WTaoUMC/RegEnrich: Gene regulator enrichment analysis

This package is a pipeline to identify the key gene regulators in a biological process, for example in cell differentiation and in cell development after stimulation. There are four major steps in this pipeline: (1) differential expression analysis; (2) regulator-target network inference; (3) enrichment analysis; and (4) regulators scoring and ranking.

Getting started

Package details

Bioconductor views DifferentialExpression FunctionalPrediction GeneExpression GeneSetEnrichment GeneTarget Network NetworkEnrichment NetworkInference RNASeq Transcription Transcriptomics TwoChannel
LicenseGPL (>= 2)
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
WTaoUMC/RegEnrich documentation built on Aug. 4, 2021, 4:11 p.m.