ToyData_FWReads.fna: Fasta file with forward reads

ToyData_FWReads.fnaR Documentation

Fasta file with forward reads


Fasta file with forward strand reads. Toy data used to illustrate the intersections of forward and reverse haplotypes with the function IntersectStrandHpls.


Fasta file format. Each sequence starts with the symbol ">" followed by the sequence ID. Subsequent lines correspond to the nucleotide sequences or peptide sequences.

See Also

ToyData_RVReads.fna, IntersectStrandHpls


filepath_FW<-system.file("extdata","ToyData_FWReads.fna", package="QSutils")
lstFW <- ReadAmplSeqs(filepath_FW,type="DNA")
filepath_RV<-system.file("extdata","ToyData_RVReads.fna", package="QSutils")
lstRV <- ReadAmplSeqs(filepath_RV,type="DNA")

lstI <- IntersectStrandHpls(lstFW$nr,lstFW$hseqs,lstRV$nr,lstRV$hseqs)

VHIRHepatiques/QSutils documentation built on April 27, 2024, 10:29 p.m.