
Defines functions check_cross_file

Documented in check_cross_file

#' Cross file checks
#' Check presence of expected subjects and samples across dbGaP files.
#' @param subj_file Path to subject consent file on disk
#' @param ssm_file Path to sample-subject mapping file on disk
#' @param molecular_samples Vector of sample IDs with molecular data
#' @param sattr_file Path to sample attributes file on disk
#' @param pheno_file Path to phenotype file on disk
#' @param ped_file Path to pedigree file on disk
#' @param subjectID_col Column name for subject-level ID across file
#' @param sampleID_col Column name for sample-level ID across files
#' @param consent_col Column name for consent in subject file
#' @details
#' Checks for presence of expected subjects and samples across a set of dbGaP files.
#' At a minimum, requires a subject consent file, sample-subject mapping file, and list of sample IDs for which molecular data is being submitted.
#' Subjects with consent codes other than 0 and positive integers are returned as an error and excluded from further checks.
#' Including additional files increases the number of pairwise checks done across files.
#' The basic principles behind these checks are:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{subject file: must contain all subjects in phenotype and pedigree files}
#'   \item{sample-subject mapping file: must contain all samples with molecular data; all samples listed here must map to subjects with consent=0 or consent >=1 in subject file}
#'   \item{pedigree file: subjects not mapping to samples with molecular data (i.e. linking individuals in a pedigrees) are expected to have consent=0 in the subject file}
#'   \item{phenotype file: should have no subjects missing consent or with consent=0}
#'   \item{sample attributes file: all samples listed here must map to subjects with consent >= 1 in subject file}
#' Note issues returned in the report may not always require corrective action - i.e. sometimes there are extenuating circumstances, such as when consented study subjects are missing from current molecular data submissions but expected in future submissions, and are thus retained in dbGaP files with non-zero consent status.
#' @return cross_check_report, a list of the following issues (when present):
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{ssm_miss_molecular: List of molecular data samples missing from sample-subject mapping file}
#'   \item{ssm_no_molecular: List of samples in the sample-subject mapping file that are not molecular data samples}
#'   \item{subj_consent_err: List of subjects in subject consent file with invalid consent codes, which were excluded from subsequent checks}
#'   \item{subj_miss_ssm: List of subjects in sample-subject mapping file either missing from subject file, or in subject file but with invalid consent code}
#'   \item{sattr_miss_molecular: List of molecular data samples missing from the sample-attributes file}
#'   \item{sattr_consent_err: List of samples in sample attributes file that map to subjects with consent other than >= 1}
#'   \item{pheno_consent_err: List of subjects in the phenotype file that have consent other than >= 1}
#'   \item{pheno_miss_molecular: List of molecular data samples missing from the phenotype file}
#'   \item{subj_miss_ped: Subjects in pedigree file that are missing from subject consent file}
#'   \item{ped_consent_err: List of subjects in pedigree file having non-0 consent and not mapping to a sample with molecular data}
#'   \item{ped_miss_molecular: List of molecular samples mapped to a subject not present in the pedigree file, and thus assumed to be singletons/unrelateds}
#' }
#' @rdname check_cross_file
#' @export

check_cross_file <- function(subj_file, ssm_file, molecular_samples,
                             sattr_file=NULL, pheno_file=NULL, ped_file=NULL,
                             subjectID_col="SUBJECT_ID", sampleID_col="SAMPLE_ID",
  # read in required files
  subj <- read_ds_file(subj_file)
  ssm <- read_ds_file(ssm_file)

  # cannot proceed without specified subject ID col
  if(!is.element(subjectID_col, names(subj)) | !is.element(subjectID_col, names(ssm))){
    stop("Please check that files contain columns for subject-level ID")
  # cannot proceed without specified sample  ID col
  if(!is.element(sampleID_col, names(ssm))){
    stop("Please check that files contain columns for sample-level ID")
  # cannot proceed without specfied consent col
  if(!is.element(consent_col, names(subj))){
    stop("Please check that subject file contains consent column")
  # check that all samples with molecular data are in ssm
  ssm_miss_molecular <- setdiff(molecular_samples, ssm[,sampleID_col])

  # standardize column names
  if(subjectID_col != "SUBJECT_ID"){
    names(subj)[names(subj) %in% subjectID_col] <- "SUBJECT_ID"
    names(ssm)[names(ssm) %in% subjectID_col] <- "SUBJECT_ID"    

  if(!is.null(sattr_file)) {
    sattr <- read_ds_file(sattr_file)
    if(sampleID_col != "SAMPLE_ID"){
      names(ssm)[names(ssm) %in% sampleID_col] <- "SAMPLE_ID"    
      names(sattr)[names(sattr) %in% sampleID_col] <- "SAMPLE_ID"
  if(consent_col != "CONSENT"){
    names(subj)[names(subj) %in% consent_col] <- "CONSENT"

  # only use subjects in subject consent file w/valid consent codes (0, positive integers)
  sel <- is.na(subj$CONSENT) | grepl("\\D", subj$CONSENT)
  # report invalid consents
  subj_consent_err <- subj[sel,]
  # continue checks using subjects with valid consent codes
  subj <- subj[!sel,]
  # create list of subject ids with different consent status
  subjs_study_cons <- subj$SUBJECT_ID[subj$CONSENT >= 1]
  subjs_zero_cons <- subj$SUBJECT_ID[subj$CONSENT %in% 0]

  # create lists of sample ids with difference consent status
  samps_study_cons <- ssm$SAMPLE_ID[ssm$SUBJECT_ID %in% subjs_study_cons]
  samps_zero_cons <- ssm$SAMPLE_ID[ssm$SUBJECT_ID %in% subjs_zero_cons]

  # check subj <> ssm: all ssm samples must map to subject with consent = 0 or >= 1
  subj_miss_ssm <- setdiff(ssm$SUBJECT_ID, subj$SUBJECT_ID)
  # ssm samples should have molecular data being submited
  ssm_no_molecular <- setdiff(ssm$SAMPLE_ID, molecular_samples)

  # write a list of subjects IDs mapped to samples with molecular data
  molecular_subjs <- ssm$SUBJECT_ID[ssm$SAMPLE_ID %in% molecular_samples]
  # check subj <> sattr
  sattr_consent_err <- sattr_miss_molecular <- NULL
    # all samples listed here must map to subject with consent >= 1 in subj file
    samps_ok <- ssm$SAMPLE_ID[ssm$SUBJECT_ID %in% subjs_study_cons]
    sattr_consent_err <- setdiff(sattr$SAMPLE_ID, samps_ok)
    # molecular data samples with consent >= 1
    # remove genotyping controls from expected molecular samples list)
    sattr_miss_molecular <- setdiff(setdiff(molecular_samples, samps_zero_cons),
  # check subj <> pheno
  pheno_consent_err <- pheno_miss_molecular <- NULL
    pheno <- read_ds_file(pheno_file)
    # all subjs listed here must have consent >= 1 in subj file
    pheno_consent_err <- setdiff(pheno[,subjectID_col], subjs_study_cons)
    # molecular data samples should be here if they have consent >= 1
    pheno_miss_molecular <- setdiff(intersect(molecular_subjs, subjs_study_cons),
  # check subj <> pedigree
  subj_miss_ped <-  ped_consent_err <- ped_miss_molecular <- NULL
    ped <- read_ds_file(ped_file)
    # all subjs should be present in subject consent file. merge the two
    ped_merg <- merge(ped, subj, by.x=subjectID_col, by.y="SUBJECT_ID",
                      all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE)
    names(ped_merg)[1] <- "SUBJECT_ID"
    subj_miss_ped <- ped_merg$SUBJECT_ID[is.na(ped_merg$CONSENT)]
    # subjs not mapping to samples with molecular data (i.e. linking) should have consent=0
    ped_merg$molecular_sample <- ped_merg[,1] %in% molecular_subjs
    ped_consent_err <- ped_merg$SUBJECT_ID[!ped_merg$molecular_sample &
                                           ped_merg$CONSENT != 0]

    # report out molecular data samples not in pedigree (assumed unrelated, singletons)
    ped_miss_molecular <- setdiff(molecular_subjs, ped[,subjectID_col])

  # return list of errors
  rpt <- list()
  if(length(ssm_miss_molecular) > 0) rpt$ssm_miss_molecular <- ssm_miss_molecular
  if(length(ssm_no_molecular) > 0) rpt$ssm_no_molecular <- ssm_no_molecular
  if(nrow(subj_consent_err) > 0) rpt$subj_consent_err <- subj_consent_err
  if(length(subj_miss_ssm) > 0) rpt$subj_miss_ssm <- subj_miss_ssm
  if(length(sattr_consent_err) > 0) rpt$sattr_consent_err <- sattr_consent_err
  if(length(sattr_miss_molecular) > 0) rpt$sattr_miss_molecular <- sattr_miss_molecular    
  if(length(pheno_consent_err)> 0) rpt$pheno_consent_err <- pheno_consent_err
  if(length(pheno_miss_molecular) > 0) rpt$pheno_miss_molecular <- pheno_miss_molecular    
  if(length(subj_miss_ped) > 0) rpt$subj_miss_ped <- subj_miss_ped
  if(length(ped_consent_err) > 0) rpt$ped_consent_err <- ped_consent_err
  if(length(ped_miss_molecular) > 0) rpt$ped_miss_molecular <- ped_miss_molecular

  if(length(rpt) > 0){
    cross_check_report <- rpt
  } else {
    cross_check_report <- NULL

UW-GAC/dbgaptools documentation built on Nov. 3, 2020, 12:19 a.m.