
Defines functions semi_join_qc anti_join_qc right_join_qc left_join_qc inner_join_qc full_join_qc join_dispatch

Documented in anti_join_qc full_join_qc inner_join_qc left_join_qc right_join_qc semi_join_qc

#' Report number of matched and/or extra cases when performing a dplyr join
#' \code{full_join_qc}, \code{inner_join}, \code{left_join}, \code{right_join}, 
#'   \code{anti_join}, and \code{semi_join} return by default near identical 
#'   objects as their dplyr equivalents.
#' Each _qc version of the join functions is identical to its dplyr equivalent
#' except that it automatically prints the number of rows that were matched, the
#' number of rows that were not matched, and the number of additional rows 
#' compared to the initial data frame(s) - for example when there is more than
#' one match on the \code{by} identifier(s). There are also options to create
#' new variables identifying and classifying rows based on how/if they matched.
#' @section Join Descriptions: 
#'   All joins except \code{anti_join} and \code{semi_join} are classified as
#'   one to one, one to many, many to one, or many to many. These definitions
#'   describe the extent to which there are duplicated rows of unique 
#'   combinations of the \code{by} variable(s). In one to one merges, there is
#'   only one unique row of identifiers in each data set. Extra rows are never 
#'   created in one to one joins. One to many and many to one joins occur when
#'   one of the data sets has a duplicated id row. One to many implies the right 
#'   data has the duplicated id; many to one implies the left data has the 
#'   duplicated id. Additional rows may be created in these types of joins. Many
#'   to many joins imply that both data sets have duplicated rows on the id
#'   variable(s). Additional rows may be created in this types of join. The
#'   join description is printed when performing any join except 
#'   \code{anti_join} and \code{semi_join}.
#' @section Optional New Variables:
#'   For \code{full_join_qc}, \code{left_join_qc}, and \code{right_join_qc}, 
#'   there is an added option of creating a new variable that indicates whether 
#'   the row in the joined data was from the \code{"left_only"}, 
#'   \code{"right_only"} or \code{"matched"}. This variable can be helpful when
#'   diagnosing why the join did or did not match as desired. Whatever character 
#'   value that is supplied to \code{.merge} becomes the name of this new
#'   variable.
#'   \code{left_join_qc}, and \code{right_join_qc} also have the option of 
#'   creating a new variable indicating whether the row in the  joined data is 
#'   an additional row with the given combination of \code{by}. For example, if
#'   there were only 2 rows with an ID equal to "A" in the original left data 
#'   but 3 rows with this ID in the right data set, then the left joined data 
#'   will have more rows with this ID than the original left. \code{.extra} is 
#'   a chracter value that when supplied becomes the name of this new variable
#'   flagging a row  that has additional rows than the original left 
#'   or right data frame.
#' @section Grouping:
#'   Groups in the data frames are ignored for the purpose of joining, but the 
#'   result preserves the grouping of \code{x}.
#' @inheritParams dplyr::join
#' @param .merge a character value used to name a new character variable, which
#'   tracks the source of each row of the new, joined data. If \code{NULL}, the
#'   default, no new merge-tracking variable will be created. An error will
#'   occur if a variable is already named the value specified in\code{.merge}, 
#'   so make sure to choose different names for different joins.
#' @param .extra a character value used to name a new character variable, which 
#'   identifies any row of the new joined data that represents a combination of
#'   the \code{by} identifiers that has more rows than the original left and/or 
#'   right data frames. If \code{NULL}, the default, no new extra row tracking 
#'   variable will be created. An error will occur if a variable is already 
#'   named the value specified in\code{.extra}, so make sure to choose different
#'   names for different joins.
#' @seealso \code{\link[dplyr]{join}}
#' @examples
#' data_A <- 
#'   data.frame(
#'     id = 1:10, 
#'     var_A = 11:20
#'    )
#' data_B <- 
#'   data.frame(
#'     id = c(5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 9, 10, 11), 
#'     id_A = c(1:10), 
#'     var_B = 21:30
#'   )
#' # Full join with new .merge variable
#' full_join_qc(data_A, data_B, .merge = "merge_ab")
#' # Left join with new .extra variable
#' left_join_qc(data_A, data_B, .extra = "extra_ab")
#' # Right join with both new variables
#' right_join_qc(data_A, data_B, .merge = "merge_ab", .extra = "extra_ab")
#' @importFrom rlang :=
#' @importFrom rlang !!
#' @name join_qc

# HELPER FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------------

# This function performs the join based on which function called it and prints
# all of the standard diagnoses
join_dispatch <- function(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                          .merge = NULL, .extra = NULL, type = NULL) {
  # Removing all group attributes from tables, but keeping group of x to 
  # re-apply after merge
  x_group <- attr(x, "vars")
  x <- dplyr::ungroup(x)
  y <- dplyr::ungroup(y)
  # Checking if tracker variables already used. Only a warning is provided if so
  if (".x_tracker" %in% names(x)) {
    message("Warning: variable .x_tracker in left table was dropped")
  if (".y_tracker" %in% names(y)) {
    message("Warning: variable .y_tracker in right table was dropped")
  # Stopping function if name supplied to .merge or .extra already in use
  if (!is.null(.merge)) {
    if (.merge %in% names(x) | .merge %in% names(y)) {
          "Column '", 
          "' already exists; change .merge name before proceeding"
  if (!is.null(.extra)) {
    if (.extra %in% names(x) | .extra %in% names(y)) {
          "Column '", 
          "' already exists; change .extra name before proceeding"
  # Adding simple merge tracker variables to tables
  x <- dplyr::mutate(x, .x_tracker = T)
  y <- dplyr::mutate(y, .y_tracker = T)
  # Extracting matched variables from left and from right
  if (is.null(by)) {
    matched_vars_left <- names(x)[names(x) %in% names(y)]
    matched_vars_right <- matched_vars_left
  } else if (is.null(names(by))) {
    matched_vars_left <- by
    matched_vars_right <- by
  } else {
    matched_vars_left <- ifelse(grepl(".", names(by)), names(by), unname(by))
    matched_vars_right <- unname(by)
  # Creating by reversal
  if (all.equal(matched_vars_left, matched_vars_right) != T) {
    by_reverse <- matched_vars_left
    names(by_reverse) <- matched_vars_right
  } else {
    by_reverse <- by
  # Identifying type of merge that occured
  left_type <- max(duplicated(x[, matched_vars_left]))
  right_type <- max(duplicated(y[, matched_vars_right]))
  if (left_type == 0) left_type <- "ONE" else left_type <- "MANY"
  if (right_type == 0) right_type <- "ONE" else right_type <- "MANY"
  join_type <- paste("This was a", left_type, "TO", right_type, "join")
  # Doing join based on which qc function is calling.
  if (type == "full") {
    joined <- dplyr::full_join(x = x, y = y, by = by, copy = copy, suffix = suffix)
  if (type == "inner") {
    joined <- dplyr::inner_join(x = x, y = y, by = by, copy = copy, suffix = suffix)
  if (type == "left") {
    joined <- dplyr::left_join(x = x, y = y, by = by, copy = copy, suffix = suffix)
  if (type == "right") {
    joined <- dplyr::right_join(x = x, y = y, by = by, copy = copy, suffix = suffix)
  # Calculating number of matches in newly joined data
  matched <- dplyr::tally(joined, !is.na(.x_tracker) & !is.na(.y_tracker))
  unmatched_x <- dplyr::tally(joined, !is.na(.x_tracker) & is.na(.y_tracker))
  unmatched_y <- dplyr::tally(joined, is.na(.x_tracker) & !is.na(.y_tracker))
  total <- dplyr::tally(joined)
  matched_percent <- 100 * round(matched / total, 3)
  unmatched_x_percent <- 100 * round(unmatched_x / total, 3)
  unmatched_y_percent <- 100 * round(unmatched_y / total, 3)
  # Percent of rows from each data set that matched
  matched_ids <- dplyr::filter(joined, !is.na(.x_tracker) & !is.na(.y_tracker))
  matched_ids <- dplyr::select_at(matched_ids, matched_vars_left)
  matched_ids_x <- dplyr::distinct(matched_ids)
  matched_ids_y <- matched_ids_x
  names(matched_ids_y) <- matched_vars_right
  matched_x <- suppressMessages(dplyr::inner_join(x, matched_ids_x))
  matched_x <- dplyr::tally(matched_x)
  matched_percent_x <- matched_x / dplyr::tally(x) 
  matched_percent_x <- 100 * round(matched_percent_x, 3)
  matched_y <- suppressMessages(dplyr::inner_join(y, matched_ids_y))
  matched_y <- dplyr::tally(matched_y)
  matched_percent_y <- matched_y / dplyr::tally(y) 
  matched_percent_y <- 100 * round(matched_percent_y, 3)
  # Counting extra rows created
  anti_n_x <- dplyr::tally(
      dplyr::anti_join(x, y, by = by, )
  anti_n_y <- dplyr::tally(
      dplyr::anti_join(y, x, by = by_reverse, )
  extra_rows_x <- matched - (dplyr::tally(x) - anti_n_x)
  extra_rows_y <- matched - (dplyr::tally(y) - anti_n_y)
  # Print merge diagnoses
    join_type, "\n",
    matched, " (", matched_percent, "%) Rows are matches", "\n",
    unmatched_x, " (", unmatched_x_percent, "%) Rows are from left only", "\n",
    unmatched_y, " (", unmatched_y_percent, "%) Rows are from right only", "\n",
    matched_x, " (", matched_percent_x, "%) Rows from left matched", "\n",
    matched_y, " (", matched_percent_y, "%) Rows from right matched", "\n",
    "ADDITIONAL ROWS", "\n",
    extra_rows_x, " More rows with a matched ID than original left", "\n",
    extra_rows_y, " More rows with a matched ID than original right"
  # Create .merge variable if specified.
  if (!is.null(.merge)) {
    joined <- 
        !!.merge :=
            !is.na(joined$.x_tracker) & is.na(joined$.y_tracker) ~ "left_only",
            is.na(joined$.x_tracker) & !is.na(joined$.y_tracker) ~ "right_only",
            TRUE ~ "matched"
  # Dropping tracker variables
  joined <- dplyr::select(joined, -.x_tracker, -.y_tracker)
  # Create .extra variable if specified.
  if (!is.null(.extra)) {
    # Isolate combinations of ID varaibles in left/right table with more than one,
    # then change column names to match opposite data table.
    x_count <- dplyr::group_by_at(x, matched_vars_left)
    x_count <- dplyr::summarize(x_count, .x_tracker = dplyr::n())
    x_count <- dplyr::ungroup(x_count)
    x_count <- dplyr::filter(x_count, .x_tracker > 1)
    x_count <- dplyr::select(x_count, -.x_tracker)
    names(x_count) <- matched_vars_right
    y_extra <- suppressMessages(dplyr::semi_join(x_count, y))
    y_extra <- dplyr::mutate(y_extra, .y_tracker = T)
    y_count <- dplyr::group_by_at(y, matched_vars_right)
    y_count <- dplyr::summarize(y_count, .y_tracker = dplyr::n())
    y_count <- dplyr::ungroup(y_count)
    y_count <- dplyr::filter(y_count, .y_tracker > 1)
    y_count <- dplyr::select(y_count, -.y_tracker)
    names(y_count) <- matched_vars_left
    x_extra <- suppressMessages(dplyr::semi_join(y_count, x))
    x_extra <- dplyr::mutate(x_extra, .x_tracker = T)
    # Match identified extra rows in joined data. Need to do this in two ways in 
    # case extra rows is an empty data frame
    if(dplyr::tally(x_extra) > 0) {
      joined <- suppressMessages(
        dplyr::left_join(joined, x_extra, by = matched_vars_left)
    } else {
      joined <- dplyr::mutate(joined, .x_tracker = NA)
    if(dplyr::tally(y_extra) > 0) {
      joined <- suppressMessages(
        dplyr::left_join(joined, y_extra, by = matched_vars_right)
    } else {
      joined <- dplyr::mutate(joined, .y_tracker = NA)
    # Renaming extra variables based on condition. 
    joined <- 
        !!.extra :=
            joined$.x_tracker & joined$.y_tracker ~ "extra_on_both",
            joined$.x_tracker & is.na(joined$.y_tracker) ~ "extra_on_left",
            is.na(joined$.x_tracker) & joined$.y_tracker ~ "extra_on_right",
            TRUE ~ "not_extra"
    # Return joined data with new .extra variable and dropped tracker variables
    joined <- dplyr::select(joined, -.x_tracker, -.y_tracker)
  # Regroup data and return
  if (!is.null(x_group)) joined <- dplyr::group_by_at(joined, x_group)

# EXPORTED FUNCTIONS -----------------------------------------------------------

#' @rdname join_qc
#' @export
full_join_qc <- function(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE,
                         .merge = NULL, .extra = NULL){
  # Preparing arguments to pass to functions
    x = x, y = y, by = by, copy = copy, .merge = .merge, .extra = .extra, type = "full"

#' @rdname join_qc
#' @export
inner_join_qc <- function(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                          .merge = NULL, .extra = NULL, ...){
    x = x, y = y, by = by, copy = copy, .merge = .merge, .extra = .extra, type = "inner"

#' @rdname join_qc
#' @export
left_join_qc <- function(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                         .merge = NULL, .extra = NULL, ...){
    x = x, y = y, by = by, copy = copy, .merge = .merge, .extra = .extra, type = "left"

#' @rdname join_qc
#' @export
right_join_qc <- function(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, suffix = c(".x", ".y"),
                          .merge = NULL, .extra = NULL, ...){
    x = x, y = y, by = by, copy = copy, .merge = .merge, .extra = .extra, type = "right"

#' @rdname join_qc
#' @export
anti_join_qc <- function(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...){
  # Doing join
  anti_joined <- dplyr::anti_join(x = x, y = y, by = by, copy = copy, ... = ...)
  # Calculating merge diagnoses 
  unmatched_x <- dplyr::tally(x) - dplyr::tally(anti_joined)
  # Print merge diagnoses
    "Anti joins only keep non-matching cases, so no match diagnosis", "\n",
    "Anti joins never create extra rows, so now additional row diagnosis", "\n",
    "DROPPED ROWS", "\n",
    unmatched_x, " Row(s) were dropped from left"
  # Returning data frame

#' @rdname join_qc
#' @export
semi_join_qc <- function(x, y, by = NULL, copy = FALSE, ...){
  # Doing join
  joined <- dplyr::semi_join(x = x, y = y, by = by, copy = copy, ... = ...)
  # Calculating merge diagnoses 
  unmatched_x <- dplyr::tally(x) - dplyr::tally(joined)
  # Print merge diagnoses
    "Semi joins only keep matching cases, so no match diagnosis", "\n",
    "Semi joins never create extra rows, so now additional row diagnosis", "\n",
    "DROPPED ROWS", "\n",
    unmatched_x, " Row(s) were dropped from left"
  # Rreturning data frame
adamMaier/reviewr documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 7:21 a.m.