Man pages for aGutierrezSacristan/comorbidity
Analyze comorbidities from electronic health record data

comorbidityAnalysisComorbidity Analysis 'cAnalysis'
comorbidityAnalysisMolecularComorbidity Analysis 'comorbidityAnalysisMolecular'
comoRbidity-packageWhat the package does (short line) ~~ package title ~~
dataframe2molecularcomorbidityFrom a file containing a table with gene and disease...
diagnosticUseA graphical summary of the code uses.
directionalityQuery your data and generates a 'datafame'
diseasePrevalenceA graphical summary of the disease prevalence.
extractIndexDiseaseObtain the index diseases from a 'comoRbidity' object
extract-methodsObtain the raw query from a 'cAnalysis' object.
heatmapDirectionPlot the directionality results in a heatmap.
heatmapPlotPlot the comorbidity analysis results in a heatmap.
heatmapSexRatioSex Ratio Heatmap
networkPlot the comorbidity analysis results in a network
populationAgeAge distribution comparison: patients subset vs all...
queryQuery your data and generates a 'comoRbidity'
querymolecularQuery DisGeNET for given disease(s) and generates an...
sexRatioSex Ratio Analysis.
summaryDBA graphical summary of the database content.
summaryDiseasesA graphical summary of the diseases of interest.
aGutierrezSacristan/comorbidity documentation built on April 10, 2020, 5:54 p.m.