
Defines functions unit.info unit.from.string simple.unit unit.id unit.scale unit.kind

Documented in simple.unit unit.from.string unit.id unit.info unit.kind unit.scale

#' find unit category
#' This function reads a unit, without SI prefix, and returns a string
#' from a smaller subset of unit kinds, similar to what is defined in
#' SBML. This normalizes the various ways to write the same unit:
#' "meter", "m" and "metre".
#' The unit kind of "m" is "metre", the kind of "g" is "gram".
#' @param kind the unnormalized string that humans use to write a unit
#'     (but without prefix)
#' @return normalized category name of the unit kind: litre, mole,
#'     metre, kilogram, gram, ampere, candela, second, kelvin, hour,
#'     molarity, dimensionless. defaults to dimensionless.
#' @examples
#' >  unit.kind("meter")
#' [1] "metre"
unit.kind <- function(kind){
	stopifnot(is.character(kind) && length(kind)==1)
	if (grepl("^(l|L|litre|liter)$",kind)){
		k <- "litre"
	} else if (grepl("^(mole?)$",kind)) {
		k <- "mole"
	} else if (grepl("^(m|meter|metre)$",kind)) {
		k <- "metre"
	} else if (grepl("^(kg|kilogram)$",kind)){
		k <- "kilogram"
	} else if (grepl("^(g|gram)$",kind)){
		k <- "gram"
	} else if (grepl("^(A|ampere)$",kind)){
		k <- "ampere"
	} else if (grepl("^(cd|candela)$",kind)){
		k <- "candela"
	} else if (grepl("^(s|second)$",kind)){
		k <- "second"
	} else if (grepl("^(K|kelvin)$",kind)){
		k <- "kelvin"
	} else if (grepl("^(N|[Nn]ewton)$",kind)){
		k <- "newton"
	} else if (grepl("^(h|hour)$",kind)){
		k <- "hour"
	} else if (grepl("^(M|molarity)$",kind)){
		k <- "molarity"
	} else {
		stop(sprintf("The unit kind «%s» is not known, yet."))

#' Unit scale from SI prefix
#' This function reads a prefix from a string and returns the exponent
#' (base-10) that this prefix represents.
#' @param prefix a string, e.g.: "M", "mega", "m", "milli", "µ", "micro", etc.
#' @return an integer that corresponds to the prefix, defaults to 0.
#' @examples
#' > unit.scale("M")
#' [1] 6
#' > unit.scale("µ")
#' [1] -6
unit.scale <- function(prefix){
	stopifnot(is.character(prefix) && length(prefix)==1)
	if (grepl("^G$|^giga$",prefix)){
		s <- 9
	} else if (grepl("^M$|^mega$",prefix)){
		s <- 6
	} else if (grepl("^k$|^kilo$",prefix)){
		s <- 3
	} else if (grepl("^h$|^hecto$",prefix)){
		s <- 2
	} else if (grepl("^d$|^deci$",prefix)){
		s <- -1
	} else if (grepl("^c$|^centi$",prefix)){
		s <- -2
	} else if (grepl("^m$|^milli$",prefix)){
		s <- -3
	} else if (grepl("^u$|^µ$|^\xCE\xBC$|^micro$",prefix)){
		s <- -6
	} else if (grepl("^n$|^nano$",prefix)){
		s <- -9
	} else if (grepl("^p$|^pico$",prefix)){
		s <- -12
	} else if (grepl("^f$|^femto$",prefix)){
		s <- -15
	} else {
		s <- 0

#' Converts a unit to a string that works as an identifier
#' Some formats require a name for a unit definition. This functions
#' creates a name from a unit, converting math/symbols to text. The
#' returned value should work as an SBML unit id.
#' @param unit.str the original string representastion of that unit
#' @param prnt logical switch: if TRUE, the name will be printed.
#' @return unit.id string
#' @examples
#' > unit.id("s^9")
#' [1] "s_to_the_power_of_9"
#' > unit.id("cm^2")
#' [1] "cm_square"
#' > unit.id("1/s")
#" [1] "one_over_s"
unit.id <- function(unit.str,prnt=FALSE){
	uid <- unit.str
	uid <- sub("^1$","dimensionless",uid)
	uid <- gsub("1/","one_over_",uid)
	uid <- gsub("/","_per_",uid)
	uid <- gsub("[*[:blank:]]","_",uid)
	uid <- gsub("[()]","",uid)
	uid <- gsub("\\^2","_square",uid)
	uid <- gsub("\\^3","_cube",uid)
	uid <- gsub("\\^([0-9]+)","_to_the_power_of_\\1",uid)
	uid <- make.names(uid,unique=FALSE)
	if (prnt){
		message("units in «!Unit» column:")
		message("automatically created sbml unit ids:")

#' Simple unit from string
#' This function takes a simple, human readable unit (without '*' or '/'), from a string
#' and returns a data.frame with the unit's meaning.
#' In this context, a simple unit is just a prefix, a unit kind, and an exponent, e.g. cm^2
#' A not-simple unit is: m/s, kg*m/s^2, kg*h
#' @param u a unit with no fractions or products
#' @return a data.frame with the unit's properties
simple.unit <- function(u=NULL){
	## defaults
	u.m <- 1
	u.x <- 1
	u.s <- 0
	u.k <- "dimensionless"
	## an empty unit means that the value is dimensionless (the unit is '1')
	if (!nzchar(u)) return(data.frame(scale=u.s,multiplier=u.m,exponent=u.x,kind=u.k))
	## um, actually, kg is an SI unit "kind", but doesn't take other prefixes
	prefix.pattern <- "(G|giga|M|mega|k|kilo|h|hecto|c|centi|m|milli|u|\xCE\xBC|\xc2\xb5|micro|n|nano|p|pico|f|femto)?"
	unit.name.pattern <- "(l|L|liter|litre|g|gram|mole?|h|hour|s|second|m|meter|metre|K|kelvin|cd|candela|A|ampere|M|molarity|N|[Nn]ewton)"
	exponent.pattern <- "\\^?([-+]?[0-9]+)?"
	pat <- paste0("^",prefix.pattern,unit.name.pattern,exponent.pattern,"$")
	if (grepl("^kg|kilogram$",u)){
		u.k <- "kilogram"
		u.s <- 0
		u.x <- 1
	} else {
		m <- unlist(u %~% pat)
		if (length(m) > 0){
			u.s <- unit.scale(m[2])
			u.k <- unit.kind(m[3])
			if (nchar(m[4])>0) u.x <- as.numeric(m[4])
	## some special units that need fixing
	if (u.k == "hour") {
		u.k  <- unit.kind("s")
		u.m <- 60
	} else if (u.k == "molarity") {
		u.k <- c(unit.kind("mole"),unit.kind("litre"))
		u.m <- c(u.m,1)
		u.x <- c(u.x,-u.x)
		u.s <- c(u.s,0)

#' Unit Interpreter
#' This function will try its best to interpret strings like
#' "liter/(nmol ms)"
#' rules: 1. only one slash is allowed
#'        2. M can be mega or mol/l: writing M for molarity will treat
#'           molarity as it's own unit kind; writing "molarity"
#'           will be translated into two SI units (mol and litre)
#'        3. prefixes and units can be words or single letters
#'        4. everything after a slash is the denominator
#'        5. u is an accepted replacement for μ
#'           (unicode greek mu or unicode micro symbol)
#'        6. no parentheses (ignored): "(m/s)*kg" will be misinterpreted
#' this retruns a data.frame with components as in the sbml standard:
#' kind, multiplier, scale and exponent since there is only one
#' slash,parentheses do nothing everything after a slash is the
#' denominator, so: l/mol s is the same as (l)/(mol s) Remark: not all
#' units are understood.
#' @param unit.str a string that contains a human readable unit
#' @param verbose if TRUE, this function prints what it does (to find
#'     problems)
#' @return data.frame with an interpretation of the unit (multiplier
#'     is unused here, but may be used later to deal with units such
#'     as hours (kind=second, multiplier=60)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' > unit.from.string("m/s")
#'   scale multiplier exponent   kind
#' 1     0          1        1  metre
#' 2     0          1       -1 second
#' > unit.from.string("micromolarity")
#'   scale multiplier exponent  kind
#' 1    -6          1        1  mole
#' 2     0          1       -1 litre
#' > unit.from.string("µM")
#'   scale multiplier exponent     kind
#' 1    -6          1        1 molarity
unit.from.string <- function(unit.str){
	unit <- NULL
	a <- gsub("[()]","",unit.str)
	a <- gsub("molarity","mol l^-1",a);
	if (grepl("/",unit.str)){
		a <- ftsplit(a,"/")
	n <- length(a)
	stopifnot(n==1 || n==2)
	for (j in 1:n){
		b <- ftsplit(a[j],"[* ]",re=TRUE)
		for (u in b){
			su <- simple.unit(u)
			if (j>1) su$exponent <- -su$exponent
			unit <- rbind(unit,su)
	comment(unit) <- unit.str
	attr(unit,'id') <- unit.id(unit.str)

#' Prints an interpretation string of a unit
#' given a string describing a unit of measurement, this function
#' prints the interpretation on screen, rather than returning it as a
#' data.frame
#' @param unit.str unit string
#' @param unit optionally, the data.frame that describes the unit
#' @export
#' @examples
#' > unit.info("km/h",unit.from.string("km/h"))
#' «km/h» has been interpreted as:
#'	(1 × metre×10^(3))^(1)
#'	(60 × second×10^(0))^(-1)
unit.info <- function(unit.str,unit=unit.from.string(unit.str)){
	printf("«%s» has been interpreted as: \n",unit.str)
	printf("\t(%g × %s×10^(%i))^(%i)\n",unit$multiplier,unit$kind,unit$scale,unit$exponent)
a-kramer/SBtabVFGEN documentation built on Jan. 25, 2025, 2:03 a.m.