
Defines functions qa_kable add_blank_cols to_character_tbl render_covariates_table render_ofv_table

Documented in render_covariates_table render_ofv_table

#' Render table
#' @param qa_results QA result object as returned by \code{\link{retrieve_qa_results}}
#' @param settings Settings object
#' @return Knitted table
#' @name render_qa_table

#' @export
#' @describeIn render_qa_table Renders the OFV overview table in the beginning of the report
render_ofv_table <- function(qa_results, settings = qa_settings()){

  lbls <- c(
    nonlin = "Nonlinear base model",
    lin_init = "Linearized base model before estimation",
    lin_final = "Linearized base model after estimation",
    lin_final_iofv = "Sum of individual OFV values"
  ofv_table <- get_result(qa_results$linearize$ofv_comparison) %>%
    dplyr::filter(.data$name!="lin_final_iofv") %>%
      label = lbls[.data$name],
      OFV = dplyr::if_else(!is.na(.data$ofv), format(.data$ofv), "ERROR")

  qa_kable(ofv_table, html_id = "ofv-table", col.names = c("", "OFV"), booktabs=TRUE, longtable=TRUE, align=c("l","l"), linesep="") %>%
    kableExtra::kable_styling(position="c",full_width = FALSE)

#' @export
#' @describeIn render_qa_table Renders the covariates table
render_covariates_table <- function(qa_results, settings = qa_settings()){
    frem_res <- get_result(qa_results$frem)
    frem_dofv <- tibble::tibble(covariate = "FREM", dofv = round(frem_res$dofv, 1)) %>%
    why <- "ERROR"
    if(is_skipped(qa_results, 'frem')) why <- "SKIPPED"
    if(is.null(qa_results$options$continuous)&&is.null(qa_results$options$categorical)) why <- "NA"
    frem_dofv <- tibble::tibble(covariate = "FREM", dofv = why)
  caption <- glue::glue("Expected improvement when including covariates, the sum of all univariate improvement (univ. sum)",
                        ", as well as the joint improvement from all covariates through FREM.")
    scm_table <- get_result(qa_results$scm)

    output_table <- scm_table %>%
      dplyr::select("parameter", "covariate", "bin_split", "dofv", "prm_value") %>%
      dplyr::mutate(dofv = round(.data$dofv, 1),
                  parameter=paste0("ETA(", substr(.data$parameter, 3, nchar(.data$parameter)), ")"),     # ET1->ETA(1)
                  prm_value = round(.data$prm_value, 3),
                  bin_split = dplyr::if_else(is.na(bin_split), "", as.character(bin_split))) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$parameter, .data$covariate, .data$bin_split)

    scm_sum <- scm_table %>%
      dplyr::summarise(dofv = round(sum(dofv, na.rm = TRUE), 1),
                       covariate = "univ. sum") %>%

    extra_rows <- dplyr::bind_rows(scm_sum, frem_dofv) %>%

    to_character_tbl(output_table) %>%
      dplyr::bind_rows(extra_rows) %>%
      qa_kable(col.names = c("Parameter", "Covariate", "", "dOFV", "Coefficient"), caption = caption, align = "lllrr",
           booktabs=T,longtable=T,linesep="") %>%
      kableExtra::collapse_rows(1:2) %>%
      kableExtra::pack_rows("Overall", nrow(output_table)+1, nrow(output_table) + 1) %>%
      kableExtra::kable_styling(position="c",full_width = F)
    why <- "ERROR"
    if(is_skipped(qa_results, 'scm')) why <- "SKIPPED"
    if(is.null(qa_results$options$continuous)&&is.null(qa_results$options$categorical)) why <- "NA"
    scm_error <- tibble::tibble(covariate = "cov. screening",
                                dofv = why)
    dplyr::bind_rows(scm_error, frem_dofv) %>%
      qa_kable(col.names = c("", "dOFV"), caption = caption, align = "lr",
               booktabs=T,longtable=T,linesep="") %>%
      kableExtra::kable_styling(position="c",full_width = F)

# converts all numeric column to character
to_character_tbl <- function(df){
  dplyr::mutate_if(df, is.numeric, as.character)

add_blank_cols <- function(df, cols){
  cols <- setdiff(cols, colnames(df))
  tibble::add_column(df, !!!purrr::set_names(purrr::rep_along(cols, ""), cols))

qa_kable <- function(table, html_id = NULL, ...) {
  table_attr = ""
    if(!is.null(html_id)) table_attr = glue::glue("id='{html_id}'")
    table_new <- knitr::kable(table, table.attr = table_attr, ...)
    table_new <- knitr::kable(table, ...)
  if(knitr::is_latex_output()) {
    if(!(ncol(table)>1 && all(is.null(colnames(table))))) {
      table_new <- kableExtra::row_spec(table_new, 0,bold=T)
  if(knitr::is_html_output()) {
    if(ncol(table)==1 && is.null(colnames(table))) {
      table_new <- table_new %>% kableExtra::row_spec(1,bold=T)
UUPharmacometrics/pmutils documentation built on June 1, 2024, 5:29 p.m.