
Defines functions xmR

Documented in xmR

#'Generate the XMR data for any time-series data.
#'@description Will be used to calculate XMR data. 
#'@param df The dataframe containing the time-series data. 
#'Must be in tidy format.
#'At least 1 variable for time and one variable for measure.
#'@param measure The column containing the measure. Must be in numeric format.
#'@param interval The interval you'd like to use to calculate the averages. 
#'Defaults to 5.
#'@param recalc Logical: if you'd like it to recalculate bounds. Defaults to False
#'@param reuse Logical: Should points be re-used in calculations? Defaults to False
#'@param longrun Vector of 2 to determine rules for long run. First point is the 'n' of points used to recalculate with, and the second is to determine what qualifies as a long run. Default is c(5,8) which uses the first 5 points of a run of 8 to recalculate the bounds. 
#'@param shortrun Vector of 2 to determine rules for a short run. The first point is the minimium number of points within the set to qualify a shortrun, and the second is the length of a possible set. Default is c(3,4) which states that 3 of 4 points need to pass the test to be used in a calculation. 
#'@param rules
#'Long Runs - Consecutive points above or below the central line and after the initializing point. If a long run is present, then use the first n points to recalculate the new bounds, after which these points are never to be used again.
#'Short Runs -  Points that are closer to either bound than they are to the central line and after the initializng points. Newly calculated bounds begin at the first point in the short run, and extend to the end of the chart unless re-calculated after the end of the run.
#'dat.xmr <- xmR(dat, "Measure", 5)
#'dat.xmr <- dat %>% 
#'           group_by(., Program, Variable) %>% 
#'           do(xmR(., measure = "Retention Rate", 
#'           interval = 5, recalc = T))           
#'xmR_chart(., "Time", "Measure", "Facet")
#'@export xmR
xmR <- function(df, measure, interval, recalc, reuse, testing, longrun, shortrun) {
  if (missing(interval)){
    interval <- 5
  if (missing(recalc)){
    recalc <- F
  if (missing(testing)){
    testing <- F
  if (missing(reuse)){
    reuse <- T
  if (missing(longrun)){
    longrun <- c(5, 8)
  if (missing(shortrun)){
    shortrun <- c(3, 4)
  if (longrun[1] > longrun[2]){
    message("Invalid longrun argument. First digit must be less than or equal to the second.")
  if (shortrun[1] > shortrun[2]){
    message("Invalid shortrun argument. First digit must be less than or equal to the second.")
  round2 <- function(x, n) {
    posneg <- sign(x)
    z <- abs(x) * 10 ^ n
    z <-  z + 0.5
    z <-  trunc(z)
    z <-  z / 10 ^ n
    z * posneg
  interval <- round2(interval, 0)
  df$Order <- seq(1, nrow(df), 1)
  points <- seq(1, interval, 1)
  #limits calculator
  limits <- function(df){
    df$`Lower Natural Process Limit` <-
      df$`Central Line` - (df$`Average Moving Range` * 2.66)
    df$`Lower Natural Process Limit`[1] <- NA
    df$`Lower Natural Process Limit` <-
      ifelse(df$`Lower Natural Process Limit` <= 0,
             df$`Lower Natural Process Limit`)
    df$`Upper Natural Process Limit` <-
      df$`Central Line` + (df$`Average Moving Range` * 2.66)
    df$`Upper Natural Process Limit`[1] <- NA
  #starting conditions
  starter <- function(dat){
    original_cent <- mean(dat[[measure]][1:interval])
    dat$`Central Line` <- original_cent
    #moving range
    dat$`Moving Range` <- abs(dat[[measure]] - lag(dat[[measure]], 1))
    for (i in 1:(nrow(dat) - 1)) {
      dat$`Moving Range`[i + 1] <- abs(dat[[measure]][i] - dat[[measure]][i + 1])
    dat$`Average Moving Range` <- mean(dat$`Moving Range`[2:(interval)])
    dat$`Average Moving Range`[1] <- NA
    dat <- limits(dat)
  #testing for shortruns
  shortruns <- function(df, side, points){
    if (side == "upper"){
      df$Test <- NA
      df$Test <- ifelse(
        (abs(df[[measure]] - df$`Central Line`) >
           abs(df[[measure]] - df$`Upper Natural Process Limit`) &
           !(df$Order %in% points)
        ), "1", "0")
    if (side == "lower"){
      df$Test <- NA
      df$Test <- ifelse(
        (abs(df[[measure]] - df$`Central Line`) >
          abs(df[[measure]] - df$`Lower Natural Process Limit`) &
          !(df$Order %in% points)
         ), "1", "0")
  #run subsetters
  shortrun_subset <- function(df, test, order, measure, points, int){
    int <- int
    subsets <- c()
    value <- "1"
    run <- shortrun[2]
    percentage <- run * (shortrun[1]/shortrun[2])

    for (i in int:nrow(df)){
      pnts <- i:(i + shortrun[1])
      q <- df[[test]][df[[order]] %in% pnts]
      r <- as.data.frame(table(q))
      if (!any(is.na(q) == T) && (value %in% r$q)){
        if (r$Freq[r$q == value] >= percentage &&
           !(pnts %in% points)){
          subset <- df[df[[order]] %in% pnts, ]
          df <- df[!(df[[order]] %in% pnts), ]
          subsets <- rbind(subsets, subset)
    return(subsets[1:(shortrun[2]), ])
  run_subset <- function(subset, order, df, type, side, points){
    if (missing(type)){
      type <- "long"
    if (missing(subset)){
      subset <-  df
    if (type == "long"){
    breaks <- c(0, which(diff(subset[[order]]) != 1), length(subset[[order]]))
    d <- sapply(seq(length(breaks) - 1),
                function(i) subset[[order]][(breaks[i] + 1):breaks[i + 1]])
    if (is.matrix(d)){
      d <- split(d, rep(1:ncol(d), each = nrow(d)))
    if (length(d) > 1){
      rns <- c()
      idx <- c()
      for (i in 1:length(d)){
        a <- length(d[[i]])
        rns <- c(rns, a)
        idx <- c(idx, i)
      runs <- data.frame(idx, rns)
      idx <- unique(runs$idx[runs$rns == max(runs$rns)])
      run <- d[idx]
      subset <- subset[subset[[order]] %in% run[[1]], ]
    else {
      subset <- subset[subset[[order]] %in% d[[1]], ]
    if (type == "short" && side == "upper"){
      df <- shortruns(df, "upper", points)
      subset <- shortrun_subset(df, "Test", "Order", measure, points, interval)
    if (type == "short" && side == "lower"){
      df_subset <- shortruns(df, "lower", points)
      subset <- shortrun_subset(df_subset, "Test", "Order", measure, points, interval)
  recalculator <- function(dat, subset, order, length, message, reuse){
    if (length == longrun[2]){
      int <- longrun[1]
      subset$Test <- 1
      } else if (length == shortrun[2]){
      int <- shortrun[2]
    if (nrow(subset) >= length){
      start <- min(subset[[order]], na.rm = T)
      if (length == longrun[2]){
        end <- start + (int-1)
      else if (length == shortrun[2]){
        end <- start + (int-1)
      lastrow <- max(dat[[order]], na.rm = T)
       if (length == longrun[2]){
        new_cnt <- mean(subset[[measure]][1:int], na.rm = T)
        new_mv_rng <- subset$`Moving Range`[1:int]
        new_av_mv_rng <- mean(new_mv_rng, na.rm = T)
        dat$`Average Moving Range`[start:lastrow] <- new_av_mv_rng
        dat$`Central Line`[start:lastrow] <- new_cnt
        dat <- limits(dat)
        calcpoints <- start:end
        points <- c(points, calcpoints)
        assign("points", points, envir = parent.frame())
        assign("calcpoints", calcpoints, envir = parent.frame())
      } else if (length == shortrun[2]){
        new_cnt <- mean(subset[[measure]][subset$Test == 1], na.rm = T)
        new_mv_rng <- subset$`Moving Range`[subset$Test == 1]
        new_av_mv_rng <- mean(new_mv_rng, na.rm = T)
        start <- min(subset[[order]][subset$Test == 1], na.rm = T)
        end <- max(subset[[order]][subset$Test == 1], na.rm = T)
        dat$`Average Moving Range`[start:lastrow] <- new_av_mv_rng
        dat$`Central Line`[start:lastrow] <- new_cnt
        dat <- limits(dat)
        calcpoints <- start:end
        if (reuse == F){
          points <- c(points, calcpoints)
        assign("points", points, envir = parent.frame())
        assign("calcpoints", calcpoints, envir = parent.frame())

    } else {
  #runs application
  runs <- function(dat, run = c("short", "long"), 
                   side = c("upper", "lower"), 
                   longrun, shortrun){
    if (run == "short"){
      l <- shortrun[2]
    } else if (run == "long"){
      l <- longrun[2]
    #upper longruns
    if (side == "upper" && run == "long"){
       dat_sub <- dat %>%
        filter(., .[[measure]] > `Central Line` &
                 !(Order %in% points)) %>%
        arrange(., Order)
       dat_sub <- run_subset(dat_sub, "Order")
       rep <- nrow(dat_sub)
       while (rep >= l){
         mess <- paste0(run, ": ", side)
         dat <- recalculator(dat, dat_sub, "Order", l, mess, reuse)
         assign("points", points, envir = parent.frame())
         if (testing == T){
         dat_sub <- dat %>%
           filter(., .[[measure]] > `Central Line` & !(Order %in% points)) %>%
           arrange(., Order)
         dat_sub <- run_subset(dat_sub, "Order")
         rep <- nrow(dat_sub)
    #lower longruns
    else if (side == "lower" && run == "long"){
      dat_sub <- dat %>%
        filter(., .[[measure]] < `Central Line` &
                 #abs(.[[measure]] - `Central Line`) <
                 #abs(.[[measure]] - `Lower Natural Process Limit`) &
                 !(Order %in% points)) %>%
        arrange(., Order)
      dat_sub <- run_subset(dat_sub, "Order")
      rep <- nrow(dat_sub)
      while (rep >= l){
        mess <- paste0(run, ": ", side)
        dat <- recalculator(dat, dat_sub, "Order", l, mess, reuse)
        assign("points", points, envir = parent.frame())
        if (testing == T){
        dat_sub <- dat %>%
          filter(., .[[measure]] < `Central Line` & !(Order %in% points)) %>%
          arrange(., Order)
        dat_sub <- run_subset(dat_sub, "Order")
        rep <- nrow(dat_sub)
    #upper shortruns
    else if (side == "upper" && run == "short"){
      dat_sub <- run_subset(order = "Order",
                            df = dat,
                            type = "short",
                            side = "upper",
                            points = points)
      rep <- nrow(dat_sub)
      while (!is.null(rep) && !is.na(rep)){
        mess <- paste0(run, ": ", side)
        dat <- recalculator(dat, dat_sub, "Order", l, mess, reuse)
        assign("points", points, envir = parent.frame())
        if (testing == T){
        dat_sub <- run_subset(order = "Order",
                              df = dat,
                              type = "short",
                              side = "upper",
                              points = points)
        rep <- nrow(dat_sub)
    ##lower shortrun
    else if (side == "lower" && run == "short"){
      dat_sub <- run_subset(order = "Order",
                            df = dat,
                            type = "short",
                            side = "lower",
                            points = points)
      rep <- nrow(dat_sub)
      while (!is.null(rep) && !is.na(rep)){
        mess <- paste0(run, ": ", side)
        dat <- recalculator(dat, dat_sub, "Order", l, mess, reuse)
        assign("points", points, envir = parent.frame())
        if (testing == T){
        dat_sub <- run_subset(order = "Order",
                              df = dat,
                              type = "short",
                              side = "lower",
                              points = points)
        rep <- nrow(dat_sub)
  if ( (nrow(df) ) >= interval){
    #if no recalculation of limits is desired
    if (recalc == F){
      df <- starter(df)
    #if recalculation of limits desired
    if (recalc == T){
    #calculate inital values
      df <- starter(df)
      df <- runs(df, "short", "upper", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "short", "lower", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "short", "upper", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "short", "lower", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "long", "upper", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "long", "lower", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "short", "upper", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "short", "lower", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "long", "upper", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "long", "lower", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "short", "upper", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "short", "lower", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "long", "upper", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- runs(df, "long", "lower", longrun, shortrun)
      df <- limits(df)
    lastpoint <- max(df$Order)

    penpoint <- shortrun[1]-1

    df$`Central Line`[c((lastpoint - penpoint) : lastpoint)] <-
      df$`Central Line`[c(lastpoint - penpoint)]
    df$`Average Moving Range`[c((lastpoint - penpoint) : lastpoint)] <-
      df$`Average Moving Range`[c(lastpoint - penpoint)]
    df <- limits(df)
    df$`Central Line` <- round2(df$`Central Line`, 3)
    df$`Moving Range` <- round2(df$`Moving Range`, 3)
    df$`Average Moving Range` <- round2(df$`Average Moving Range`, 3)
    df$`Lower Natural Process Limit` <-
      round2(df$`Lower Natural Process Limit`, 3)
    df$`Upper Natural Process Limit` <-
      round2(df$`Upper Natural Process Limit`, 3)
  if ( (nrow(df) ) < interval) {
    df$`Central Line` <- NA
    df$`Moving Range` <- NA
    df$`Average Moving Range` <- NA
    df$`Lower Natural Process Limit` <- NA
    df$`Upper Natural Process Limit` <- NA
Zanidean/sRa documentation built on May 7, 2019, 7:44 a.m.