
context("test utils")

test_that("filterMonomorphic - discrete", {
    nsamp <- 100
    ref <- rep(0, nsamp)
    het <- rep(1, nsamp)
    alt <- rep(2, nsamp)
    set.seed(500); ref.miss <- ref; ref.miss[sample(nsamp, 5)] <- NA
    set.seed(501); het.miss <- het; het.miss[sample(nsamp, 5)] <- NA
    set.seed(502); alt.miss <- alt; alt.miss[sample(nsamp, 5)] <- NA
    set.seed(503); ok <- sample(rbinom(nsamp, 1, 0.2))
    set.seed(504); ok.miss <- ok; ok.miss[sample(nsamp, 5)] <- NA
    all.miss <- rep(NA, nsamp)
    geno <- cbind(ref,het,alt,ref.miss,het.miss,alt.miss,ok,ok.miss,all.miss)
    count <- colSums(!is.na(geno))
    freq <- 0.5*colMeans(geno, na.rm=TRUE)
    expect_equivalent(c(rep(FALSE, 6), rep(TRUE, 2), FALSE),
                      .filterMonomorphic(geno, count, freq))

test_that("filterMonomorphic - imputed", {
    nsamp <- 100
    set.seed(505); ref <- rep(0, nsamp) + runif(nsamp, 0, 1e-9)
    set.seed(506); het <- rep(1, nsamp) + runif(nsamp, -1e-9, 1e-9)
    set.seed(507); alt <- rep(2, nsamp) - runif(nsamp, 0, 1e-9)
    set.seed(508); ref.miss <- ref; ref.miss[sample(nsamp, 5)] <- NA
    set.seed(509); het.miss <- het; het.miss[sample(nsamp, 5)] <- NA
    set.seed(510); alt.miss <- alt; alt.miss[sample(nsamp, 5)] <- NA
    set.seed(511); ok <- runif(nsamp, 0, 2)
    set.seed(512); ok.miss <- ok; ok.miss[sample(nsamp, 5)] <- NA
    all.miss <- rep(NA, nsamp)
    geno <- cbind(ref,het,alt,ref.miss,het.miss,alt.miss,ok,ok.miss,all.miss)
    count <- colSums(!is.na(geno))
    freq <- 0.5*colMeans(geno, na.rm=TRUE)
    expect_equivalent(c(rep(FALSE, 6), rep(TRUE, 2), FALSE),
                      .filterMonomorphic(geno, count, freq, imputed=TRUE))

test_that("alleleFreq - autosomes", {
    svd <- .testData()
    freq <- alleleFrequency(svd)
    geno <- refDosage(svd)
    expect_equal(.alleleFreq(geno)$freq, freq)

test_that("MAC - autosomes", {
    svd <- .testData()
    mac <- minorAlleleCount(svd)
    geno <- refDosage(svd)
    expect_equal(.alleleFreq(geno)$MAC, mac)

test_that("alleleFreq - nosex", {
    svd <- .testData()
    sampleData(svd)$sex <- NULL
    freq <- alleleFrequency(svd)
    mac <- minorAlleleCount(svd)
    geno <- refDosage(svd)
    chr <- seqGetData(svd, "chromosome")
    chk <- .alleleFreq(geno, chr)
    expect_equivalent(chk$freq, freq)
    expect_equivalent(chk$MAC, mac)

.testGdsXY <- function() {
    # make up file with sex chroms
    showfile.gds(closeall=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
    gds.fn <- tempfile()
    invisible(file.copy(seqExampleFileName("gds"), gds.fn))
    gds <- openfn.gds(gds.fn, readonly=FALSE)
    node <- index.gdsn(gds, "chromosome")
    compression.gdsn(node, "")
    chr <- read.gdsn(node)
    chr[chr == 1] <- "X"
    chr[chr == 2] <- "Y"
    write.gdsn(node, chr)
    seqOptimize(gds.fn, target="chromosome", verbose=FALSE)
    gds <- seqOpen(gds.fn)
    sample.id <- seqGetData(gds, "sample.id")
    set.seed(56); sex <- sample(c("M","F"), replace=TRUE, length(sample.id))
    df <- data.frame(sample.id, sex, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    SeqVarData(gds, sampleData=Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame(df))

.cleanupGds <- function(gds) {
    fn <- seqSummary(gds, check="none", verbose=FALSE)$filename

## .test1KG_X <- function() {
##     gdsfmt::showfile.gds(closeall=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
##     gdsfile <- system.file("extdata", "1KG_chrX.gds", package="SeqVarTools")
##     gds <- seqOpen(gdsfile)
##     data(sample_annotation_1KG)
##     SeqVarData(gds, sampleData=AnnotatedDataFrame(sample_annotation_1KG))
## }

test_that("alleleFreq - sex chrs", {
    svd <- .testGdsXY()
    freq <- alleleFrequency(svd)
    geno <- refDosage(svd)
    chr <- chromWithPAR(svd)
    sex <- sampleData(svd)$sex
    expect_equal(.alleleFreq(geno, chr, sex)$freq, freq)

test_that("MAC - sex chrs", {
    svd <- .testGdsXY()
    mac <- minorAlleleCount(svd)
    geno <- refDosage(svd)
    chr <- chromWithPAR(svd)
    sex <- sampleData(svd)$sex
    expect_equal(.alleleFreq(geno, chr, sex)$MAC, round(mac))

.test1KG_Y <- function() {
    gdsfmt::showfile.gds(closeall=TRUE, verbose=FALSE)
    gdsfile <- system.file("extdata", "1KG_chrY.gds", package="SeqVarTools")
    gds <- seqOpen(gdsfile)
    sample.id <- seqGetData(gds, "sample.id")
    df <- data.frame(sample.id, sex="M", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
    svd <- SeqVarData(gds, sampleData=AnnotatedDataFrame(df))

    freq <- alleleFrequency(svd)
    geno <- refDosage(svd)
    chk <- .alleleFreq(svd, geno, male.diploid=FALSE)
    expect_equal(chk$freq, freq)

    mac <- minorAlleleCount(svd)
    expect_equal(chk$MAC, round(mac))

test_that("meanImpute", {
    n <- 1000
    #m <- 100000 takes too long
    m <- 1000
    geno <- matrix(rbinom(n*m, size = 2, prob = 0.1), nrow = n, ncol = m)

    miss <- sample(n*m, size = 0.1*n*m, replace = FALSE)
    geno[miss] <- NA

    freq <- 0.5*colMeans(geno, na.rm = TRUE)

    # original function
    x <- .meanImputeFn(geno, freq)

    # new function with matrix
    y <- .meanImpute(geno, freq)
    expect_equal(x, y)

    # new function with Matrix (one block)
    Geno <- Matrix(geno)
    y <- .meanImpute(Geno, freq)
    expect_equivalent(x, as.matrix(y))

    # new function with Matrix (multiple blocks)
    #n*m/2^25 # 3 blocks if m=100000
    y <- .meanImpute(Geno, freq, maxelem = 4e5)
    expect_equivalent(x, as.matrix(y))

test_that("prepGenoBlock", {
    n <- 100
    m <- 1000
    geno <- matrix(rbinom(n*m, size = 2, prob = 0.1), nrow = n, ncol = m)
    geno[,sample(nrow(geno), 5)] <- 0 # make some monomorphic
    geno[sample(length(geno), 0.001*length(geno))] <- NA # make some missing
    n0 <- colSums(geno == 0, na.rm=TRUE)
    n1 <- colSums(geno == 1, na.rm=TRUE)
    n2 <- colSums(geno == 2, na.rm=TRUE)
    mono <- (n0 == n | n1 == n | n2 == n)

    vi <- data.frame(a=1:m)
    x <- list(var.info=vi, geno=geno, chr=rep("1",m))

    g <- .prepGenoBlock(x)
    expect_equal(vi[!mono,,drop=FALSE], g$var.info)
    expect_equal(colSums(!is.na(geno[,!mono])), g$n.obs)
    expect_equal(0.5*colMeans(geno[,!mono], na.rm=TRUE), g$freq$freq)
    expect_equal(geno[,!mono], g$geno)

    g2 <- .prepGenoBlock(x, AF.max = 0.1)
    inc <- g$freq$freq <= 0.1
    expect_equal(g2$freq, g$freq[inc,])
    expect_equal(g2$geno, g$geno[,inc])

    gr <- .prepGenoBlock(x, geno.coding="recessive")
    rec.mono <- n2 == 0 | n2 == n
    expect_equal(colSums(gr$geno == 1, na.rm=TRUE), n2[!rec.mono])
    expect_equal(names(gr$freq), c("freq", "MAC", "n.hom.eff"))

    gd <- .prepGenoBlock(x, geno.coding="dominant")
    dom.mono <- n0 == 0 | n0 == n
    expect_equal(colSums(gd$geno != 0, na.rm=TRUE), (n1+n2)[!dom.mono])
    expect_equal(names(gd$freq), c("freq", "MAC", "n.any.eff"))

    x$weight <- c(rep(1,900), rep(0,100))
    gw <- .prepGenoBlock(x)
    expect_equal(gw$weight, x$weight[!mono & as.logical(x$weight)])

test_that("prepGenoBlock - male haploid", {
    n <- 100
    m <- 1000
    geno <- matrix(rbinom(n*m, size = 2, prob = 0.3), nrow = n, ncol = m)
    sex <- sample(c("M", "F"), n, replace=TRUE)
    vi <- data.frame(a=1:m)
    x <- list(var.info=vi, geno=geno, chr=rep("X",m))

    male <- sex == "M"
    female <- sex == "F"
    nm1 <- colSums(geno[male,] == 1)
    nm2 <- colSums(geno[male,] == 2)
    nf2 <- colSums(geno[female,] == 2)

    gd <- .prepGenoBlock(x, geno.coding="recessive", male.diploid=TRUE, sex=sex)
    expect_equal(colSums(gd$geno[male,]), nm2)
    expect_equal(colSums(gd$geno[female,]), nf2)
    gh <- .prepGenoBlock(x, geno.coding="recessive", male.diploid=FALSE, sex=sex)
    expect_equal(colSums(gh$geno[male,]), nm1 + nm2)
    expect_equal(colSums(gh$geno[female,]), nf2)

test_that(".pchisq_filter_extreme", {
    stat <- c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 10)
    expect_identical(.pchisq_filter_extreme(stat^2, lower.tail=FALSE, df=1), pchisq(stat^2, lower.tail=FALSE, df=1))
    # Extreme p-value
    expect_identical(.pchisq_filter_extreme(100^2, lower.tail=FALSE, df=1), .Machine$double.xmin)
    # df=0
    expect_identical(.pchisq_filter_extreme(0, lower.tail=FALSE, df=0), 1)
    expect_identical(.pchisq_filter_extreme(0, lower.tail=TRUE, df=0), 0)
    expect_identical(.pchisq_filter_extreme(1, lower.tail=FALSE, df=0), 0)
    expect_identical(.pchisq_filter_extreme(1, lower.tail=TRUE, df=0), 1)
    expect_identical(.pchisq_filter_extreme(10, lower.tail=FALSE, df=0), 0)
    expect_identical(.pchisq_filter_extreme(10, lower.tail=TRUE, df=0), 1)
    expect_identical(.pchisq_filter_extreme(100, lower.tail=FALSE, df=0), 0)
    expect_identical(.pchisq_filter_extreme(100, lower.tail=TRUE, df=0), 1)
UW-GAC/GENESIS documentation built on May 16, 2024, 1:10 p.m.