
Defines functions `fiems_ltq_main`

#' LTQ Mass Binning
#' Main Routine for \sQuote{Mass Binning} to nominal mass and \sQuote{Mass
#' Spectrum} generation in high-throughput Flow Injection Electrospray
#' Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (FIE-MS). This routine reads ANDI NetCDF files
#' (\code{*.cdf}) of LTQ \code{*.raw} data files converted in the Xconvert
#' program (Xcalibur, Thermo Finnigan).
#' This routine is designed to handle four Scan Events (Xcalibur, Thermo
#' Finnigan). Each \code{*.cdf}-file will result four mass spectra. Principle
#' in brief: load \code{*.cdf}-file (\code{pathcdf} and \code{filecdf}
#' information in \code{runinfo.csv}); sort scans (m/z and intensity values)
#' into four lists.  For each list: bin m/z-values to nominal mass between
#' \sQuote{limit - 1} and \sQuote{limit}; sum up intensities of binned m/z
#' values; generate sample matrix \sQuote{smat} between scans y1 and y2 and
#' background matrix \sQuote{bmat} between scans y3 and y4; subtract:
#' mat=smat-bmat; calculate mean of resulting matrix \sQuote{mat}; potential
#' negative values are set to \sQuote{zero}. The implemented timer-function
#' should be accurate for up to 24 hours which could comprise more than 7000
#' \code{*.cdf}-files per experiment.  See the description in the
#' \code{Examples} below.
#' @usage fiems_ltq_main(my_path,runinfo, y1,y2,y3,y4,limit=0.7,
#' itp=65537,itn=131073,hrng=50,lrng=15,
#' save.file=TRUE,file.name="LTQ-mean.RData")
#' @param my_path A character string indicating the working directory where
#' \code{runinfo.csv} file and folder containing \code{*.cdf}-files are
#' located.
#' @param runinfo A \code{*.csv} file containing at least the following run
#' information (header row): \code{pathcdf} and \code{filecdf} . For details,
#' see the description in \code{Examples} below.
#' @param y1 A numeric value used for mass spectrum generation: start scan
#' \sQuote{sample}. For details, see the description in \code{Examples} below.
#' @param y2 A numeric value used for mass spectrum generation: end scan
#' \sQuote{sample}. For details, see the description in \code{Examples} below.
#' @param y3 A numeric value used for mass spectrum generation: start scan
#' \sQuote{background}. For details, see the description in \code{Examples}
#' below.
#' @param y4 A numeric value used for mass spectrum generation: end scan
#' \sQuote{background}. For details, see the description in \code{Examples}
#' below.
#' @param limit A numeric value defining the rounding limit for binning
#' m/z-values to nominal mass.
#' @param itp \code{itp} is an identifier for Scan Type \sQuote{full} and Data
#' Type \sQuote{centroid} (Instrument Setup, Xcalibur) for data scans acquired
#' in positive ionisation mode using the LTQ (Default=65537).
#' @param itn \code{itp} is an identifier for Scan Type \sQuote{full} and Data
#' Type \sQuote{centroid} (Instrument Setup, Xcalibur) for data scans acquired
#' in negative ionisation mode using the LTQ (Default=131073).
#' @param hrng \code{hrng} is an identifier for the high mass range. The
#' argument has to match the \sQuote{First Mass (m/z)} of the scan range used
#' for acquiring data using the LTQ \sQuote{Instrument Setup -> Mass Range:
#' normal}.
#' @param lrng \code{lrng} is an identifier for the low mass range. The
#' argument has to match the \sQuote{First Mass (m/z)} of the scan range used
#' for acquiring data in LTQ \sQuote{Instrument Setup -> Mass Range: low}.
#' @param save.file A logical value indicating whether or not to save the
#' results (default is \code{TRUE}).
#' @param file.name A character for saved file name if \code{save.file} is
#' \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A list containing the following components: \item{posh}{ Matrix
#' [runs x nominal masses] of high mass range in positive ionisation mode.  }
#' \item{posl}{ Matrix [runs x nominal masses] of low mass range in positive
#' ionisation mode.  } \item{negh}{ Matrix [runs x nominal masses] of high mass
#' range in negative ionisation mode.  } \item{negl}{ Matrix [runs x nominal
#' masses] of low mass range in negative ionisation mode.  } \item{runinfo}{
#' Same as argument stored for reference purposes. Additional information for
#' each run like sample name or class can be used for further analysis (e.g.
#' nlda).  } \item{scrng}{ A vector of \code{y1}, \code{y2}, \code{y3} and
#' \code{y4} stored for reference purposes.  } \item{limit}{ Same as argument
#' stored for reference purposes.  }
#' @note The returned values are saved by default as \code{LTQ-mean.RData} in
#' folder \code{my_path}.  Additionally, single items are saved by default as
#' TEXT files: \code{posh.txt}, \code{posl.txt}, \code{negh.txt},
#' \code{negl.txt}, \code{myparam.txt} (containing \code{scrng} and
#' \code{limit} for reference purposes).
#' @author Manfred Beckmann \email{meb@@aber.ac.uk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{fiems_lct_main}}
#' @keywords manip
#' @examples
#' ## To run fiems_lqt_main, copy and paste the following code segment. Uncomment
#' ## and change the file path and name appropriately.
#' ## Example profiles can be downloading on the FIEmspro webpage
#' ## 050509-Abr1.zip must be extrated in folder that defines 'my_path'
#' ## For e.g.
#' \dontrun{my_path <- "D:/Temp/050509-Abr1"}
#' ## The same folder should also contain a 'runinfo' file
#' ## e.g.
#' \dontrun{runinfo <- "runinfo.csv"}
#' ## Process each profile defined in 'runinfo'
#' \dontrun{tmp <- fiems_lct_main(my_path,runinfo,35,95,190,250,limit=0.82,
#'                save.file=TRUE,file.name="LTQ-mean.RData")}
#' ## ===================================================================
#' ## Arguments and matrices are saved in 'my_path', ideally the working 
#' ## directory of the experiment. For explanations regarding input 
#' ## arguments see below ...
#' ## required is a file named by default 'runinfo.csv'
#' ## (comma separated variables, generated in e.g. MS-Excel)
#' ## the structure should be the following to ease data pre-processing:
#' ##    A     |             B                   |    C       |   D
#' ## injorder | pathcdf                         | filecdf    | batch
#' ##-----------------------------------------------------------------
#' ##  1       | D:/../070122-ABR1-A-repeat/cdf  | 01.cdf     | 1
#' ##  2       | D:/../070122-ABR1-A-repeat/cdf  | 02.cdf     | 1
#' ## and so on...
#' ##  Columns:
#' ## 'injorder' is injection order of samples (good for investigating drifts)
#' ## 'pathcdf'  is path of folder containing "*.cdf"-files. Each run-sequence
#' ##            or batch of runs might have its own folder.
#' ## 'filecdf'  is the actual filename of an "*.cdf"-file.
#' ## 'batch'    is the number of the batch the run belongs to (good for
#' ##            investigating batch effects)
#' ## In practice the file will contain further information regarding sample name,
#' ## class/group information and probably other meta-data describing a 
#' ## sample.
#' ## LTQ Instrument Method for Flow-Injection-ESI-MS (FIE-MS):
#' ## - 1 Segment, 5 min Acquisition
#' ## - 4 Scan Events:
#' ##   -- 1: ITMS + c norm o(50.0-2000.0)
#' ##   -- 2: ITMS + c low injrf=20.0 o(15.0-200.0)
#' ##   -- 3: ITMS - c norm o(50.0-2000.0)
#' ##   -- 4: ITMS - c low injrf=20.0 o(15.0-200.0)
#' ## Infusion Profile (Sketch):
#' ##           _
#' ##          / \
#' ##         /   \
#' ##        /     \_
#' ##       /        \______
#' ## _____/                \________________________
#' ## 0       1        2        3         4         5 [min]
#' ##       |--- ---|               |-------|
#' ##      [x1]   [x2]            [x3]    [x4]   [scan reading]
#' ##        sample                background
#' ## Using the above LTQ Instrument Method for FIE-MS
#' ##   the actual scan readings x1 to x4 of e.g. scan event 1 have to be
#' ##   subtracted by 1 (the Scan Event) and
#' ##   divided by 4 (total of 4 Scan Events):
#' ##      e.g.  [y1] = ([x1]-1)/4  =>  scrange = c(y1,y2,y3,y4)
#' ##      with (ideally):  y2 - y1 = y4 - y3
#' ## Raw data conversion to ANDI NetCDF-file: 
#' ##      XConvert-program (Xcalibur, Thermo-Finnigan)
`fiems_ltq_main` <-
function(my_path,runinfo, y1,y2,y3,y4,limit=0.7,
  ## validity checking
  if (missing(my_path) || missing(runinfo)|| missing(y1)|| missing(y2)
      || missing(y3)|| missing(y4)) 
    stop("Some arguments are missing")
  scrng = c(y1,y2,y3,y4)
  loop  = 0
  ## timer start:
  time1 <- timer_start()
  ## load run-info file:
  mypath = paste(my_path,"/",runinfo,sep = "")
  out    = my_path
  tab    = read.csv(mypath)
  nro    = nrow(tab)
  print(" Well - tea or coffee? Because ... ")
  for(path_root in paste(tab$pathcdf,"/",tab$filecdf,sep = "")){
    ## go...
    mymsg = paste(loop," of ",nro," files done",sep = "")
    flush.console()   ## for Windows
    result <- fiems_ltqc2m(path_root,hrng,lrng,itp,itn,scrng,limit)
    if (loop==1) {
      ## provide user with time estimate:
      time2 <- timer_end(time1)
      if (estt>60) {
        estt=round(estt/60, digits = 1)
        print(paste(" ... that might take about ",estt," hours..."))
      } else {                                               
        estt=round(estt, digits = 1)
        print(paste(" ... that might take about ",estt," minutes..."))
    } else {
    flush.console()   ## for Windows
  ltq <- list(runinfo=tab,posh=posh,posl=posl,negh=negh,negl=negl,

  ## save all matrices as 'LTQ-mean.rda'
  if(save.file) {
    out1 = paste(out,"/",file.name,sep = "")
    save(ltq, file = out1)
    ## Additionally, save as tab-delimited file to analyse elsewhere:
                row.names =F,col.names=F)
                row.names =F,col.names=F)
                row.names =F,col.names=F)
                row.names =F,col.names=F)
                row.names =F,col.names=F)
  ## timer end:
  time2 <- timer_end(time1)
  mytime=paste("...in ",time2$dt)
aberHRML/FIEmspro documentation built on May 16, 2019, 6:56 p.m.