
#' Readin Raw text data files and save it as by time division on HDFS.
#' Input raw text data file is download from NCDC, and is available in the
#' drsstl package in ./inst/extdata. It is read in and divided into by-month
#' division saved on HDFS
#' @param input
#'     The path of input file on HDFS. It should be raw text file.
#' @param output
#'     The path of output file on HDFS. It is by time division.
#' @param cluster_control
#'     all parameters that are needed for mapreduce job
#' @param model_control
#'     Should be a list object generated from \code{spacetime.control} function.
#'     The list including all necessary smoothing parameters of nonparametric fitting.
#' @param info
#'     The RData on HDFS which contains all station metadata. Make sure
#'     copy the RData of station_info.RData, which is also available in the drsstl
#'     package, to HDFS first using rhput.
#' @param cshift
#'     number of columns to be shifted when reading raw text file
#' @author
#'     Xiaosu Tong
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'     rhput("./station_info.RData", "/tmp/station_info.RData")
#'     FileInput <- "/tmp/tmax.txt"
#'     FileOutput <- "/tmp/bymth"
#'     ccontrol <- mapreduce.control(
#'       libLoc=NULL, reduceTask=5, io_sort=100, slow_starts = 0.5,
#'       reduce_input_buffer_percent=0.9, reduce_parallelcopies=5,
#'       spill_percent=0.9, reduce_shuffle_input_buffer_percent = 0.9,
#'       reduce_shuffle_merge_percent = 0.5
#'     )
#'     readIn(
#'       FileInput, FileOutput, info="/tmp/station_info.RData", cluster_control=ccontrol
#'     )
#' }

readIn <- function(input, output, info, cluster_control = mapreduce.control(), model_control = spacetime.control(), cshift=1) {

  job <- list()
  job$map <- expression({
    y <- do.call("rbind",
      lapply(map.values, function(r) {
        row <- strsplit(r, " +")[[1]]
        c(row[1:(13 + cshift)], substring(row[13 + cshift + 1], 1:12, 1:12))
    #file <- Sys.getenv("mapred.input.file") #get the file name that Hadoop is reading # nolint
    #k <- as.numeric( # nolint
    #  substr(tail(strsplit(tail(strsplit(file, "/")[[1]],1), "[.]")[[1]], 1), 2, 4) # nolint
    #)# nolint
    miss <- as.data.frame(
      matrix(as.numeric(y[, (1:12) + (13 + cshift)]), ncol = 12)
    tmp <- as.data.frame(
      matrix(as.numeric(y[, (1:12) + (1 + cshift)]), ncol = 12)

    name <- match(y[, (1 + cshift)], station_info$station.id)

    if (cshift == 2) {
      year <- (as.numeric(y[, 2]) - 55) + (as.numeric(y[, 1]) - 1) * 48
    } else if (cshift == 1) {
      year <- as.numeric(y[, 1]) - 55
    } else {
      stop("the column shift cannot be other value than 1 or 2!")

    tmp <- tmp / 10
    tmp[miss == 1] <- NA
    names(tmp) <- month.abb
    tmp <- cbind(station.id = as.numeric(name), tmp, year = year, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    value <- data.frame(
      station.id = rep(tmp$station.id, 12),
      year = rep(tmp$year, 12),
      month = rep(names(tmp)[2:13], each = dim(tmp)[1]),
      resp = c(
        tmp[, 2], tmp[, 3], tmp[, 4], tmp[, 5], tmp[, 6], tmp[, 7],
        tmp[, 8], tmp[, 9], tmp[, 10], tmp[, 11], tmp[, 12], tmp[, 13]
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    names(value)[4] <- Mlcontrol$vari
    value <- subset(value, !is.na(station.id))
      .data = value,
      .vari = c("year","month"),
      .fun = function(r) {
        rhcollect(c(unique(r$year), unique(r$month)), as.matrix(subset(r, select = -c(month, year)), rownames.force=FALSE))
  job$reduce <- expression(
    pre = {
      combine <- data.frame()
    reduce = {
      combine <- rbind(combine, do.call(rbind, reduce.values))
    post = {
      rhcollect(reduce.key, as.matrix(combine, rownames.force=FALSE))
  job$setup <- expression(
    map = {
      library(plyr, lib.loc = Clcontrol$libLoc)
      load(strsplit(info, "/")[[1]][length(strsplit(info, "/")[[1]])])
  job$shared <- c(info)
  job$parameters <- list(
    Mlcontrol = model_control,
    Clcontrol = cluster_control,
    info = info,
    cshift = cshift
  job$input <- rhfmt(input, type = "text")
  job$output <- rhfmt(output, type = "sequence")
  job$mapred <- list(
    mapreduce.map.java.opts = cluster_control$map_jvm,
    mapreduce.map.memory.mb = cluster_control$map_memory,
    mapreduce.reduce.java.opts = cluster_control$reduce_jvm,
    mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb = cluster_control$reduce_memory,
    mapreduce.job.reduces = cluster_control$reduceTask,  #cdh5
    dfs.blocksize = cluster_control$BLK,
    mapreduce.task.io.sort.mb = cluster_control$io_sort,
    mapreduce.map.sort.spill.percent = cluster_control$spill_percent,
    mapreduce.reduce.shuffle.parallelcopies = cluster_control$reduce_parallelcopies,
    mapreduce.task.io.sort.factor = cluster_control$task_io_sort_factor,
    mapreduce.reduce.shuffle.merge.percent = cluster_control$reduce_shuffle_merge_percent,
    mapreduce.reduce.merge.inmem.threshold = cluster_control$reduce_merge_inmem,
    mapreduce.reduce.input.buffer.percent = cluster_control$reduce_input_buffer_percent,
    mapreduce.reduce.shuffle.input.buffer.percent = cluster_control$reduce_shuffle_input_buffer_percent,
    mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress.type = "BLOCK",
    mapreduce.task.timeout  = 0,
    mapreduce.job.reduce.slowstart.completedmaps = cluster_control$slow_starts,
    rhipe_reduce_buff_size = cluster_control$reduce_buffer_size,
    rhipe_reduce_bytes_read = cluster_control$reduce_buffer_read,
    rhipe_map_buff_size = cluster_control$map_buffer_size,
    rhipe_map_bytes_read = cluster_control$map_buffer_read
  job$combiner <- TRUE
  job$jobname <- output
  job$readback <- FALSE
  job$mon.sec <- 10
  job.mr <- do.call("rhwatch", job)

  #return(job.mr[[1]]$jobid) # nolint

XiaosuTong/drsstl documentation built on May 9, 2019, 11:06 p.m.