
Defines functions .indexList

setGeneric("createDesignMatrix2", function(x, ...) standardGeneric("createDesignMatrix2"))

          function(x, outcome, covars=NULL, group.var=NULL) {

              # group index
              if (!is.null(group.var)) {
                  group.idx <- .indexList(x[[group.var]])
              } else {
                  group.idx <- NULL
              if (!is.null(covars)) {
                  model.formula <- as.formula(paste(outcome, "~", paste(covars, collapse="+")))
                  # allow interactions
                  covars <- unique(unlist(strsplit(covars,"[*:]")))
              } else {
                  model.formula <- as.formula(paste(outcome, "~", 1))
              x <- x[, c(outcome, covars), drop=FALSE]
              x <- x[complete.cases(x),,drop=FALSE]
              # outcome vector - preserve column name
              #y <- x[[outcome]]
              y <- as.matrix(x[,outcome,drop=FALSE])
              # create design matrix    
              X <- model.matrix(model.formula, data=x)
              # check for columns of all the same value (except the intercept)
              dropcol <- append(FALSE, apply(X[,-1,drop=FALSE], 2, var) == 0)
              if (sum(dropcol) > 0) {
                  message("Covariates ",paste(colnames(X)[dropcol], collapse = ", "), " have only 1 value: they have been removed from the model")
                  X <- X[,!dropcol,drop=FALSE]

              list(y=y, X=X, group.idx=group.idx)

          function(x, outcome, covars=NULL, group.var=NULL, sample.id=NULL) {
              x <- pData(x)
              rownames(x) <- x$sample.id
              if (!is.null(sample.id)) {
                  stopifnot(all(sample.id %in% x$sample.id))
                  x <- x[as.character(sample.id),]
              createDesignMatrix2(x, outcome, covars, group.var)

.indexList <- function(x) {
    groups <- unique(x)
    lapply(setNames(groups, groups), function(g) which(x == g))
UW-GAC/genesis2 documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:29 p.m.