
#' @title Clustering
#' @description To get (back) to the overview of all steps and functions use this link:
#' \code{\link{a.a.main}}
#' This function starts the clustering analysis.
#' Two functions are executed here:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item \code{\link{f.b.hierarchical}}
#'   \item \code{\link{f.c.kmeans}}
#'   \item \code{\link{f.d.cmeans}}
#'   \item \code{\link{f.e.plotWSSVsK}}
#' }
#' @author Lijin Lan, Evelyn Navarrete
f.a.clustering <- function(spambase.scaled.out, spambase.scaled.new){


  f.c.kmeans(spambase.scaled.out, spambase.scaled.new)

  f.d.cmeans(spambase.scaled.out, spambase.scaled.new)



#' @title Clustering - Hierarchical
#' @description To get (back) to the overview of all steps and functions use this link:
#' \code{\link{a.a.main}}
#' Hierarchical clustering can help with several tasks in the data analysis.
#' In General it can be used to determine the number of clusters.
#' Furthermore the graphs of created by hierarchical clustering can also show outliers if the single linkage methdd is used.
#' It can be used to see with the ward.D method if in our case two bigger clusters (non-spam and spam) are forming in the lower section of the graph  and which then get combined at late or the last intersection.
#' That would suggest nicely distinguished clusters.
#' @author Lijin Lan
f.b.hierarchical <- function(spambase.scaled.out){
  methods = c("single","ward.D")
  opar = par(mfrow = c(1,2))
  sapply(methods, function(method) {
    res.clust = hclust(dist(spambase.scaled.out), method = method)
    plot(res.clust, main = sprintf("method: %s", method), col=ercis.red)

#' @title Clustering - K-Means
#' @description To get (back) to the overview of all steps and functions use this link:
#' \code{\link{a.a.main}}
#' The function conducts the K-Means clustering and shows the percentage of spam or nonspam emails.
#' It also compares the clustering resulst with the classification in the original data to validate the
#' accuracy of the clustering.
#' @author Lijin Lan
f.c.kmeans <- function(spambase.scaled.out, spambase.scaled.new){
  # K-means clustering
  k.cluster<-kmeans(spambase.scaled.new, centers= 2, nstart = 40, algorithm = 'Lloyd',
                    iter.max = 50)

#' @title Clustering - C-Means
#' @description To get (back) to the overview of all steps and functions use this link:
#' \code{\link{a.a.main}}
#' The function conducts the fuzzy clustering method c-means and validates the result at the end by
#' matching the classification in the original dataset.
#' @author Lijin Lan
f.d.cmeans <- function(spambase.scaled.out, spambase.scaled.new){

  c.cluster <- e1071::cmeans(spambase.scaled.new, iter.max = 20, centers = 2,
                             dist = 'euclidean', method = 'cmeans', m = 1.2)
  sum(c.cluster$cluster-1==spambase[rownames(spambase.scaled.out), 'class'])/nrow(spambase)

#' @title Clustering - plotWSSVsK
#' @description To get (back) to the overview of all steps and functions use this link:
#' \code{\link{a.a.main}}
#' Plot within sum of squares vs k to examine the clustering process
#' @author Lijin Lan (cited from the DA exercise)
f.e.plotWSSVsK <- function(data) {
  n = nrow(data) # determine possible numbers for K*
  Ks = 1:20
  # WSS for the actual data
  tot.wss = sapply(Ks, function(k) {
    kmeans(data, centers = k, algorithm = "Lloyd", iter.max = 70)$tot.withinss

  # WSS for the uniformaly generated data
  unif.data = matrix(runif(2 * n, min = min(data[, 1]), max = max(data[, 2])), ncol = 2)
  exp.tot.wss = sapply(Ks, function(k) {
    kmeans(unif.data, centers = k)$tot.withinss })

  # actually draw the plot
  plot(Ks, tot.wss, type = "b", col = "red",
       xlab = "Number of clusters",
       ylab = expression(W[k]))
  lines(Ks, exp.tot.wss, col = "blue")
  points(Ks, exp.tot.wss, col = "blue")
Vitlik/DA1-16 documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:01 p.m.