
#' Reference line
#' Add a horizontal (using `yintercept`) or vertical (using `xintercept`)
#' reference line.
#' @export
#' @note Updated 2023-08-10.
#' @param xintercept,yintercept `numeric(1)`.
#' Value denoting x- or y-axis cutoff.
#' Use either `xintercept` or `yintercept`, but not both.
#' @return `Layer`/`ggproto`.
#' @examples
#' ## x-axis line.
#' geom <- acid_geom_abline(xintercept = 1L)
#' print(geom)
#' ## y-axis line.
#' geom <- acid_geom_abline(yintercept = 1L)
#' print(geom)
acid_geom_abline <- # nolint
    function(xintercept = NULL,
             yintercept = NULL) {
        alpha <- 0.75
        color <- "black"
        linetype <- "dashed"
        linewidth <- 1L
        if (
            (is.null(xintercept) && is.null(yintercept)) ||
                (is.numeric(xintercept) && is.numeric(yintercept))
        ) {
                "Either {.arg %s} or {.arg %s} is required.",
                "xintercept", "yintercept"
        } else if (is.numeric(xintercept)) {
                xintercept = xintercept,
                alpha = alpha,
                color = color,
                linetype = linetype,
                linewidth = linewidth
        } else if (is.numeric(yintercept)) {
                yintercept = yintercept,
                alpha = alpha,
                color = color,
                linetype = linetype,
                linewidth = linewidth

#' Bar chart
#' Modified version of `ggplot2::geom_bar()`.
#' @export
#' @note Updated 2021-06-29.
#' @details
#' Convenience function that sets `stat = "identity"` automatically and disables
#' the border around the bars.
#' @param ...
#' Additional arguments, passed to `ggplot2::geom_bar()`.
#' @param color `character(1)`.
#' Line color.
#' Defaults to disabled, using `NA`.
#' @param stat `character(1)`.
#' Statistical transformation to use on the data for this layer.
#' @return `Layer`/`ggproto`.
#' @examples
#' data <- data.frame(
#'     x = c("a", "b", "c", "d"),
#'     y = c(5L, 10L, 15L, 20L)
#' )
#' p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = aes(x = .data[["x"]], y = .data[["y"]]))
#' p + acid_geom_bar(fill = "black")
acid_geom_bar <- # nolint
    function(..., color = NA, stat = "identity") {
        geom_bar(..., color = color, stat = stat)

#' Text label
#' Modified version of `ggplot2::geom_label()`.
#' @export
#' @note Updated 2021-06-29.
#' @param data `data.frame`.
#' Data frame, containing plot data.
#' @param mapping
#' Set of aesthetic mappings created by `ggplot2::aes()`.
#' @param ...
#' Additional arguments, passed to `ggplot2::geom_label()`.
#' @return `Layer`/`ggproto`.
#' @examples
#' geom <- acid_geom_label()
#' print(geom)
acid_geom_label <- # nolint
    function(data = NULL,
             mapping = NULL,
             ...) {
            data = data,
            mapping = mapping,
            alpha = 0.75,
            color = "white",
            fill = "black",
            fontface = "bold",
            label.padding = unit(0.2, "lines"),
            label.size = NA,
            show.legend = FALSE,

#' Average labels
#' Add average labels to a plot.
#' @details
#' For example, `col` can be `nGene`. Median or mean values are always
#' calculated per sample (`sampleName`).
#' @export
#' @note Updated 2021-06-29.
#' @param data `data.frame`.
#' Data frame, containing plot data.
#' @param col `character(1)`.
#' Column name.
#' @param fun `character(1)`.
#' Function name to use for average calculation.
#' Currently supports mean or median.
#' @param digits `integer(1)`.
#' Number of significant digits to use.
#' Defaults to rounded.
#' @param ...
#' Additional arguments, passed to [acid_geom_label()].
#' @return `Layer`/`ggproto`.
#' @examples
#' data <- data.frame(
#'     "sampleName" = rep(c("sample1", "sample2"), times = 4L),
#'     "counts" = seq_len(8L)
#' )
#' geom <- acid_geom_label_average(
#'     data = data,
#'     col = "counts",
#'     fun = "mean"
#' )
#' print(geom)
acid_geom_label_average <- # nolint
             fun = c("mean", "median"),
             digits = 0L,
             ...) {
        data <- as.data.frame(data)
            isSubset(col, colnames(data)),
        fun <- match.arg(fun)
        fun <- get(fun)
        aggdata <- aggregate(
            x = as.formula(paste(col, "sampleName", sep = " ~ ")),
            data = data,
            FUN = fun
        aggdata[["roundedAverage"]] <- round(aggdata[[col]], digits = digits)
        ## Add `aggregate` column for facet wrapping, if necessary
        if (isSubset("aggregate", colnames(data))) {
            sampleFacet <- unique(data[, c("sampleName", "aggregate")])
            data <- merge(
                x = aggdata,
                y = sampleFacet,
                by = "sampleName",
                all.x = TRUE
        } else {
            data <- aggdata
            data = data,
            mapping = aes(label = .data[["roundedAverage"]]),

#' Repulsive textual annotations
#' Modified version of `ggrepel::geom_label_repel()`.
#' @details
#' If advanced customization of the text labels is required, simply use the
#' ggrepel version instead.
#' @export
#' @note Updated 2021-07-27.
#' @param data `data.frame`.
#' Data frame, containing plot data.
#' @param mapping
#' Set of aesthetic mappings created by `ggplot2::aes()`.
#' @param color `character(1)` or `NULL`.
#' Text color.
#' @param size `integer(1)`.
#' Font size.
#' @param ...
#' Additional arguments, passed to `ggrepel::geom_label_repel()`.
#' @return `Layer`/`ggproto`.
#' @examples
#' geom <- acid_geom_label_repel()
#' print(geom)
acid_geom_label_repel <- # nolint
    function(data = NULL,
             mapping = NULL,
             color = NULL,
             size = 4L,
             ...) {
        geom <- ggrepel::geom_label_repel(
            data = data,
            mapping = mapping,
            arrow = arrow(length = unit(0.01, "npc")),
            box.padding = unit(0.5, "lines"),
            fill = "white",
            fontface = "bold",
            force = 1L,
            max.overlaps = Inf,
            point.padding = unit(0.75, "lines"),
            segment.size = 0.5,
            show.legend = FALSE,
            size = size,
        if (is.character(color)) {
            geom[["aes_params"]][["colour"]] <- color
acidgenomics/r-acidplots documentation built on March 30, 2024, 10:16 p.m.