
Defines functions get_data_singular

Documented in get_data_singular

#' Simulate Data from Eigenvalue Structure
#' The function returns either the results of penalized profile
#'    log-likelihood given a matrix of data or a vector of sample
#'    eigenvalues. The data matrix has the following decomposition
#'    \eqn{ X = WL + error}, where the rows of \eqn{X} are linear
#'    projections onto the subspace \eqn{ W } by some arbitrary latent
#'    vector plus error. The solution finds the rank of \eqn{W}, which
#'    represents the hidden structure in the data, such that \eqn{ X-WL }
#'    have independent and identically distributed components.
#' @param N the full dimension of the data
#' @param K the true dimension of the
#' @param M the number of features of observations
#' @param sq_singular a vector of numeric values for the squared singular values.
#'    The other parameters can be skipped if this is supplied along with \eqn{N, K, M}.
#' @param sigma2 a positive numeric between 0 and 1 for the error variance.
#' @param last a positive numeric within reasonable range for the difference
#'    between the Kth eigenvalue and the (\eqn{K}+1)th, a very large difference
#'    might not be possible if \eqn{K} is large.
#' @param trend a character, one of \code{equal}, \code{exponential}, \code{linear} and \code{quadratic}
#'   for the type of trend in squared singular values
#' @param rho a numeric value between 0 and 1 for the amount of auto-correlation, i.e. correlation
#'   between sequential observations or features.
#' @param dist a character specifying the error distribution to be one of \code{norm}, \code{t},
#'    for normal and student's t-distribution, respectively.
#' @param df an integer for the degrees of freedom if \code{dist} == \code{t}
#' @param datamat a logical to indicate whether both the data matrix and
#'    sample eigenvalues or only the sample eigenvalues should be returned
#' @return a list containing the simulated data matrix and
#'    sample eigenvalues or a numerical vector of sample eigenvalues.
#' @importFrom MASS mvrnorm
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvt
#' @importFrom Matrix nearPD
#' @importFrom pracma randortho
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' get_data_singular(N = 200, K = 5, M = 1000, sq_singular = c(5,4,2,1,1))
#' get_data_singular(N = 200, K = 5, M = 1000, sigma2 = 0.2, last= 0.1, trend = "exponential")
#' get_data_singular(N = 200, K = 5, M = 1000, sigma2 = 0.8, last= 0.1, trend = "exponential",
#'    rho = 0.2, df = 5, dist = "t")
#' }
#' @export get_data_singular

get_data_singular <- function(N, K, M, sq_singular = NULL,
                              sigma2 = NULL, last= NULL, trend = NULL,
                              rho = NULL, df = NULL, dist = "norm",
                              datamat = FALSE){


  if (K <= 0 | M <= 0 | N <= 0){
    stop("Please ensure all of N, K, and M are positive integers")

  if (K >= N | K >= M) {
    stop("Please supply an integer K smaller than both N and M")

  N <- as.integer(N);
  K <- as.integer(K);
  M <- as.integer(M);


    if (sigma2 > 1 | sigma2 <= 0){
      stop("Please supply a sigma2 value between 0 and 1")

    sigma2 <- as.numeric(sigma2)
    d2 <- rep(NA, K)

    if (trend == "equal"){

      remain_var <- N-sigma2*N
      try(if(remain_var < 0) stop("not enough variance left for the first K-1 eigenvalues"));
      d2[1:K] <- remain_var/K

    } else if (trend == "linear"){
      d2[K] <- last
      remain_var <- N-sigma2*N
      try(if(remain_var < 0) stop("not enough variance left for the first K-1 eigenvalues"));
      b = (remain_var - (K-1)*d2[K])/(K*(K-1))*2
      d2[1:(K-1)] <- d2[K] + b*(K-(1:(K-1)))

    } else if (trend == "step"){
      d2[K] <- last
      remain_var <- N-sigma2*N
      try(if(remain_var < 0) stop("not enough variance left for the first K-1 eigenvalues"));
      K1 <- round(K/2)
      K2 <- K - round(K/2)
      ## assume 1:1 step size
      b = (remain_var-K2*last)/K1
      d2[1:K1] <- b
      d2[(K1+1):K] <- last
    } else if (trend == "quadratic") {
      d2[K] <- last
      remain_var <- N-sigma2*N
      try(if(remain_var < 0) stop("not enough variance left for the first K-1 eigenvalues"));
      b = (remain_var - (K-1)*d2[K])/(K*(K-1)*(K-1/2))*3
      d2[1:(K-1)] <- d2[K] + b*(K-(1:(K-1)))^2

    } else if (trend == "exponential"){
      d2[K] <- last
      remain_var <- N-sigma2*N

      solve_exp <- function(r){
        (1-r^(K-1))*d2[K] - r^(K-1)*(1-r)*(remain_var)
      r <- stats::uniroot(solve_exp, c(0.0001,1-0.0001))$root
      d2[2:(K-1)] <- d2[K]/r^(K-2:(K-1));
      d2[1] <- remain_var - sum(d2[-1])
      d2 <- sort(d2, decreasing=T)


    if (!is.numeric(sq_singular) | length(sq_singular) != K ){
      stop("Please ensure singular is a numerical vector of length K")

    if (sum(sq_singular) >= N ){
      stop("Please ensure sum of the squared singular values is less than N,
	           the total amount of standardized variance")
    sigma2 <- 1 - sum(sq_singular)/N
    d2 = sq_singular

  K = length(d2)
  U <- pracma::randortho(N)[,1:K]
  LeftTerm <- U%*%diag(sqrt(d2))%*%matrix(rnorm(M*K), ncol=M) # N by M

  if (is.null(rho)){
    rho = 0
  } else if (rho > 1 | rho < 0){
    stop("rho should be a value between 0 and 1")

  if (dist == "norm"){

    error <- matrix(rnorm(N*M, sd = sqrt(sigma2)), ncol = M)

    if (rho != 0){
      errorn_AR <- error
      errorn_AR[,1 ] <- error[,1]
      for(m in 2:M){
        errorn_AR[,m] <- errorn_AR[,(m - 1)]*rho + error[,m]
    } else {
      errorn_AR <- error

    errorT <- mvtnorm::rmvt(M, sigma = diag(sigma2, N), df = df)
    errorn_AR <- t(errorT)

    if (rho != 0){

      errorn_AR[,1] <- as.numeric(errorT[1,])

      for(m in 2:M){
        errorn_AR[, m] <- errorn_AR[,(m - 1)]*rho + as.numeric(errorT[m,])

  X <- (LeftTerm) + errorn_AR

  #X2 <- MASS::mvrnorm(M, mu=rep(0, N),Sigma = diag(c(d2+sigma2, rep(sigma2, N-K))))
  #xst <- doubleCenter(X)
  #S <- 1/pp*t(xst)%*%(xst)
  #sam_eigen <- eigen(S)$val

  #sam_eigen <- eigen(cov(X2))$val[1:10]

  return(list(X, c(d2, rep(0, N-length(d2)))+sigma2))

WeiAkaneDeng/SPAC2 documentation built on Jan. 15, 2022, 5:01 a.m.