
Defines functions balance.miss

Documented in balance.miss

#' Search for the optimal balanced item-level planned missing designs.
#'  \code{balance.miss} runs simulations using M\emph{plus}. It returns the search results for optimal balanced item-level PM designs. 
#' @param design0.out An object returned by \code{\link[MplusAutomation]{readModels}}. To obtain this object, the user need to have a Mplus 
#'    output file which contains the \emph{a priori} power analysis 
#'    results for this specific model assuming a complete data design 
#'    (i.e., simulation-based power analysis for sample size planning). 
#'    In principle, \emph{a priori} power analysis is supposed to be 
#'    conducted before the study began.
#' @param VNAMES A character vector containing the names of the observed
#'    variables. The variable names must be ordered chronologically, 
#'    by the time (wave) they are measured. 
#' @param Time The total number of time points (i.e., the total number 
#'    of data collection waves).
#' @param Time.complete Number of data collection waves that have been
#'    completed before the funding cut occurs.
#' @param k The number of observed variables collected at each wave.
#' @param pc Numeric. Proportion of completers: the proportion of subjects
#'    that will participate in all of the following waves of data
#'    collection and provide complete data. This must be greater than 0.
#' @param pd Numeric. The proportion of subjects that will not participate
#'    in any of the following waves of data collection (i.e., drop from
#'    the longitudinal study). This value can be 0.
#' @param costmx  A numeric vector containing the unit cost of each
#'    observed variable that is yet to be measured (post the funding cut).
#'    The cost is assumed to be constant across subjects, but it is
#'    allowed to vary across variables and across waves.
#' @param n The total sample size as initially planned.
#' @param nreps Number of replications for Monte Carlo simulations.
#' @param focal.param Char vector. The parameters of focal interest. The
#'    focal parameters should be specified in the specific format based on
#'    the Mplus output object \code{design0.out}.
#' @param complete.var Char Vector. Specify the name(s) of the variable
#'    (s) if there are any variable(s) that need to have complete data 
#'    collected from all the participating subjects.
#' @param eval.budget Logical scalar (TRUE or FALSE), indicating whether
#'    there is any budget constraint. If the user wishes to search for PM
#'    designs under the budget limit, they need to specify the amount of
#'    the remaining available budget that can be used for future data
#'    collection.
#' @param rm.budget Numeric. The amount of remaining budget avaialbe for
#'    future data collection.
#' @param distal.var Char vector. Specify the names of the variables, if
#'    there are any time-independent distal variables included in the
#'    model that are not subject to planned missingness.
#' @param seed The seed for random number generation.
#' @return An object containing the information of the optimal balanced
#'    item-level PM design. The optimal design is the one that yields
#'    highest power for testing the focal parameters, compared to other
#'    plausible candidate PM designs.
#' @seealso \code{\link{simPM}} which is a warpper function for this
#'    function.
#' @import MplusAutomation
#' @import simsem
#' @import lavaan
#' @keywords internal
#' @export balance.miss
#' @examples

balance.miss <- function(
  eval.budget=T,          # logical, whether the user would like to evaluate the budget constraints. If =T, the function will stop with a warning if all possible patterns would exceed the avaialbe remaining budget.
  rm.budget=NULL,          # remaining available budget
  complete.var=NULL) {

  n.miss.point <- 1:(Time * k - Time.complete * k - 1)
  ms.range <- c((Time.complete * k + 1):(Time * k))

  # storage bins
  designs <- list()
  probs <- list()
  cost.design <- c() # cost of each design

  rs <- 1

  for (i in n.miss.point) {               # loop over different # of missing waves (designs)

    mpoint <- combn(ms.range, i)           # possible combinations of missing points when n.miss.point=i
    pattern <- matrix(0, nrow = ncol(mpoint), ncol = k*Time)  #pattern matrix

    for (j in seq_len(nrow(pattern))){
      for (m in seq_len(nrow(mpoint)))
        pattern[j, mpoint[m, j]] <- 1   #put missing in pattern matrix

    completers <- rep(0, ncol(pattern))       # completers pattern
    dropper <- c(rep(0, Time.complete * k), rep(1, (Time - Time.complete) * k))   #droppers pattern

    # when user needs to have complete data on certain variables

    if (is.null(complete.var)==F) {

      if (length(complete.var)==1) {
        # find which column these variables are
        complete.cols <- which(VNAMES %in% complete.var)
        # whether to keep the rows
        keep <- pattern[, complete.cols]==0

        pattern <- pattern[keep, , drop=FALSE]

      if (length(complete.var) > 1) {
        complete.cols <- which(VNAMES %in% complete.var)
        keep <- rowSums(pattern[, complete.cols]==0)==length(complete.var)

        temp.pattern <- pattern[keep, , drop=FALSE]
        if (is.null(dim(temp.pattern))==F) {
          pattern <- temp.pattern
        if (is.null(dim(temp.pattern))==T) {
          pattern <- t(as.matrix(temp.pattern))



    if (pd!=0) {      # if there are droppers
      patmx <- rbind(pattern, completers, dropper)   # missing patterns for Mplus later
    if (pd==0) {      # if there are no droppers
      patmx <- rbind(pattern, completers)

    designs[[rs]] <- patmx

    #### pattern probs
    # p.probs
    if (pd == 0) {
      p.probs <- c(rep(round((1 - pc - pd) / (nrow(patmx) - 1), 6), nrow(patmx) - 1), pc)
    if (pd!=0) {
      p.probs <- c(rep(round((1 - pc - pd) / (nrow(patmx) - 2), 6), nrow(patmx) - 2), pc, pd)

    probs[[rs]] <- p.probs

    ### cost of each design
    cost.design[rs] <- sum((1 - patmx[, ms.range]) %*% costmx * p.probs * n)

    rs <- rs + 1

  #### evaluate cost
  ## only simulate for those designs that are below the budget limit

  if (eval.budget == T) {
    if (sum(cost.design > rm.budget) == length(cost.design)) {
      stop ("All wave missing designs cost more than the avaiable remaing budget. Try other designs.")

    designs2 <- designs[cost.design <= rm.budget] #select the designs that are below the budget limit
    probs2 <- probs[cost.design <= rm.budget]
    miss.point <- n.miss.point[cost.design <= rm.budget]
    cost.design2 <- cost.design[cost.design <= rm.budget]

  if (eval.budget == F) {
    designs2 <- designs
    probs2 <- probs
    miss.point <- n.miss.point
    cost.design2 <- cost.design

  convergence.rate <- c()   #convergence rate
  weakest.param.DV <- c()
  weakest.param.IV <- c()
  weakest.para.power <- c()

  for (d in seq_len(length(designs2))) {

    patmx <- designs2[[d]]
    p.probs <- probs2[[d]]

    ###distal variables
    if (is.null(distal.var)==F) {
      dis.pat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(patmx), ncol = length(distal.var))
      patmx <- cbind(patmx, dis.pat)
      VNAMES <- c(VNAMES, distal.var)

    FNAME <- aste0("missing-tpoints-", miss.point[d])  #file name

    #### need to fit in mplus format

    max.col <- 9        # the break-up point for the PATMISS matrix to meet the 90 character limitation of MPLUS
    r.PAT <- ceiling(length(VNAMES)/max.col)  #number of blocks

    if (r.PAT==1) {
      PATMISS <- rep(NA, nrow(patmx))
      for (j in 1:(nrow(patmx) - 1)) {
        Pat <- paste0(VNAMES, "(", patmx[j,], ")", collapse = " ")
        PATMISS[j] <- paste(Pat, "|", sep=" ")
      lastPatLine <- paste0(VNAMES, "(", patmx[nrow(patmx),], ")", collapse = " ") #last line
      PATMISS[nrow(patmx)] <- paste(lastPatLine , ";")
      VNAMES.inp  <- c(paste(VNAMES,collapse=" "),";")

    if (r.PAT==2) {
      PATMISS <- rep(NA, nrow(patmx) * 2)
      patmx.1 <- patmx[, 1:max.col]
      patmx.2 <- patmx[, (max.col + 1):ncol(patmx)]

      VNAMES.1 <- VNAMES[1:max.col]
      VNAMES.2 <- VNAMES[(max.col+1):length(VNAMES)]

      for (j in 1:(nrow(patmx) - 1)) {
        Pat.1 <- paste0(VNAMES.1, "(", patmx.1[j,], ")", collapse = " ")
        Pat.2 <- paste0(VNAMES.2, "(", patmx.2[j,], ")", collapse = " ")
        PATMISS[2 * j-1] <- Pat.1
        PATMISS[2 * j] <- paste(Pat.2, "|", sep=" ")
      lastPatLine.1 <- paste0(VNAMES.1, "(", patmx.1[nrow(patmx),], ")", collapse = " ") #last line
      lastPatLine.2 <- paste0(VNAMES.2,"(",patmx.2[nrow(patmx),], ")", collapse = " ")

      PATMISS[nrow(patmx) * 2 - 1] <- lastPatLine.1
      PATMISS[nrow(patmx) * 2] <- paste(lastPatLine.2, ";")

      VNAMES.inp <- c(paste(VNAMES.1,collapse=" "), paste(VNAMES.2,collapse=" "), ";")

    if (r.PAT>2) {
      pat.list <- list()
      name.list <- list()
      name.list2 <- list()

      PATMISS <- rep(NA, nrow(patmx) * r.PAT)

      pat.list[[1]] <- patmx[, 1:max.col]
      name.list[[1]] <- VNAMES[1:max.col]

      for (rp in 2:(r.PAT-1)) {
        pat.list[[rp]] <- patmx[, ((rp - 1) * max.col + 1):(rp * max.col)]
        name.list[[rp]] <- VNAMES[((rp - 1) * max.col + 1):(rp * max.col)]
      pat.list[[r.PAT]] <- patmx[, ((r.PAT-1) * max.col + 1):length(VNAMES)]
      name.list[[r.PAT]] <- VNAMES[((r.PAT-1) * max.col + 1):length(VNAMES)]

      PATMISS.j <- list()

      for (j in 1:(nrow(patmx) - 1)) {
        Pat.j <- list()  #storage

        for (rp in 1:(r.PAT-1)) {
          Pat.j[[rp]] <- paste0(name.list[[rp]], "(", pat.list[[rp]][j, ], ")", collapse = " ")
        Pat.j[[r.PAT]] <- paste(paste0(name.list[[r.PAT]], "(", pat.list[[r.PAT]][j,], ")", collapse = " "),"|",sep=" ")
        PATMISS.j[[j]] <- unlist(Pat.j)

      # last line
      j <- nrow(patmx)
      for (rp in 1:(r.PAT-1)) {
        Pat.j[[rp]] <- paste0(name.list[[rp]], "(", pat.list[[rp]][j, ], ")", collapse = " ")
      Pat.j[[r.PAT]] <- paste(paste0(name.list[[r.PAT]], "(", pat.list[[r.PAT]][j,], ")", collapse = " "),";", sep=" ")
      PATMISS.j[[j]] <- unlist(Pat.j)

      PATMISS <- unlist(PATMISS.j)

      # variable names

      for (l in 1:r.PAT) {
        name.list2[[l]] <- paste0(name.list[[l]], collapse=" ")
      VNAMES.inp <- c(unlist(name.list2), ";")

    # pattern probs
    r.probs <- ceiling(nrow(patmx) / max.col)

    if (r.probs==1) {
      A <- paste(p.probs[1:(length(p.probs)-1)], "|", collapse = "")
      B <- paste(p.probs[length(p.probs)],";")
      PATPROBS <- paste(A, B)

    if (r.probs==2) {

      if ((max.col * (r.probs-1)) < (length(p.probs)-1)) {
        A <- paste(p.probs[1:max.col], "|", collapse = "")
        B <- paste(p.probs[(max.col+1):(length(p.probs)-1)],"|", collapse="")
        C <- paste(p.probs[length(p.probs)], ";")
        PATPROBS <- c(A, paste(B, C))

      if ((max.col * (r.probs-1)) == (length(p.probs) - 1)) {
        A <- paste(p.probs[1:max.col], "|", collapse = "")
        #B=paste(p.probs[(max.col+1):(length(p.probs)-1)],"|", collapse="")
        C <- paste(p.probs[length(p.probs)], ";")
        PATPROBS <- c(A, paste(B, C))

    if (r.probs>2) {

      prob.list <- list()
      for (rp in 1:(r.probs-1)) {
        prob.list[[rp]] <- paste(p.probs[((rp-1) * max.col + 1):(rp * max.col)], "|", collapse = "")

      if ((max.col*(r.probs-1)) == (length(p.probs)-1)) {
        #B=paste(p.probs[((r.probs-1)*max.col+1):(length(p.probs)-1)],"|", collapse="")
        C <- paste(p.probs[length(p.probs)], ";")
        prob.list[[r.probs]] <- C
        PATPROBS <- unlist(prob.list)
      } else if ((max.col * (r.probs - 1)) < (length(p.probs)-1)) {
        B <- paste(p.probs[((r.probs - 1) * max.col + 1):(length(p.probs) - 1)], "|", collapse = "")
        C <- paste(p.probs[length(p.probs)], ";")
        prob.list[[r.probs]] <- paste(B, C)
        PATPROBS <- unlist(prob.list)

    scriptMplus <- c(
      paste0("TITLE: ", FNAME, ";"),
      "MONTECARLO: ",
      #paste0("NAMES ARE ", paste(VNAMES, collapse = " "), ";"),
      "NAMES ARE ",
      paste0("NOBSERVATIONS = ", n, ";"),
      paste0("NREPS = ", nreps, ";"),
      paste0("SEED = ", seed, ";"),
      "PATMISS =",
      "PATPROBS =",
      "MODEL: ",
      "OUTPUT: TECH9;")

    fileConn <- file(paste0(FNAME, ".inp"))
    writeLines(scriptMplus, fileConn)  #write the input file into the folder

    wd.dir <- getwd()
    MplusAutomation::runModels(target=paste0(wd.dir,"/",FNAME,".inp"), replaceOutfile = F)                        #run the input file in Mplus

    filename <- paste0(paste0(FNAME, ".out"))  #output file name
    design.out <- MplusAutomation::readModels(filename)

    temp <- design.out$parameters$unstandardized
    if (is.null(temp)==T) {
      convergence.rate[d] <- 0
      weakest.param.DV[d] <- "NA"
      weakest.param.IV[d] <- "NA"
      weakest.para.power[d] <- 0
    if (is.null(temp)==F) {
      convergence.rate[d] <- design.out$summaries$ChiSqM_NumComputations/nreps    #converged number of simulations

      f.param <- temp[temp$paramHeader %in% focal.param$paramHeader&temp$param %in% focal.param$param,]
      weakest.f.param <- f.param[f.param$pct_sig_coef == min(f.param$pct_sig_coef),]

      # what if there is a tie in terms of the weakest power
      # choose the first one
      if (nrow(weakest.f.param)>1) {
        weakest.f.param <- weakest.f.param[1,]      ########## may need to be changed later

      weakest.param.DV[d] <- weakest.f.param[, "paramHeader"]
      weakest.param.IV[d] <- weakest.f.param[, "param"]
      weakest.para.power[d] <- weakest.f.param[, "pct_sig_coef"]


  sim.results.out <- cbind.data.frame(convergence.rate,   #convergence rate
                                   "cost.design" = cost.design2, # cost of each design

  opt.design.1 <- sim.results.out[sim.results.out[,"weakest.para.power"]==max(sim.results.out[,"weakest.para.power"]), ]

  if (nrow(opt.design.1)==1) {
    opt.design <- opt.design.1
  if (nrow(opt.design.1)>1) {
    opt.design <- opt.design.1[opt.design.1$cost.design==min(opt.design.1$cost.design), ]

  op <- which(miss.point==opt.design$miss.point)    #which design is chosen
  opt.pattern <- designs2[[op]]
  colnames(opt.pattern) <- VNAMES
  opt.probs <- probs2[[op]]
  misc <- list(time=Time,k=k,focal.param=focal.param)

  re.ob <- list(
  class(re.ob) <- append(class(re.ob),"simpm")

YiFengEDMS/simPM documentation built on July 25, 2020, 4:08 a.m.