try_eval_list <- function(args, env){
res <- list()
if(length(args) > 1){
nms <- names(args)
for(i in 2:length(args)){
res[[nms[i]]] <- tryCatch({
eval(args[[i]], envir = env)
}, error = function(e){
quote_list <- function(args, env=NULL){
res <- list()
if(length(args) > 0){
nms <- names(args)
for(i in 1:length(args)){
if(nms[i] == ""){
if([[i]]) && as.character(args[[i]][[1]]) == "quote" || is.symbol(args[[i]])){
res[[nms[i]]] <- eval(args[[i]], envir = env)
res[[nms[i]]] <- args[[i]]
unquote <- function(x){
x <- rlang::enexpr(x)
if(is.symbol(x) || as.character(x[[1]]) == 'quote'){
eval(x, envir = parent.frame())
#' Adds indicators to strategy
#' This indicator will be calculated each time when spread update coefs
#' indicators must return data.frame or matrix or array
#' @param this model
#' @param args list, the first argument should be name, it should be equal to function (your indicator), other arguments of list
#' will be passed to this function
#' @param as character, local name of this indicator
#' @param lookback numeric, how many points does it need to do calculation
#' @param ... addtional params
#' @export
#' @rdname addIndicator
addIndicator <- function(this, args, as, lookback, ...){
UseMethod('addIndicator', this)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' addIndicator(this, args = list(name = BBands, HLC = quote(spread), n = 20, sd = 1), as = 'bb',
#' lookback = 100)
#' }
#' @rdname addIndicator
#' @method addIndicator modelStrategy
addIndicator.modelStrategy <- function(this, args, as, lookback, ...){
#in dots:
# plot -- main or new tab for graphic
# columns -- which columns should be plotted
# col -- colour of lines
args <- try_eval_list(rlang::enexpr(args), env = parent.frame())
e <- this$thisEnv
lookback <- rlang::enexpr(lookback)
res <- 0
for(name in names(args)){
if(is.numeric(args[[name]])[1] && length(args[[name]]) == 1){
if(args[[name]] > res){
lookback <- parse(text=name)[[1]]
res <- args[[name]]
}else if(is.character(lookback)){
lookback <- parse(text=lookback)[[1]]
as <- gsub('\\.','_',as)
e$indicators[[as]] <- c(list(args = args,
as = as,
lookback = lookback),list(...))
#' Adds rule or variable to strategy
#' Conditions will be calculated and then action will be done according to type. osFun arg is needed for definition of
#' how much money you want to invest in enter type rules.
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param condition expression, it must use name of indicators and local args
#' @param as character, local name of rule
#' @param args list, arguments that can be used in condition
#' @param type character, type must be enter or exit
#' @param side numeric, 1 or -1
#' @param oco character, environment of rule
#' @param osFun function that calculates how many units of spread should be bought or sold
#' @param osFun_args alist of args of osFun function
#' @param pathwise logical, if it is FALSE, then calculation of rules and variables will be performed on the tables once per
#' computation of coefficients, otherwise calculation of rules and variables will be performed on the scalars on each iteration
#' @param money numeric / expression, how much money should be in position after execution of rule.
#' Position manager will be added for correcting positions at every step
#' @param money_const numeric / expression, the same as money, but without Position manager
#' @param betas numeric / expression, number of instruments to buy and sell, position manager will be added
#' @param betas_const numeric / expression, the same as betas, but without position manager
#' @param by_money logical, if it is TRUE then expression in betas argument will be interpreted as money positions in instruments, else positions will be in pieces
#' @param ... params
#' @export
#' @rdname addRule
addRule <- function(this,
args = list(),
oco = 'base',
osFun = sameMoneyOs,
osFun_args = alist(amount = getMoney(this)),
pathwise = FALSE,
by_money = TRUE,
UseMethod('addRule', this)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' addRule(this, as = 'bb_dn_up',
#' condition = (Lag(spread,1) < Lag(bb[,'dn'],1)) &
#' (spread > bb[,'dn']) &
#' (spread < bb[,mavg']) &
#' (abs(spread - bb[,'mavg'])/spread > n) ,
#' type = 'enter',
#' args = list(n = 0.005),
#' side = 1,
#' oco = 'long',
#' osFun = sameMoneyOs,
#' osFun_args = alist(amount = 5000000))
#' addRule(this, as = 'bb_dn_up1',
#' condition = (Lag(spread < bb[,'dn'],1))[iii,] &
#' (spread > bb[,'dn'])[iii,] &
#' (spread < bb[,mavg'])[iii,] &
#' (abs(spread - bb[,'mavg'])/spread > n)[iii,] ,
#' type = 'enter',
#' pathwise = TRUE,
#' args = list(n = 0.005),
#' side = 1,
#' oco = 'long',
#' osFun = sameMoneyOs,
#' osFun_args = alist(amount = 5000000))
#' }
#' @rdname addRule
#' @method addRule modelStrategy
addRule.modelStrategy <- function(this,
condition = TRUE,
args = list(),
type = 'enter',
side = 1,
osFun = sameMoneyOs,
osFun_args = alist(amount = getMoney(this)),
pathwise = FALSE,
by_money = TRUE,
if(all(c('enter','exit') != type)){
stop('wrong type! It must be enter or exit')
if(!side %in% c(1, -1)){
stop('wrong side! It must be 1 or -1')
e <- this$thisEnv
as <- paste0('rule_', length(e$rules) + 1)
as <- gsub('\\.','_',as)
if(missing(oco) && type == 'enter'){
oco <- as
if(as %in% names(e$rules)){
if('pm' %in% e$rules[[as]]){
this$thisEnv$positionManagers[[e$rules[[as]][['pm']]]] <- NULL
if(type == 'enter'){
if(oco == 'all'){
stop("Oco can't be equal to all when type is enter")
e$rules[[as]] <- list(condition = substitute(condition),
as = as,
args = args,
type = type,
side = side,
oco = oco,
osFun = osFun,
osFun_args = osFun_args,
pathwise = pathwise
e$rules[[as]][['money_const']] <- rlang::enexpr(money_const)
e$rules[[as]][['betas_const']] <- rlang::enexpr(betas_const)
e$rules[[as]][['by_money']] <- by_money
if(!missing(betas_const) && !missing(money) && missing(betas)){
pm_name <- paste0('pm', length(getPM(this)))
e$rules[[as]][['pm']] <- pm_name
reb_q <- rlang::call2("list", cond = rlang::expr(rule_enter == !!as))
reb_q[['money']] <- rlang::enexpr(money)
e$rules[[as]][['money_const']] <- 0
reb_q[['betas']] <- quote({beta_rule_last})
reb_q[['by_money']] <- by_money
oco = oco,
as = pm_name,
rebalance = !!reb_q,
rule_name = as
if(!missing(money) || !missing(betas)){
pm_name <- paste0('pm', length(getPM(this)))
e$rules[[as]][['pm']] <- pm_name
reb_q <- rlang::call2("list", cond = rlang::expr(rule_enter == !!as))
reb_q[['money']] <- rlang::enexpr(money)
e$rules[[as]][['money_const']] <- 0
reb_q[['betas']] <- rlang::enexpr(betas)
reb_q[['by_money']] <- by_money
oco = oco,
as = pm_name,
rebalance = !!reb_q,
rule_name = as
}else if(type == 'exit'){
e$rules[[as]] <- list(condition = substitute(condition),
as = as,
args = args,
type = type,
side = side,
oco = oco,
pathwise = pathwise
#' Get inforamtion about indicators in the model
#' @param this model
#' @return list of inforamation
#' @export
#' @rdname getIndicators
getIndicators <- function(this){
UseMethod('getIndicators', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getIndicators
#' @method getIndicators modelStrategy
getIndicators.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' Get inforamtion about rules in the model
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @return list of inforamation
#' @export
#' @rdname getRules
getRules <- function(this){
UseMethod('getRules', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname getRules
#' @method getRules modelStrategy
getRules.modelStrategy <- function(this){
#' Remove rule by name
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param name character, name of rule
#' @export
#' @rdname removeRule
removeRule <- function(this, name){
UseMethod('removeRule', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname removeRule
#' @method removeRule modelStrategy
removeRule.modelStrategy <- function(this, name){
table <- getRules(this)
names <- sapply(table, function(x) x$as)
ind <- which(names == name)
if(length(ind) > 0){
eval(substitute(rules[[ind]] <- NULL), envir = this$thisEnv)
#' Remove indicator by name
#' @param this modelStrategy
#' @param name character, name of indicator
#' @export
#' @rdname removeIndicator
removeIndicator <- function(this, name){
UseMethod('removeIndicator', this)
#' @export
#' @rdname removeIndicator
#' @method removeIndicator modelStrategy
removeIndicator.modelStrategy <- function(this, name){
table <- getIndicators(this)
names <- sapply(table, function(x) x$as)
ind <- which(names == name)
if(length(ind) > 0){
eval(substitute(indicators[[ind]] <- NULL), envir = this$thisEnv)
#' Add multiple indicators to strategy
#' These indicators will be calculated each time when spread updates coefficients
#' indicators must return data.frame or matrix or array
#' @param this model
#' @param expr expression
#' @param args list, arguments of expression
#' @param lookback numeric, periods of time for calculation
#' @param names character vector, names of indicators to include in.
#' @param ... params
#' @param as character, name of set of indicators
#' @export
#' @rdname addIndicators
#' @method addIndicators modelStrategy
addIndicators.modelStrategy <- function(this, expr, names, as, lookback = 0, args = list(), ...){
e <- this$thisEnv
if(getMaxLookback(this) < lookback){
setMaxLookback(this, lookback)
as <- paste0('indicator', length(e[['indicators']]) + 1)
as <- gsub('\\.','_',as)
e$indicators[[as]] <- c(list(args = args,
as = as,
lookback = lookback,
names = names,
expr = rlang::enexpr(expr)), list(...))
quote_list <- function(args, env=NULL){
res <- list()
if(length(args) > 0){
nms <- names(args)
for(i in 1:length(args)){
if(nms[i] == ""){
if([[i]]) && as.character(args[[i]][[1]]) == "quote" || is.symbol(args[[i]])){
res[[nms[i]]] <- eval(args[[i]], envir = env)
res[[nms[i]]] <- args[[i]]
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