#' Interpolate values at points to a GRaster using splines
#' @description This function interpolates values in the data table of a "points" `GVector` to a `GRaster` using splines with Tykhonov regularization to avoid overfitting.
#' @param x A "points" `GVector`.
#' @param y A `GRaster`: The output will have the same extent and resolution as this raster.
#' @param field Character or integer or numeric integer: Name or index of the column in `x` with values to interpolate. If `NULL` and if `x` is a 3-dimensional "points" `GVector`, then the interpolation will act on the z-coordinate of each point.
#' @param method Character: The method to use for interpolation can be either `"bilinear"` (default) or `"bicubic"`. Partial matching is used.
#' @param lambda Either `NULL` (default) or numeric value > 0: The Tykhonov regularization parameter. If `NULL`, cross-validation will be used to determine the optimal parameter value. Cross-validation can take quite a while. If you use cross-validation, the output will either be a `GRaster` or a `data.frame`, depending on the value of `interpolate`.
#' @param solver Character: Type of solver to use. Can be either of `"Cholesky"` or `"cg"`. Partial matching is used and case is ignored.
#' @param xlength,ylength Either `NULL` (default), or numeric > 0: Length of the spline step in the x- and y-directions. If `NULL`, these will be set to 4 times the length of the extent in the respective direction.
#' @param interpolate Logical: If `TRUE` (default), then create a `GRaster` with interpolated values. If `FALSE`, return a table with `lambda` values from cross-validation. This argument is ignored if `lambda` is a numeric value.
#' @param verbose Logical: if `TRUE`, display progress.
#' @details If you receive the error, "No data within this subregion. Consider increasing spline step values, try increasing the values of `xlength` and `ylength`.
#' If cross-validation takes too long, or other warnings/errors persist, you can randomly subsample `x` to ~100 points to get an optimum value of `lambda` (using `interpolate = FALSE`), then use this value in the same function again without cross-validation (setting `lambda` equal to this value and `interpolate = TRUE`).
#' @returns Output depends on values of `lambda` and `interpolate`:
#' * `lambda` is `NULL` and `interpolate` is `TRUE`: A `GRaster` with an attribute named `lambdas`. This is a `data.frame` with values of `lambda` that were assessed, plus `mean` (mean residual value) and `rms` (root mean square error). You can see the table using `attr(output_raster, "lambdas", exact = TRUE)`.
#' * `lambda` is `NULL` and `interpolate` is `FALSE`: A `data.frame` with values of `lambdas` that were assessed, plus `mean` (mean residual value) and `rms` (root mean square error). You can see the table using `attr(output_raster, "lambdas", exact = TRUE)`.
#' * `lambda` is a number (`interpolate` is ignored): A `GRaster`.
#' @seealso [interpIDW()], [fillNAs()], **GRASS** module `v.surf.bspline` (see `grassHelp("v.surf.bspline")`)
#' @aliases interpSplines
#' @rdname interpSplines
#' @exportMethod interpSplines
f = "interpSplines",
signature = c(x = "GVector", y = "GRaster"),
method = "bilinear",
lambda = NULL,
solver = "Cholesky",
xlength = NULL,
ylength = NULL,
interpolate = TRUE,
verbose = is.null(lambda)
) {
x = x,
y = y,
field = field,
method = method,
lambda = lambda,
solver = solver,
xlength = xlength,
ylength = ylength,
interpolate = interpolate,
verbose = verbose
} # EOF
# #' @aliases interpSplines
# #' @rdname interpSplines
# #' @exportMethod interpSplines
# methods::setMethod(
# f = "interpSplines",
# signature = c(x = "GVector", y = "GVector"),
# function(
# x,
# y,
# field,
# method = "bilinear",
# lambda = NULL,
# solver = "Cholesky",
# xlength = NULL,
# ylength = NULL,
# interpolate = interpolate,
# verbose = is.null(lambda)
# ) {
# .interpSplines(
# x = x,
# y = y,
# field = field,
# method = method,
# lambda = lambda,
# solver = solver,
# xlength = xlength,
# ylength = ylength
# interpolate = interpolate,
# verbose = verbose
# )
# } # EOF
# )
#' @noRd
.interpSplines <- function(
) {
if (!is.null(lambda)) {
if (lambda <= 0) stop("Argument `lambda` must be NULL or > 0.")
if (!is.null(lambda)) interpolate <- TRUE
if (geomtype(x, grass = TRUE) != "point") stop("Argument `x` must be a points GVector.")
if (inherits(y, "GVector")) {
if (geomtype(y, grass = TRUE) != "point") stop("Argument `y` must be a points GVector or a GRaster.")
method <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(method, c("bilinear", "bicubic"), nmax = 1L)
solver <- omnibus::pmatchSafe(solver, c("cholesky", "cg"), nmax = 1L)
compareGeom(x, y)
if (inherits(y, "GRaster")) .region(y)
# copy values field to x
if (is.null(field) & is.2d(x)) {
stop("Argument `field` cannot be NULL if `x` is a 2-dimensional points GVector.")
} else if (is.numeric(field) | is.integer(field)) {
field <- names(x)[field]
if (!is.null(field)) {
if (anyNA(x@table[[field]])) stop("The column `field` has at least one NA in it. NAs are not permissible.")
cats <- .vCats(x, db = FALSE)
db <- data.table::data.table(frid = cats, TEMPTEMP_ = x@table[[field]])
names(db)[2L] <- field
.vAttachDatabase(x, table = db, replace = TRUE, cats = cats)
if (inherits(y, "GVector")) {
src <- .makeSourceName("v_surf_idw", "vector")
} else {
src <- .makeSourceName("v_surf_idw", "raster")
if (is.null(lambda)) {
lambda_i <- 0.01
} else {
lambda_i <- lambda
args <- list(
cmd = "v.surf.bspline",
input = sources(x),
column = field,
method = method,
solver = solver,
lambda_i = lambda_i,
memory = faster("memory"),
intern = TRUE,
flags = c(.quiet(), "overwrite")
if (inherits(y, "GVector")) {
args$sparse_input <- sources(y)
args$output <- src
} else if (inherits(y, "GRaster")) {
args$raster_output <- src
if (!is.null(xlength)) args$ew_step = xlength
if (!is.null(ylength)) args$ns_step = ylength
if (is.null(lambda)) args$flags <- c(args$flags, "c")
if (faster("verbose") | verbose) {
if (is.null(lambda)) {
omnibus::say("Optimizing lambda...")
} else {
info <- do.call(rgrass::execGRASS, args = args)
# cross-validation for lambda
if (is.null(lambda)) {
info <- strsplit(info, split = "\\|")
info <- info[-1L]
info <- lapply(info, trimws)
info <- lapply(info, as.numeric)
lambdas <- do.call(rbind, info)
lambdas <- data.table::as.data.table(lambdas)
names(lambdas) <- c("lambda", "mean", "rms")
lambdas$optimum <- FALSE
lambdas$optimum[which.min(lambdas$rms)] <- TRUE
index <- which.min(lambdas$rms)
lambda <- lambdas$lambda[index]
if (interpolate) {
out <- interpSplines(
x = x,
y = y,
field = field,
method = method,
lambda = lambda,
solver = solver,
xlength = xlength,
ylength = ylength,
verbose = verbose
attr(out, "lambdas") <- lambdas
} else {
out <- lambdas
if (!faster("useDataTable")) out <- as.data.frame(out)
} else if (inherits(y, "GVector")) {
table <- .vAsDataTable(src)
out <- .makeGVector(src)
} else if (inherits(y, "GRaster")) {
out <- .makeGRaster(src, "interpolation")
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