
Defines functions exe_new_proc_pattern create_output_directory remove_dup_row

Documented in exe_new_proc_pattern

remove_dup_row <- function(base_df, remove_df) {

  if (is.null(remove_df)) return(base_df)
  remove_df <- remove_df[, match(colnames(base_df), colnames(remove_df)), drop = FALSE]

  for (i in 1:ncol(remove_df)) {
    if (colnames(remove_df)[i] == 'exe_func') next
    remove_df[[i]] <- gsub('/$', '', remove_df[[i]])

  is_duplicated <- apply(base_df, 1, function(pexe) {
    is_matched <- apply(remove_df, 1, function(prem) {
      all(pexe == prem)
  return(base_df[!is_duplicated, , drop = FALSE])


create_output_directory <- function(outdir, func_name, input_name = NULL) {

  # abbreviate input file name
  if (!is.null(input_name)) {
    input_name <- basename(input_name)
    seploc <- regexpr('__', input_name)
    input_name_abb <- ifelse(
      seploc == -1, 'Default',
      substr(input_name, seploc + 2, nchar(input_name))

  # determine output directory names
  if (!is.null(input_name)) {
    outdir_now <- paste(input_name_abb, collapse = '__')
    outdir_now <- paste(outdir, func_name, outdir_now, sep = '__')
  } else {
    outdir_now <- paste(outdir, func_name, sep = '__')

  # create directory
  dir.create(outdir_now, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)


convert_second_to_str <- function (totals) {

  rests <- totals

  second <- rests %% 60
  rests <- rests - second
  second <- round(second)

  minute <- rests %% 3600
  rests <- rests - minute
  minute <- minute / 60

  hour <- rests %% 86400
  rests <- rests - hour
  hour <- hour / 3600

  day <- rests / 86400

  ans <- ''
  ans <- paste0(ans, ifelse(day    == 0, '', paste0(day   , 'd ')))
  ans <- paste0(ans, ifelse(hour   == 0, '', paste0(hour  , 'h ')))
  ans <- paste0(ans, ifelse(minute == 0, '', paste0(minute, 'm ')))
  ans <- paste0(ans, second, 's')



#' Executing sequential processing patterns which have not done before
#' @param exe_func_list
#' A named list of functions to be executed.
#' Each functions should have `outdir` argument, a directory to save results.
#' Names of this list is used in folders' name of results.
#' If you use `input_path_vec` argument (see below),
#' functions should also have `input_dir` argument, a vector of directories to read data.
#' This vector has the same names you used in `input_path_vec`,
#' so you can use that names to specify elements in vector `input_dir` in your functions.
#' @param outdir
#' A directory to save results (character).
#' @param input_path_vec
#' A named vector of input directories (character).
#' If you read data in functions in `exe_func_list`,
#' which are created by `exe_new_proc_pattern()`,
#' please specify its directory using this argument.
#' Each elements should be named,
#' so that you can access to each elements in functions in `exe_func_list`.
#' If you read data which is not created with this function,
#' you don't need to use this argument, just read it directly in your functions.
#' @param exe_pattern
#' If you want to execute specific patterns of input directory and functions,
#' you can specify that pattern as a data frame in `exe_pattern`.
#' @param remove_pattern
#' If you want not to execute specific patterns of input directory and functions,
#' you can specify that pattern as a data frame in `remove_pattern`.
#' @param omit_past_pattern
#' Logical (default = `TRUE`).
#' If you want to redo patterns which was run in the past, set it `FALSE`.
#' @details
#' This function executes functions in `exe_func_list`
#' using input data specified in `input_path_vec`.
#' Folders to save results is automatically created in the directory specified with `outdir`.
#' Information of each execution is recorded in folders' names, such as
#' [outdir]__[function_name]__[name_of_input_directory_1]__[name_of_input_directory_2]...
#' @return
#' NULL.
#' @export

exe_new_proc_pattern <- function(exe_func_list, outdir,
                                 input_path_vec = NULL,
                                 exe_pattern = NULL,
                                 remove_pattern = NULL,
                                 omit_past_pattern = TRUE) {

  if (is.null(exe_pattern)) {

    # create execution pattern of functions
    exe_pattern <- data.frame(exe_func = names(exe_func_list))

    # create execution pattern of input paths
    for (path_name in names(input_path_vec)) {
      # i_path <- 1

      # fetch paths of input files
      paths_i <- list.dirs(input_path_vec[path_name], recursive = FALSE, full.names = TRUE)
      if (length(paths_i) == 0) {
        stop(paste0('No directories found in input_path_vec[', path_name, '].'))

      # extend data frame to add paths
      exe_pattern_now <- exe_pattern
      for (iter in 1:length(paths_i)) {
        if (iter == 1) next
        exe_pattern <- rbind(exe_pattern, exe_pattern_now)

      # add a column of input file paths
      exe_pattern[[path_name]] <- rep(paths_i, each = nrow(exe_pattern_now))


  } else {

    exe_pattern <- exe_pattern[, c('exe_func', names(input_path_vec)), drop = FALSE]


  # remove patterns which should not be executed
  exe_pattern <- remove_dup_row(exe_pattern, remove_pattern)

  # remove existing patterns
  pattern_save_dir <- dirname(outdir)
  is_pattern_file <- grepl('^ExecutedPatterns\\.csv$', list.files(pattern_save_dir))
  if (any(is_pattern_file) & omit_past_pattern) {
    exist_pattern_raw <- read.csv(paste0(pattern_save_dir, '/ExecutedPatterns.csv'), row.names = 1)
    exist_pattern <- exist_pattern_raw
    exist_pattern$folder <- NULL
    exe_pattern <- remove_dup_row(exe_pattern, exist_pattern)

  # cat execution patterns
  n_pattern <- nrow(exe_pattern)
  cat('Detected', n_pattern, 'patterns.\n')
  if (n_pattern == 0) return()

  # execution
  exe_pattern_output <- exe_pattern
  exe_pattern_output$folder <- NA
  for (i_pat in 1:n_pattern) {
    # i_pat <- 1

    t1 <- proc.time()

    # function to execute
    exe_func_name_i <- exe_pattern$exe_func[[i_pat]]
    exe_func_i <- exe_func_list[[exe_func_name_i]]

    # file path to read
    if (is.null(input_path_vec)) {
      input_path_i <- NULL
    } else {
      input_path_i <- unlist(exe_pattern[i_pat, -1])
      input_path_i <- paste0(input_path_i, '/')
      names(input_path_i) <- colnames(exe_pattern)[-1]

    # create output directory
    outdir_i <- create_output_directory(outdir, exe_func_name_i, input_path_i)
    outdir_i <- paste0(outdir_i, '/')
    exe_pattern_output$folder[i_pat] <- outdir_i

    # execution
    cat('Pattern', i_pat, 'is running.\n')
    cat('  Processing starts:', as.character(Sys.time()), '\n')
    cat('  Function:', exe_func_name_i, '\n')
    if (is.null(input_path_vec)) {
      exe_func_i(out = outdir_i)
    } else {
      for (j in 1:length(input_path_i)) {
        cat('  ', names(input_path_vec)[j], ': ', input_path_i[j], '\n', sep = '')
      exe_func_i(input = input_path_i, out = outdir_i)

    # output execution patterns
    exe_pattern_output_i <- if (any(is_pattern_file) & omit_past_pattern) {
      rbind(exist_pattern_raw, exe_pattern_output)
    } else {
    exe_pattern_output_i <- subset(exe_pattern_output_i, !is.na(folder))
              paste0(pattern_save_dir, '/ExecutedPatterns.csv'))

    # print time
    proct <- convert_second_to_str((proc.time() - t1)[3])
    cat('  Processing time: ', proct, '\n', sep = '')


YT100100/TodaFunc documentation built on Nov. 16, 2023, 1:12 a.m.