Man pages for XiangyuLuo/BUScorrect
Batch Effects Correction with Unknown Subtypes

adjusted_valuesObtain adjusted expression values from the output by BUSgibbs
baseline_expression_valuesObtain the baseline expression values from the output by...
BIC_BUSObtain BIC form the output by BUSgibbs
BUScorrect-packageBatch Effects Correction with Unknown Subtypes
BUSexample_dataA simulated data set
BUSgibbsBatch Effects Correction and Subtype Discovery using Gibbs...
calculate_EPSR_gammaCalculate the estimated potential scale reduction factors...
calculate_EPSR_muCalculate the estimated potential scale reduction factors...
calculate_EPSR_sigma_sqCalculate the estimated potential scale reduction factors...
estimate_IG_indicatorsEstimate the intrinsic gene indicators
IG_indexObtain the intrinsic gene indices
location_batch_effectsObtain the location batch effects from the output by BUSgibbs
postprob_DECalculate the posterior probability of being differentially...
postprob_DE_thr_funSelect the the posterior probability threshold to control the...
print.BUSfitsPrint the output by BUSgibbs
scale_batch_effectsObtain the scale batch effects from the output by 'BUSgibbs'
subtype_effectsObtain the subtype effects from the output by 'BUSgibbs'
SubtypesObtain the subtype indicators from the output by 'BUSgibbs'
summary.BUSfitsSummary the output by 'BUSgibbs'
visualize_dataVisualize the gene expression data from multiple batches
XiangyuLuo/BUScorrect documentation built on June 14, 2019, 3:31 p.m.