#' @title Residual-based diagnostic plots
#' @description A set of visualization tools for the diagnostic of the fitted model in
#' the partial association analysis. It can provides a plot matrix including Q-Q plots,
#' residual-vs-fitted plots, residual-vs-covariate plots of all the fitted models.
#' This function also support the direct diagnostic of the cumulative link regression model
#' in the class of \code{\link[ordinal]{clm}}, \code{\link[stats]{glm}}, \code{\link[rms]{lrm}},
#' \code{\link[rms]{orm}}, \code{\link[MASS]{polr}}. Currently, \code{\link[VGAM]{vglm}}
#' is not supported.
#' @param object The object in the support classes (This function is mainly designed
#' for \code{PAsso}).
#' @param output A character string specifying what type of output to plot. Default is
#' \code{"qq"} which produces a plot matrix with quantile-quantile plots of the residuals.
#' \code{"fitted"} produces a plot matrix between residuals and all corresponding fitted responses.
#' \code{"covariates"} produces a plot matrix between residuals and corresponding covariate.
#' @param ... This function is based on a modified version of \code{"autoplot"} function in
#' \code{"sure"}. Additional optional arguments can be passed onto for drawing various plots.
#' @return A \code{"ggplot"} object for supported models. For class "PAsso", it returns a plot in
#' \code{"gtable"} object that combines diagnostic plots of all responses.
#' @export diagnostic.plot
#' @examples
#' # Import data for partial association analysis
#' data("ANES2016")
#' ANES2016$PreVote.num <- as.factor(ANES2016$PreVote.num)
#' PAsso_3v <- PAsso(responses = c("PreVote.num", "PID", "selfLR"),
#' adjustments = c("income.num", "age", "edu.year"),
#' data = ANES2016, uni.model = "probit",
#' method = c("kendall"),
#' resids.type = "surrogate", jitter = "latent")
#' diag_p1 <- diagnostic.plot(object = PAsso_3v, output = "qq")
#' diag_p2 <- diagnostic.plot(object = PAsso_3v, output = "fitted")
#' diag_p3 <- diagnostic.plot(object = PAsso_3v, output = "covariate")
#' # Simply diagnose a model
#' # Fit cumulative link models
#' fit1 <- ordinal::clm(PreVote.num ~ income.num + age + edu.year, data = ANES2016, link = "logit")
#' # diagnostic.plot
#' plot_qq_1 <- diagnostic.plot(object = fit1, output = "qq")
#' plot_fit_1 <- diagnostic.plot(object = fit1, output = "fitted")
#' plot_cov_1 <- diagnostic.plot(object = fit1, output = "covariate")
diagnostic.plot <- function(object, ...) {
#' @return A "ggplot" object based on the input residuals.
#' @rdname diagnostic.plot
#' @export
diagnostic.plot.default <- function(
object, ...
warn_str <- paste("diagnostic.plot does not know how to handle object of class ",
"and can only be used on classes PAsso, PAsso.test, resid, clm, glm, lrm, orm, polr.")
warning(paste(strwrap(warn_str), collapse = "\n"))
#' @return A "ggplot" object based on the input residuals.
#' @inheritParams diagnostic.plot
#' @rdname diagnostic.plot
#' @export
diagnostic.plot.resid <- function(
output = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
) {
autoplot.resid(object=object, ...)
#' @param object The object in the support classes (This function is mainly designed
#' for \code{PAsso}).
#' @inheritParams autoplot
#' @param model_id A number refers to the index of the model that needs to be diagnosed. If NULL, all
#' models will be diagnosed.
#' @param x_name A string refers to the covariate name that needs to be diagnosed. If NULL, all adjustments
#' will be diagnosed.
#' @param ... Additional optional arguments can be passed onto \code{\link[ggplot2]{ggplot}} for drawing
#' various plots.
#' @rdname diagnostic.plot
#' @method diagnostic.plot PAsso
#' @return A plot in "gtable" object that combines diagnostic plots of all responses.
#' @export
diagnostic.plot.PAsso <- function(
output = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
model_id = NULL,
x_name = NULL,
) {
# object = PAsso_1; output = "covariate"; x_name = "income.num"; model_id = 2
# What type of output plot to produce
output <- match.arg(output, several.ok = FALSE)
rep_SRs <- object$rep_SRs
resp_name <- attr(object, "responses")
if ((output == "covariate") & (is.null(x_name))) {
x_name <- attr(object, "adjustments")[1]
message("No covariate is specified, the first covariate(adjustment) is being used.")
# assign(x = eval(x_name), object$data[,x_name]) # Save covariate in a vector as its name.
n_resp <- length(resp_name)
nCol <- floor(sqrt(n_resp))
plot_list <- list()
if (is.null(model_id)) { # If the diagnostic model is not specified, return a combined plot.
# return a matrix-plot including diagnostics of models.
if (output == "qq") {
for (i in 1:n_resp) {
plot_list[[i]] <-
# autoplot(rep_SRs[,1,i], output = output,
autoplot(object$fitted.models[[i]], output = output,
resp_name = resp_name[i], ...)
# Save the combined plot
return(do.call("grid.arrange", c(plot_list, ncol=nCol)))
} else if (output == "fitted") {
for (i in 1:n_resp) {
plot_list[[i]] <-
autoplot(object$fitted.models[[i]], output = output, resp_name = resp_name[i], ...)
# Save the combined plot
return(do.call("grid.arrange", c(plot_list, ncol=nCol)))
} else { # output == "covariate"
adjust_name <- attr(object, "adjustments")
n_adjust <- length(adjust_name)
t_lenght <- n_resp*n_adjust
adjust_id <- rep(1:n_adjust, times=n_resp) # make index for covariate name in the for loop
resp_id <- rep(1:n_resp, each=n_adjust) # make index for response name in the for loop
for (i in 1:(t_lenght)) {
plot_list[[i]] <-
autoplot(object$fitted.models[[resp_id[i]]], output = "covariate",
x = object$data[,adjust_name[adjust_id[i]]],
xlab = adjust_name[adjust_id[i]],
# resp_name = resp_name[resp_id[i]], ...)
resp_name = resp_name[resp_id[i]])
if (i %% n_adjust != 1) { # First plot of each response, draw ylab, otherwise, no ylab
plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] + ylab("")
if ((i-1) %/% n_adjust != (n_resp-1)) { # last row of plot(last response), draw xlab, otherwise, no xlab
plot_list[[i]] <- plot_list[[i]] + xlab("")
# Save the combined plot
return(do.call("grid.arrange", c(plot_list, ncol=n_adjust)))
} else if ((model_id > n_resp) | (model_id <= 0)) {
stop("'model_id' needs to be between ", 1, " and number of responses ", n_resp, "!")
} else { # If the diagnostic model IS specified, return corresponding plot.
return(autoplot(object$fitted.models[[model_id]], output = output,
resp_name = resp_name[model_id], x = object$data[,x_name],
xlab = eval(x_name), ...))
#' @inheritParams autoplot
#' @return A "ggplot" object based on the residuals generated from glm object.
#' @rdname diagnostic.plot
#' @method diagnostic.plot glm
#' @export
diagnostic.plot.glm <- function(
output = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
x = NULL,
fit = NULL,
distribution = qnorm,
ncol = NULL,
alpha = 1,
xlab = NULL,
color = "#444444",
shape = 19,
size = 2,
qqpoint.color = "#444444",
qqpoint.shape = 19,
qqpoint.size = 2,
qqline.color = "#888888",
qqline.linetype = "dashed",
qqline.size = 1,
smooth = TRUE,
smooth.color = "red",
smooth.linetype = 1,
smooth.size = 1,
fill = NULL,
resp_name = NULL,
) {
autoplot.glm(object=object, output= output,
x = x,
fit = fit,
distribution = distribution,
ncol = ncol,
alpha = alpha,
xlab = xlab,
color = color,
shape = shape,
size = size,
qqpoint.color = qqpoint.color,
qqpoint.shape = qqpoint.shape,
qqpoint.size = qqpoint.size,
qqline.color = qqline.color,
qqline.linetype = qqline.linetype,
qqline.size = qqline.size,
smooth = smooth,
smooth.color = smooth.color,
smooth.linetype = smooth.linetype,
smooth.size = smooth.size,
fill = fill,
resp_name = resp_name, ...)
#' @return A "ggplot" object based on the residuals generated from clm object.
#' @inheritParams autoplot
#' @rdname diagnostic.plot
#' @method diagnostic.plot clm
#' @export
diagnostic.plot.clm <- function(
output = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
) {
autoplot.clm(object=object, output= output, ...)
#' @return A "ggplot" object based on the residuals generated from lrm object.
#' @inheritParams autoplot
#' @rdname diagnostic.plot
#' @method diagnostic.plot lrm
#' @export
diagnostic.plot.lrm <- function(
output = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
) {
autoplot.lrm(object=object, output= output, ...)
#' @return A "ggplot" object based on the residuals generated from orm object.
#' @inheritParams autoplot
#' @rdname diagnostic.plot
#' @method diagnostic.plot orm
#' @export
diagnostic.plot.orm <- function(
output = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
) {
autoplot.orm(object=object, output= output, ...)
#' @return A "ggplot" object based on the residuals generated from polr object.
#' @inheritParams autoplot
#' @rdname diagnostic.plot
#' @method diagnostic.plot polr
#' @export
diagnostic.plot.polr <- function(
output = c("qq", "fitted", "covariate"),
) {
autoplot.polr(object=object, output= output, ...)
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