
Defines functions InOutPoints

Documented in InOutPoints

#' Inbound/Outbound flight leg identification
#' This function's intention is to partition a track into an inbound and
#' outbound leg demarcated when the bird first stops moving away from the
#' colony. The first stopping point is identified by taking the change in
#' dist2col first derivative, smoothing it with a left aligned rolling mean, and
#' rounding to 1 digit. The first point where the bird is not changing the
#' distance to the colony is the end of the outbound leg, while the last point
#' where the birds is not getting close to the colony is the inbound leg.
# METHODS: Trip departure and return segments are identified by calculating delta-d
# , the change in distance from the colony, lagged by lag gps points, and smoothed
# by calculating a 10 point left aligned rolling mean. These values were rounded
# to 1 significant digit. Trips were segmented by assigning points between the
# beginning of a trip and the first point delta-d which equaled zero as the “out” leg
# and the last point delta-d that equaled zero until the final point of the trip as
# the “in” leg. The island was buffered so that the first and last points delta-d
# could not be within 10 km of the island. If there was no point on the trip
# that delta-d reached zero, i.e. the bird continuously moved away from the colony
# until it began to return, the trip was split at the apex point where the bird
# was furthest from the colony. This method effectively finds the first and last
# points that the bird ceases to move away from the colony over a 15-minute
# period.
#' @author Abram B. Fleishman \email{abram@@conservationmetrics.com}
#' @param tracks dataframe with tracking data sorted by ID, tripID, datetime
#' @param CaptureID column name holding animal ID
#' @param TripID column name holding Trip ID
#' @param DateTime column name holding the datetime
#' @param dist2colony column name holding distances to the colony of each point
#' @param lag is the number of points to skip to caculate the change in
#'   distance. e.g. if lag=3, the diff between i and i-3 will be calculated
#' @param nPointsToSmooth number of points to smooth to determine legs
#' @param minDist2Col buffer in km around colony that will removed to avoid
#'   false out/in leg identification
#' @param Plot True/False whether to plot each trip (good for figuring out the
#'   right parameters)
#' @param Lon column name holding Longitude (x-coord) (only needed if Plot==T)
#' @param Lat column name holding Latitude (y coord) (only needed if Plot==T)
#' @param pdfName fullpath to pdf that will be saved (only needed if Plot==T)
#' @importFrom graphics  plot lines
#' @importFrom grDevices pdf dev.off
#' @importFrom dplyr lag arrange_
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom zoo rollmean
#' @export
                      DateTime = "datetime",
  # Create the output vector
  inOut<-character(length = nrow(tracks))
  if(Plot==T) pdf(pdfName)
  # Loop through birds
  for(i in unique(tracks[[CaptureID]])) {

    # Loop Through trips
    for(j in unique(tracksID[[TripID]])){
      trackssub<-tracksID[tracksID[[TripID]]==j,] %>% arrange(DateTime)
      if(nrow(trackssub)<=lag) {
                      "for CaptureID",
                      unique(tracks[[CaptureID]])[ unique(tracks[[CaptureID]])==i]),
                " skipped because it has less rows than your lag.")
        next() #skip if empty

      # Create temp output vector

      # Calculate the change (delta) in distance to the colony with a user defined lag
      trackssub$ddist2colony<-trackssub[[dist2colony]]-lag(trackssub[[dist2colony]],n = lag)

      # Calculate a rolling mean for the delta dist2colony and round to 1 digit
                                                                                  k=nPointsToSmooth,fill = NA,align = "left"),1))


      if(length(zeroIdxs)==0|suppressWarnings(min(zeroIdxs))>apexPoint) zeroIdxs<-apexPoint

      if(length(zeroIdxs[zeroIdxs>=apexPoint])==0|max(zeroIdxs)<apexPoint) zeroIdxs<-apexPoint

      if(Plot==T){ plot(trackssub[[Lon]],trackssub[[Lat]],col=factor(inOutTemp),main=paste("i: ",i," J:",j))
      # plot(trackssub$dist2colony,main=paste("i: ",i," J:",j))
  if(Plot==T) dev.off()
abfleishman/trakR documentation built on Nov. 21, 2022, 7:59 a.m.