
Defines functions CoxBcv.mdmr

Documented in CoxBcv.mdmr

#' Hybrid MDMR bias-corrected sandwich variance estimator
#' Calculate the hybrid MDMR bias-corrected sandwich variance estimator, for marginal Cox analysis of cluster randomized trials, 
#' proposed by Wang et al. (under review). MD: Mancl and DeRouen (2001); MR: martingale residual.
#' @param Y vector of observed time-to-event data.
#' @param Delta vector of censoring indicators.
#' @param X matrix of marginal mean covariates with one column for one covariate (design matrix excluding intercept).
#' @param ID vector of cluster identifiers.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#'   \item coef - estimate of coefficients.
#'   \item exp(coef) - estimate of hazard ratio.
#'   \item MDMR-var - MDMR bias-corrected sandwich variance estimate of coef.
#' }
#' @export
#' @references 
#' Mancl, L. A., & DeRouen, T. A. (2001). 
#' A covariance estimator for GEE with improved smallā€sample properties. 
#' Biometrics, 57(1), 126-134.
#' Wang, X., Turner, E. L., & Li, F. 
#' Improving sandwich variance estimation for marginal Cox analysis of cluster randomized trials. 
#' Under Review.
#' @examples 
#' Y <- c(11,19,43,100,7,100,100,62,52,1,7,6)
#' Delta <- c(1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1)
#' X1 <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1)
#' X2 <- c(-19,6,-25,48,10,-25,15,22,17,-9,45,12)
#' ID <- c(1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6)
#' X <- X1
#' CoxBcv.mdmr(Y,Delta,X,ID)
#' X <- cbind(X1,X2)
#' CoxBcv.mdmr(Y,Delta,X,ID)
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @import pracma
#' @import survival

CoxBcv.mdmr <- function(Y,Delta,X,ID){
  # Step 1: prepare data elements
  # point estimate
  test.cox_cluster <- coxph(Surv(Y,Delta)~X+cluster(ID))
  beta <- as.matrix(coef(test.cox_cluster))
  # sort observations by time
  b <- order(Y)
  Y <- sort(Y)
  X <- as.matrix(X)[b,,drop=FALSE]
  ID <- ID[b]
  Delta <- Delta[b]
  ny <- length(Y)
  nbeta <- dim(as.matrix(X))[2]
  UID <- sort(unique(ID))
  n <- length(UID)
  IDind <- zeros(length(UID), ny)
  for (i in 1:length(UID)){
    IDind[i, ID==UID[i]] <- 1
  # Step 2: Model-based variance estimates
  # the rate of counting process of event, or dN(t)
  NN <- diag(Delta)
  # use the following trick to obtain the at-risk process Y(t)
  # each row is an individual
  # each column is a specific time point (recall the counting process notation)
  IndYY <- (t(repmat(t(Y),ny,1))>=repmat(t(Y),ny,1))
  Xbeta <- c(X%*%beta)
  # Three S matrices for variance calculation
  S0beta <- colSums(IndYY*exp(Xbeta))
  S1beta <- zeros(nbeta,ny)
  for(k in 1:nbeta){
    S1beta[k,] <- colSums(IndYY*exp(Xbeta)*X[,k])
  S2beta <- array(0, c(ny,1,nbeta,nbeta))
  for(k in 1:nbeta){
    for(s in 1:nbeta){
      S2beta[,,k,s] <- colSums(IndYY*exp(Xbeta)*X[,k]*X[,s])
  Omega <- array(0,c(nbeta,nbeta,n))
  # obtain cluster-specific matrices
  for(i in UID){
    # subset observations from each cluster
    S0beta_c <- S0beta[IDind[i,]==1]
    S1beta_c <- S1beta[,IDind[i,]==1,drop=FALSE]
    Delta_c <- Delta[IDind[i,]==1]
    # components for A matrix
    for (k in 1:nbeta){
      for (s in 1:nbeta){
        Omega[k,s,i] <- sum(Delta_c*(S2beta[IDind[i,]==1,,k,s]/S0beta_c-
  Ustar <- apply(Omega,c(1,2),sum)
  naive <- solve(Ustar)
  # Step 3: MDMR bias correction
  # Breslow estimator of baseline hazard
  dHY <- colSums(NN)/c(S0beta)
  HY <- cumsum(dHY)
  # obtain martingale increment: 
  # recall that the martingale is the "residual" in survival context
  epsilon <- NN-IndYY*repmat(t(dHY),ny,1)*exp(Xbeta)
  nom <- nomMR <- nomMDMR <- zeros(nbeta,n)
  Omega_m <- array(0,c(nbeta,nbeta,n))
  # obtain cluster-specific matrices
  for(i in UID){
    # subset observations from each cluster
    X_c <- X[IDind[i,]==1,,drop=FALSE]
    epsilon_c <- epsilon[IDind[i,]==1,,drop=FALSE]
    epsilon_c_all <- colSums(epsilon_c)
    S0beta_c <- S0beta[IDind[i,]==1]
    S1beta_c <- S1beta[,IDind[i,]==1,drop=FALSE]
    ny_c <- sum(IDind[i,]==1)
    Delta_c <- Delta[IDind[i,]==1]
    IndYY_c <- IndYY[IDind[i,]==1,,drop=FALSE]
    Xbeta_c <- Xbeta[IDind[i,]==1]
    ylxb_c <- IndYY_c*exp(Xbeta_c)*repmat(dHY,ny_c,1)
    # the trick is to loop through the dimension of the coefficients
    # otherwise need to deal with multi-dimensional array, very complex
    for (k in 1:nbeta){
      # components for B matrix
      tempk <- repmat(X_c[,k,drop=FALSE],1,ny)-repmat(S1beta[k,,drop=FALSE]/t(S0beta),ny_c,1)
      nom[k,i] <- sum(as.matrix(tempk*epsilon_c)%*%repmat(1,ny,1))
      # preparation for residual based correction of B matrix
      tempr1 <- zeros(1,nbeta)
      for (s in 1:nbeta){
        tempdd <- (repmat(X_c[,s,drop=FALSE],1,ny)-repmat(S1beta[s,,drop=FALSE]/t(S0beta),ny_c,1))*ylxb_c
        tempr1[1,s] <- sum(as.matrix(tempk*tempdd)%*%repmat(1,ny,1))
        # true Omega
        Omega_m[k,s,i] <- sum(Delta_c*(S2beta[IDind[i,]==1,,k,s]/S0beta_c-S1beta_c[k,]*S1beta_c[s,]/S0beta_c^2)) -
          sum((repmat(S2beta[,,k,s]/S0beta-S1beta[k,]*S1beta[s,]/S0beta^2,ny_c,1)*ylxb_c)%*%repmat(1,ny,1)) +
      # components residual based correction
      nomMR1 <- (diag(nbeta)[k,]+tempr1%*%naive)%*%nom[,i]
      nomMR2 <- sum(as.matrix(tempk*IndYY_c*exp(Xbeta_c)/repmat(S0beta,ny_c,1))%*%epsilon_c_all)
      nomMR[k,i] <- nomMR1+nomMR2
    # components for MD type correction
    nomMDMR[,i] <- Ustar%*%solve(Ustar-Omega_m[,,i])%*%nomMR[,i]
  # variance estimator of MDMR type
  UUMDMR <- tcrossprod(nomMDMR)
  varMDMR <- naive%*%UUMDMR%*%naive
  # Output
  # varMDMR: MDMR bias-corrected sandwich var
  bvarMDMR <- diag(varMDMR)
  outbeta <- cbind(matrix(summary(test.cox_cluster)$coefficients[,1:2],ncol=2),bvarMDMR)
  colnames(outbeta) <- c("coef","exp(coef)","MDMR-var")
XueqiWang/CoxBcv_R_package documentation built on April 2, 2022, 11:57 p.m.