
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                             sw_reg
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------
#   Load "transplant" data
# ------------------------------------------------
data("transplant", package = "survival")
transplant$delta = 1 * (transplant$event == "ltx") # create binary var
# which indicate censoring/non censoring

# keep only rows with no missing value
apply(transplant, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x){sum(is.na(x))})
transplant_bis = transplant[stats::complete.cases(transplant),]

# plot the survival curve of transplant data
KM_transplant = survfit(formula = survival::Surv(time = futime, event = delta) ~ 1,
                        data = transplant_bis)

# ------------------------------------------------
#   Basic call to train a model
# ------------------------------------------------
res1 = sw_reg(y_var = "futime",
              delta_var = "delta",
              x_vars = setdiff(colnames(transplant_bis),
                               c("futime", "delta", "event")),
              train = transplant_bis
# parameters set by default
res1$mode_sw_RF # 1 corresponds to wRF1 in [Gerb. et al.]

# train errors

# ------------------------------------------------
#   Training with estimation of test error
# ------------------------------------------------
train_lines = sample(1:nrow(transplant_bis), 600)
res2 = sw_reg(y_var = "futime",
              delta_var = "delta",
              x_vars = setdiff(colnames(transplant_bis),
                               c("futime", "delta", "event")),
              train = transplant_bis[train_lines,],
              test = transplant_bis[-train_lines,],
              types_w_ev = c("KM", "Cox", "RSF", "unif"))

print(res2$max_time) # default \code{max_time} has changed since train set
# is different

# there is a uge overfitting in terms of quadratic errors

# default parameters for the random forest are
res2$sw_RF_obj$nodedepth # means there is no depth limit

# -----------------------------------------------------
#   Modify the \code{max_time} argument & look for
#       the best model under this setting
# -----------------------------------------------------

train_lines = sample(1:nrow(transplant_bis), 600)
res30 = sw_reg(y_var = "futime",
               delta_var = "delta",
               x_vars = setdiff(colnames(transplant_bis),
                                c("futime", "delta", "event")),
               train = transplant_bis[train_lines,],
               test = transplant_bis[-train_lines,],
               type_w = "KM", # default value
               max_time = 600, # we set \code{max_time} to 600
               types_w_ev = c("KM", "Cox", "RSF", "unif"))

# are the other types of weights giving better results ?
## Cox weights
res31 = sw_reg(y_var = "futime",
               delta_var = "delta",
               x_vars = setdiff(colnames(transplant_bis),
                                c("futime", "delta", "event")),
               train = transplant_bis[train_lines,],
               test = transplant_bis[-train_lines,],
               type_w = "Cox",
               max_time = 600, # we set \code{max_time} to 600
               types_w_ev = c("KM", "Cox", "RSF", "unif"))
print(res31$perf_test) # slight improvment compared with weights KM

## RSF weights
res32 = sw_reg(y_var = "futime",
               delta_var = "delta",
               x_vars = setdiff(colnames(transplant_bis),
                                c("futime", "delta", "event")),
               train = transplant_bis[train_lines,],
               test = transplant_bis[-train_lines,],
               type_w = "RSF",
               max_time = 600, # we set \code{max_time} to 600
               types_w_ev = c("KM", "Cox", "RSF", "unif"))

## unif weights
res33 = sw_reg(y_var = "futime",
               delta_var = "delta",
               x_vars = setdiff(colnames(transplant_bis),
                                c("futime", "delta", "event")),
               train = transplant_bis[train_lines,],
               test = transplant_bis[-train_lines,],
               type_w = "unif",
               max_time = 600, # we set \code{max_time} to 600
               types_w_ev = c("KM", "Cox", "RSF", "unif"))

# In terms of quadratic, the best weights are the Cox weights
# remark : in this example there is not a big difference between the "unif" weights
# and the other weights because there is little censoring in the data :

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
#     Try wRF2  and wRF3 (both are obtained with
#               \code{mode_sw_RF = 2})
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

res40 = sw_reg(y_var = "futime",
               delta_var = "delta",
               x_vars = setdiff(colnames(transplant_bis),
                                c("futime", "delta", "event")),
               train = transplant_bis[train_lines,],
               test = transplant_bis[-train_lines,],
               type_w = "Cox",
               max_time = 600, # we set \code{max_time} to 600
               types_w_ev = c("KM", "Cox", "RSF", "unif"),
               mode_sw_RF = 2)
print(res40$perf_test) # wRF2 : not as good as wRF1
print(res40$perf_test_KMloc) # wRF3 : worse than wRF2

# -------------------------------------------------------
#               Try a GAM model
# -------------------------------------------------------

## GLM with Cox weights
res5 = sw_reg(y_var = "futime",
              delta_var = "delta",
              x_vars = setdiff(colnames(transplant_bis),
                               c("futime", "delta", "event")),
              train = transplant_bis[train_lines,],
              test = transplant_bis[-train_lines,],
              type_w = "Cox",
              max_time = 600, # we set \code{max_time} to 600
              types_w_ev = c("KM", "Cox", "RSF", "unif"),
              type_reg = "gam")
print(res5$perf_test) # not as good as random forest

# ------------------------------------------------------------
#     Analyse the weights used for "weighted" criteria
# ------------------------------------------------------------

print(res31$cens_rate) # rate of censoring taking into account \code{max_time}
## ratio max(weights)/min(weights)
print(apply(X = res31$mat_w_test,
            MARGIN = 2,
            FUN = function(x){max(x[x != 0])/min(x[x != 0])}))
# ratios are low because the censoring rate is low

# in this case, it is not meaningful to to modify the
# \code{max_w_ev} argument since the maximum ratios
# between weights are around 2 and the test data has 197 rows.
# But in other situation it may be pertinent

# ------------------------------------------------
#   Use custom \code{phi} function
# ------------------------------------------------
g = function(x,a) abs(x-a)
train_lines = sample(1:nrow(transplant_bis), 600)
res6 = sw_reg(y_var = "futime",
              delta_var = "delta",
              x_vars = setdiff(colnames(transplant_bis),
                               c("futime", "delta", "event")),
              train = transplant_bis[train_lines,],
              test = transplant_bis[-train_lines,],
              phi = g,
              phi.args = list(a = 200),
              type_w = "Cox",
              max_time = 600, # we set \code{max_time} to 600
              types_w_ev = c("KM", "Cox", "RSF", "unif"))
print(res6$perf_test) # slight improvment compared with weights KM

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                             predict_sw_reg
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------
#   Load "transplant" data
# ------------------------------------------------
data("transplant", package = "survival")
transplant$delta = 1 * (transplant$event == "ltx") # create binary var
# which indicate censoring/non censoring

# keep only rows with no missing value
transplant_bis = transplant[stats::complete.cases(transplant),]

# ------------------------------------------------
#   Basic call to train a model
# ------------------------------------------------

train_lines = sample(1:nrow(transplant_bis), 600)
res = sw_reg(y_var = "futime",
             delta_var = "delta",
             x_vars = setdiff(colnames(transplant_bis),
                              c("futime", "delta", "event")),
             train = transplant_bis[train_lines,],
             types_w_ev = c("KM", "Cox", "RSF", "unif"),
             mode_sw_RF = 2)
# ------------------------------------------------
#   Predict on new data
# ------------------------------------------------

pred = predict_sw_reg(obj = res,
                      newdata = transplant_bis[-train_lines,])
YohannLeFaou/sword documentation built on May 28, 2019, 3:21 p.m.