# Wraps a `Learner` basically completely, with the exception that a `expire_time` is given (a POSIXct).
# When this time has passed, then this Learner always errors immediately.
# Furthermore, the timeout of the learner is set automatically to the remaining time, should it be less
# than the learner's original timeout.
# The learner should ideally be encapsulated with something that allows hard timeouts, like 'callr' or similar.
# LearnerWrapperExpire inherits this encapsulation and sets the wrapped learner's encapsulation to "none".
# LearnerWrapper furthermore inherits the learner's fallback learner, and sets the wrapped learner's fallback learner to NULL.
# This encapsulates by running wrapped_learner$train() from within private$.train(), and wrapped_learner$predict() from within private$.predict().
LearnerWrapperExpire = R6Class("LearnerWrapperExpire", inherit = mlr3::Learner,
public = list(
id = NULL,
state = NULL,
task_type = NULL,
predict_types = NULL,
feature_types = NULL,
properties = NULL,
data_formats = NULL,
packages = NULL,
predict_sets = "test",
man = NULL,
expire_time = NULL,
initialize = function(wrapped_learner, expire_time) {
# initialize by basically copying everything from wrapped_learner to top level values
# fallback is set to NULL, because we only want to fall back once.
# When the user calls $train(), the call goes like this (simplified):
# LearnerWrapperExpire$train --> mlr3:::learner_train --> ['evaluate' encapsulation] --> LearnerWrapperExpire$private$.train -->
# wrapped_learner$train --> mlr3:::learner_train --> [learner's encapsulation] --> wrapped_learner$private$.train
# similar for predict().
assert_class(wrapped_learner, "Learner")
super$initialize(wrapped_learner$id, wrapped_learner$task_type, ParamSet$new(),
predict_types = wrapped_learner$predict_types, feature_types = wrapped_learner$feature_types,
properties = wrapped_learner$properties, data_formats = wrapped_learner$data_formats, packages = wrapped_learner$packages,
man = wrapped_learner$man)
private$.learner = wrapped_learner$clone(deep = TRUE)
private$.fallback = private$.learner$fallback
private$.learner$fallback = NULL
self$encapsulate = mlr3misc::map_chr(private$.learner$encapsulate, function(x) if (x == "none") "none" else "evaluate")
self$expire_time = expire_time
active = list(
hash = function() {
# change the hash here to avoid confusion between wrapped and unwrapped learners
digest::digest(list("LearnerWrapperExpire", private$.learner$hash, self$fallback$hash))
phash = function() {
# change the hash here to avoid confusion between wrapped and unwrapped learners
digest::digest(list("LearnerWrapperExpire", private$.learner$phash, self$fallback$hash))
fallback = function(rhs) {
if (!missing(rhs)) {
private$.fallback = rhs
} else {
predict_type = function(rhs) {
if (!missing(rhs)) {
private$.learner$predict_type = rhs
} else {
param_set = function(rhs) {
if (!missing(rhs)) {
private$.learner$param_set = rhs
} else {
wrapped_learner = function(rhs) {
if (!missing(rhs)) {
stop("$learner is purely read-only.")
learner = private$.learner$clone(deep = TRUE)
learner$state = self$model
private = list(
.learner = NULL,
.fallback = NULL,
.train = function(task) {
timeout = as.numeric(difftime(self$expire_time, Sys.time(), units = "secs"))
if (timeout < 0) {
mlr3misc::stopf("Learner %s expired at %s, now it is %s!", self$id, self$expire_time, Sys.time())
on.exit({private$.learner$state = NULL})
private$.learner$timeout = pmin(private$.learner$timeout, timeout)
inloglength = NROW(private$.learner$log)
outloglength = NROW(private$.learner$log)
loglines = seq_len(outloglength - inloglength) + inloglength
# print messages, throw errors etc. of learner.
for (i in mlr3misc::seq_row(private$.learner$log)) {
curlog = private$.learner$log[i, ]
switch(as.character(curlog$class), output = message, warning = warning, error = stop)(curlog$msg)
state = private$.learner$state
.predict = function(task) {
timeout = as.numeric(difftime(self$expire_time, Sys.time(), units = "secs"))
if (timeout <= 0) {
mlr3misc::stopf("Learner %s expired at %s, now it is %s!", self$id, self$expire_time, Sys.time())
on.exit({private$.learner$state = NULL})
private$.learner$timeout = pmin(private$.learner$timeout, timeout)
private$.learner$state = self$model
inloglength = NROW(private$.learner$log)
result = private$.learner$predict(task)
outloglength = NROW(private$.learner$log)
loglines = seq_len(outloglength - inloglength) + inloglength
# print messages, throw errors etc. of learner.
for (i in mlr3misc::seq_row(private$.learner$log)) {
curlog = private$.learner$log[i, ]
switch(as.character(curlog$class), output = message, warning = warning, error = stop)(curlog$msg)
deep_clone = function(name, value) {
.learner = value$clone(deep = TRUE),
super$deep_clone(name, value)
# Wraps a `Tuner`, but adding a timeout that is passed on to the Learner.
# A terminator is added automatically, adhering to the timeout; additional terminators
# may be present. A TerminatorRunTime is *not* necessary.
# This is most useful when the learner in the TuningInstance is encapsulated with something
# that allows hard timeouts, like 'callr' or similar.
# The learner must have a fallback learner.
TunerWrapperHardTimeout = R6Class("TunerWrapperTimeout", inherit = mlr3tuning::Tuner,
public = list(
timeout = NULL,
initialize = function(tuner, timeout) {
super$initialize(param_set = tuner$param_set, param_classes = tuner$param_classes,
properties = tuner$properties, packages = tuner$packages)
self$timeout = assert_number(timeout, lower = 0)
private$.tuner = tuner
optimize = function(inst) {
assert_multi_class(inst, c("TuningInstanceSingleCrit", "TuningInstanceMultiCrit"))
if (is.finite(self$timeout)) {
expiration = Sys.time() + self$timeout
learner_orig = inst$objective$learner
if (is.null(learner_orig$fallback)) {
mlr3misc::stopf("Learner %s must have a fallback learner.", learner_orig$id)
on.exit({inst$objective$learner = learner_orig})
terminator_orig = inst$terminator
on.exit({inst$terminator = terminator_orig})
tct = bbotk::TerminatorClockTime$new()
tct$param_set$values$stop_time = expiration
inst$terminator = bbotk::TerminatorCombo$new(list(tct, terminator_orig))
inst$objective$learner = LearnerWrapperExpire$new(learner_orig, expiration)
private = list(
.tuner = NULL
OptimizerChain = R6Class("OptimizerChain", inherit = bbotk::Optimizer,
public = list(
initialize = function(optimizers, additional_terminators = rep(list(NULL), length(optimizers))) {
assert_list(optimizers, types = c("Tuner", "Optimizer"), any.missing = FALSE)
assert_list(additional_terminators, types = c("Terminator", "NULL"), len = length(optimizers))
param_sets = list()
ids_taken = character(0)
for (i_opt in seq_along(optimizers)) {
opt = optimizers[[i_opt]]
ps = opt$param_set$clone(deep = TRUE)
ps$set_id = class(opt)[[1]]
try_prefix = 0
while (ps$set_id %in% ids_taken) {
try_prefix = try_prefix + 1
ps$set_id = paste0(class(opt)[[1]], "_", try_prefix)
ids_taken[[i_opt]] = ps$set_id
param_sets[[i_opt]] = ps
super$initialize(param_set = ParamSetCollection$new(param_sets),
param_classes = Reduce(intersect, mlr3misc::map(optimizers, "param_classes")),
properties = Reduce(intersect, mlr3misc::map(optimizers, "properties")),
packages = unique(unlist(mlr3misc::map(optimizers, "packages")))
private$.optimizers = optimizers
private$.additional_terminators = additional_terminators
optimize = function(inst) {
terminator_orig = inst$terminator
on.exit({inst$terminator = terminator_orig})
for (i_opt in seq_along(private$.optimizers)) {
term = private$.additional_terminators[[i_opt]]
if (!is.null(term)) {
inst$terminator = bbotk::TerminatorCombo$new(list(term, terminator_orig))
} else {
inst$terminator = terminator_orig
opt = private$.optimizers[[i_opt]]
opt$param_set$values = self$param_set$.__enclos_env__$private$.sets[[i_opt]]$values
if (terminator_orig$is_terminated(inst$archive)) break
private = list(
.param_set = NULL,
.optimizers = NULL,
.additional_terminators = NULL,
deep_clone = function(name, value) {
.optimizers = lapply(value, function(x) x$clone(deep = TRUE)),
.additional_terminators = lapply(value, function(x) if (!is.null(x)) x$clone(deep = TRUE)),
TunerChain = R6Class("TunerRandomSearch",
inherit = mlr3tuning::TunerFromOptimizer,
public = list(
initialize = function(...) {
optimizer = OptimizerChain$new(...)
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