Man pages for WTaoUMC/RegEnrich
Gene regulator enrichment analysis

DeaSet-classDeaSet class
dim-TopNetwork-methoddimention of 'TopNetwork' object
Enrich-classEnrich class
getResultsNamesInference the name of results of DESeq analysis by a formula...
headTailScorehead or tail of Score object
Lyme_GSE63085Example RNAseq dataset [Human]
methodsOfShowmethods of generic function "show"
newDeaSetDeaSet object creator
newTopNetworkTopNetwork object creator
plot_EnrichPlot results of FET/GSEA enrichment analysis
plotOrdersCompare the orders of two vectors
plotRegTarExprPlot regulator and its targets expression
plotSoftPowerPlot soft power for WGCNA analysis
print.ScorePrint Score object
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
regenrich_diffExprDifferential expression analysis step
regenrich_enrichEnrichment analysis step
regenrich_networkRegulator-target network inference step
regenrich_rankScoreRegulator scoring and ranking
RegenrichSetRegenrichSet object creator
RegenrichSet-classRegenrichSet class
results_exprResult accessor functions
ScoreScore class
TFsHuman gene regulators
TopNetwork-classTopNetwork class
WTaoUMC/RegEnrich documentation built on Aug. 4, 2021, 4:11 p.m.