
Defines functions .parse_data_parameters .parse_data_properties .generate_headers dictionary_listing_features dictionary_property_types .generate_cookies .parse_content_to_page

Documented in dictionary_listing_features dictionary_property_types

.parse_content_to_page <- 
  function(content) {
    page <-
      content %>%
      stri_trans_general("Latin-ASCII") %>%

.generate_cookies <-
  function() {
    df_call <- generate_url_reference()
    h <-
        accept_encoding = NULL,
        verbose = F,
        useragent =  df_call$urlReferer
    req <-
      curl_fetch_memory(url = 'https://www.realtor.com/', handle = h)
    handle_cookies(h) %>%
      as_tibble() %>%
      unite(param, name, value, sep = "=") %>%
      pull(param) %>%
      str_c(collapse = "; ")

#' Property type dictionary
#' Searchable property types
#' for isolating listings
#' @return a \code{tibble}
#' @export
#' @family dictionary
#' @family listing search
#' @examples
#' dictionary_property_types()
dictionary_property_types <-
  function() {
      nameType = c(
        "Mobile Home",
      slugType = c(

#' Property feature dictionary
#' This function returns a dictionary
#' of searchable property features.  These features
#' can be used as search parameters in the \link{listing_counts}, \link{listings}, \link{listing_counts}
#' and \link{map_listings} functions.
#' @return a \code{tibble}
#' @export
#' @family dictionary
#' @family listing search
#' @examples
#' dictionary_listing_features()
dictionary_listing_features <-
  function() {
      nameFeature =
          "Central Air",
          "Central Heat",
          "Boat Facilities",
          "Community Clubhouse",
          "Community Golf",
          "Community Security",
          "Community Spa",
          "Community Pool",
          "Community Tennis",
          "Corner Lot",
          "Cul De Sac",
          "Home Office",
          "Dining Room",
          "Disability Features",
          "Family Room",
          "Forced Air",
          "2 Car Garage",
          "Golf Course Frontage",
          "Hardwood Floors",
          "Mountain Community",
          "Horse Facilities",
          "Lake View",
          "Laundry Room",
          "Ocean View",
          "River View",
          "RV Parking",
          "Senior Community",
          "Single Story",
          "Swimming Pool",
          "Multi Stories",
      slugFeature =

.generate_headers <-
  function(generate_new_cookies = T) {
    df_headers <-
    df_call <- generate_url_reference()
    df_headers <-
      df_headers %>%
      mutate(`user-agent` = df_call$userAgent)
    if (generate_new_cookies) {
      new_cookie <- 
      df_headers <-
        df_headers %>%
        mutate(cookie = new_cookie)

.parse_data_properties <-
  function(data_properties) {
    all_results <-
      seq_along(data_properties) %>%
      map_df(function(x) {
        glue("Parsing {x}") %>% cat(fill = T)
        data_row <- data_properties[[x]]
        df_col_types <-
          data_row %>% map(class) %>% as_tibble() %>%
          gather(column, type)
        remove <-
          df_col_types %>% filter(type == "NULL") %>% pull(column)
        data_row <- data_row[!data_row %>% names() %in% remove]
        df_base_cols <-
          df_col_types %>%
          filter(!type %in% c("NULL", "list"))
        df_list_cols <-
          df_col_types %>%
          filter(type %in% 'list')
        df_base <-
          data_row[names(data_row) %in% df_base_cols$column] %>%
        df_list <-
          data_row[names(data_row) %in% df_list_cols$column] %>%
        df_list_class <-
          df_list %>%
          map(class) %>%
          as_tibble() %>%
          gather(column, class)
        if (df_list_class %>% filter(class == "NULL") %>% nrow() > 0) {
          null_cols <-
            df_list_class %>% filter(class == "NULL") %>% pull(column)
          df_list <-
            df_list[!df_list %>% names() %in% null_cols]
        if (df_list_class %>% filter(column == 'coordinates') %>% nrow() > 0) {
          data_list <-
            df_list %>%
          names(data_list)[1:2] <-
            c('lon', 'lat')
        } else {
          data_list <-
            df_list %>%
        df <-
          df_base %>%
          bind_cols(data_list) %>%
          mutate(numberProperty = x) %>%
          select(numberProperty, everything())
        if (df %>% has_name("bed")) {
          df <- 
            df %>% 
            mutate(groupBeds = as.character(bed),
                   bed = as.integer(bed))
    all_results <-
      all_results %>%
      dplyr::select(-dplyr::matches("display")) %>%
      dplyr::select(-one_of(c("id", "type", "plot")))
    df_names <-
    actual_names <-
      names(all_results) %>%
      map_chr(function(name) {
        df_row <- df_names %>% filter(nameRealtor == name)
        if (df_row %>% nrow() == 0) {
          glue("Missing {name}") %>%
            cat(fill = T)
        df_row %>%  pull(nameActual)
    all_results <-
      all_results %>%
      set_names(actual_names) %>%
    if (all_results %>% has_name("slugLDP")) {
      all_results <- 
        all_results %>% 
        mutate(urlListing = 'https://www.realtor.com' %>% str_c(slugLDP)) %>%
    all_results <-
      all_results %>%
    if (all_results %>% has_name('areaPropertySF')) {
      all_results <-
        all_results %>%
        mutate(priceListingPerSF = priceListing / areaPropertySF)

.parse_data_parameters <-
  function(data_param) {
    df_class <-
      data_param %>% map(class) %>% flatten_df() %>%
      gather(column, class)
    df_base_names <-
      df_class %>%
      filter(!class %in% c("NULL", "list")) %>%
    df_params <-
      data_param[names(data_param) %in% df_base_names] %>% flatten_df() %>%
      gather(item, value) %>%
      mutate_all(funs(ifelse(. == '', NA_character_, .))) %>%
      filter(!is.na(value)) %>%
      left_join(dictionary_search() %>% rename(item = column)) %>%
      select(nameActual, value) %>%
      spread(nameActual, value) %>%
    list_cols <- 
      df_class %>%
      filter(class %in% c("list")) %>%
    df_list <- data_param[names(data_param) %in% list_cols]
    df_facets <- df_list$facets
    df_facets[!names(df_facets) %in% c("features_hash")]
    df_list <-
      df_facets[!names(df_facets) %in% c("features_hash")] %>%
      flatten_df() %>%
      gather(item, value) %>%
      mutate_all(funs(ifelse(. == '', NA_character_, .))) %>%
      filter(!is.na(value)) %>%
      left_join(dictionary_search() %>% rename(item = column)) %>%
      select(nameActual, value) %>%
      spread(nameActual, value) %>%
      suppressWarnings() %>%
    if (df_facets$features_hash %>% length() > 0) {
      df_list <-
        df_list %>%
        mutate(listFeatures = df_facets$features_hash %>% str_c(collapse = ", "))
    if (df_list %>% ncol() > 0) {
      df_params <-
        df_params %>%
    df_params %>%
      select(-dplyr::matches("remove_")) %>%

dictionary_search <-
  function() {
      column = c(
      nameActual = c(

.headers_base <-
  function() {
        cookie = "threshold_value=56; automation=false; clstr=v; clstr_tcv=14; __vst=06687a89-26aa-424d-8d01-4b45dba07097; __ssn=358102aa-3f72-4ee6-855c-b5fcc80b4a25; __ssnstarttime=1520516724; basecamp=false; ajs_user_id=null; ajs_group_id=null; ajs_anonymous_id=%22f6e9aa90-48d4-4348-8ab9-c0bfa18c7593%22; AMCVS_8853394255142B6A0A4C98A4%40AdobeOrg=1; far_geo=%7B%22CityState%22%3A%7B%22City%22%3A%22Marietta%22%2C%22SearchAreaID%22%3A114%2C%22StateID%22%3A%22GA%22%7D%2C%22CityStateSearch%22%3Afalse%2C%22ConfidenceLevel%22%3A0%2C%22Country%22%3A%22USA%22%2C%22Intersection%22%3A%22%22%2C%22Latitude%22%3A33.927089%2C%22Longitude%22%3A-84.541084%2C%22MatchedMethod%22%3A3%2C%22PostalCode%22%3A%2230060%22%2C%22PostalCodeSearch%22%3Atrue%2C%22Street%22%3A%22%22%7D; _agent-profile_session=SGRBeHNiQ0gvWGx6b0F6VVdCSlF3aVFac0M4WkZiTlBHT3ZwQ0ptUXN4YktiS1BsL2NPckt6MVVZWU93YXBzZ1NHSGxyZFVqek5PU3JKbG1aeS9Vd2IrVlg0NEFVeGpUVTJPK0xPN1htWWk0Ylo2b2p0OTM2TURaci9pcko2dDM2MnBESVpOZjF2VHN1OGg3aU9ST2d3PT0tLWFMaFlGdndMR25JVWt4allBQjF5b3c9PQ%3D%3D--f9e08c793eeb963927612fce658aff9db51418fe; search_params=%7B%22geo_slug%22%3A%2230060%22%2C%22_pjax%22%3A%22%23pjax-container%22%2C%22agent_rating_min%22%3A%225%22%2C%22has_photo%22%3A%221%22%2C%22price_range%22%3A%22500000_7000000%22%7D; srp.viewType=map; criteria=loc%3DMarietta%2C+GA%26locSlug%3DMarietta_GA%26lat%3D33.967466%26long%3D-84.521937%26status%3D1%26pos%3D33.632572%2C-85.211782%2C34.246659%2C-84.071951%2C10%26pg%3D1%26pgsz%3D15%26sprefix%3D%2Frealestateandhomes-search%26city%3DMarietta%26state_id%3DGA%26county_fips%3D13067%26county_fips_multi%3D13067-13057-13121; srchID=b2e1aea3f17045a8afa891a6476b9d24; AMCV_8853394255142B6A0A4C98A4%40AdobeOrg=-179204249%7CMCIDTS%7C17599%7CMCMID%7C44784613493650775057191498471160544248%7CMCAID%7CNONE%7CMCOPTOUT-1520546418s%7CNONE; header_slugs=gs%3DMarietta_GA%26lo%3DMarietta%26st%3Dcity%2Cgs%3DCobb-County_GA%26lo%3DCobb%26st%3Dcity; _rdc-next_session=SlJZdWxsdHhJdkY0WmVMVTF4SjBHVklJLzdQNTJyNjJ0dlNWK1J6TGo2ck1GVDNnNGRWbitrelZuQ010MDFXUk43WjkzTFhuMEVENkRvYWhwYW9zTnp2ZTF4a0pLbDdlTTFBSWpPOXJDRmh3ZmVGM0lVWFRDRmQ3K0VzdUFiV2hpMm81Vlo1TUhsUy9LdFJHd3RpUXZnPT0tLU9ZbW9xLy9LalB5UU5La0VpZDZFdGc9PQ%3D%3D--5e31ae7054e456e659789555eebafab0925c5602",
        origin = "https://www.realtor.com",
        `accept-encoding` = "gzip, deflate, br",
        `x-csrf-token` = "PDN4JVcUZeeXyI2vgIJfUx0mpgj65VfxL0fgtdF1neE/VgMi8U1V7cT6bfdkdgWAP77baGC49jAtiECyjuq2xw==",
        `accept-language` = "en-US,en;q=0.9",
        `x-requested-with` = "XMLHttpRequest",
        `x-newrelic-id` = "VwEPVF5XGwYEV1JaDwAD",
        `user-agent` = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.124 Safari/537.36",
        `content-type` = "application/json",
        accept = "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
        referer = "https://www.compass.com/",
        authority = "www.realtor.com",
        dnt = "0"
      .Names = c(
      row.names = c(NA, -1L),
      class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")

.data_base <-
  function() {
        search_criteria = "location_slug",
        city = "",
        county = "",
        discovery_mode = TRUE,
        state = "",
        postal = NULL,
        sort = NULL,
        position = NULL,
        facets = structure(
            beds_min = NULL,
            beds_max = NULL,
            baths_min = NULL,
            baths_max = NULL,
            price_min = NULL,
            price_max = NULL,
            prop_type = "",
            sqft_min = NULL,
            sqft_max = NULL,
            acre_min = NULL,
            acre_max = NULL,
            lot_unit = NULL,
            age_max = NULL,
            age_min = NULL,
            radius = NULL,
            pets = NULL,
            days_on_market = NULL,
            open_house = NULL,
            show_listings = NULL,
            pending = NULL,
            foreclosure = NULL,
            new_construction = NULL,
            multi_search = structure(list(), .Names = character(0)),
            include_pending_contingency = TRUE,
            features_hash = list()
          .Names = c(
        search_controller = "Search::PropertiesController",
        neighborhood = NULL,
        street = NULL,
        searchType = "city",
        school = NULL,
        types = "property",
        searchFacetsToDTM = "pf_not_visible",
        searchFeaturesToDTM = list(),
        pos = "",
        page_size = 50L,
        # 2500L
        viewport_height = 1000L,
        pin_height = 240L,
        page = 1L
      .Names = c(

.generate_data <-
           listing_type = "sale",
           search_type = "city",
           page = 1,
           city_isolated = NULL,
           county_isolated = NULL,
           zipcode_isolated = NULL,
           state_isolated = NULL,
           street_isolated = NULL,
           neighborhood_isolated = NULL,
           beds_min = NULL,
           beds_max = NULL,
           baths_min = NULL,
           baths_max = NULL,
           features = NULL,
           price_min = NULL,
           price_max = NULL,
           property_type = NULL,
           sqft_min = NULL,
           sqft_max = NULL,
           acre_min = NULL,
           acre_max = NULL,
           age_min = NULL,
           age_max = NULL,
           days_on_market = NULL,
           pending = NULL,
           only_open_houses = NULL,
           is_new_construction =  NULL,
           include_pending_contingency = TRUE) {
    listing_type_slug <- 
    options(scipen = 99999)
    location_name <- 
    data <-
    if (listing_type_slug %>% str_detect("rent")) {
      data$search_controller <- 
    df_loc_val <-
      validate_locations(locations = location_name, return_message = F)
    data$search_criteria <-
    if (!city_isolated %>% is_null()) {
      data$city  <- city_isolated
    if (!county_isolated %>% is_null()) {
      data$county <- county_isolated
    if (!zipcode_isolated %>% is_null()) {
      data$postal <- zipcode_isolated
    if (!state_isolated %>% is_null()) {
      data$state <- state_isolated
    if (!neighborhood_isolated %>% is_null()) {
      data$neighborhood <- neighborhood_isolated
    if (!street_isolated %>% is_null()) {
      data$street <- street_isolated
    if (!only_open_houses %>% is_null()) {
      data$show_listings <-
    if (!beds_min %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$beds_min <-
    if (!beds_max %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$beds_max <-
    if (!baths_min %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$baths_min <-
    if (!baths_max %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$baths_max <-
    if (!features %>% is_null()) {
      f_t <-
        features %>% str_to_lower()
      df_features <-
        dictionary_listing_features() %>%
        mutate(nameFeature = nameFeature %>% str_to_lower())
      feature_slugs <-
        df_features %>%
        filter(nameFeature %in% f_t) %>%
        pull(slugFeature) %>%
        unique() %>%
        str_c(collapse = ",")
      data$facets$features_hash <-
    if (!price_min %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$price_min <-
    if (!price_max %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$price_max <-
    if (!property_type %>% is_null()) {
      p_t <-
        property_type %>% str_to_lower()
      df_types <-
        dictionary_property_types() %>%
        mutate(nameType = nameType %>% str_to_lower())
      property_slugs <-
        df_types %>%
        filter(nameType %in% p_t) %>%
        pull(slugType) %>%
        unique() %>%
        str_c(collapse = ",")
      data$facets$prop_type <- property_slugs
    if (!sqft_min %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$sqft_min <-
    if (!sqft_max %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$sqft_max <- sqft_max
    if (!acre_min %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$acre_min <- acre_min
    if (!acre_max %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$acre_max <- acre_max
    if (!days_on_market %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$days_on_market <- days_on_market
    if (!pending %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$pending <- pending
    if (!is_new_construction %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$new_construction <- is_new_construction
    if (!age_max %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$age_max <- age_max
    if (!age_min %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$age_min <- age_min
    if (!include_pending_contingency %>% is_null()) {
      data$facets$include_pending_contingency <-
    data$page <- page

.get_location_counts <-
  function(location_name = 10016,
           listing_type = "sale",
           search_type = "city",
           features = NULL,
           city_isolated = NULL,
           county_isolated = NULL,
           zipcode_isolated = NULL,
           state_isolated = NULL,
           street_isolated = NULL,
           neighborhood_isolated = NULL,
           beds_min = NULL,
           only_open_houses = F,
           beds_max = NULL,
           baths_min = NULL,
           baths_max = NULL,
           price_min = NULL,
           price_max = NULL,
           property_type = NULL,
           sqft_min = NULL,
           sqft_max = NULL,
           acre_min = NULL,
           acre_max = NULL,
           age_min = NULL,
           age_max = NULL,
           days_on_market = NULL,
           pending = NULL,
           is_new_construction =  NULL,
           include_pending_contingency = TRUE,
           generate_new_cookies = F) {
    if (location_name %>% str_to_lower() %>% str_detect("county")) {
      search_type <- "county"
    url <- "https://www.realtor.com/search_result_count"
    headers =
      .generate_headers(generate_new_cookies = generate_new_cookies)
    data <-
        location_name = location_name,
        search_type = search_type,
        listing_type = listing_type,
        page = 1,
        city_isolated = city_isolated,
        county_isolated = county_isolated,
        zipcode_isolated = zipcode_isolated,
        state_isolated = state_isolated,
        only_open_houses = only_open_houses,
        street_isolated = street_isolated,
        neighborhood_isolated = neighborhood_isolated,
        beds_min = beds_min,
        beds_max = beds_max,
        baths_min = baths_min ,
        baths_max = baths_max,
        price_min = price_min,
        price_max = price_max,
        features = features,
        property_type = property_type,
        sqft_min = sqft_min,
        sqft_max = sqft_max,
        acre_min = acre_min,
        acre_max = acre_max,
        age_min = age_min,
        age_max = age_max,
        days_on_market = days_on_market,
        pending = pending,
        is_new_construction = is_new_construction,
        include_pending_contingency = include_pending_contingency
    df_params <-
      .parse_data_parameters(data_param = data)
    df_call <- generate_url_reference()
    h <-
      new_handle(verbose = F,
                 useragent =  df_call$userAgent) %>%
      handle_setopt(copypostfields = data %>% toJSON(auto_unbox = T),
                    customrequest = "POST") %>%
      handle_setheaders(.list = headers %>% as.list())
    resp <-
      curl_fetch_memory(url = url, handle = h)
    json_data <-
      resp$content %>%
      rawToChar() %>%
      fromJSON(flatten = T, simplifyVector = T)
    count <-
    df_loc_val <-
      validate_locations(locations = location_name)
    df_loc_val <-
      df_loc_val %>%
      mutate(countListings = count)
    df_loc_val <-
      df_loc_val %>%
      mutate(id = 1) %>%
      left_join(df_params %>% mutate(id = 1) %>% select(-locationSearch) %>% mutate(typeListing = listing_type) %>% select(typeListing, everything())) %>%
      select(locationSearch, typeListing, one_of(names(df_params)), everything()) %>%
      select(-id) %>%

#' Listing count
#' This function returns a summary of the
#' number of total listings for your specified locations
#' and parameters
#' @param locations vector of locations
#' @param search_type search type options include \itemize{
#' \item city - \code{default}
#' \item county
#' }
#' @param property_type if not \code{NULL} type of property options
#' see \link{dictionary_property_types} for options
#' @param features if not \code{NULL} list of searchable features
#' see \link{dictionary_listing_features} for options
#' @param city_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates
#' @param county_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates county
#' @param zipcode_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates zipcode
#' @param state_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates state
#' @param street_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates street
#' @param neighborhood_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates
#' @param beds_min if not \code{NULL} minimum bedrooms
#' @param beds_max if not \code{NULL} maximum bedrooms
#' @param baths_min if not \code{NULL} minimum bathrooms
#' @param baths_max if not \code{NULL} maximum bathrooms
#' @param price_min if not \code{NULL} minimum price
#' @param price_max if not \code{NULL} maximum price
#' @param sqft_min if not \code{NULL} minimum square footage
#' @param sqft_max if not \code{NULL} maximum square footage
#' @param acre_min if not \code{NULL} minimum acres
#' @param acre_max if not \code{NULL} maximum acres
#' @param age_min if not \code{NULL} minimum age
#' @param age_max if not \code{NULL} maximum age
#' @param days_on_market if not \code{NULL} count of days on market
#' @param pending if \code{TRUE} include pending
#' @param is_new_construction if \code{TRUE} isolates to new construction
#' @param include_pending_contingency if \code{TRUE} also includes pending and contingent sales
#' @param only_open_houses if \code{TRUE} isolates open houses
#' @param listing_type type of listing \itemize{
#' \item sale
#' \item rent
#' }
#' @param generate_new_cookies if \code{TRUE} generates new cookies
#' #'
#' @return a \code{tibble}
#' @export
#' @family summary search
#' @family listing search
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(realtR)
#' ## New Construction in selected markets
#' df_nc <-
#' listing_counts(
#' locations = c("Miami Beach, FL", "SOMA, San Francisco, CA", 10013,
#' "Bethesda, MD"),
#'  is_new_construction = TRUE
#'  )
#'  df_nc %>%
#'  select(locationSearch, countListings)

listing_counts <-
  function(locations ,
           listing_type = "sale",
           search_type = "city",
           features = NULL,
           city_isolated = NULL,
           county_isolated = NULL,
           zipcode_isolated = NULL,
           state_isolated = NULL,
           street_isolated = NULL,
           neighborhood_isolated = NULL,
           beds_min = NULL,
           beds_max = NULL,
           baths_min = NULL,
           baths_max = NULL,
           price_min = NULL,
           price_max = NULL,
           only_open_houses = NULL,
           property_type = NULL,
           sqft_min = NULL,
           sqft_max = NULL,
           acre_min = NULL,
           acre_max = NULL,
           age_min = NULL,
           age_max = NULL,
           days_on_market = NULL,
           generate_new_cookies = F,
           pending = NULL,
           is_new_construction =  NULL,
           include_pending_contingency = TRUE) {
    .get_location_counts_safe <-
      possibly(.get_location_counts, tibble())
    locations %>%
      map_dfr(function(location) {
          location_name = location,
          listing_type = listing_type,
          search_type = search_type,
          city_isolated = city_isolated,
          county_isolated = county_isolated,
          zipcode_isolated = zipcode_isolated,
          state_isolated = state_isolated,
          street_isolated = street_isolated,
          neighborhood_isolated = neighborhood_isolated,
          beds_min = beds_min,
          beds_max = beds_max,
          baths_min = baths_min ,
          baths_max = baths_max,
          price_min = price_min,
          price_max = price_max,
          property_type = property_type,
          sqft_min = sqft_min,
          sqft_max = sqft_max,
          acre_min = acre_min,
          acre_max = acre_max,
          age_min = age_min,
          age_max = age_max,
          days_on_market = days_on_market,
          pending = pending,
          is_new_construction = is_new_construction,
          include_pending_contingency = include_pending_contingency,
          features = features,
          generate_new_cookies = generate_new_cookies
      }) %>% 

.get_location_listings_json <-
  function(location_name = 10016,
           listing_type = "sale",
           search_type = "city",
           city_isolated = NULL,
           county_isolated = NULL,
           zipcode_isolated = NULL,
           state_isolated = NULL,
           street_isolated = NULL,
           features = NULL,
           only_open_houses = NULL,
           neighborhood_isolated = NULL,
           beds_min = NULL,
           beds_max = NULL,
           baths_min = NULL,
           baths_max = NULL,
           price_min = NULL,
           price_max = NULL,
           property_type = NULL,
           sqft_min = NULL,
           sqft_max = NULL,
           acre_min = NULL,
           acre_max = NULL,
           age_min = NULL,
           age_max = NULL,
           days_on_market = NULL,
           pending = NULL,
           is_new_construction =  NULL,
           generate_new_cookies = F,
           include_pending_contingency = TRUE) {
    df_count <-
        location_name = location_name,
        search_type = search_type,
        city_isolated = city_isolated,
        county_isolated = county_isolated,
        zipcode_isolated = zipcode_isolated,
        state_isolated = state_isolated,
        street_isolated = street_isolated,
        neighborhood_isolated = neighborhood_isolated,
        beds_min = beds_min,
        beds_max = beds_max,
        baths_min = baths_min ,
        baths_max = baths_max,
        price_min = price_min,
        price_max = price_max,
        property_type = property_type,
        sqft_min = sqft_min,
        sqft_max = sqft_max,
        acre_min = acre_min,
        acre_max = acre_max,
        age_min = age_min,
        age_max = age_max,
        days_on_market = days_on_market,
        pending = pending,
        is_new_construction = is_new_construction,
        include_pending_contingency = include_pending_contingency,
        features = features,
        only_open_houses = only_open_houses
    pages <-
      df_count$countListings %/% 50
    pages <- max(1, pages)
    all_properties <-
      1:pages %>%
      map_dfr(function(page) {
        glue("Parsing page {page} of {pages} for location {location_name}") %>% message()
        data <-
            location_name = location_name,
            listing_type = listing_type,
            search_type = search_type,
            page = page,
            city_isolated = city_isolated,
            county_isolated = county_isolated,
            zipcode_isolated = zipcode_isolated,
            state_isolated = state_isolated,
            street_isolated = street_isolated,
            neighborhood_isolated = neighborhood_isolated,
            beds_min = beds_min,
            beds_max = beds_max,
            baths_min = baths_min ,
            baths_max = baths_max,
            price_min = price_min,
            price_max = price_max,
            property_type = property_type,
            sqft_min = sqft_min,
            sqft_max = sqft_max,
            acre_min = acre_min,
            acre_max = acre_max,
            age_min = age_min,
            age_max = age_max,
            days_on_market = days_on_market,
            pending = pending,
            is_new_construction = is_new_construction,
            include_pending_contingency = include_pending_contingency,
            features = features,
            only_open_houses = only_open_houses
        df_params <-
          .parse_data_parameters(data_param = data)
        headers <-
          .generate_headers(generate_new_cookies = generate_new_cookies)
        df_call <- generate_url_reference()
        h <-
          new_handle(verbose = F,
                     useragent =  df_call$urlReferer) %>%
          handle_setopt(copypostfields = data %>% toJSON(auto_unbox = T),
                        customrequest = "POST") %>%
          handle_setheaders(.list = headers %>% as.list())
        resp <-
          curl_fetch_memory(url =  "https://www.realtor.com/search_result.json", handle = h)
        json_data <-
          resp$content %>%
          rawToChar() %>%
          fromJSON(flatten = T, simplifyVector = T)
        data_properties <-
        all_data <-
          data_properties %>%
          .parse_data_properties() %>%
          mutate(numberPage = page)
        all_data <-
          all_data %>%
          select(-one_of("typeProperty")) %>%
          left_join(df_params %>% mutate(numberPage = as.numeric(numberPage))) %>%
          select(names(df_params), everything()) %>%
    if (all_properties %>% has_name("typeListing")) {
      all_properties <-
        all_properties %>%
        rename(typeListingAgency = typeListing)
    all_properties %>%
      select(-numberPage) %>%
      distinct() %>%
      mutate(typeListing = listing_type) %>%
      select(locationSearch, typeListing, everything()

#' Mapped listing data
#' This function returns data
#' from an API that maps the most
#' pertinent matches to a users input.
#' This function is faster than \code{listings}
#' but returns less detailed information.
#' @param locations vector of locations
#' @param property_type if not \code{NULL} type of property options
#' see \link{dictionary_property_types} for options
#' @param features if not \code{NULL} list of searchable features
#' see \link{dictionary_listing_features} for options
#' @param search_type search type options include \itemize{
#' \item city - \code{default}
#' \item county
#' }
#' @param city_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates
#' @param county_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates county
#' @param zipcode_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates zipcode
#' @param state_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates state
#' @param street_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates street
#' @param neighborhood_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates
#' @param beds_min if not \code{NULL} minimum bedrooms
#' @param beds_max if not \code{NULL} maximum bedrooms
#' @param baths_min if not \code{NULL} minimum bathrooms
#' @param baths_max if not \code{NULL} maximum bathrooms
#' @param price_min if not \code{NULL} minimum price
#' @param price_max if not \code{NULL} maximum price
#' @param sqft_min if not \code{NULL} minimum square footage
#' @param sqft_max if not \code{NULL} maximum square footage
#' @param acre_min if not \code{NULL} minimum acres
#' @param acre_max if not \code{NULL} maximum acres
#' @param age_min if not \code{NULL} minimum age
#' @param age_max if not \code{NULL} maximum age
#' @param days_on_market if not \code{NULL} count of days on market
#' @param pending if \code{TRUE} include pending
#' @param is_new_construction if \code{TRUE} isolates to new construction
#' @param include_pending_contingency if \code{TRUE} also includes pending and contingent sales
#' @param only_open_houses if \code{TRUE} isolates open houses
#' @param generate_new_cookies generate new cookies
#' @param listing_type Listing type \itemize{
#' \item rent
#' \item sale
#' }
#' @return a \code{tibble}
#' @family listing search
#' @family detailed search
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## New Construction Waterfront actual mapped listings
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(realtR)
#' df_new_water <-
#'  map_listings( locations = c("Miami Beach, FL", "Naples, FL"),
#' features = "Waterfront", is_new_construction = TRUE )
#' df_new_water %>%
#' glimpse()
#' df_new_water %>%
#' group_by(cityProperty, stateProperty, typeProperty) %>%
#' summarise( meanPSF = mean(priceListingPerSF, na.rm = T),
#' meanPrice = mean(priceListing, na.rm = T), countListings = n()) %>%
#' ungroup()
map_listings <-
  function(locations = NULL,
           listing_type = "sale",
           search_type = "city",
           city_isolated = NULL,
           county_isolated = NULL,
           zipcode_isolated = NULL,
           state_isolated = NULL,
           street_isolated = NULL,
           features = NULL,
           only_open_houses = NULL,
           neighborhood_isolated = NULL,
           beds_min = NULL,
           beds_max = NULL,
           baths_min = NULL,
           baths_max = NULL,
           price_min = NULL,
           price_max = NULL,
           property_type = NULL,
           sqft_min = NULL,
           sqft_max = NULL,
           acre_min = NULL,
           acre_max = NULL,
           age_min = NULL,
           age_max = NULL,
           days_on_market = NULL,
           pending = NULL,
           is_new_construction =  NULL,
           generate_new_cookies = F,
           include_pending_contingency = TRUE) {
    .get_location_listings_json_safe <-
      possibly(.get_location_listings_json, tibble())
    all_data <-
      locations %>%
      map_dfr(function(location) {
          location_name = location,
          listing_type = listing_type,
          search_type = search_type,
          city_isolated = city_isolated,
          county_isolated = county_isolated,
          zipcode_isolated = zipcode_isolated,
          state_isolated = state_isolated,
          street_isolated = street_isolated,
          neighborhood_isolated = neighborhood_isolated,
          beds_min = beds_min,
          beds_max = beds_max,
          baths_min = baths_min ,
          baths_max = baths_max,
          price_min = price_min,
          price_max = price_max,
          property_type = property_type,
          sqft_min = sqft_min,
          sqft_max = sqft_max,
          acre_min = acre_min,
          acre_max = acre_max,
          age_min = age_min,
          age_max = age_max,
          days_on_market = days_on_market,
          pending = pending,
          is_new_construction = is_new_construction,
          include_pending_contingency = include_pending_contingency,
          features = features,
          generate_new_cookies = generate_new_cookies,
          only_open_houses = only_open_houses
    all_data <- 
      all_data %>%
      remove_na() %>% 

.headers_search_json_base <-
  function() {
        cookie = "threshold_value=19; automation=false; clstr=n1; clstr_tcv=7; __vst=657f20bc-079c-4563-8471-adcfaa0e6610; __ssn=d53e9ebc-204b-4b57-a4bb-75a6a6b02731; __ssnstarttime=1520691388; basecamp=false; bcc=false; ajs_user_id=null; ajs_group_id=null; ajs_anonymous_id=%227aae3639-1cd2-4639-81ad-2ef60b8f42ff%22; gpl=v1; seen_ny_prop=true; buyer=false; AMCVS_8853394255142B6A0A4C98A4%40AdobeOrg=1; AMCV_8853394255142B6A0A4C98A4%40AdobeOrg=-179204249%7CMCIDTS%7C17601%7CMCMID%7C37907106676684272897760290470733580491%7CMCAID%7CNONE%7CMCOPTOUT-1520702593s%7CNONE; header_slugs=gs%3DQueens-County_NY%26lo%3DQueens%26st%3Dcounty; criteria=loc%3DQueens+County%2C+NY%26locSlug%3DQueens-County_NY%26lat%3D40.657513%26long%3D-73.838803%26status%3D1%26sl%3Dnc%26pg%3D1%26pgsz%3D15%26features%3Ds2%26sprefix%3D%2Frealestateandhomes-search%26city%3DQueens+County%26state_id%3DNY; srchID=c72a73c777bb485a8fee8f6a1ff4239b; _rdc-next_session=M3JvOFdNVnhuSE1iVmJkcXM5akZCZGk1QzRPUzdwdGhRSmc5ZUVpUitmYU5BUWFVckZFWWZ5NC9tWjVuNEdvaUxBN0dRRVM4SGI3dDJLL283Kzl4OGQ0OGF1RGZqZXlpTmF5ejROY3ZPL1lvQjQrOHE2eU42c3VVbWlhb3V3ZnRzWFM2SkhVUGRlU3pLK1FIUlFSOVZ3PT0tLU5QdlZVTmlzdkIvL3h2Rkw3Q0FMY3c9PQ%3D%3D--cfcc77729e49e8c6623ff7828c1ddf89b1edeae5",
        origin = "https://www.realtor.com",
        `accept-encoding` = "gzip, deflate, br",
        `x-csrf-token` = "Ni86Jtz9U1QtskRgX5dsT2TJuSi885v9nPQMpImiZrWrNN8lFa30jdz/FhqQL8znbXG+lNUbaScjD5zcM/P+zw==",
        `accept-language` = "en-US,en;q=0.9",
        `x-requested-with` = "XMLHttpRequest",
        `x-newrelic-id` = "VwEPVF5XGwYEV1JaDwAD",
        `user-agent` = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.124 Safari/537.36",
        `content-type` = "application/json",
        accept = "text/html, */*; q=0.01",
        referer = "https://nra.com/",
        authority = "www.realtor.com",
        dnt = "0"
      .Names = c(
      row.names = c(NA, -1L),
      class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")

.headers_search_json <-
  function(generate_new_cookies = F) {
    df_call <- generate_url_reference()
    df_headers <-
      .headers_search_json_base() %>%
      mutate(`user-agent` = df_call$userAgent)
    if (generate_new_cookies) {
      new_cookie <- .generate_cookies()
      df_headers <-
        df_headers %>%
        mutate(cookie = new_cookie)

.get_location_listings <-
  function(location_name = 10016,
           listing_type = "sale",
           search_type = "city",
           city_isolated = NULL,
           county_isolated = NULL,
           zipcode_isolated = NULL,
           state_isolated = NULL,
           street_isolated = NULL,
           features = NULL,
           only_open_houses = NULL,
           neighborhood_isolated = NULL,
           beds_min = NULL,
           beds_max = NULL,
           baths_min = NULL,
           baths_max = NULL,
           price_min = NULL,
           price_max = NULL,
           property_type = NULL,
           sqft_min = NULL,
           sqft_max = NULL,
           acre_min = NULL,
           acre_max = NULL,
           age_min = NULL,
           age_max = NULL,
           days_on_market = NULL,
           pending = NULL,
           is_new_construction =  NULL,
           generate_new_cookies = T,
           include_pending_contingency = TRUE) {
    if (location_name %>% str_to_lower() %>% str_detect("county")) {
      search_type <- "county"
    listing_counts.safe <- possibly(listing_counts, tibble())
    df_count <-
        locations = location_name,
        listing_type = listing_type,
        search_type = search_type,
        features = features,
        city_isolated = city_isolated ,
        county_isolated = county_isolated,
        zipcode_isolated = zipcode_isolated,
        state_isolated = state_isolated ,
        street_isolated = street_isolated,
        neighborhood_isolated = neighborhood_isolated,
        beds_min = beds_min,
        beds_max = beds_max ,
        baths_min = baths_min,
        baths_max = baths_max,
        price_min = price_min ,
        price_max = price_max,
        only_open_houses = only_open_houses,
        property_type = property_type,
        sqft_min = sqft_min,
        sqft_max = sqft_max,
        acre_min = acre_min,
        acre_max = acre_max,
        age_min = age_min,
        age_max = age_max,
        days_on_market = days_on_market,
        generate_new_cookies = generate_new_cookies,
        pending = pending,
        is_new_construction = is_new_construction,
        include_pending_contingency = include_pending_contingency
    if (df_count %>% nrow() == 0) {
    pages <-
      df_count$countListings %/% 50
    pages <- max(1, pages)
    headers <-
      .headers_search_json(generate_new_cookies = generate_new_cookies)
    all_properties <-
      1:pages %>%
      map_dfr(possibly(function(page_no) {
        glue("Parsing page {page_no} of {pages} for location {location_name}") %>% cat(fill = T)
        if (page_no == 1) {
          url <-  "https://www.realtor.com/search_result"
        } else {
          url <- 'https://www.realtor.com/pagination_result'
        data <-
            location_name = location_name,
            search_type = search_type,
            listing_type = listing_type,
            page = page_no,
            city_isolated = city_isolated,
            county_isolated = county_isolated,
            zipcode_isolated = zipcode_isolated,
            state_isolated = state_isolated,
            street_isolated = street_isolated,
            neighborhood_isolated = neighborhood_isolated,
            beds_min = beds_min,
            beds_max = beds_max,
            baths_min = baths_min ,
            baths_max = baths_max,
            price_min = price_min,
            price_max = price_max,
            property_type = property_type,
            sqft_min = sqft_min,
            sqft_max = sqft_max,
            acre_min = acre_min,
            acre_max = acre_max,
            age_min = age_min,
            age_max = age_max,
            days_on_market = days_on_market,
            pending = pending,
            is_new_construction = is_new_construction,
            include_pending_contingency = include_pending_contingency,
            features = features,
            only_open_houses = only_open_houses
        df_params <-
          .parse_data_parameters(data_param = data)
        df_call <- generate_url_reference()
        h <-
          new_handle(verbose = F,
                     useragent =  df_call$urlReferer) %>%
          handle_setopt(copypostfields = data %>% toJSON(auto_unbox = T),
                        customrequest = "POST") %>%
          handle_setheaders(.list = headers %>% as.list())
        resp <-
          curl_fetch_memory(url = url, handle = h)
        content <-
          resp$content %>%
          rawToChar() %>%
          str_split("\n") %>%
          flatten_chr() %>%
          str_c(collapse = "")
        page <-
          .parse_content_to_page(content = content)
        page_nodes <-
          page %>% html_nodes(".component_property-card")
        if (search_type %>% str_to_lower() != "rent") {
          data_prop <-
            seq_along(page_nodes) %>%
            map_dfr(function(x) {
              fact_node <-
              if (fact_node %>% html_attr("class") %>% str_detect("ads-wrapper")) {
              page_node <- 
                fact_node %>%
                html_nodes(".data-wrap") %>% html_attrs()
              if (length(page_node) == 0) {
              wrap_nodes <-
                page_node %>% .[[1]]
              wrap_names <- names(wrap_nodes)
              wrap_values <-
              df_wrap <-
                tibble(name = wrap_names, value = wrap_values) %>% filter(!name == "class")
              data_atrs <-
                fact_node %>% html_attrs()
              df_attrs <-
                tibble(name = names(data_atrs),
                           value = data_atrs %>% as.character()) %>%
                bind_rows(df_wrap) %>%
                filter(!name %in%  c("class", "data-lead_attributes", "data-search_flags")) %>%
              df_json_rows <-
                df_attrs %>%
                filter(name %in% c("data-lead_attributes", "data-search_flags"))
              df_base <-
                df_attrs %>%
                filter(!name %in%  c("class", "data-lead_attributes", "data-search_flags"))
              meta_nodes <- 
                fact_node %>% html_nodes('meta')
              meta_values <- 
                meta_nodes %>% html_attr("content")
              meta_names <-
                meta_nodes %>% html_attr("itemprop")
              df_meta <-
                tibble(name = meta_names, value = meta_values)
              df_base <-
                df_base %>%
                bind_rows(df_meta) %>%
              property_nodes <-
                fact_node %>% html_nodes(".seo-wrap span")
              property_names <-
                property_nodes %>% html_attr("itemprop")
              property_values <-
                property_nodes %>% html_text() %>% str_trim() %>% gsub("\\s+", " ", .)
              df_property <-
                tibble(name = property_names, value = property_values) %>% filter(!value == "")
              df_base <-
                df_base %>% bind_rows(df_property) %>% distinct()
              broker_node <-
                fact_node %>% html_nodes(".broker-info span")
              broker_name <-
                broker_node %>% html_attr("data-label") %>% discard(is.na)
              broker_value <-
                broker_node %>% html_text() %>% str_trim() %>% str_c(collapse = " ") %>% str_remove_all("Brokered by") %>% str_trim()
              df_broker <-
                tibble(name = broker_name, value = broker_value)
              bf_base <-
                df_base %>% bind_rows(df_broker) %>% distinct()
              if (df_json_rows %>% nrow() > 0) {
                df_json_data <-
                  1:nrow(df_json_rows) %>%
                  map_dfr(function(x) {
                    df_json_rows %>% dplyr::slice(x) %>% pull(value) %>% fromJSON() %>%
                      flatten_df() %>%
                      mutate_all(as.character) %>%
                      gather(name, value)
                df_base <-
                  df_base %>%
              has_image <-
                fact_node %>%
                html_nodes('.photo-wrap img') %>%
                length() > 0
              if (has_image) {
                image_node <-
                  fact_node %>%
                  html_nodes('.photo-wrap img')
                image_url <-
                  image_node %>%
                  html_attr('src') %>%
                address <-
                  image_node %>%
                  html_attr('title') %>%
                df_base <-
                  df_base %>%
                    name = c('addressPropertyFull', 'urlImage'),
                    value = c(address, image_url)
              df_base <-
                df_base %>%
                mutate(numberListing = x) %>%
                  !name %in% c(
                ) %>%
                select(numberListing, everything())
        } else {
          data_prop <-
            seq_along(page_nodes) %>%
            map_dfr(function(x) {
              df_base <- tibble()
              meta_nodes <- 
                fact_node %>% html_nodes('meta')
              meta_values <- 
                meta_nodes %>% html_attr("content")
              meta_names <-
                meta_nodes %>% html_attr("itemprop")
              df_meta <-
                tibble(name = meta_names, value = meta_values)
              df_base <- tibble()
              df_base <-
                df_base %>%
                bind_rows(df_meta) %>%
              property_nodes <-
                fact_node %>% html_nodes(".seo-wrap span")
              property_names <-
                property_nodes %>% html_attr("itemprop")
              property_values <-
                property_nodes %>% html_text() %>% str_trim() %>% gsub("\\s+", " ", .)
              df_property <-
                tibble(name = property_names, value = property_values) %>% filter(!value == "")
              df_base <-
                df_base %>% bind_rows(df_property) %>% distinct()
              broker_node <-
                fact_node %>% html_nodes(".broker-info span")
              broker_name <-
                broker_node %>% html_attr("data-label") %>% discard(is.na)
              broker_value <-
                broker_node %>% html_text() %>% str_trim() %>% str_c(collapse = " ") %>% str_remove_all("Brokered by") %>% str_trim()
              df_broker <-
                tibble(name = broker_name, value = broker_value)
              bf_base <-
                df_base %>% bind_rows(df_broker) %>% distinct()
              has_image <-
                fact_node %>%
                html_nodes('.photo-wrap img') %>%
                length() > 0
              if (has_image) {
                image_node <-
                  fact_node %>%
                  html_nodes('.photo-wrap img')
                image_url <-
                  image_node %>%
                  html_attr('src') %>%
                address <-
                  image_node %>%
                  html_attr('title') %>%
                df_base <-
                  df_base %>%
                    name = c('addressPropertyFull', 'urlImage'),
                    value = c(address, image_url)
              df_base <-
                df_base %>%
                mutate(numberListing = x) %>%
                  !name %in% c(
                ) %>%
                select(numberListing, everything())
        df_prop <-
          data_prop %>%
          left_join(dictionary_css_page() %>% rename(name = id)) %>%
        if (df_prop %>% filter(nameActual %>% is.na()) %>% nrow() > 0) {
          missing_names <- df_prop %>% filter(nameActual %>% is.na()) %>%
            pull(name) %>%
            unique() %>%
            str_c(collapse = "\n")
          glue("Missing {missing_names}") %>% cat(fill = T)
        df_prop <-
          df_prop %>%
          select(numberListing, nameActual, value) %>%
          mutate_all(funs(ifelse(. == "", NA_character_, .))) %>%
          filter(!is.na(value)) %>%
          filter(!nameActual %>% str_detect("remove_")) %>%
          distinct() %>%
          group_by(numberListing, nameActual) %>%
          mutate(id = 1:n()) %>%
          ungroup() %>%
          filter(id == min(id)) %>%
          select(-id) %>%
          spread(nameActual, value)
        df_prop <-
          df_prop %>%
          .munge_realtor() %>%
          suppressMessages() %>%
          mutate(numberPage = page_no) %>%
          select(numberPage, everything())
      }, tibble()))
    df_count_merge <-
      df_count %>%
    all_data <-
      all_properties %>%
      mutate(id = 1) %>%
      left_join(df_count_merge %>% mutate(id = 1)) %>%
      select(-id) %>%
      select(one_of(names(df_count_merge)), everything()) %>%
      select(-numberPage) %>%
      distinct() %>%
    all_data <-
      all_data %>%
      mutate(urlListing = urlListing %>%  gsub("https://www.realtor.com//", "https://www.realtor.com/", .))
    all_data <-
      all_data %>%
        urlPropertyAPI =  glue("https://www.realtor.com/property-overview/M{idProperty}") %>% as.character()

#' MLS listing data
#' Returns MLS data for
#' specified locations and parameters
#' @param locations vector of locations
#' @param property_type if not \code{NULL} type of property options
#' see \link{dictionary_property_types} for options
#' @param features if not \code{NULL} list of searchable features
#' see \link{dictionary_listing_features} for options
#' @param search_type search type options include \itemize{
#' \item city - \code{default}
#' \item county
#' }
#' @param city_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates
#' @param county_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates county
#' @param zipcode_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates zipcode
#' @param state_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates state
#' @param street_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates street
#' @param neighborhood_isolated if not \code{NULL} isolates
#' @param beds_min if not \code{NULL} minimum bedrooms
#' @param beds_max if not \code{NULL} maximum bedrooms
#' @param baths_min if not \code{NULL} minimum bathrooms
#' @param baths_max if not \code{NULL} maximum bathrooms
#' @param price_min if not \code{NULL} minimum price
#' @param price_max if not \code{NULL} maximum price
#' @param sqft_min if not \code{NULL} minimum square footage
#' @param sqft_max if not \code{NULL} maximum square footage
#' @param acre_min if not \code{NULL} minimum acres
#' @param acre_max if not \code{NULL} maximum acres
#' @param age_min if not \code{NULL} minimum age
#' @param age_max if not \code{NULL} maximum age
#' @param days_on_market if not \code{NULL} count of days on market
#' @param pending if \code{TRUE} include pending
#' @param is_new_construction if \code{TRUE} isolates to new construction
#' @param include_pending_contingency if \code{TRUE} also includes pending and contingent sales
#' @param only_open_houses if \code{TRUE} isolates open houses
#' @param generate_new_cookies generate new cookies
#' @param sleep_time sleep time 
#' @param listing_type listing type \itemize{
#' \item rent
#' \item sale
#' }
#' @return a \code{tibble}
#' @export
#' @family listing search
#' @examples
#' library(realtR)
#'  library(dplyr)
#'  df_big_ass_houses_with_pools <-
#'  listings(
#'  locations = c(
#'  "Buckhead, Atlanta, GA",
#'  90210,
#'  "Greenwich, CT",
#'  "Malibu, CA",
#'  "Soho, New York, NY"
#'  ),
#'  beds_min = 4,
#'  features = 'Swimming Pool',
#'  sqft_min = 3000
#'  )
listings <-
  function(locations = NULL,
           listing_type = "sale",
           search_type = "city",
           city_isolated = NULL,
           county_isolated = NULL,
           zipcode_isolated = NULL,
           state_isolated = NULL,
           street_isolated = NULL,
           features = NULL,
           only_open_houses = NULL,
           neighborhood_isolated = NULL,
           beds_min = NULL,
           beds_max = NULL,
           baths_min = NULL,
           baths_max = NULL,
           price_min = NULL,
           price_max = NULL,
           property_type = NULL,
           sqft_min = NULL,
           sqft_max = NULL,
           acre_min = NULL,
           acre_max = NULL,
           age_min = NULL,
           age_max = NULL,
           days_on_market = NULL,
           pending = NULL,
           is_new_construction =  NULL,
           generate_new_cookies = F,
           include_pending_contingency = TRUE,
           sleep_time = 5) {
    if (locations %>% is_null()) {
      stop("Enter locations")
    .get_location_listings_safe <-
    all_data <-
      locations %>% 
      map_dfr(function(location) {
        data <- 
          location_name = as.character(location),
          listing_type = listing_type,
          search_type = search_type,
          city_isolated = city_isolated,
          county_isolated = county_isolated,
          zipcode_isolated = zipcode_isolated,
          state_isolated = state_isolated,
          street_isolated = street_isolated,
          generate_new_cookies = generate_new_cookies,
          neighborhood_isolated = neighborhood_isolated,
          beds_min = beds_min,
          beds_max = beds_max,
          baths_min = baths_min ,
          baths_max = baths_max,
          price_min = price_min,
          price_max = price_max,
          property_type = property_type,
          sqft_min = sqft_min,
          sqft_max = sqft_max,
          acre_min = acre_min,
          acre_max = acre_max,
          age_min = age_min,
          age_max = age_max,
          days_on_market = days_on_market,
          pending = pending,
          is_new_construction = is_new_construction,
          include_pending_contingency = include_pending_contingency,
          features = features,
          only_open_houses = only_open_houses
        if (!sleep_time %>% is_null()) {
          Sys.sleep(time = sleep_time)
      }) %>% 
    all_data <- 
      all_data %>%
      remove_columns() %>% 
      group_by(urlListing) %>% 
      mutate(idListing = 1:n()) %>% 
      filter(idListing == min(idListing)) %>% 
      ungroup() %>% 
      select(-idListing) %>% 
abresler/realtR documentation built on July 30, 2023, 2:39 p.m.