
test_that("Invalid network returns error", {

  expect_error(calculate_dci(1), "A valid river_net object is required.")


test_that("Invalid DCI form request returns error", {

  ex <- 1
  class(ex) <- "river_net"
  expect_error(calculate_dci(ex, form = "x"), "A valid form of the DCI must be requested.")


test_that("Can find path to root", {

  # Create test node label
  testlabel <- list(c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))

  # Run test
  path <- path_to_root(testlabel)
  expect_true(identical(path, list(c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), c(TRUE, TRUE), c(TRUE))))


test_that("Can find path between segments", {

  # Create test node labels
  testlabel1 <- list(c(TRUE, TRUE))
  testlabel2 <- list(c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE))

  # Run test
  path <- path_between(testlabel1, testlabel2)
  expect_true(identical(path, list(c(TRUE, TRUE), c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE), c(TRUE, FALSE))))


test_that("Can gather permeabilities", {

  # Import test river and nodes
  net <- readRDS(test_path("testdata", "testnet.rds"))
  nodes <- net %>%
    sfnetworks::activate(nodes) %>%

  # Run test
  expect_equal(gather_perm(0, 2, nodes), 0.81)

aarkilanian/dci documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 7:12 p.m.