
#' Combinatorial metabolite identification methods
#' @description methods to facilitate metabolite identification including database
#' monoisotopic mass matching, probable annotation filtration, mammalian Phase II
#' metabolite prediction, molecular descriptor- random forest based retention time
#' prediction, insilico metabolite fragmentation and nearest network neighbour
#' metabolite chemical similarity scoring. In addition annotations can be 
#' automatically ranked and possible identities selected based on a mean
#' consensus score based on mass accuracy, spectral database similarity, 
#' \emph{in silico} fragmentation similarity, predicted retention time similarity,
#' nearest network neighbour chemical similarity and crude plausibility ranking
#' by PubMed repository text-mining. Optionally a divergent evolution approach
#' to globally optimize the contributary weight of each consensus score using
#' a training set of possible annotations contained in the "metID comments" table.
#' The metaheuristic attempts to weight the include consensus scores according to
#' how well the correct annotations are ranked amongst the possible best annotations.
#' @param object. a compMS2 class object
#' @param method. method to use for metabolite identification. See details. 
#' @param ... option arguments to be passed along.
#' @details Available methods:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item monoisotopic mass annotation to data base resources (\code{\link{metID.dbAnnotate}}),
#'    currently available databases include HMDB, LMSD (lipidMaps) DrugBank, T3DB and ReSpect.
#'    possible metabolites electrospray adducts and substructure mass shifts 
#'    are taken into account.
#' \item identifies most probable database annotations (\code{\link{metID.dbProb}}), 
#'    taking into account substructure annotations identified by \code{\link{subStructure.Annotate}}.  
#' \item Phase II metabolite identification from canonical SMILES currently 
#'    available phase II metabolite prediction types include: acyl-, hydroxl- 
#'    and amine- sulfates and glucuronides and glycine conjugates 
#'    (\code{\link{metID.PredSMILES}}). 
#' \item Retention time prediction using the molecular descriptors derived from the \link[package]{rcdk} package and a randomForest recursive-feature elimination method of the \link[package]{caret} package (\code{\link{metID.rtPred}}).
#' \item Combinatorial \emph{in silico} fragment prediction using the command line version of MetFrag (\code{\link{metID.metFrag}}) or Competitive fragmentation modelling (CFM \code{\link{metID.CFM}}).
#' \item Correlation network from a peak table. This function calculates a correlation matrix from the peak areas/ height sample columns and creates a prefuse force directed correlation network that can then be visualized in the \code{\link{compMS2Explorer}} application. \code{\link{metID.corrNetwork}}
#' \item Spectral similarity network. Inter-spectrum spectral similarity scores (dot product) are calculated. Both fragment ion and precursor - fragment neutral loss
#' pattern similarity scores are calculated and used to identify clusters of spectra with similar fragmentation/neutral loss patterns. A spectral similarity network is then calculated based on a minimum dot product score (minDotProdThresh, default = 0.8). The resulting network can then be visualized in the \code{\link{compMS2Explorer}} application. \code{\link{metID.specSimNetwork}}.
#' \item Correlation and spectral similarity based 1st Neighbour maximum chemical similarity scoring and optional automatic annotation identification  (\code{\link{metID.chemSim}}). 
#' \item build consensus annotations (\code{\link{metID.buildConsensus}}). This function seeks to rank annotation 
#' strength and automate metabolite identification based on 6 optional orthogonal
#' annotation evidences, namely: mass accuracy, spectral database similarity (see function \code{\link{metID.matchSpectralDB}}),
#' \emph{in silico} fragmentation similarity (both metFrag and CFM see functions \code{\link{metID.metFrag}} and  \code{\link{metID.CFM}}), 
#' random forest predicted retention time similarity (see function \code{\link{metID.rtPred}}), 1st network neighbour chemical similarity (both 
#' correlation and spectral similarity see function \code{\link{metID.chemSim}}) 
#' and finally crude literature based metabolite annotation strength by text-mining
#' the PubMed repository using the Entrez system.  
#' The function can automatically add annotations to the 'metID comment" table
#' of the \code{\link{compMS2Explorer}} application and also ranks the individual
#' "best annotations" tables by the mean consensus metabolite annotation score.
#' \item optimize consensus annotations using the differential evolution algorithm
#' of the \code{\link{DEoptim}} package.
#' }
#' @return A compMS2 object with various metabolite identification information.
#' @seealso \code{\link{metID.dbAnnotate}}, \code{\link{metID.dbProb}}, 
#' \code{\link{metID.predSMILES}}, 
#' \code{\link{metID.reconSubStr}}, \code{\link{metID.metFrag}}, 
#' \code{\link{metID.chemSim}}, \code{\link{metID.corrNetwork}},
#' \code{\link{metID.specSimNetwork}}, \code{\link{metID.matchSpectralDB}}, 
#' \code{\link{metID.rtPred}}, \code{\link{metID.buildConsensus}},
#' \code{\link{metID.optimConsensus}},
#' \code{\link{metID.compMS2toMsp}}.
#' @source Kenneth V. Price, Rainer M. Storn and Jouni A. Lampinen (2006). 
#' Differential Evolution - A Practical Approach to Global Optimization. 
#' Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. ISBN 3540209506.
#' @export
setGeneric("metID", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("metID"))

setMethod("metID", signature = "compMS2", function(object, method="dbAnnotate", 
                                                    ...) {
  method <- match.arg(method, c("dbAnnotate", "dbProb", "predSMILES", 
                                "metFrag", "CFM", "chemSim", 
                                "corrNetwork", 'specSimNetwork', 
                                'matchSpectralDB', 'rtPred', 'buildConsensus', 
                                'optimConsensus', 'molDescDB', 'compMS2toMsp',
  method <- paste("metID", method, sep=".")
  invisible(do.call(method, alist(object, ...)))
WMBEdmands/compMS2Miner documentation built on May 9, 2019, 10:04 p.m.