
Defines functions .clean_config

# functions for working with configuration files--------------------------------

#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom rlang UQ
#' @noRd
.clean_config <- function(config_tibble) {
  # remove rows with field == NA, select required and optional cols, and order
  # output

  # required columns in config file
  desired_columns <-
    c("field", "SNV", "indel", "dbnsfp", "pivotGroup", "pivotChar",
      "parseGroup", "transformation")

  # add in optional columns from config file
  if ("pivotChar2" %in% colnames(config_tibble)) {
    if (!all(is.na(config_tibble$pivotChar2))) { #nolint
      desired_columns <- append(desired_columns, "pivotChar2")

  if ("outputOrder" %in% colnames(config_tibble)) {
    desired_columns <- append(desired_columns, "outputOrder")

  if ("outputName" %in% colnames(config_tibble)) {
    if (!all(is.na(config_tibble$outputName))) { #nolint
      desired_columns <- append(desired_columns, "outputName")

  if ("toRemove" %in% colnames(config_tibble)) {
    desired_columns <- append(desired_columns, "toRemove")

  # make the toRemove values into regular expressions (don't get carried away!)
    cleaned_config <- config_tibble %>%
      # first replace "." with "\\."
      dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(toRemove), #nolint
                           ., "^\\.$", "\\\\."))) %>%#nolint
      # prepend "^" for start of string
      dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(toRemove), #nolint
                       dplyr::funs(paste0("^", .))) %>%
      # append "$" for end of string
      dplyr::mutate_at(dplyr::vars(toRemove), #nolint
                       dplyr::funs(paste0(., "$")))
  } else {
    cleaned_config <- config_tibble

  # remove rows that don't have field names and select desired columns
  cleaned_config <- cleaned_config %>%
    dplyr::filter(!(is.na(.data$field))) %>%

  # replace NA values in config file with FALSE for some columns
  cleaned_config <- cleaned_config %>%
    tidyr::replace_na(list(SNV = FALSE, indel = FALSE, dbnsfp = FALSE))

  # drop rows that don't have at a TRUE for SNV, indel, or dbnsfp
  cleaned_config <- cleaned_config %>%
      as.logical(.data$SNV) |
        as.logical(.data$indel) |

  # sort the rows by the outputOrder column, if it's there
  if ("outputOrder" %in% colnames(cleaned_config)) {
    cleaned_config <- cleaned_config %>%
      dplyr::arrange(outputOrder) #nolint

  # if there are new fields in outputName, replace any NAs in outputName with
  # the values from field
  if ("outputName" %in% colnames(cleaned_config)) {
    # logical test: are there any values in outputName, but there are some NAs
    # to replace
    if (any(!is.na(cleaned_config$outputName)) && #nolint
        any(is.na(cleaned_config$outputName))) { #nolint
      cleaned_config$outputName[is.na(cleaned_config$outputName)] <- #nolint
        cleaned_config$field[is.na(cleaned_config$outputName)] #nolint


#' Validate configuration tibble
#' WGSAParsr configuration can be loaded from a file with load_config() or
#' passed as a data frame/tibble. This function validates the tibble as meeting
#' the following criteria:
#' Contains required columns: "field", "SNV", "indel", "dbnsfp", "pivotGroup",
#'   "pivotChar", "parseGroup", "transformation".
#' the SNV, indel, and dbnsfp fields may contain NA or logical values
#' the transformation field may contain NA or "max", "min", "pick_Y", "pick_N",
#' "pick_A", "clean", "distinct".
#' all members of each pivotGroup must have the same pivotChar (and pivotChar 2,
#' if defined)
#' fields that have a pivotChar value must have a pivotGroup value
#' fields that have a pivotChar2 value must have a pivotChar
#' a parseGroup may not have multiple transformations
#' @param config_tibble tibble containing parsing configuration details.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' validate_config(config_tibble)
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @export
validate_config <- function(config_tibble) {
  # check required columns are there
  required_columns <-

  if (!(all(required_columns %in% colnames(config_tibble)))) {
    stop("Required columns missing")

  # a zero-row tibble would be okay, but wouldn't do anything
  if (nrow(config_tibble) == 0) {
    warning("configuration has zero rows")

  # check SNV field has allowed values
  if (!all(levels(as.factor(config_tibble$SNV)) %in% c(TRUE, FALSE))) {
    stop("SNV field has values other than TRUE, FALSE, or NA")

  # check indel field is logical
  if (!all(levels(as.factor(config_tibble$indel)) %in% c(TRUE, FALSE))) {
    stop("indel field has values other than TRUE, FALSE, or NA")

  # check dbnsfp field is logical
  if (!all(levels(as.factor(config_tibble$dbnsfp)) %in% c(TRUE, FALSE))) {
    stop("dbnsfp field has values other than TRUE, FALSE, or NA")

  # check transformation field for allowed values
  if (!all(levels(as.factor(config_tibble$transformation)) %in%
           c("max", "min", "pick_Y", "pick_N", "pick_A", "clean",
             "distinct"))) {
    stop("transformation field has unrecognized values")

  # pivotChar is the same within pivotGroup
  if (!(all(is.na(config_tibble$pivotChar)))) { #nolint
    char_count <- config_tibble %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.$pivotGroup)) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::group_by(pivotGroup) %>% #nolint
        .funs = dplyr::funs(dplyr::n_distinct(levels(as.factor(.)))),
        .vars = "pivotChar")

    if (any(char_count$pivotChar != 1)) { #nolint
      stop("all pivotChar values must be the same within a pivotGroup")

  # all fields with pivotChar value have pivotGroup value
  if (!(all(is.na(config_tibble$pivotChar)))) { #nolint
    na_count <- config_tibble %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(pivotChar)) %>%  #nolint
      dplyr::filter(is.na(pivotGroup)) %>%  #nolint
    if (na_count$n > 0) {
      stop("Fields with pivotChar values must have pivotGroup")

  # if defined, pivotChar2 is the same within pivotGroup
  if ("pivotChar2" %in% colnames(config_tibble)) {
    if (!(all(is.na(config_tibble$pivotChar2)))) { #nolint
      char_count <- config_tibble %>%
        dplyr::filter(!is.na(.$pivotGroup)) %>% #nolint
        dplyr::filter(!is.na(.$pivotChar2)) %>% #nolint
        dplyr::group_by(pivotGroup) %>% #nolint
          .funs = dplyr::funs(dplyr::n_distinct(levels(as.factor(.)))),
          .vars = "pivotChar2")

      if (any(char_count$pivotChar2 != 1)) { #nolint
        stop("all pivotChar2 values must be the same within a pivotGroup")

  # if defined, all fields with pivotChar2 value have a pivotChar value
  if ("pivotChar2" %in% colnames(config_tibble)) { #nolint
    if (!(all(is.na(config_tibble$pivotChar2)))) { #nolint
      na_count <- config_tibble %>%
        dplyr::filter(!is.na(pivotChar2)) %>%  #nolint
        dplyr::filter(is.na(pivotChar)) %>%  #nolint
      if (na_count$n > 0) {
        stop("Fields with pivotChar2 values must have pivotChar values")

  # transformation is the same within parseGroup

  # first, define a summary function to check whether any transformation
  # fields are not in the same as the first one in that group or NA
  # for example, a pair, transformation may be c("max", NA), but cannot
  # be c("max", "min")
  check_too_many <- function(character) {
    !all(character %in% c(character[[1]], NA))

  # now group the transformations by parseGroup and summarize
  # with check_too_many()
  if (!(all(is.na(config_tibble$parseGroup)))) { #nolint
    trans_count <- config_tibble %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::group_by(parseGroup) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::arrange(transformation, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
        .funs = dplyr::funs(check_too_many(.)),
        .vars = "transformation")

    if (any(trans_count$transformation)) {
      stop("all transformation values must be the same withinin a parseGroup")

  # if outputOrder is a column, are rows in order?
  if ("outputOrder" %in% colnames(config_tibble)) {
    if (is.unsorted(config_tibble$outputOrder)) { #nolint
      stop("configuration rows not arranged by outputOrder")

  # check that there are no NA values in outputName - they should be replaced
  # by .clean_config()
  if ("outputName" %in% colnames(config_tibble)) {
    if (any(is.na(config_tibble$outputName))) { #nolint
      stop("outputName has NA values")

  # other validation possibilities:
  # values in config_tibble$field match column headings in WGSA file
  # pivotGroup numerical values
  # pivotChar single character
  # parseGroup numerical values

#' Load and validate configuration file
#' WGSAParsr configuration files are flexible tab-separated files. They must
#' include a header with field names, and the following fields, in any order:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{field} column headings matching the WGSA output file to be
#'   parsed
#'   \item \strong{SNV} logical (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether the field
#'   should be parsed for snv annotation
#'   \item \strong{indel} logical (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether the field
#'   should be parsed for indel annotation
#'   \item \strong{dbnsfp} logical (TRUE/FALSE) indicating whether the field
#'   should be parsed for dbnsfp annotation
#'   \item \strong{pivotGroup} numerical value to group annotations for pivoting
#'   \item \strong{pivotChar} character separating fields that should be used
#'   for pivoting
#'   \item \strong{parseGroup} numerical value to group annotations for other
#'   parsing
#'   \item \strong{transformation} a string describing the transformation to be
#'   performed. Values may include:
#'     \itemize{
#'       \item \strong{max} select the maximum value
#'       \item \strong{min} select the minimum value
#'       \item \strong{pick_Y} select "Y" if present
#'       \item \strong{pick_N} select "N" if present
#'       \item \strong{pick_A} select A>D>P>N (MutationTaster_pred field)
#'       \item \strong{clean} remove the \{n\}. E.g.: "Enhancer\{4\}" ->
#'       "Enhancer"
#'       \item \strong{distinct} select unique values. NOTE: must have a
#'       pivotGroup and pivotChar = |
#'     }
#' }
#' Additionally, the following fields may be included, and are processed during
#' configuration file loading, but are not required:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{outputOrder} numerical value for column ordering in parsed
#'   output
#'   #'   \item \strong{outputName} a string that should be used for the field
#'   name in the output file (useful for renaming fields)
#'   \item \strong{toRemove} any characters to remove in the output tsv. For
#'   example, if a WGSA field uses a character used to encode a NULL value, it
#'   may need to be removed to facilitate database import. If this field is
#'   included in the config file, WGSAParsr will convert the specified string to
#'   a blank field in output
#'   \item \strong{pivotChar2} character separating fields that should be used
#'   for a second level of pivoting (as required for newer dbnsfp field format -
#'   e.g. foo;bar|waa;woo may need to be pivoted on the `|` and the `;`
#'   characters)
#' }
#' Other columns (such as notes) may be included in the configuration file,
#' but will not be validated or imported with this function. The configuration
#' file may include comments beginning with #.
#' @param config_path Path to the WGSAParsr configuration file to load and
#' validate
#' @return a tibble that can be used for building field lists for parsing
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' local_config <- load_config("config.tsv")
#' freeze_5_config <- load_config(wgsaparsr_example("fr_5_config.tsv"))
#' @importFrom rlang UQ
#' @export

load_config <- function(config_path) {
  raw_config <- readr::read_tsv(
    col_names = TRUE,
    comment = "#",
    col_types = readr::cols()
  config <- .clean_config(raw_config)

#' extract the appropriate fields from a configuration tibble (such as produced
#' by load_config())
#' @param config_df Tibble containing configuration parameters. Required columns
#'   include "field", "SNV", "indel", "dbnsfp", "pivotGroup", "pivotChar",
#'   "parseGroup", and "transformation". Optional columns include "outputOrder",
#'   "outputName", and "toRemove".
#' @param which_list A string describing list to extract. Values may include
#'   "desired", "max", "min", "pick_y", "pick_n", "pick_a", "clean", "distinct",
#'   "pivots", max_pairs", "min_pairs", "pick_Y_pairs", "pick_N_pairs", or
#'   "pick_A_pairs"
#' @param list_type "SNV", "indel", "dbnsfp", or "all"
#' @return list (or tibble for "pivots") containing fields matching desired
#'   which_list and list_type
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' local_config <- load_config("config.tsv")
#' freeze_5_config <- load_config(system.file("extdata",
#'                                            path = "fr_5_config.tsv",
#'                                            package = "wgsaparsr",
#'                                            mustWork = TRUE))
#' snv_parse_max <- .getListFromConfig(freeze_5_config, "max", "SNV")
#' }
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @noRd

.get_list_from_config <- function(config_df, which_list, list_type){
  # check arguments
  if (!any(which_list == c("desired", "max", "min", "pick_Y", "pick_N",
                           "pick_A", "clean", "distinct", "pivots",
                           "max_pairs", "min_pairs", "pick_Y_pairs",
                           "pick_N_pairs", "pick_A_pairs"))
      ) {
    msg <- paste0('which_list must be one of: "desired", "max", "min", ',
                 '"pick_Y", "pick_N", "pick_A", "clean", "distinct", ',
                 '"pivots", "max_pairs", "min_pairs", "pick_Y_pairs", ',
                 '"pick_N_pairs", or "pick_A_pairs"')
  if (!any(list_type == c("SNV", "indel", "dbnsfp", "all"))) {
    stop('list_type must be one of: "SNV", "indel", "dbnsfp", or "all"')

  # first filter by list_type
  if (list_type == "all") {
    fields_by_list_type <- config_df
  } else {
    list_type <- rlang::sym(list_type) # I confess I don't understand this well
    fields_by_list_type <-
      config_df %>%

  if (which_list == "desired") {
    # returns list ## PERHAPS ORDER HERE? - not needed b/c clean config ordered
    desired_fields <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::select(field) %>%
  } else if (which_list == "max") {
    # returns list
    max_fields <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$transformation == "max" &
                      is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::select(.data$field) %>%
  } else if (which_list == "min") {
    # returns list
    min_fields <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$transformation == "min" &
                      is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::select(.data$field) %>%
  } else if (which_list == "pick_Y") {
    #returns list
    y_fields <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$transformation == "pick_Y" &
                      is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::select(.data$field) %>%
  } else if (which_list == "pick_N") {
    #returns list
    n_fields <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$transformation == "pick_N" &
                      is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::select(.data$field) %>%
  } else if (which_list == "pick_A") {
    #returns list
    a_fields <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$transformation == "pick_A" &
                      is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::select(.data$field) %>%
  } else if (which_list == "clean") {
    #returns list
    clean_fields <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$transformation == "clean" &
                      is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::select(.data$field) %>%
  } else if (which_list == "distinct") {
    #returns list
    distinct_fields <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(.data$transformation == "distinct" &
                      is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::select(.data$field) %>%
  } else if (which_list == "pivots") {
    # returns tibble # TEST THIS ONE OUT CAREFULLY!
    if ("pivotChar2" %in% names(fields_by_list_type)) {
    pivot_groups <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$pivotGroup)) %>% #nolint
                    .data$pivotGroup, #nolint
                    .data$pivotChar,  #nolint
                    .data$pivotChar2) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::arrange(.data$pivotGroup, .data$pivotChar) %>% #nolint
      split(.$pivotGroup) %>% #nolint
      purrr::map(~dplyr::select(., -pivotGroup)) #nolint
    } else {
      pivot_groups <- fields_by_list_type %>%
        dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$pivotGroup)) %>% #nolint
                      .data$pivotGroup, #nolint
                      .data$pivotChar) %>% #nolint
        dplyr::arrange(.data$pivotGroup, .data$pivotChar) %>% #nolint
        split(.$pivotGroup) %>% #nolint
        purrr::map(~dplyr::select(., -pivotGroup)) #nolint
  } else if (which_list == "max_pairs") {
    # returns list # TEST THIS ONE OUT CAREFULLY!
    group_tibble <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
                    .data$parseGroup, #nolint
                    .data$transformation) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$parseGroup, .data$transformation) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::group_by(parseGroup) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::filter(any(.data$transformation == "max")) %>%
    parse_groups <- split(group_tibble$field, group_tibble$parseGroup) #nolint
  } else if (which_list == "min_pairs") {
    # returns list # TEST THIS ONE OUT CAREFULLY!
    group_tibble <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
                    .data$parseGroup, #nolint
                    .data$transformation) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$parseGroup, .data$transformation) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::group_by(parseGroup) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::filter(any(.data$transformation == "min")) %>%
    parse_groups <- split(group_tibble$field, group_tibble$parseGroup) #nolint
  } else if (which_list == "pick_Y_pairs") {
    # returns list # TEST THIS ONE OUT CAREFULLY!
    group_tibble <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
                    .data$parseGroup, #nolint
                    .data$transformation) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$parseGroup, .data$transformation) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::group_by(parseGroup) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::filter(any(.data$transformation == "pick_Y")) %>%
    parse_groups <- split(group_tibble$field, group_tibble$parseGroup) #nolint
  } else if (which_list == "pick_N_pairs") {
    # returns list # TEST THIS ONE OUT CAREFULLY!
    group_tibble <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
                    .data$parseGroup, #nolint
                    .data$transformation) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$parseGroup, .data$transformation) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::group_by(parseGroup) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::filter(any(.data$transformation == "pick_N")) %>%
    parse_groups <- split(group_tibble$field, group_tibble$parseGroup) #nolint
  } else if (which_list == "pick_A_pairs") {
    # returns list # TEST THIS ONE OUT CAREFULLY!
    group_tibble <- fields_by_list_type %>%
      dplyr::filter(!is.na(.data$parseGroup)) %>% #nolint
                    .data$parseGroup, #nolint
                    .data$transformation) %>%
      dplyr::arrange(.data$parseGroup, .data$transformation) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::group_by(parseGroup) %>% #nolint
      dplyr::filter(any(.data$transformation == "pick_A")) %>%
    parse_groups <- split(group_tibble$field, group_tibble$parseGroup) #nolint
  } else {
    stop("Unknown list.")

#' config = tibble as from load_config()
#' field_list - as from get_list_from_config(cleaned_config, "desired", "SNV")
#' @importFrom magrittr "%>%"
#' @importFrom dplyr recode
#' @noRd
.rename_fields <- function(config, field_list){
  # error checks
  if (!(all(c("outputName", "field") %in% names(config)))) {
    stop("Config filed doesn't have required 'outputName' and 'field' columns.")
  if (length(field_list) == 0) {
  replacement <- unlist(config$outputName) #nolint
  names(replacement) <- config$field

  as.list(recode(unlist(field_list), !!!replacement))
UW-GAC/wgsaparsr documentation built on Aug. 9, 2020, 5:50 a.m.