ''
        structural_overview[k,3] <- ''
        k <- k + 1
      for(i in 1:length(idv)) {
        structural_overview[k,1] <- idv[i]
        ofv_value <- get_resmod_structural_dofv(directory, idv=idv[i],dvid=dvid_nr[j])
        if(is.na(ofv_value)) {
          structural_overview[k,2] <- 'NA'
        } else {
          structural_overview[k,2] <- ofv_value
        structural_overview[k,3] <- added_structural_param(directory, idv=idv[i], dvid=dvid_nr[j])
        k <- k + 1
  } else {
    if(any(skip=="resmod")) {
      structural_overview <- data.frame("RESMOD","SKIPPED",stringsAsFactors = F)
      colnames(structural_overview) <- c("","dOFV")
    } else{
      structural_overview <- error_table("RESMOD")

UUPharmacometrics/pmutils documentation built on June 1, 2024, 5:29 p.m.