
Defines functions write_dbgap

Documented in write_dbgap

#### writing dbGaP files

##' Write dbGaP files
##' Wrapper to \code{write.table} function to output dbGaP dataset (DS) and data dictionary (DD) files.
##' @param x Object to write out
##' @param file Filename. Can leave unspecified if \code{generate_fn=TRUE}
##' @param study_name Study name
##' @param phs dbGaP PHS accession number
##' @param DD logical flag, set to TRUE for DD file, FALSE for DS
##' @param dstype Type of file, one of "pheno","ped","sattr","ssm","subj." Can be left as default/NULL if \code{generate_fn=FALSE}
##' @param generate_fn logical flag on whether to have filename generated for you
##' @details If \code{generate_fn=FALSE}, the argument to \code{file} will be used as the file name. File paths will be followed; if none given, will write to current working directory. If \code{generate_fn=TRUE}, one of either \code{study_name} or \code{phs} must be provided. If \code{generate_fn=TRUE}, fill will always be written to current working directory.
##' @return Write file to disk.
##' @rdname write_dbgap
##' @export

write_dbgap <- function(x, file="",
                        study_name=NULL, phs=NULL, DD=FALSE,
                        dstype="", generate_fn=FALSE){

  # if generating_fn, check for required info
  if(generate_fn) {
    if(is.null(study_name) & is.null(phs)){
    stop("To generate file name, one of studyname or phs must be provided")
    dstypes <- c("pheno","ped","sattr","ssm","subj")
    if(!dstype %in% dstypes){
      stop("Please specify dstype, one of: ", paste(dstypes, collapse=", "))

    # make verbose version of dstype
    if(dstype %in% "pheno") ftype <- "Phenotype"
    if(dstype %in% "ped") ftype <- "Pedigree"
    if(dstype %in% "sattr") ftype <- "SampleAttributes"
    if(dstype %in% "ssm") ftype <- "SampleSubjectMapping"
    if(dstype %in% "subj") ftype <- "Subject"

    # generate file name
       pt1 <- phs
     } else if (is.null(phs)){
       pt1 <- study_name
     } else {
       pt1 <- paste(study_name, phs, sep="_")

    ftype_str <- ifelse(DD, paste0(ftype,"DD"), paste0(ftype,"DS"))

    file <- paste0(pt1, "_", ftype_str, "_", format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"), ".txt")

  # stop with error if no file name is provided
  if(!generate_fn & file=="") stop("Please specify filename, or set generate_fn=TRUE")

  # if provided file name is not .txt, give warning
  ext <- tools::file_ext(file)
  if(ext != "txt") warning("Output file name recommended to have .txt extension")

  # if there is a column name like "X__*" in a DD, assume it's an encoded values
  # colname and should be set to blank
  if(DD) names(x)[grepl("X__", names(x))] <- ""

  # write file
  utils::write.table(x, file, sep="\t",  na="",  col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

UW-GAC/dbgaptools documentation built on Nov. 3, 2020, 12:19 a.m.